MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2 Fate decision

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Da Fei returned to the dormitory with a big box, and carefully configured the machine step by step according to the instructions of the manual, connected the backup power supply, connected the holographic helmet, and took a bath and smoked a cigarette-every time I bought it Before the lottery, Da Fei will burn incense and bathe in prayer. And this time is the beginning of Dafei's new career, and it must be taken seriously!

I bought lottery tickets for so many years and I have never won it. Should I accumulate character, should I break through the sky? The so-called tree moves the dead, and the character breaks out, right? This time, even if Brother can draw less than 10 million dollars worth of God-level heroes, he can also choose a few thousands of heroes! Brother's requirements are not really high, and he can keep the lottery capital of a thousand oceans.

In the game, the first 10 levels are the rookie stage, running errands in the main city to do tasks, and a small number of low-level troops rewarded by simple tasks steadily develop. However, the random lottery is different. The place of birth is usually very remote or even bad. It doesn't matter. Brother is ready for it.

At 12:12:12, the good times have arrived!

enter the game!

——System Tip: Great hero, welcome to the hero continent of China, please register your name!

Hero Genesis is divided into 7 independent service areas in North America, the European Union, Russia, India, China, Japan, and South Korea. Each service area is called Hero Continent. Except for different maps, players in each service area play almost the same game. Then 7 service areas connect to a super service area, New World! Players from all countries can meet here. The New World, also known as the National Theater, is the place where Heroic Genesis is the most exciting place for players from all countries!

The official propaganda image is very simple and simple. It is a huge earth-like planet surrounded by 7 much smaller earths. These 7 small earths are 7 service areas. The large earth in the middle is the new world. It is seven old world wars against the new world colonies.

——Name: Dafei!

——The system prompts: The name is valid! registration success! The hero continent has the three bright camps of the temple, the elves, and the dwarves; the three dark camps of the undead, the orcs, and the demon, and the neutral school of the mage college that cannot be selected under normal circumstances. Each new born hero can choose his own heroic skills and an initial hero skill. Ask the heroes to choose their own race camp and hero specialties! Or choose to draw now!

-Random draw!

Players can choose their own specialties are rotten street cabbage specialties that can not afford to sell! Brother, it's this one!

——System Tip: Hero! Are you sure you leave your destiny to the gods in the midst?

determine! My life is not up to me!

——System Tip: Hero! Please wait for your fate!

There was a flash of white light in front of him, and a tall, handsome, human man with a wooden gun holding a wooden gun appeared in front of him! Well, that's the default human male configuration of the system according to the player's real age! Dafei can't wait to open the properties panel, and the breathing stops immediately!

Never seen icon! Not a public cabbage skill!

But what is this strange boat icon? Isn't it sailing? Da Fei felt awkward in his heart, and hurriedly checked!

——Storm Sailing: The safety of the hero's fleet sailing in severe storms has been improved. (Note: The premise is that the hero needs a large galen sailing vessel with good anti-wave quality. Large galleon sailing requires the hero to have a certain reputation before being eligible to buy at the shipyard.)

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot!

It's not that the combat expertise can't afford to sell! If you give your brother any commanding low-level arms specialty, any public skills specialty, any business specialty, you can feel at ease. The question is, what is going on with this heavenly specialty? And there must be a large Galen sailing boat. How much is this one? Buy reputation? The point is, does Brother want to have a storm or not? This is a special feature of stop loss, not a special feature of income.

——System Tip: After selecting the hero's specialty, please use the remaining 1 skill point to select the hero's skill. For your initial development, it is recommended that the hero's first skills match your hero's specialties!

Da Fei finally returned to God and sighed deeply! This is God's providence! It is God's intention to arrange for the brother to earn gold in the game after the peace of mind! This speciality of brother made the sea ship free from the threat of the great natural enemy of the storm, and the rest of the pirates Naga was for the sake of others!

That's right, Brother Boss is not young anymore, I have no time to slay and kill the little fart children. Brother is the best way to make money! Without any hesitation, Da Fei chose a skill point presented by the system as a public skill-sailing!

——System Tip: You get the newbie's sailing skills book! After gaining skill points, you can use the skill book to improve your navigation skill level or learn the sailing branch skills recorded in the book.

——System Tip: You have learned basic sailing!

-Elementary Navigation: Increases the speed of hero's ships at sea by 20%.

Now, Dafei's personal attributes are:

Player Level: Level 1

Occupation: Pikemen (common form of the 1st level of the temple, special effects: long weapon, pike array), level 1 explorer (in the game, according to the function of hero skills are classified into explorer, legion leader, lord, scholar four categories, Navigation is an adventure skill.)

Reputation: 0 (You are an unknown soldier and will not receive special missions and invitations. Killing players or NPCs in the same faction will reduce your reputation.)

Commanding power: 0 (the number of heroes can lead troops, currently cannot command any troops)

Tactical position: 1 (The types of heroes that can lead soldiers, and the number of sub-heroes, currently can only control one branch and one sub-hero.)

Attack: 0 (increase the kill value of heroes and hero units)

Defense: 0 (reduces damage to heroes and heroes)

Magic: 0 (magic can increase the effect of hero spells)

Knowledge: 0 (each point of knowledge can provide heroes with 10 mana)

Life: 10 (Heroes will die if killed)

Attack speed: Normal speed, 10 (10 speed is the standard speed, which is the reference value for the speed of all creatures. Units with high attack speed not only shoot first, but also attack more frequently. For example, a zombie's attack speed of 5 means the player is attacking ) Twice as often as zombies, and Phoenix attack speed is 20, which means that Phoenix attacks twice as often as players.)

Movement speed: 10 (Maximum movement speed of 10 meters per second, there is a certain chance to dodge the enemy's attack while running. The faster the running speed, the higher the chance.)

Base Kill: 1-3 (Kill is the health of the enemy.)

(Note: The damage value varies with the difference between the attack and defense of the two sides. When the attack is greater than the enemy's defense, each additional attack increases by 5% of killing, and each additional defense decreases by 5% of killing. That is, final damage = basic damage × (1+ Offensive and defensive difference × 5%); According to this formula, when the attack is 20 points higher than the enemy's defense, the damage is doubled! So the senior soldiers are very good at hitting the lower soldiers.)

(Note: When the attack is lower than the enemy's defense, the final damage = basic kill ÷ (1 + attack and defense difference × 5%); that is, when the attack is 10 points lower than the enemy's defense, the damage value is only 2/3, and when the attack is lower than When the defense is 20 points, the damage value is only 1/2, and when the attack is lower than the defense 40 points, the damage value is only 1/3, so the lower soldiers are very painful to fight the senior soldiers, even the normal strength is difficult to play)

Morale: 1 (5% chance of morale to rise, when the morale rises, the army's killing and attack speed will increase by 10%, and continue until the end of the battle. No deserter will appear)

Lucky: 0 (There is no lucky effect of double killing, nor doom effect of halving damage.)

Physical strength: 100 (The troops will continuously reduce their physical strength during the battle or march. When the physical strength is reduced to less than 10%, the morale, speed, and damage of the heroic troops will be weakened. After the hero's death is resurrected, the physical strength will be in a weak period of less than 10%)

After the construction of the number was completed, the scene changed to white light and flashed, and Dafei appeared in a magnificent and solemn hall. In the air of the hall, a winged angel named Safiro looked solemnly at dozens of players whispering to each other.

Hall of Destiny. This is where the random lottery player arrives after the number is established, that is, where the package assignment works. Since the player chooses random, the birth and development place is also random, but the NPC examiner will ask the player a question, and then decide the player's whereabouts based on the player's answer.

At this point, the white light flashed continuously, and players continued to enter the lobby, and then the door closed with a slam, the entire hall suddenly darkened, and the majestic voice sounded through the hall:

—— "Welcome to the hero continent, the children of destiny, but you are very unlucky to meet me! I hate those wastes that give their destiny to others, but I really like the feeling of dominating the destiny of others. Now, the exam begins! "

A spotlight in the dim hall suddenly hit a player named "Evil Little White Wolf" in the crowd. Dozens of players brushed their pitying eyes towards this first candidate! It ’s been the third day of service. New players know how bad this kind of examiner is. The former victim will provide the examinee's valuable character data to the later candidates, and then make the most reliable answer.

Safilo indifferently said: "You have God's favor and have a good lord trait, but I don't think you deserve it. Answer me, what is the most important thing for the lord?"

The players can't help but be upset! Even NPC said that his specialty is good, then he must have sent it!

Wan evil little white wolf coughed, "Of course, the mine is running."

Safiro grinned: "It is in line with your special answer, so I meet you and arrange for you to mine in the haunted pit of the Death Mountain!"

"Crouch!" A white light disappeared.

Is the map a place for newcomers? The hearts of the people were really grumpy, but they couldn't help but be gloating. Now, everyone has a preliminary impression of the examiner's pit father.

The spotlight shone on a female player named "Moment of Fanghua", and the player couldn't help but startle.

-"Another lord's specialty, what do you think is the most important thing as a lord?"

The female player trembled and said, "Well, run a farm ..."

Safilo sneered: "Very good answer to your specialty!"

The players couldn't help sighing, how can they not raise their brains!

—— “Very good, please listen to the question. There are 450 chickens and ducks on the farm. Half of the chickens are sold and 30 ducks are bought. The chickens are twice the ducks. If you do n’t even count, what qualifications do you have to be the lord? I will arrange for you a position on the farm that suits you, such as sweeping chicken manure! "

The audience was suddenly upset! Still taking math problems in elementary school? But who knows how much?

Instantly Fanghua shouted: "384 chickens and 66 ducks!"

The examiner shouted excitedly: "The answer is correct, plus 10 points! Your talent should go where you should!"

The audience was uproar! This mental arithmetic ability is too great! Although the questions are not difficult, the hard part is that they can be answered so quickly!

At the same time, ten golden lights spattered from the sky on this female player, and her level instantly rose to level 10! Then the white light disappeared and disappeared!

The audience was shocked! If you get a correct answer to a primary school question, you will be promoted to level 10, which is unreliable!

Sure enough, a player in the room roared loudly: "Don't talk! It's not fair! It's so unfair!"

The spotlight in the hall focused on the young man in his 20s-the sea of ​​blood! Suddenly, everyone found that he had a steel sword on his waist, wearing leather armor, and a metal shield with thick Atsugi. He was actually a shield guard! Templar Shield III!

(Shield Guard: Attack 2, Defense 8, Life 20, Damage 2-5, Attack Speed ​​12, Movement Speed ​​8, Command Value 2, Stunt: Giant Shield, Shield Array. If the player is a shield guard, the weapon that comes with him at birth Equipment plus 2 points of personal attack, 8 points of personal defense, personal attack defense will not affect the unit. A command value of 2 refers to 2 command power to lead a shield.)

Wow! The gunmen in the audience were uproar! It ’s great that he was born! Everyone's background is 0 attack and defense, 1-3 damage, 10 lives of weak **** gunner, he is a third soldier with 10 points more than others! He was embarrassed to shout unfairly?

Safilo chuckled coldly: "Fair? Don't you guys who leave fate to God's choice just want to get shortcuts earlier than others? Do you deserve fair talk?"

Blood Sea Kuangtao coldly said: "I spent money to get a chance to be chosen by God, which is fair! As for you, it is unfair to raise the level of others at will!"

Safilohaha laughed: "When you give your destiny to others to dominate, you don't want to think about fairness! However, I can give you a fair chance, if you can control it!"

Blood Sea Kuang Tao proudly said: "I was chosen because no matter what my destiny is, I have the ability to grasp it! My specialty is the admiral, you take care of it!" Heroic specialty!

-Admiral: The overall combat effectiveness of the hero's army at sea will increase with the hero's level.

The audience exclaimed: "God Heroes !!!"

Improved comprehensive combat power! Not to mention improving offense and defense! Fighting power is everything including offensive and defensive morale! Who wins him at sea?

And Dafei even dropped his chin! Are there as many heroes as gods? They were all drawn during the same period. Why didn't Brother have such good luck? They also know how to deal with water, and his specialty compares to him. Nonsense! unfair! Too unfair!

Safilo smiled coldly: "Very well, the desert island of the distant frontier of the empire desperately needs a young man to guard it. Go there and be your admiral!"

A flash of white light disappeared, and the madness of Blood Sea disappeared!

Everyone was booing on the field.

The spotlight flickered, this time it was on the big flying head! It's my turn?

Safilo coldly: "What is your ambition?"

Da Fei's heart beats! This urinary urine looks like a continuous roll with similar special features, so it is my turn to sail in this storm after the admiral is finished! However, my life is different, so I won't go to the deserted island in the frontier. I have to take up the task in the port city and enjoy the reputation and big money to buy the big galleon!

Da Fei answered rudely: "I want to be a maritime merchant and make my own contribution to the commercial prosperity of the empire."

Safilo said indifferently: "Yes? The deserted island on the remotest frontier of the empire desperately needs the development of aspiring young people, so go there and be your shipping merchant!"

"Fuck!" A flash of white light disappeared and Dafei disappeared!

The scene changed! Blue sea and blue sky, seagulls fly.

——The system prompts: You arrive at the island of wonder of newcomer trial scene!

Then naturally there is such a person who is also looking around, the sea of ​​blood is wild!

(Note: Galen sailing ship, the most mainstream large ocean-going sailing ship from the 16th to the 18th centuries in the western maritime powers, 4 masts, 50 meters long, 2000 tons of water, was replaced by steam ships after the industrial revolution. The ships in the game are also antique design.)

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