MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2020 Sanctification into God is the same as playing

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At the level of God, body shape is everything! If you don't grow a big man, how can you call it a **** of heaven? So in the face of this mountain giant that is obviously a god-level monster, Da Fei decisively chose to retreat.

But God ’s wisdom cannot be ignored. In the face of scattered running illusions, even if the Mountain Giant still has half of its body buried in the soil, he still has countermeasures, that is, the ground with double fists and a hammer. , Da Fei felt that at his foot, the whole person was about to fly!

boom! When the impact hit, the sea of ​​flowers with a radius of several hundred meters was bare, and those illusions created by Alicia were instantly disintegrated!

Looking at himself being shocked, only one third of his blood was left, Da Fei was terrified!

If you are still a Level 5 **** with 300,000 blood, Da Fei may really be worthy of him, but now Da Fei is just a mortal who has risen to Level 30 with only a few thousand blood. How can you face the existence of such a spicy eye?

Xiaoli also asked, "Brother, will we destroy the group here?"

Dafei frowned: "It's very possible! With the block of this mountain giant, we stepped a few dozen steps away, and the walk-away earthquake brought a bit of wind or something, but most of them are going to destroy the group! Fortunately, everyone is Hero, destroy the regiment, destroy the regiment, and die and return to the city! "

Xiaoli asked, "Then fight?"

Da Fei took a deep breath: "Ready to fight, I have a routine and I don't know if it's not working. I want to try it!"

As Da Fei ordered the battle, the ball of light came together: "Sir, although I don't have much power, if I fit, I can still add some mana to the adult!"

What Da Fei lacks most now is the life mana, so possess it!

The light ball turned into a faint white light and penetrated into Da Fei. Da Fei's life value increased by 10,000, and the mana value really increased by 50,000! Is this even a fit? There is no previous glory, nor does it transform the golden wings of a transfiguration angel, and there is no even a hint of the system of the fit.

and many more! Dafei suddenly found out that there is no system prompt for the possession of the god-level bright magic fit? Does this mean that it doesn't count as possession?

Da Fei suddenly remembered that he actually had three contract angels, one was Mier, the other was Nalhia, and the other was An Weier who signed the Uriel artifact ring, but at that time in order to let Serbia Mining in the city of the gods in the new world, that Anvil's ring has been equipped on Serbia.

In short, there is another Nalhia in her angel space. If the combination with Err is not a possession, then the brother can still stay with her again?

Just do it, Da Fei immediately summoned the right angel Nalhia, and the long-lost Nalhia yawned again and again: "Master, you haven't released me for a long time!"

Because the mother of the palace is tired! Dafei said nothing to start possession, the familiar golden light shot appeared again, Nalhia transformed into a piece of golden light and wrapped Dafei, the golden transfiguration wings protruded from behind Dafei, and the system prompts a bang:

The system prompts: You activate the angelic magical skill of the angel, and Nalxia successfully merges with you, and your attributes are greatly improved!

System prompt: Congratulations! You possess two angel spirits at the same time, and your excellent wisdom has realized the "Gemini". You have been guided by the power of angels and promoted to saint. Your health is +100,000, mana is +100,000, your divine Body of Frost, Holy Frozen Aura skill, gain the bonus of Angel's Power and promote to Holy Frozen Realm!

Gemini: A powerful possession ability that can possess two angels at the same time. Skill requirements: saint or angel-born player.


Dafei was shocked, Gemini! ? Brother became a saint again? Brother added another 100,000 blood, and so on. Now that the angel has more than 200,000 blood, let me go!

And Da Fei's soaring blood strip was even more shocked when Xiao Li was present: "Brother really has a big move!"

Alicia whispered, "There is a battle!"

Gabriel was more inspiring: "It's hard to imagine! If you want to fight, then fight, not much time!"

Da Fei was also full of tears of excitement. What did Brother say? Brother is really just, just try it! Unexpectedly, this weak state of Miner is a key opportunity for comprehension?

At this point, the mountain giant has climbed out of the ground, the dirt on the body of the ten-story building is rolling down, it takes a big step and slams, and the distance of a few hundred meters is instantaneous, especially the last step to Dafei In front of him, the whole person of Da Fei should shake up, and it really is a god-level creature with a flying effect!

It was also at this moment that Gabriel was doing his best. The small mask covering one or two people of Junxiang suddenly spread throughout the audience, and the deceleration of the stagnant Dafei's whole body was suddenly absent!

It's time to let yourself go! Da Fei rushed up, straight into the shoulder of the mountain giant, and the giant's arms were blocked with incredible flexibility and fast swing, and a suffocating wind pressure came on!

Dafei knew that he was right. This is a god-level creature living in the Divine Realm. Do n’t see him tall and think he is awkward. Seeing his posture is as easy as martial arts masters use the chopsticks to fly around. . If it was Zavala who thought he had a flying advantage and rashly attacked it, the consequences would be a bit daunting!

So Da Fei had responded long ago, a spider silk of the Spider-Man artifact shot out, hit the stone on its shoulder, and then collected!

Under the pull of the spider silk, the flying speed of Dafei increased sharply. At the same time, Dafei's newly-acclaimed sacred frozen area, petrified aura, and Titan's grip gravity area opened all at once.

What I want is this effect. Between the speed of the two sides, Da Fei passed between its arms and landed safely on his shoulder. His shoulder area was like his own balcony!

Da Fei remembered the glory days of standing alone on the shoulders of giants in front of a thousand people, and Da Fei immediately shouted to Xiao Li: "Record video!"

As Dafei stabbed with a shot, the gravel on the giant's head splashed!

Xiaoli exclaimed: "Be careful with his hands!"

The next moment, the two giant hands whistled like mosquitoes, and the strong wind pressure from the top was so strong that they couldn't stand up!

Let me go. This is definitely windy! But Da Fei is ready to deal with the big force displacement and start!

The world in front of Da Fei was dark, and the two giant hands came crashing down like the sky fell! !! !! Crushed stone splattered space twisted shock strike -1049!

What the hell! Even if he hid in the ectopic surface with the large displacement technique, he was swept away by it! However, at this point of harm, you are waiting to be killed by the brother routine!

With the giant palms removed, Da Fei immediately emerged from the ectopic plane and continued to stare at the previous damage point!

Then the giant palms of the giant were pressed down again, Da Fei snorted, shifted into the ectopic plane again, and then the top of his head was always black, Da Fei suddenly stunned, is this?

Xiaoli exclaimed from the team's channel: "Brother, it won't let go of it on your shoulder!"

Da Fei dropped his chin on the ground, let me go! The wisdom of this mountain giant is super god! If he keeps covering it like that, wouldn't he have to hide behind the ectopic plane and not come out? When the mana is exhausted, cut! Brother's mana will not run out!

Da Fei immediately switched to the blood eagle clone, and now the Da Fei deity is no longer a daddy's dark and void god, and can receive the divine power transmitted by the clone. Da Fei directly lets the clone deliver 100,000 divine power.

The system prompts: You have 100,000 divine power, reaching the upper limit of the saint's divine power, you can be promoted to level 1 god. Is it promoted?

Dafei took a sip of water! Is there such an operation? I think that the very difficult **** of the past was the same as playing now, then there is nothing to say. His current sacred frozen field is actually just a quasi-field. There is no level 1 field that reduces the damage of the opponent ’s **** attribute by 50%. The difference in quality must rise!

System prompt: Congratulations! You have consumed 100,000 magic power, you have successfully been promoted to level 1 god, your life +100,000, mana +100,000, and your holy frozen realm has been promoted to level 1 realm.

Level 1 Holy Frozen Realm: Reduces the skill effects of **** attributes and hero attributes by 50%. Freezing slows the enemy's speed and damage, and has a certain chance to cause the enemy to have a lasting frostbite freezing effect. (Note: The higher the realm level, the higher the chance of freezing.)

Oh yeah! Brother Han blinked and Hu Hansan was back! Wow ha ha ha, come on, hold on to brother, brother is delivering 100,000 divine power, who has consumed who?

The system prompts: You have 100,000 divine power, reaching the divine power limit of level 1 god, you can be promoted to level 2 god. Is it promoted?

Da Fei's mouth can't be closed, and his blood eagle clone still has more than 200,000 divine powers, which means that he can directly rise to level 4 **** in one breath! As for level 5 gods, it depends on comprehension, so don't think about it.

Can you upgrade by 4? Da Fei suddenly found that the loss of the blood eagle from the divine realm to transmit the divine power was very small. Is this divine real and the emerald dream really neighbors?

Dafei checked the time and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a new day after half an hour, and he could get a daily divine power of 120,000, and it was no problem to rise to 4 levels in one breath!

Just calm, not busy first, see if the 1st level **** can bear him? It was not until this time that Da Fei discovered that this mountain **** may not even be a level 1 god, yes, it certainly isn't! Otherwise, his actions will not be slowed down by Brother's previous messy small areas.

Let me go. Brother and his team are just such a silly big black, even the first-level **** is not a small hair **** sticky fart, and say, dare to believe? However, this is the power of body shape, crush the gods with absolute force!

Then it ’s so consuming, see how long he uses energy. And thinking of the freezing effect of the field, Dafei suddenly remembered that he had not let go of his invincible big move before becoming a god? Nothing to say, invincible luck, start!

With the rising of a rainbow light, Da Fei immediately saw a frost in that dim field of vision!

Xiaoli was pleasantly surprised on the team channel: "Its hands and neck are frozen!"

Oh yeah! Dafei laughed: "Continue, let it cover it! See how long it can cover the ice cube of my brother!"