MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2028 Maintain ecological balance

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Now that everything is ready, the Dafei team immediately withdrew near the Emerald Gate, and then relayed instructions to Hilda: "Teleport Emerald Dream!"

In the field of Bacchus of Feixiang, the power of the Emerald Gate is fully open. The whole hull of Feixiang gradually blurs from the inside to the outside, and then the light and shadow flashes!

The next moment, a huge cloud of green shadow appeared on the Dafei radar, and then, the mist and fog condensed into a solid ship shape again, and the transmission was successful!

The team was cheering, Dafei was full of achievements, playing games to this point, what else can stump yourself? Then there is nothing to say, board the ship.

At this point, Dellier came forward to report: Her Majesty, in the Emerald Dream, the physical substance of the Flying will slow down, and will continue to be damaged by the corrosion of the illusion. Disadvantages, I can pray immediately! However, if His Majesty is to pursue a stronger blessing effect, he must pay divine power to Lord Silena. "

Dafei suddenly stunned, this is the "free game, recharge if you want to become stronger" routine? Yes, this game is most suitable for local tyrant players. Da Fei said nothing: "Let's get started!"

"Then I will perform a prayer ceremony immediately."

Then Alice also stepped forward: "Your Majesty, only the illusion can offset the effect of the illusion, we must further cultivate the mushroom forest to enhance the illusion component of the Fly."

An Fei on Da Fei's shoulder said: "Your Majesty, you can further enhance the mushroom forest by attracting all the energy in the evil forest."

Da Fei has nothing to say: "Then finish the evil forest completely!"

At this point, the Feixiang really drifted slowly in the air, elegantly like a flowing cloud. Don't even think about teleporting!

At this moment, a green light came down from the sky, and the hull and balloons of the flying aircraft shone with a green light. The system prompts: The flying boat received the blessing from Silena ...

The speed of the Flying has improved a lot, but it is still top-up!

Delier replied: "If your Majesty is pursuing the strongest speed effect, pay 100,000 divine power a day, and medium effect 50,000 a day!"

"Medium effect!"

As if a breeze blew by, the speed of the Feixiang increased again, but it might as well be tolerated by Da Fei! Sure enough, independent research and development is needed.

Flying again reached the sky above the evil forest, and the tree demon in the forest had a panoramic view. Ansu volunteered: "Let me absorb the darkness here for your Majesty!"

After speaking, flying up the forest sky, hovering and dancing, the black clouds and fog over the whole forest came up like a rolling vortex.

At the same time, the firepower of the World Tree canopy was fully opened, and all the red dots on the radar became targets under the rain.

The big fly at this time is very calm, unless the total boss of this forest is a giant **** like a god, is a dragon like a mountain, can lift half a mountain and smash the fly or a fireball to make the fly fly ashes, Otherwise, even if the other party is 6, 7, 8 God can resist the huge fortress of the flying?

And when it comes to ash and smoke, it looks like it's time for Elena to play?

Da Fei immediately instructed Elena: "Set fire to speed the opponent's collapse."

Elina said helplessly: "Master, this is a rich dream space, with very few elements of destruction, and my fire magic is very weak here."

amount? Fortunately, this also means that it is not possible for the opponent to have a big fireball like "Makar", which will kill the brother, and the brother will clear the field more safely.

The following time is completely crushed. Neither the swarm nor the tree demon can threaten the Flyer in the slightest. Tamilia has opened a huge space door to continuously receive the Ansu conduction. Dark Vortex ", the entire Holy Vine space is completely shrouded in dark clouds.

Under the cover of black clouds, those half-human tall mushroom forests are growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the entire sacred vine space is filled with the "clicking" growth sounds of the mushroom forest.

Dafei was drunk. This is the ultimate realm of playing games. This is the strength of the player who defeated gm. Even in the so-called God Realm, they are crushed all the way, and this is just just using the power of the gun cabin.

Half an hour later, Flying was in the middle of the forest and saw an old black tree more than ten stories high. It raised its canopy and screamed sternly: "Surender ~ !!!"

The system prompts: The Dark Forest tribe fears your force and surrenders to you. May I agree?

Warning: Once you agree to the surrender of the Dark Forest Tribe, your ancient tree forest mission "Eliminate the Forest of Evil" will be suspended and cannot be completed, and the favor with the ancient tree forest will be reduced.

Da Fei suddenly stunned: "Capitulate? Cancel the mission?"

That's right, the brother air force fights the army, the other party does not have any chance to fight back, either surrender, or move and take refuge like the original pirates. This is an inevitable option! Just what the **** is this warning message?

Da Fei hurriedly asked the family members around him: "Everyone, this ancient tree is about to surrender. He promised or not?"

Alicia said lightly: "Between the next thought! Of course I tend to destroy the evil forces without leaving evil. I don't think it is worthwhile for them to lose the development opportunity of the ancient tree forest. After all, the ancient tree forest controls the space channel. . "

Taj Uth and Delier also stated, "I agree with the opinion of Lord Alicia."

Let me go, are you Justice League? Of course, we want to eradicate evil aliens?

Da Fei asked Ansu in the sky, "His Excellency Ansu, what do you think?"

Ansu Shen chanted: "I and these evil ancient trees are essentially the same nature of existence, so-called material damage, of course, I tend to keep them alive. Moreover, the Majestic Mushroom Forest needs a lot of dark energy, they There is value in existence, not to mention, in order to go further, Your Majesty as a Dark Ranger also needs to consult the wisdom of ancient dark creatures? "

Tamelia, the evil demon, also stated: "Agree with their worth!"

Da Fei was surprised and laughed. Are you evil alliance? OK, just for the sake of the mushroom forest, let them die. As for the friendly relationship that lost the old tree forest, leave it to Jun Xiang and the Star Guild. Brother will not fight with them. That's right, all the "evil" camps that are not convenient for normal players to join are in charge. This is called maintaining the ecological balance and preventing the game from crashing.


System prompt: Congratulations! The Dark Forest tribe surrenders to you, your dynasty reputation + 30,000, your emperor level rises to level 5, you can increase the number of officials 10 and the concubine 1 place.

System Tip: Your ancient tree forest mission "Destroy the Evil Forest" is suspended, the ancient tree forest's attitude towards you becomes "dissatisfied", and the dark forest tribe's attitude towards you becomes "fear"!