MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2060 Give a reason to sell

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The idea of ​​the alliance headquarters to ask Dafei to help withdraw the Pirate King and the Seven Cities Alliance really met with the vice president Lin's lion opening, and the alliance certainly refused. This is a big disappointment for Dafei.

Two days later, a massive void storm began to sweep across the void.

Da Fei has passed on the experience of dealing with void storms to China, which is to prepare in advance, find a larger planet in the asteroid group, select a low-lying terrain above it and dig a huge pit, and wait for the storm to come The mining boat was parked inside, and all the members urgently carried the stone buried hull.

This storm verified the correctness of Dafei's experience. Four cottage vanity vessels in China successfully avoided the storm. And the material of the cottage is steel, which is very strong and hardly damaged.

After the storm, there was a rainbow. The frost-like snow crystals covered the entire asteroid belt, and it was time to harvest. At this time, the only thing to be aware of is those mine-eating void monsters that appear across space, but the cottage ships are as thick as steel, and ordinary void monsters will not pose a great threat.

At this time, the command of the Chinese Guild Alliance was cheering, and Da Fei was also very relieved. It was time for Lilith to drive the Time Traveler to eat something special. Although eating minerals can not become a great god, but just eating for a real time for one year then it is not clear.

At that moment, the message of Da Fei's friend sounded, and it was God Emperor: "Fei, the British captain sent a trumpet to come and talk to you."

Dafei was so happy that after waiting for so many days, they finally came to send money, brother welcome!

Trumpet contacted Dafei: "Mr. Dafei, hello, must you be in the void?"

Da Fei Le was happy: "I'm on the Fei Xiang, I just posted a daily miracle video."

The captain of the United Kingdom sighed: "Mr. Dafei is a god. I saw your ranking of divine prestige in the small town of Mercury Sky. Even if you are not in the void, it is a higher level of the divine realm, right? You must have enjoyed that beautiful scene, right? "

Let me go. Is there a town in Mercury? I have no time to explore! Was he fainted by the official angel's ranking?

Da Fei said, "My energy now is to look after my miracles. I am afraid that things in the world of God cannot help."

The British captain said positively, "Even if Mr. Da Fei wants to help, he ca n’t help us. Our current state is too low to move. I am talking about the void, from the previous two battles to save the city of God punishment. , I know Mr. Dafei must have the ability to develop the void, help me. "

Da Fei knew for a moment. At this time, he sent a message that he really liked the mine in the void, but was he wrong? The mine crystal in the void is monopolized by his brother. He actually talked to the mine in the void. Is he trying to make a hide with the tiger?

Da Fei was surprised: "Do you mean, do you want to mine in the void?"

The British captain replied: "Yes!"

I'll take it, it's really a fight with the tiger! Da Fei couldn't help crying: "You're really frank! If you were me, would you agree?"

British captain: "Under normal circumstances, but as long as there is interest, there is still the possibility."

Dafei frowned: "We'll talk about it later."

"Looking forward to Mr. Dafei's good news."

Da Fei was lost in thought. If it was before, Da Fei was absolutely impossible to answer the party's requirements. Maintaining the high-tech monopoly crushing advantage is the only killer of Da Fei, an amateur player who has no operation or tactics. But Da Fei's realm is different now. Da Fei is no longer just a player. What Dafei wants now is to let the country swallow the game, and what he wants is to let go of the opponent.

Da Fei thought about it, and then sent a message to the presidents of the stars, the Emperor, Ma Yinglong, and Xue Wei: "The British captain just asked my brother to talk about something ..."

Everyone was amazed: "Is he stupid or crazy? They blockade all kinds of technology in China, including a screw technology. Don't do it. Now they want our highest technology directly?"

Dafei coughed, "It's not the highest technology anymore."

Zhou Qing asked, "What does that mean, Brother Fei?"

Dafei laughed: "Brother is actually indifferent. The key is that you have invested so much and so long in the window of the world. Does Brother feel that you have come to a big business to get you back to invest? After all, Brother is a sage who engages in charity, but he cannot Let the brethren suffer. "

The crowd was immediately clear.

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Feige means, can this void ship be sold?"

Dafei laughed: "You are the professional masters, let's evaluate it! After all, everyone who knows to play online games knows that the first piece of equipment is the price of artifacts, and the equipment behind it is the price of cabbage."

The Emperor laughed: "Anyway, we have miracles and crazy money to make money. To be honest, I don't particularly care about these mines in the void. They are too unstable. I have good luck once a week, and bad luck for ten and a half months."

Zhou Qing laughed: "If Feige doesn't care, we don't care, just take the opportunity to make a little money."

Ma Yinglong laughed: "How can a small amount of money be enough? This is a fat sheep sent up, but how can you not kill it? Starting at $ 10 million, no bargaining!"

"How much is 10 million? A city of magical punishment is 500 million US dollars. How can our cottage ship get 100.5 million?"

"You guys, there is no room for bargaining at the opposite side. Is it still fun to negotiate? Asking 50 million! Letting them bargain to 20 million is also our profit ..."


At this time, the new British captain Gao Wen was restlessly waiting for the news of Dafei. Gao Wen also knew that his request was simply incredible, and he was ready to be laughed at. However, Da Fei is also an incredible person. Who knows if he will agree?

The previous captain's end is in front of him. Gao Wen doesn't care about the alliance's interests. He only cares about his promotion. As long as he can do things and climb higher, he won't be such a scapegoat. Da Fei did not directly refuse to give Gao Wen infinite expectations. Gao Wen couldn't imagine, how could he develop the void if Dafei didn't help him? The so-called "independence, self-reliance is better" at the headquarters is simply an incomprehensible slogan.

In anxiety, Da Fei's reply arrived. It is a screenshot of the game management interface. The screenshot is a spaceship that looks like a science fiction. ... "

Gao Wen was shocked: "What is this? Void Ship?"

Dafei responded with another screenshot: "This is it!"

In the screenshot, a black spaceship is parked on an asteroid in the background. Dozens of Chinese players are holding a shovel to collect the crystals on the planet like snow.

Gao Wen was stunned! Although Gao Wen already knew that Da Fei had developed the void, but never expected that the progress of the Chinese was beyond imagination, and they were already driving the void ship in the void!

As we all know, whether the mine is in the old world or the new world, it is either an industry of npc forces, or it is guarded by a powerful god-level monster. How difficult is it for players to get the mine? Only the void can mine so leisurely, right? The premise is to be able to reach the void! And he has arrived in the void, so he sent the ship?

Gao Wen turned to God and asked, "Mr. Dafei means, can you sell us this boat?"

Dafei laughed: "That's what it means."

When happiness came, Gao Wen was a bit reluctant to believe: "In my knowledge of Mr. Dafei, such a monopoly of high-end products should be Mr. Dafei's secrets. How could Mr. Dafei sell?"

Dafei laughed: "It's really confidential. You would never have seen this picture. But you also see so many players in the picture. This is not my industry."

Gao Wen frowned, summoning the courage and asking, "How much?"

Dafei grinned: "A price that you can't afford, you can't accept! One $ 100 million! Of course, you can either buy it or bargain, but you must give a reason why we must be convinced and must sell it to you at a reduced price. "

Bang! Gao Wen's forehead is dark! One hundred million dollars in a game ship, this is greedy enough to want to eat a big fly. But what about 100 million? No matter how much money the league has, it's not their business. Bargain, right?

Gao Wen calmed down immediately and asked, "Can I ask a few questions?"

Dafei laughed: "Yes."

"Is Mr. Dafei's Vulcan factory in the void?"

Dafei laughed and said, "Yes. The others are top secrets, and there is no comment."

"No. 005 means, in addition to the one under construction, there are four completed?"

Da Fei smiled and answered, "Yes, there are 5 ships in total, even if you buy them wholesale, there is no discount."

Gao Wen was shocked: "Mr. Dafei means that he can sell us all the Void Ships?"

Da Fei said lightly: "Well, 500 million US dollars, we will deliver to you."

Gao Wen trembled: "I will meet immediately to report and discuss it, shall I?"

Dafei laughed: "Yes, but this thing is also confidential after all, so that ordinary players see that it is not good for your alliance, you know, so please keep it confidential whether you buy it or not."

"Of course, keep it secret!"

The next moment, the British captain made an emergency report to the team, and then reported his latest findings to the headquarters. Needless to say, these two screenshots of Dafei shocked the entire headquarters and were still desperate! This is the legendary **** of forging for Chinese man-made ships!

Everyone finally understands why the Chinese can abandon the second battle for mines outside the city of the gods, and there are so many monopoly mines in the void, why bother to die? And with such superior conditions, the Chinese want to sell them all? Is there a very powerful creature in the void?

After some discussions with professional experts, the most reasonable answer came out. Gao Wen replied to Da Fei with anxiety and excitement: "Mr. Da Fei, did you not solve the problem of transporting the mine back from the void? According to our analysis, It is very difficult to enter the void, and it is known that only the large rockets of the mage city can send the spacecraft into the void. This is a huge energy consuming thing in itself, that is, even if your player digs a mine in the void, But this mine is not enough to cover the cost of launching. Are you actually losing money? Am I right? "

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Really worthy of being a professional player? The problem he said is the one reminded by Vulcan. Under normal circumstances, this void mining will definitely dig more and lose more, but the window of the world is different. The window of the world is a large and small star. You can Find a way to pack the mined mines back to the airdrop, but this airdrop will indeed lose a lot of mines, and it is still very troublesome.

However, the city of **** punishment is different. The city of **** punishment itself is a mining fortress floating in the void, there is no atmosphere, and the mining of the void ship is very convenient, and their needs must be very urgent.

Dafei laughed: "You're right, but I will find a way to solve this problem."

Gao Wenzhen exclaimed: "Sell it to us is one of the solutions! Isn't it?"

Dafei laughed: "Okay, 20% off, 80 million US dollars a ship! If you buy all 5 ships, you can get a cheaper wholesale price."

Gao Wenzheng said: "We only want one discount. Mr. Dafei helped dare to leave the pirate king and the Seven Cities Alliance who besieged Atlantis, so that our alliance would not have the energy to mine in the void at all."

Dafei jaw dropped! Let me go, right? Really 80 million one deal? How different is this Nima from the actual military purchase price? But I've counted Brother's appearance fee into the discount. Really want to open it?

OK, I appreciate what I can think of.