MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2062 Apocalyptic battle

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The ability of professional players is undoubted, and the routine of professional guilds is not the first time. To get a hostile high-ranking npc in the main city, even for Da Fei, it is a very troublesome and difficult thing, but it is too simple for the Grand Guild. However, it directly launches hundreds of thousands of trumpet blocks. The way is up.

Therefore, it was not necessary for Da Fei's mother Katrina to take the shot, and the first rotting nobles fell down like this. Then something new was revealed: there were banshee servants in the homes of these decaying nobles! There is also a teleportation array that can summon the banshees, what use do these banshees think?

Dafei suddenly realized! Da Fei finally understood how Xiao William said that he found that the father and the banshee had fun. The decay of the imperial luxuries of the Empire was rotten to the roots.

Da Fei remembered how Deirdrie came from, which was developed in the Monastery of Our Lady by Xue Wei, that is, the monastery might be a bit unclean?

Then, Da Fei remembered that Mayor Elorine helped install a banshee barracks on her ship at that time, which was quite skillful. That's right, the mayor at that time made it clear that someone would like this! Maybe he's better? After all, he is a man in the Undercurrent Temple, and his identity is very evil.

Now think again carefully. It was only when I acquired Deirdeli that I triggered the plot of building the female banshee barracks on the ship. If I continued to dig at that time, I might have discovered the decay of these nobles early.

I have to say, this is the choice of life, how can there be so many if but? However, with Dafei's current achievements, he no longer cares about any mission rewards. However, as a friend of the banshees, Dafei is still obliged to rescue these mischievous banshees, so Dafei is also very busy these days ...

The miracle turmoil in China has undoubtedly aroused the high attention of players from all over the world. The unified interpretation of miracles in China's external interpretation has caused various forces to compete. Refer to Atlansti, who has been battered by the Indian team. .

There is no doubt that this explanation is very convincing, and it also made the Indian team feel a sigh of anger.

Under the joint operation of the Grand Guild, Makar's mission was finally completed in a large smoke-filled ruins of the emperor's capital, and then the emperor held a grand ceremony on the Empire Square to honor Makar's merits, and he was named Makar ...

Maybe ordinary players can't see the doorway, but Da Fei does understand that the emperor is already rampant and Makar is already a substantial emperor of the Lion Heart Empire. This capital miracle has all the other benefits besides the player ’s benefits. Carl's up.

In the past, as Makar's villain, Dafei would never let this happen. But now Da Fei's goal is not the same, not breaking or standing, dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day! Makar has an empire miracle, plus a city underground and the island of the Underworld known as the Underworld, Mithril Island. So many resources to grab an Atlantis will be a problem?

Then the following things are the results of the Ninth Heaven and Blood Wei ’s Humanity Guild, and Dafei only needs to wait for Makar ’s shot in Atlantis.


And so much, Da Fei waited for half a month. For the past half a month, Dafei's daily work has been to visit the dudu to collect and transform the banshees, and then watch the progress of the extension of the Dabianhuang Railway and the progress of the new Falcon Holy Mountain City and Hermes City, and then From time to time, go to the Emerald Sea to inspect the progress of the reclamation.

At the same time, in the past half month, the professional players of the British and American teams have broken through the space nodes according to the void map provided by Dafei. The mining frenzy has continued madly, and it has even been urgent for China to separate batch delivery. The original agreement was that the 10 ships were delivered once.

As a last resort, Da Fei had no choice but to embark on another difficult probation, and delivered the three new ships that had left the factory in the first half of the month.

Marching in the void, Da Fei's mood was always entangled and calm, and when exactly did Makar do something, he kept haunting Da Fei's heart. After all, they have given up the mining area of ​​the city of the gods, and let them happily mine the void mine for almost two months, which made Dafei a little bit upset.

At this moment, Alice Tower started to call the police: "Warning! There is a powerful energy star in position xx, the new world is targeted, and there is no threat to us for the time being ..."

Da Fei frowned, and hurriedly looked in the direction indicated by the radar. Sure enough, a dazzling shooting star appeared!

Dafei was excited, what a familiar scene! When he fled from the Nether Titan continent, wasn't that God shooting a meteor under the rage of the god? The meteor landed next to the main city of South Korea, and almost destroyed the main city of South Korea!

And Makar is the puppet of the King of the Void. There is no doubt that this shooting star, the King of God has started! Da Fei can already imagine the power of this meteor. Let me go. This is Makar's big move of real time for two or three months!

At this moment, Da Fei couldn't help but wanted to share the good news with everyone, but after thinking about it, bear it! After all, other people will still hold the feces on their heads, so at this time, you must leave the relationship clear.

At the same time, the U.S. and British teams that were ecstatic mining in the void also saw a flaming shooting star piercing the sky in the void.

"Sobeautiul ~" I could not help seeing such a magnificent sight in the dull and dim sky, and let the members of the team express their sincere admiration.

But wait! Everyone is a professional master, and soon realized that this is not a scene weather, this is an emergency, everyone instantly remembered the meteorite bombing in the main city of South Korea a few months ago!

The headquarters immediately ordered: "Team members in the New World are alert to meteorites from the void ..."

Yes, in the face of such natural disasters, what can mortals do besides looking up at the sky?

And the Indian team that received the early warning was not worried at all. Now Atlansti is mining under the sea, and the meteorite in the sky cannot be threatened in any way.

It's just a matter of course that the members of the fishing alert around the sea and the live broadcast anchors flashed red, and a sun appeared! The entire sky became wavy and distorted because of its appearance. The clouds of the sky instantly transpired into a cloud of mist and wrapped this approaching huge sun!

The vigilantes screamed exhaustedly in stuns: "The goal is us!"

At this moment, the Indian team commander stood up in shock: "Why is this !?"

A thunderous roar rang through the sky and the sea. Under the wind pressure approaching by the sun, the sea surface formed a huge depression area of ​​several kilometers. Under the shock of the players around the sea, the sun crashed into the sea! !! !!

A tsunami wave of hundreds of meters high swept the surrounding area, and a column of steam and water burst into the sky!

The players of the regional channel started the last crazy screen swipe and then, it was silent! No player can survive such a magnificent attack.

The large screen of the headquarters in India also went blank, and all the team members were stunned and dead!

World Channel: Very sorry! Atlantis was destroyed by Kronos the Void Lord, and Kronos gained miracles.

World Channel: Players around the world, please note that the Lord of the Void begins to invade the world, and the end of the world battle begins!

Players from all over the world are in awe!

Da Fei was also shocked, the end of the world in the legend of the Prophet really came!