MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 10 Polytheism

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  Chapter 10 Polytheistic Belief

  Lu Yao immediately formulated a counterattack plan.

  He first sent Brother Zhuyu into the western mountains to continue to find out. With track and water skills, these two heroes are the most suitable scouts.

   Then he clicked on the temple interface.

  【Gift】The slot is now empty.

  Lu Yao dug out a pair of red and yellow children's toy bows and arrows from his backpack. They were made of pure plastic, and the arrows were made of soft rubber. He bought it at the toy store after get off work.

   Bows and arrows were sharp weapons for early tribal civilizations, freeing people from the high-risk combat method of hand-to-hand combat, and using range to pull and consume the enemy.

  Although it is a children's toy bow and arrow, the mechanism structure is still the same.

  Lu Yao put the toy bow and arrow on the mouse.

   There is a small red and yellow bow and arrow icon in the gift slot.

  [Bow and Arrow]: A gift from the gods, a long-range weapon with great power and long range. It is one of the most important weapons for the army and hunters.

  —May I ask you to give 【Bow and Arrow】 to your believers?

  Lu Yao clicked [Yes].

   Exclamation marks appeared above the heads of all villains in the garlic tribe.

   "God Yao sent down a new gift!"

   "Bow and arrow, the magic bow and arrow was born!"

   "It's a weapon, a great weapon!"

   "We are no longer afraid of the enemy!"

   "Hunting, hunting, I'm going to hunt!"

   "Praise the gods! Praise the sun!"

  Among the villains, the hunters reacted the most. Not only did they have smiling faces above their heads, they also danced.

  They seem to know the meaning of bow and arrow best. The hunter quickly made his own bow and arrow, and then rushed to the forest excitedly.

  A question mark appeared above the prophet's head.

   Lu Yao clicked on his thoughts.

   "Bows and arrows, long-range sharp weapons, the gods want to arm us so that we will no longer be threatened and attacked. From then on, we will no longer be afraid of attacks from foreign enemies."

   "The will of the for us to confront the believers of the devil, defeat these evil and barbaric guys, maintain faith and protect life."

   "It must be so!"

  The shaman also has a question mark on his head. His brain circuit is different from that of the prophet.

"Bows and arrows are like the tongues of frogs. People with bows and arrows can hunt at a safe distance. As long as we equip bows and arrows, we can not only hunt rabbits and monkeys, but also shoot down birds in the air and face dangerous poisonous snakes , bears, and wolves, and no longer have to be afraid of getting hurt."

   "An incredible masterpiece, the power of the gods is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

   "We need more bows and arrows, each of us can be a warrior and a soldier, and we will no longer be afraid of barbarian tribes!"

  Lu Yao was watching each pixel villain's reaction to the bow and arrow, and a prompt popped up on the screen.

  【Your gift allows believers to learn to make and use bows and arrows, and their faith has been improved. 】

  The belief in the upper right corner increased by 30 points at one time, and became 267 points.

  After mastering the bow and arrow, the garlic tribe can see that their martial virtues are abundant with the naked eye.

  The pixel villains who went out all carried bows and arrows, and the hunters also began to bring back some large prey like bears and deer. More hides were covered on thatched roofs and walls, and more dried meat was hung on wooden racks beside the wheat fields.

   At this time, there was news from Brother Zhuyu.

   "Discover a new tribe, the Yanchi tribe."

   "The Yanchi Tribe heard that we have food and wanted to trade with us."

   No barbarian tribe was found, but an unexpected discovery was made.

  Lu Yao clicked on the two brothers to pull them back to the tribe.

   So the two heroes returned with the people of the Yanchi tribe all the way.

   There are two villains from the Yanchi tribe, wearing linen clothes and carrying cloth bags, they look very wealthy. As soon as they arrived, they talked about the transaction with the prophet and the shaman.

  "The Yanchi tribe has always traded with various tribes, using salt to trade food, clothes, medicinal materials and other things."

   "We wish to trade your wheat for salt."

  A question mark appeared above the Prophet's head.

  He thought: "This seems to be an opportunity, I must try it, and spread faith for the great god."

   Lu Yao was very pleased to see it.

   Or the prophet understands what I mean.

  The prophet said: "Friends of the Yanchi tribe, have you considered a more suitable place to live?"

  The villains of the Yanchi tribe looked at each other.

   "We have a salt pool, and the salt pool is everything. If there is a salt pool, everything can be traded. We don't need anything."

   "Salt ponds are enough."

   They have absolutely no intention of migrating.

  The shaman also persuaded: "The barbarian tribe is in the mountains. They believe in a demon who can transform people into beasts. The barbarian tribe will attack all other tribes that do not believe in demons. The Yanchi tribe cannot be avoided."

  Smiling faces appeared above the heads of the two villains of the Yanchi tribe.

"This is not a problem."

   "We also believe in that Lord Demon."

   All the people in the garlic tribe had exclamation marks above their heads.

  The people of the Yanchi tribe explained: "In the temple of the Yanchi tribe, there are three gods enshrined, including the devil in your eyes."

  “Our tribe relies on salt ponds and salt production, and everyone needs to sell salt. As long as we can live better, we can accept any belief.”

   "If necessary, our tribe is also willing to believe in the gods here. As long as you are willing to trade with us, the gods can protect us."

  The prophet and the shaman were stunned for a moment, with question marks popping up in their heads.

  Lu Yao looked at it and called it a good guy.

   This Yanchi tribe was the first polytheistic tribe he had seen.

  They seem to be quite particular about practical interests, but there is a little shadow of early businessmen.

   "Friends of the garlic tribe, we are willing to trade wheat with you for a long time, and we are also willing to buy other suitable trade items."

  The prophet and the shaman went aside to discuss.

   "The tribe now has sufficient food, and the belief of the gods can be spread through the Yanchi tribe. This is beneficial to the gods and the tribe." The prophet took a fancy to the influence of the tribe's beliefs.

"Salt is very important to the tribe. With salt, you can make more cured meat, which can be stored for a long time. With salt from the Yanchi tribe, you don't have to look for salt everywhere. Hunters will be stronger." Shaman is more concerned about practical benefits .

   Two wise men reached a consensus.

   "We are willing to make a deal with the Yanchi tribe."

  【Garlic Tribe started trade with Yanchi Tribe, and Yanchi Tribe's attitude became neutral. 】

  Smiling faces appeared on the heads of the two Yanchi tribe villains.

   "There are still a lot of products here."

   "Wheat, an important grain."

   "Bow and arrow, excellent weapon."

   "Leather, which can be made into clothes, armor and packages."


   Suddenly, an exclamation mark appeared above the heads of the two villains.

   "Garlic! It's a spice!"

   "I found a unique item! Spice garlic!"

  The villains of the Yanchi tribe raised their arms high and cheered excitedly.

   "Please give us as much garlic as possible, we want all the garlic! Priceless garlic, wonderful spicy garlic!"

  Lu Yao enjoyed watching it.

   Unexpectedly, the initial unintentional move would come in handy at this time.

  In the early days of human civilization, spices were extremely expensive luxury items. Wheat, bows and arrows, and leather can also be regarded as general commodity categories, but garlic is the only spice nearby.

  The two villains of the Yanchi tribe left two bags of salt and took a lot of garlic, and hurried back to the mountains to the west.

   A few minutes later, a line of prompts appeared on the computer screen.

  【The Yanchi Tribe decided to make garlic a key commodity, and the attitude of the Yanchi Tribe became friendly, and your faith will spread among the Yanchi Tribe. 】

  【Your gift made the Yanchi tribe ecstatic, and their faith has been slightly improved. 】

  The belief in the upper right corner has increased by 120 points this time, directly becoming 387 points.

  Lu Yao was stunned for a moment.

   This Yanchi tribe looks unusual. Just to let them get the distribution rights of garlic, they have dedicated so much faith, it seems that regardless of population and size, they far exceed the previous forest tribes.

  Lu Yao thought about it for a second.

  Being able to jump back and forth between the three gods is impossible without strength. If they weren't tough enough and keen to plunder the heretical barbarian tribe, they would have washed away the Yanchi tribe long ago.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion