MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 287 open your eyes to see the world

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  Chapter 287 Open your eyes to see the world

   "Is this okay for us? Brother Poison, no matter what, we all come from one place, don't we need to be so..."

   Looking at the backs of Lu Min and Zhuren going away, Funeral Season whispered.

   Funeral Du’s face no longer had the previous harshness and provocation, but carefully looked at the external walls and roads of Shacheng.

  He said softly: "A Ji, we represent the ghost world."

"Do you get me?"

   Funeral Season seemed to think of something, drooping eyelids, and nodded.

   Seeing that the young clan brother understood, Xing Du was a little relieved.

  Before coming, Funeral Poison warned Funeral Season that the two of them must show completely different faces.

   Funeral Poison will present an image of an unabashedly arrogant elder brother, while Funeral Season will play a kind and humble younger brother.

   Dangerous and offensive things are done by funeral poison.

  He knew that he had to be a villain in order to obtain more information about Shacheng, and he was ready to die for the country—this can only be done by an experienced funeral director.

  The Funeral Season will take on the generous and gentle innocent role. Even if something happens to the Funeral Poison, he will still be able to pass the information obtained in exchange for the sacrifice of the clan brother back to the Kingdom of God.

   It's not that you ghosts and gods have any extra ideas about this vortex world.

   Instead, they want to use this opportunity to try to obtain more knowledge and skills of the Yao people, so as to push the ghost world into a channel of rapid development.

  Yu Gu, the envoy of Shacheng, stayed in the Zhulu Kingdom, which had a huge impact on the reed people and the Zhuren.

  Before leaving, the apostle Buluo said to the funeral poison: "There are only 146 people left in the funeral family, and each one is very precious. You are the supporters of the kingdom of God and the hope of the future. You shoulder a arduous mission."

   "During this trip, you should try your best to remember and learn the various achievements of the Yao people, especially those related to the ghost world, such as ghosts, military affairs, architecture, engineering..."

   "You are the first funeral family to walk out of the ghost world and see the outside world. This is an honor and a responsibility."

   "The most important thing is that you need to be responsible for all your actions in Shacheng."

   "Do you understand what I mean?"

   Funeral Poison nodded.

  Blow handed him a skull goblet filled with purple-black fruit wine.

The apostle said softly: "I remember when I was very young, the old man told me that the birth of the Undertaker means that one will succeed and all will die. Only one out of hundreds of brainless ghouls will come out and know what they want. funeral family."

   "But I don't think so."

  Blow himself holds the bone wine set: "Whether to live or die, to be muddled, or to pass on to the world, it is up to you to decide."

   "You have been with me for many years, I am at ease when you do things."

   "What to do, what to do, you decide."

  The apostle smiled and clinked glasses with the funeral poison.

   "Good luck, Ambassador."

   Funeral poison raised his wine glass and drank it down.

   These things, Xingdu never told Xingji.

  The less you know, the less trouble you have, and the safer you are.

   Sometimes it is necessary to show a sharp attitude, so many people will think that a reckless and arrogant person probably has a bad brain.


  Yan Du raised his head and looked at the tall tower in front of him.

  It is built of square stone bricks. The tower has neither carvings nor windows. It stands straight, and the top emits a dark green fire.

   The funeral poison can be felt, and there are many ghosts in it.

   "This is the ghost tower."

  The green-clothed Slimode leaned on a silver cane with both hands, and said politely: "You two should be very familiar with ghosts, you can go in and see for yourself. If I'm by your side, you two will feel uncomfortable."

   "There are spiral stairs in the tower, leading to the bonfire on the top of the tower, and the ghost lighthouses communicate with each other through the bonfire. It's just that there is only one lighthouse in this world, and it is temporarily useless."

   "In addition, there are not many ghosts in this lighthouse, but many of the placed objects inside are the private rooms of ghosts. If you don't get permission, please don't touch objects with flame marks on them."

   "Then, I will excuse you first."

   Facing the apostle, Funeral Poison maintained etiquette and respect: "Thank you for your guidance."

  Two undertakers stepped into the tower.

  Different from the messy and simple environment in the black tombstone, everything in the ghost tower is orderly. A large wooden bookshelf is fixed on the wall, and there are many sheepskin scrolls tied with hemp rope, as well as several thick-bound books.

  Look around at the funeral poison, and after confirming that there is no flame mark, take off the next roll of parchment, and untie the wrapped lace.

  The writing on the sheepskin roll is elegant and neat, and the ink marks are clear without any fading. Some of them look like some kind of special oil or a kind of vegetable dye.

  Ghost Realm has its own text, but it usually uses stone slabs as a carrier to engrave and record various events and patterns. The record slabs are thick and heavy, and they are all stored in a huge cellar. It is very laborious to find and organize them.

   It is also because of tedious and troublesome reasons. Even the funeral family, most people don't like to consult the slate.

   “This logging tool really works.”

  Funeral Season looked at the words on the parchment and said enviously, "It would be great if we could do the same."

  The funeral poison brain thought about this feasibility.

   Sheep skin, there are sheep in the ghost world, and you can get skin.

   But you also need this dye on the parchment, and this craft is by no means mastered in a sentence or two.

   Funeral poison speculates that this black dye is either a powder ground from some kind of stone, or a juice extracted from some black plants. But how to make the color uniform, there should be a trick.

  If you inquire about the formula, let alone whether you can get a truthful answer, it will definitely attract the attention of Shacheng... If you anger the apostle mayor here, it will not be worth the loss.

   Funeral poison has a clear goal.

  Don't consider complicated things, try to find simple and imitable Yao tools and achievements.

   "It's a pity that I can't understand the characters of the Yao nationality."

   Funeral Season looked at a roll of parchment, feeling a little helpless.

   "We don't know, but the ghosts here sure do."

  The funeral poison looked around and found a broom against the wall with a flame symbol printed on the handle.

   Now need to find a ghost translator.

  He chanted in his heart.

  —O ghost here, in the name of the dead, call your response...

   The broom shook, and a transparent ghost walked out from inside.

  This ghost is a child, it looks like it is only eleven or twelve years old, and the aura it emits is not strong.

   Funeral Du felt a burst of joy in his heart.

  A young ghost is the best target for intelligence.

   Funeral poison asked it: "The ghost here, we are the funeral family who came here to visit, and we have the permission and invitation of the mayor, Mr. Slymore, and please answer our confusion."

The little ghost yawned, and when he heard the mayor's name, he immediately cheered up: "Outside funeral guests? Hey, I've heard of it. You can find the right person. I, Bocha, are good at news. Little famous."

   Funeral Poison asked, "Crystal City? Where is that?"

   "That is the city of the Yao people, don't you know?"

Bocha said proudly: "Crystal City is one of the new twin cities. Although it is not comparable to the traditional twin cities, it is also famous. Everyone calls it the Bright City, but in fact it should be called the Ghost City. After all, the old Most of the ghostly remnants of the Empire still live there."

   "The era of the old empire? The Yao people built an empire?" Yan Du pretended to be envious: "It's really amazing."

"no no."

  The little ghost waved his hand: "The Yao people don't have the idea of ​​an empire. That is the history of the Boshen Realm in the old **** period, and it has been many years since now."

   "Boshen? Is Yao the God of God?"

"How come, God Bo was wiped out by Lord Yao... Lord Yao never even appeared, and God Bo exploded in fright. It was a very tragic battle of gods, but in fact the two sides in the war were God Bo and King Wuji..."

  After listening to the old history of the empire described by the ghost, Xing Du only felt a little buzzing in his head.

  He could hear that Bocha was definitely not deliberately exaggerating.

  The other party spoke very clearly, including the strength of the gods of the two warring parties and various details of the war of the Kingdom of God. These are the most difficult to fabricate, and it is easy to see the flaws.

  The war started with the overwhelming advantage of Boshen.

  Ke Yao God's will came, directly reversed the situation, forcing Boshen, the **** of the title, to fall on the spot, and did not even dare to take any confrontational actions.

  This is beyond the understanding and cognition of funeral poison.

  According to Bocha’s description, the Fifth Fearless Empire has a population of more than 300,000, 70,000 long-term trained regular troops, and has extraordinary creatures to assist in the battle, as well as four apostles. The empire’s combat power is extremely terrifying.

  Boshen, the ruler of the kingdom of God, made altars of the captured gods many times to demonstrate force and gain the fire of faith.

   Funeral poison is very clear.

  The strength of Boshen Realm in the past, no matter it is against Yougui Realm or Zhulu Kingdom, it will be crushing.

  However, all of these are useless in front of God Yao, and they will be broken at the touch of a touch.

   Funeral poison couldn't help but think of what the apostle Blow said.

   "Don't think about confrontation. The power of the Yao tribe is far beyond your imagination. That God Yao is above all the gods, which is not something you and I can understand..."

   "The Yao people are not our enemies."

   "The so-called enemy is when the strength is evenly matched. If there is a completely irresistible existence, calling the opponent an enemy is just a kind of arrogant joke."

   "Our imaginary enemy has always been the Zhulu Kingdom."

   "Your mission is to achieve more results than the Bamboo Reed Country, so that the Ghost Realm can stand out in the near future, gain an advantage over the Bamboo Reed Country, and gain more dominance in the future."

  The apostles and even Lord You Guishen behind them have already seen everything clearly.

   Funeral poison calmed down, and raised the parchment in his hand: "Can you help us translate the text on it?"

   "It's easy."

   Bo Cha glanced at it: "The volume in your hand is "Abyss Evil", but it is a great epic of the Yao nationality."

   "Then I will trouble you."

   "Small things, don't be polite. How can I say that I am also a ghost scholar, and it is my duty to spread knowledge."

  Bocha began to interpret the epic poem: "It begins like this: He is a sinner who is full of crimes, and a godslayer who is bloodthirsty and sung..."

   "...In this way, Haizhe, the villain of the Yao clan, completed the feat of killing the gods, causing the Lord of the Star Sea to fall, and it has become an old legend forever."

   Funeral Du was silent for a while, and then asked cautiously: "What is this Hai Zhe's status in the Yao Clan?"

   "You can ask the right person about this."

   Bocha whispered: "Actually, he was a vicious criminal in the past and killed many ghosts. Later, he was arrested by Mr. Botu, the commander of Yancheng, and after he was executed, he was locked in a black prison under the ghost lighthouse."

   "Later, the gods were merciful and gave him the opportunity to perform crimes and meritorious deeds, and then Hai Zhe had the opportunity to create an epic. Everyone's attitude towards him is very complicated."

"He has accomplished the feat of killing gods, but he has committed many crimes. Some people worship him, and some people despise him. In terms of strength, he was just ordinary in the past. Once he wanted to escape from prison, but was arrested by a man in armor. Soldiers beat up...should be on the same level as ordinary armored soldiers."

  The funeral season couldn't help but say: "How many armored soldiers are there in the Yao tribe?"

   "I haven't counted." Bocha frowned and thought for a while: "There are probably a few thousand, anyway, every city must have one or two hundred."

  The two mourners were speechless for a while.

   After a while, the funeral poison recovered, and picked up another thick book: "Please introduce this book to us."

   "This is a good book."

   Bocha introduced happily: "This is "Introduction to Dragon Language Vocabulary", which is a book translated by Prophet Longji from the language of Dragon. It has very high academic value."

   "If you can learn these words and use them proficiently, you might be able to use the spell of dragon law."

  Dragon law spells?

   Funeral Poison and Funeral Season glanced at each other.

  The story of the Dragon Clan is more or less rumored in many kingdoms of God.

  For this god-like race, it is itself a powerful pronoun.

   Funeral poison took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile, and pointed to another parchment next to it: "Then what's on this one?"

   "That book is "Pava's Bizarre Adventure"...I like this book very much. It records the feats of many heroes of the Yao people...But there is one problem."

"what is the problem?"

Bocha sighed: "The author, Mr. Pava, stopped writing halfway through. It is said that he is dead, and it is said that he committed suicide because he didn't want to write the manuscript. I don't know where he went, but don't be caught by me. , I want to see the ending of the Dragon's Nest chapter, **** it."


  The sun sets.

   Funeral Poison and Funeral Season walked out of the Ghost Tower with heavy steps.

  What they saw and heard inside was shocking. The history and records on the books and parchment scrolls made them more and more desperate.

  The Yao people have gone too far, and they are already in a place they cannot understand...

   Funeral poison looked into the distance, beside the city wall of sand roses, reed people and bamboo people were there. Zhuhu, who was full of vigor before, was sitting in the corner, looking depressed.

  Lu Shan seemed to realize something, turned around and found that it was the two members of the Funeral Clan, he nodded slightly.

  Yan Du thought for a moment, then looked at his brother next to him: "We have to temporarily change our strategy. Only by cooperating with Zhulu Kingdom can we have a chance to achieve some results in these three days."

  The confrontation between the two kingdoms of God is still going on.

  The city of the Yao nationality only reveals a corner, which gives people a feeling of being breathless. Under such a stressful environment, there is no energy to engage in confrontation.

  The funeral poison went to Lushan, directly expressing the willingness to communicate with each other.

  Lu Shan readily agreed.

   "Then, I wish you a pleasant cooperation in these three days." Funeral Du said solemnly.

  Lu Shan also responded seriously: "I hope we can all get what we want."

  The two sides shook hands.

  It is the same as when the two great kingdoms of God faced natural disasters.

  At this moment, joint cooperation is more in the interests of both parties.

  (end of this chapter)

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