MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 292 i accept your challenge

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  Chapter 292 I accept your challenge

  The strategy of Shacheng is based on mutual visits and exchanges. Whether sending sand walkers or inviting the two countries to participate in activities, it is expanding the influence of the Yao people abroad and continuing to radiate ordinary people in the two kingdoms of God.

  Lu Yao's ultimate goal is to build a civilization circle with culture as the hub, so that the Yougui Realm and Zhulu Kingdom can become a cultural community at the outer layer of the Yao people's world.

  The title of the gods is usually played from top to bottom, controlling the gods at the core of the kingdom of God, so as to achieve the rule and mastery of the whole kingdom of God.

  This method is based on the superstructure. The title of the gods treats the gods as vassals who do not need to pay the land.

  Lu Yao's approach is to not only handle the upper gods, but also carry out the cultural integration of ordinary people.

   This will be tedious and slow, but the advantage is that it is extremely stable and will not be top-heavy.

  Following in the footsteps of the Yao people, Youguijie and Zhulu Kingdom will be guided by the Yao people, allowing them to avoid many detours and have the opportunity to develop rapidly with the help of advanced civilization.

  In order to achieve the strategic goal behind this, Lu Yao formulated a set of policies.

  The Martial Arts Conference allows extraordinary people to discuss and verify their immediate combat abilities, and gives participants from the two countries a chance to show themselves.

  City mutual visits are exchanges and learning at the cultural and technical levels.

   and the most critical step.


   An exclamation mark lit up on Blow's head: "You mean, let the residents of the ghost world move to Shacheng?"

   "To be precise, residents are allowed to migrate to each other."

  Slimmode said: "The few people who visited Shacheng before, Funeral Poison, Funeral Season, Lushan and Zhuhu, were either smart and clever, or tenacious and tenacious. These characters are all good qualities that our Yao people respect."

   "So I thought, Shacheng is a young city, and it was originally immigrated by Yao people from various cities. Why not welcome people with lofty ideals from the two great kingdoms? As long as you work in Shacheng, you are Shacheng residents."

   "Shacheng will not force people to change their beliefs. This can be regarded as a small privilege of this city."

   This is the ultimate goal of Lu Yao's previous series of foreshadowing.

   Absorb immigrants from the kingdom of God.

  At first, Lu Yao wanted to catch some bamboo people, funeral people and reed people to enter the world of Yao people. As long as they go through the baptism of Yao civilization, most of them will soon integrate.

  The imperial scout team led by Botu is a successful case.

  As the two great kingdoms of God sent envoys to visit Shacheng and return to other countries, many changes, either explicit or covert, were brought to the two countries. Both the Lu people and the funeral people have shown their wisdom and talents in different fields.

  Lu Yao gradually changed his thinking.

   Establishing a stable foreign talent absorption system will be more stable and long-term.

   Only then did the apostles go on missions and even absorb high-quality immigrants.

  The most important thing is that neither of the kingdoms of God can refuse this plan.

  Whether it is based on the fear and worry at the level of the gods, or the desire for the advanced technology and culture of Yao civilization, they will agree, and they can only agree.

  After listening to Slymode, Blow was silent for a long time.

  Lu Yao knew that he was waiting for the oracle of Yougui God.

   After a while, Blow said: "This proposal is really hard to refuse, please give me more advice in the future."

   "Great, Mr. Blow, this will be a win-win situation. Both Shacheng and Ghost Realm will be better developed and enhanced. I wish our cooperation smooth."

  Slimerd immediately talked with Blow about the specific cooperation details.

  Seeing this, Lu Yao felt relieved.

now it's right.

  Cooperation is win-win, and confrontational thinking is not advisable.

   After finishing the most critical step of the outer circle of civilization, Lu Yao got up and stretched his limbs and stretched his waist.

   "Small fire, marinate a few ribs for me, the taste is softer, slightly spicy, less sauce."

   "Of order, my lord, please wait a moment."

   The prickly pear was ordered, trotting all the way from the flowerpot to the refrigerator. After a while, the sound of running water from the faucet and the sound of chopping vegetables came from the kitchen.

   It is not long after the new year, and the weather is still chilly. In the rented house without air conditioning, Lu Yao keeps warm with a hot water bottle.

   He freed up one hand to minimize the simulator, and clicked on the official website of the committee.

  There are two new messages on the bulletin board.

  The first article is the "Notice on Publicly Soliciting Clues of Hong Mouxiong's Criminal Gangs Suspected of Violations and Crimes".

  The announcement stated that this Hong Mouxiong used his identity as a player to lure and intimidate women and children under the cover of working in a roadside restaurant in the Nanxian Sub-district area...

  Looking at the detailed description inside, Lu Yao felt more and more familiar.

  Roadside restaurants?

  He carefully observed Hong Mouxiong in the photo.

   I remembered, this person is the Chuancai brother in the restaurant. Although Lu Yao's memory cannot be called a photographic memory now, it is far better than before.

  The notice also attached the names and appearance characteristics of three known abducted children.

   One of them, Lu Yao, has an impression.

  Because there was a missing person notice posted downstairs in the community unit, the lost eight-year-old child was one of them. It was not an accident, but was abducted by criminals.

  Back then, Song Shiyi asked Isabel to have dinner in that restaurant. I don't know if it's a pure coincidence, or she is checking this Hong Mouxiong.

   Lu Yao looked at the next item.

  "Reward Announcement": There was a traffic accident in a certain place in the neighboring city. After the accident, a black travel bag was missing, and a transparent glass Klein bottle was contained in the bag.

  A black stick figure portrait is drawn on the inner wall of the bottle, with big ears and wide eyes, hands reaching knees, simple and simple in shape, and will move on the inner wall of the bottle. Anyone with knowledge is requested to report to the committee...

  Lu Yao immediately realized that it was Can Cong.

  He looked at the date, and found that it was the reward announcement released four days ago. And there is a locked symbol behind the reward announcement, and the note next to it is [Withdrawn].

   Lu Yao pondered, it seemed that the 66th generation Cancong had been arrested.

   It will be difficult for it to get out of the committee.

   After looking through the committee's news and notices for a while, Lu Yao finally waited for the fragrant braised pork ribs to be served. He poured a glass of Coke, put on plastic gloves and was about to eat when there was a knock on the door.

  Small fire immediately drilled into the flower pot and restored the cactus posture.

  Lu Yao grumbled.

  It's one o'clock in the middle of the night, who is knocking on the door?

  At first, he thought, it might be the drunk upstairs who went to the wrong door in a daze.


   The knock on the door was very harsh in the quiet night, the force was not heavy, and there was a sense of sober restraint.

   Lu Yao's heart shuddered. Could it be that he was looking for faults?

Safety first.

  He first summoned Isabel, the Blood Knight and the Tyrant, and directed Isabel to go to the door to inquire.

  Isabel asked in Chinese with a slight accent: "Which one?"

  A male voice came from outside the door: "Dear Mr. Pilot, hello."

  The other party introduced himself: "My name is Harrow, and I was entrusted by Can Cong to retrieve the memory it left here, and I found this place along the way."

"Visiting late at night is also to avoid attracting attention. Please forgive me. The committee has my registration information. You can check it. I have never committed any violations of local rules when I came to this world, but I generally don't want to Just deal with them."

  Isabel got permission from Lu Yao and opened the door.

   Lu Yao looked out through her eyes.

  At the gate of the rental house, there was a dirty stray dog ​​squatting.

  Its white fur is covered with black spots, and there is a large black spot on its right eye, just like the blindfolds that pirates wear on their eyes, making it look a bit fierce.

   Pirate Dog couldn't help but licked his tongue when he saw the pork ribs in Lu Yao's bowl. It tried to turn its face away, but its eyes didn't listen, and its eyes were still focused on the ribs.

  It tried to breathe steadily: "Mr. Pivot, please also give me the memory of Cancong..."

  Before the conversation was over, the pirate dog had nimbly entered, and Isabel didn't even have time to stop it.

   When it rushed to the door, it was precisely kicked by the tyrant.

  The pirate dog landed lightly after a backflip. It looked at the tyrant wearing a bone helmet: "Swordsman, is this an invitation to me to fight?"

   "You are very strong, I accept your challenge."

  The eyes of the pirate dog became like crimson magma, and its body exploded, turning into a twisted black and white monster.

  (end of this chapter)

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