MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 295 virtual universe

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  Chapter 295 Virtual and Real Universe

   "No way!"

  Harrow straightened up abruptly, and said firmly, "Dragon bones cannot be stored, and dragons cannot be folded and wrapped by space. Therefore, Kataro's body must be hidden somewhere in this world."

   "I've found a few keels, but they're not complete."

   Its response was somewhat delayed.

  After Lu Yao said it, he realized this.

   The dragon corpse in Yunzhong Temple was buried under the desert by Yun Wuke because of this characteristic.

  Harrow breathed a sigh of relief: "You almost got me involved. I, Harrow, have experienced many battles and have seen a lot. How could I make such a common-sense mistake."

  Lu Yao thinks so too.

  Then, it seems that there are other reasons for Harrow to stay in the human world.

   "I came here just for the duel with Kataro!"

   "A duel is a sacred and solemn oath!"

   "As Cerberus, the oath is life, a lofty responsibility and obligation, and an external manifestation of noble divinity!"

"I see…"

  Under the offensive of Lu Yao's pork ribs and honey cake, the pirate dog slowly relaxed.

   In fact, Harrow decided to return to the Underworld after a hundred years of fruitless searching for the Red Dragon. It was impossible to collect the remains of the red dragon for a while, and Harrow had been away from the gate of the underworld for too long this time.

  It contacted the leader of Cerberus through a special method, titled the **** "Hundred-armed Giant", but got a reply like a bolt from the blue.

   "The gate of the underworld has no place for you."

  Cerberus is an exclusive group responsible for guarding the gates of the underworld. Every two Cerberus will guard the gate for an era, and then continue to work in shifts, for a total of fifty Cerberus.

   There is also a cruel elimination within Cerberus. Those with excellent abilities will shoulder their responsibilities, and the weak will not be eligible for the mission, and will be reduced to bereaved dogs, and even the name of Cerberus will be lost.

  Harrow has repeatedly emphasized that it is definitely not weak in the Cerberus group, it looks above average.

   "The reason is that I borrowed the "Hell Eye" of the "Hundred-Armed Giant" because I was damaged when fighting against the "Dragonthorn Scale" of the red dragon. That's why the "Hell Eye" suddenly broke away and disappeared, causing one of my heads to explode. "

   Speaking of this, Harrow was rather despondent, with drooping ears and drooping tail.

  Lu Yao summed up the central idea: "In other words, you are equivalent to being persuaded to quit by the title of god?"

   "It's vacation!" Harrow corrected.

  Lu Yao asked again: "You said before that you must have a position and order at the gate of the underworld to be considered Cerberus. Do you think you are still?"

  Harrow dog's mouth squirmed: "I think I am."

  Lu Yao was curious: "Is Cerberus a believer in the "Hundred Armed Giant"? What kind of group is it? "

   "I can only tell you, no. Others are inconvenient to disclose."

   When it comes to the details of the underworld, it is very tight-lipped.

  Lu Yao suggested: "Since you have nothing to do now, do you want to consider working with me?"

  Harrow doesn’t need to do anything, just the information about the underworld that he carries, as well as his years of experience in guarding the gates of the underworld, is a treasure trove of dog-shaped knowledge, which will be very helpful for optimizing the management of ghosts.

   "Although you are a respected sailor, let me refuse."

  Harrow said proudly: "I was born from the underworld, and I will eventually return to the underworld. Cerberus will not accept recruitment and gifts from foreign gods!"

  Lu Yao said it was a pity.

   It seems that Harrow has a deep affection and sense of belonging to the underworld.

   "Then if you are willing in the future, you are welcome to come over at any time."

  Lu Yao threw out an olive branch.

  Harrow squatted on the ground and said very formally: "Thank you for your attention and kindness, but this is still impossible."

   "I have some doubts."

   "Please tell me."

  Lu Yao said: "According to human myths and legends, it seems that Cerberus was used as the prototype to fabricate the image of the three-headed **** dog. So is Cerberus in the form of a three-headed dog?"

   Harrow also said before that in the four battles between Him and the Red Dragon, two of his heads were blown off, and with the remaining head, there are exactly three.

"of course not!"

Harrow shook his head and said, "That's the distorted image of the rules of the world. You are the pioneer, and you must know that if you step into other worlds, the image of the more powerful the power will be distorted and hidden, no matter what posture you show in the end, you will always be able to see it." Not what it was."

   "Different individuals have different images under the projection of world rules."

"When Cerberus enters your world, he will take the shape of a three-headed monster, so he is considered to be a wolf or a dog with three heads... We do have three heads, representing our three postures, in different postures Face different situations. It’s not like losing a head and losing it forever.”

   "In order to facilitate walking and not attract attention, I act in the current posture."

  Lu Yao nodded.

   There is a time limit when the low-dimensional dimension enters the high-dimensional dimension. If it exceeds fifteen days, it will become an unpredictable monster or alien.

  Harrow is also from Gao Jiewei, obviously not bound by this rule.

  In this way, some of the myths circulated by humans are real descriptions with certain references. It's just that these descriptions have been passed down through word of mouth for a long time and have been deleted, deleted, and modified, and many of them have deviated greatly from the original version.

  Lu Yao changed direction: "Let's talk about the situation of Can Cong."

   "Oh, almost forgot."

  Harrow tore two bites of ribs, his fangs crackling.

   "It's being hunted by a group, I think it's from the Committee."

  Lu Yao said in his heart that it was true.

   "Cancong asked me to do it a favor, let me find the memory it placed, and bring it to it." Harrow bit the bone ferociously, and his voice became indistinct.

  Lu Yao thought for a while and refused.

  Although he didn't think Haro was lying, whether it was the memory stick figure on his wrist or the part left in the dragon's nest, Can Cong could only get it by himself.

  This also shows from the side that the new generation of Cancong does not remember what happened before.

   "It's okay, then I'll just stay here and wait for it to come over."

  Harrow readily agreed with Lu Yao: "Anyway, as long as I am here, it is not a breach of the oath. It's just that you refuse to give it, and I can't beat you."

   "I feel that Cancong may have been caught."

  The three-headed dog's [Stalker Mystery] can lock and track the target, and he can find the memory fragments here in Lu Yao by smelling the silkworms all the way.

  At the same time, he can also perceive the general direction of silkworms.

  Parting from Can Cong, that Long Su Zhu Cong suddenly became motionless. Not long ago, after arriving in the city where Lu Yao was, Harrow found that the breath of silkworms had completely disappeared, just like the red dragon.

  The difference is that the fragments of the red dragon's corpse are scattered all over the world, and some clues can still be found, but there is no trace of the silkworm cluster at all.

   "About yesterday, I vaguely sensed Silkworm Cong again, but this time it is far away in the north. It should take a lot of time for it to find it all the way, so I will trouble you. I will be waiting for it at your place recently."

  Harrow straightened his body, squatted on the ground, with his ears pricked up, making a gesture of bowing and saluting.

  Lu Yao was momentarily at a loss for words.

   Cengfan is Cengfan, and he said it so righteously.

   What about not accepting external recruitment and gifts?

  Eating is another thing, right?

  Lu Yao thought to himself, forget it, just open your mouth more. Speaking of which, Harrow can be regarded as a down-and-out beater from another world. He was not fired, but no one wanted him.

  Beating workers does not mean beating workers.

  Lu Yao unpacked a pack of meat muffins for it and put it in a bowl: "Hello, do ghosts only appear in low-dimensional worlds?"


The pirate dog set his teeth sideways, chewing the meat muffin: "This is the universe, and the universe itself is a giant boundary anchor. Its existence will make the surrounding space relatively solidified, and this solidification will continue to extend to the outside world until it completely enters the world. Absolutely still.

   "In the universe, the pressure of rules will continue to grow and solidify, and will compress all visible and invisible objects to a limit range."

   "Don't talk about ghosts, our Cerberus itself is very adaptable, but if we enter another universe, we will be restrained and weakened in all aspects."

   "I was still very strong in my heyday, and my combat power was at least three times what it is now. After coming here, I was much weaker. It should be the same when Cattaro comes over."

  Harrow licked the tip of his nose.

  Lu Yao grasped something vaguely: "Does the lower dimension also belong to the real universe?"

   "You are talking about the universe."

After eating the meal given by Lu Yao, Harrow was very patient in explaining: "The virtual universe is what is commonly referred to as a low-dimensional universe. Compared with the real universe, it is full of changes. Both time and space are in a continuous change of leaps and bounds. …it’s like being on the surface and underwater.”

   "No matter how wide the water surface is, it is only the top of the water."

   "No matter how deep the water is, it cannot directly affect the range of the water surface."

"The universes cannot directly touch and overlap. They are independent spatial dimensions. No matter how big or far they expand, or how much space around them is solidified, it is only based on the water surface of the boundary anchor. Everyone is different. In the depth of the water, they will not meet."

   "Only through the virtual universe can a real touch be made."

  Lu Yao's scattered thoughts finally became clear.

  He put forward an idea: "That is to say, in the world where the real universe usually lives, it is difficult to encounter other real universes... or other civilizations?"

   "You're right."

  Harrow snorted at the bone marrow in the ribs: "It's like trees in different positions on the mountain."

   "Their roots are relatively fixed, and the roots are the universe, which will grow downward under regular pressure and lock the surrounding soil environment. But the leaves on the tree have more directions and changes, and these branches and leaves are the universe."

   "The superposition of many changing universes constitutes a relatively solid universe."

   "That's about it."

  What Lu Yao thought was.

  Satellites and probes launched by humans, even Voyager 1, which drifted the farthest, still failed to leave the solar system, nor did they receive any signals from other intelligent civilizations.

  According to Harrow’s description and definition of the real universe, no matter how far and how long the probe flies, it is difficult to find the root of another piece of reality in this frozen space.

   To get in touch with other worlds, one has to enter the virtual universe where the branches and leaves are.

  This is consistent with Song Shiyi's previous conclusion.

   Thanks: Taotao Berry No Tea supports 2100 starting coins, book friend 20180607011836575 supports 500 starting coins, Renrunjia supports 100 starting coins, Yelong Xianbei supports 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)