MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 316 tamed elephant

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  The appearance of the white elephant stunned Song Shiyi beside him.

   "There really are elephants..."

  Ming Zai, who was dozing off on her shoulder, flapped her wings and flew all the way over the elephant to scout the enemy.

   This white elephant does not seem to be irritable. It just rolls up pieces of grass with its nose, chews them in its mouth and swallows them.

  It feels like going out for a supper.

  Lu Yao opened the [Eye of True Sight] with Isabel's eyes to get information about the elephant.


  【Shifang White Elephant LV29】【Weakness】

  HP: 1217/3594

   Mana: 201/545

   Damage: 0

   Defense: 54

   Speed: 16

  【Thick Skin】

   Innately have a high health value.

  【Wish force species】

  Collect the prayers of all living beings and feed on the power of the vows.

  【Advanced Camouflage LV2】

   Enter the camouflage state, and you will be seen through when you get close. If not detected, the first attack is guaranteed to cause double damage.

  【Fog Element】

   Gain [Camouflage] in the environment of cloud and fog elements, and gain double speed.

  【Ten parties wish LV2】

   Provide prayers and vows to provide calm and joyful feedback, and the effect is related to the level of this ability.


  Shifang White Elephant walked and ate unhurriedly, its flexible nose rolled pieces of lawn into its mouth, and its buttocks pulled out groups of foggy hay poop.

  It eats and pulls, but it also enjoys it.

  After flying around to inspect the enemy's situation, Ming Zai, the bird, returned and said: "This is the wish power species!"

   "It has to be brought under control."

  Song Shiyi said, she quickly pulled off her coat, revealing the white sweater inside. She grabbed behind her hand and took out a black fishing rod from the chain behind her back.

  She raised the fishing rod back, and the silver fishing line was entangled in the night, and disappeared without a trace.

  Song Shiyi ran around the white elephant at high speed, agile and flexible.

  She shouted: "Cover me, don't let it get away."

  Isabel summoned the holy sword, and also marked the white elephant from the other side at close range to prevent it from escaping with [advanced camouflage].

  Song Shiyi's fishing rod was gently swung, and the white elephant was wrapped with luminous silver threads. It seemed to finally realize that something was wrong, shaking its head and twisting its ears, trying to break the restraint.

   But no matter how hard it struggled and circled, it couldn't get rid of the fishing line, but was entangled more and more tightly.

  The giant beast started to run on the football field. Song Shiyi easily jumped onto the back of the elephant with his help, and began to tame the elephant with an unusually proficient posture.

  Elephants running wildly in circles, girls with blown hair on their backs, and the fishing rods in the girls' hands are strange scenes in the gymnasium.

  Isabel is also constantly moving, as long as she is ordered, she is always ready to use the holy sword to assist in the battle.

   After tossing back and forth for half an hour, Shifang White Elephant gradually calmed down. The behemoth that was struggling frenziedly before, as if resigned to its fate, stopped lazily at this time, and continued to roll the lawn to eat.

  Song Shiyi looked relieved. She held the fishing rod in one hand and waved to Isabel with the other: "Miss Mary, come up."

  Isabel jumped onto the elephant's back nimbly, and sat behind Song Shiyi.

  Through the apostle's eyes, Lu Yao saw that Song Shiyi was emitting a faint white gas all over his body, and he didn't know whether it was the heat of his body or some other kind of power.

   "The wish force species is a very harmful group."

  Song Shiyi held the fishhook in her hand, so she had time to talk to Isabel Cope: "Their origin is difficult to verify, but their abilities are very special. They can collect prayers and wish power, and then give feedback to the wishers with false wishes."

"It is a potent psychoactive opiate far more harmful than alcohol and tobacco addiction, which confuses reality and illusion and quickly destroys a person's cognitive abilities and destroys a person's sense of self .”

"Many years ago, there were still wishing species on the earth, and they were all restrained and controlled by the voyagers. But even so, a little carelessness would still cause great harm to ordinary people. Later, the voyagers took all The wish force species are exiled, this group no longer exists in this world..."

  Wishing force species is a kind of walking high-concentration living drug for human beings.

  By nature, they will continue to collect human desires and achieve them in false ways, giving people strong comfort.

  The ability of the wishing force will make people addicted immediately, and eventually people will quickly leave the world and live completely in the illusion constructed by the wishing force.

  Lu Yao always felt that this kind of wishing force was so similar to the wishing spirit?

  Distant relatives?

   Or is the ancestor a family?

  He asked the question through Isabel.

   "You're half right."

  Song Shiyi's panting gradually calmed down, and her voice stabilized: "According to the committee's investigation in the No. 7 wasteland, the wasteland world used to create a group of [Wishing Spirits] based on the wish power species."

   "Different from the wishing power species, the wishing spirit can be precisely controlled initially to serve special occasions, such as helping the dying to die in a relaxed and peaceful state."

   "It's just that after the No. 7 wasteland was completely destroyed, the out-of-control wishing spirits blended with each other, lost their orders, and gradually became what we saw."

  Isabel followed Lu Yao's words at the same time: "This time it seems that it is not a wishing spirit, but a wishing power?"

  “…It is likely that the previous judgment was based on the wrong foundation.”

  Song Shiyi doesn't shy away from failure: "Let me communicate with it and see what's going on."

  She put her left hand on the white elephant's skin, and a thin voice floated from the touch of her palm.

  Song Shiyi frowned and listened for a long time.

   Neither Isabel nor Lu Yao could understand what was in these voices.

  About ten minutes later, Song Shiyi gently touched the back of the elephant with her hand: "It was tamed by someone to collect wish power and try to control the player."

   "This person has a special identity, but the white elephant's cognitive ability is limited."

  At this time, Ming Zai, who was hovering in the air, suddenly yelled sharply: "It's not good! This place is blocked...We are not in the gymnasium, but in a gap in space."

   "It's a trap!"

   As soon as the words fell, all the lights in the gymnasium were suddenly turned on, and all the lights were focused on a person sitting in the audience.

  This man wore a pair of rimless glasses. He looked thirty or forty years old. He was wearing a gray suit, with a gold watch on his wrist, and his eyes were light red.

  Beside him, stood a white-haired and white-browed child who was concentrating on origami.

   "After waiting for so long, I didn't expect Prosecutor Song to come. I thought it would be an investigator from the Executive Bureau. Hasn't Nam Dou appeared yet? I've been waiting for him..."

  The man had a faint smile on his face: "Seeing you having fun with my elephant, I didn't spoil your elegance. Although this guy is a bit stupid, he has a lovely personality."

  Although it was far away, the voice of the other party came clearly.

  Song Shiyi looked towards the audience, with a surprisingly serious expression on her face: "Who are you?"


  The man had a half-smile on his face: "I am [Beidou], don't you recognize me? And this kid."

  He touched the hair of the origami kid next to him: "Yao Zhu changed his appearance, grew hair, and changed into normal clothes, so he couldn't recognize him?"

   "You are not Beidou."

  Song Shiyi's voice was calm: "Who the **** are you?"

   "If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do."

  The corner of the other party's mouth twitched, and he adjusted his glasses: "But I believe that Luna should still remember me? After all, it was Luna who separated us..."

  Song Shiyi's left eye lit up with a crescent silver light, but this change was fleeting.

  Lu Yao unfolded [The Curse of True Sight] through Isabel.


  【Big Dipper】Lian Zhen Xingjun【Weakness】

  HP: 213980/213980

   Mana: 30089/30089

   Damage: 548

   Defense: 216

   Speed: 14


   Exists in a multi-body symbiotic posture, gaining additional benefits.

  【Old God Curse LV99】

   Cursed by the old gods and sealed in all directions.


  God qualification.

  【Lian Zhen Xingjun】

  The Fifth Star Lord of the Big Dipper has the ability to use the rules [paint the ground as a prison] to imprison the enemy.


  【Godhead】: Yes.

  【Divinity】: Humble as an ant (52541).

  [God body]: The rank of the gods.


  Lu Yao's hands felt a little tense.

   This person is really Big Dipper, even though he is cursed by the old gods and sealed by the power of rules, the data panel is still ridiculously strong.

   Shake people!

  Lu Yao quickly dispatched troops and generals.

  At the same time, he picked up the second-hand laptop he bought not long ago, put on his shoes, went out to take a taxi, and rushed to the front in person.

Read The Duke's Passion