MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 330 how much do you want

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  Chapter 330 I will give you as much as you want

   Moments have three wonders: decomposition, statistics, and evolutionary screening.


[Decomposition]: Consume 30 points of belief to decompose a certain individual substance into more basic elements. Multiple decompositions need to consume 30 beliefs to the power of X. If the target is a creature, it needs to consume its existing life before The value of the number of beliefs.

  [Statistics]: Consume 40 faith points, collect, organize and analyze the quantitative data of a large number of phenomena and deduce their essence and laws.

  [Evolution Screening]: Consume 100 Faith Points to simulate the evolution of the required individual. If the target is a creature, it needs to consume an additional Faith of its derivation level x 100.


   Among the three miracles, disintegration is Moment's only means of attack.

  Ju performed on-the-spot according to Lu Yao's request.

  It floated in the air, illuminating the corpse of the tricolor worm that died on the rock salt before, and soon, the dried worm turned into four small piles of debris.

   "These are the four basic compounds that make up tricolor insects, plus water, they constitute the most basic tricolor insect body structure."

   Moment said that if further decomposition is required, the consumption of faith will increase exponentially.

  Taking the tricolor worm as an example, the cost of the second decomposition is 900 points, the third decomposition requires 27,000 points, the fourth decomposition requires 810,000 beliefs, and the fifth decomposition reaches a terrifying 24.3 million.

  The more you explore the essence, the more expensive it is.

   On the other hand, since Moment's speed has reached an astonishing 148 points, as long as the decomposition attack is launched, it is difficult for the enemy to escape its attack range.

  Lu Yao is most interested in the remaining two abilities, statistics and evolution screening.

  Especially evolutionary screening.

  Moment demonstrates the effect of this miracle.

  He selected a Y-shaped tricolor insect, and cast a beam of light to envelop the tricolor insect. The light passed through the insect's body, and projected a blurred silhouette in the air behind.

  The aerial projection slowly twisted and slowly condensed into a larger X-shaped worm.

  The projection shows 【Tricolor LV5】.

   "Based on the current environment, the tricolor worm has further evolved and possessed wisdom, which is the unit worm."

  Ji explained while demonstrating: "Then, it's a step further."

   Lighting continues.

  The shape of the X-shaped worm on the projection is still changing, slowly growing into a tic-tac-toe.

   [Tricolor worm LV10] is displayed above the well-shaped worm.

   Evolution continues.

  The evolution of moments takes 5 levels as a ladder, and is deduced step by step.

   This simple creature has grown more limbs.

  Moment said, because tricolors themselves belong to lower organisms, physical memory is more effective and easier to last than brain memory. It identifies the orientation and expands the range of perception from its own body, so it further refines and extends the body.

  After coming to LV20, the form of the tricolor has undergone a leap-forward change.

  The body that was originally like a small octopus shrinks and condenses, and a hard shell grows on its back, becoming like a small crab or a small scorpion, relying on the small limbs under the shell to move.

   This reminded Lu Yao of an ancient creature on the earth: horseshoe crab.

  Evolution simulation gradually deepens.

  The back shell of the tricolor worm is getting bigger and bigger, and its limbs are getting thicker, as if it is changing towards the identity of a predator.

   But after arriving at LV40, the tricolor worm took another 180-degree turn, as if some kind of mutation had occurred.

  Its appearance has become completely different from before, with a columnar head followed by an extremely long thin tail, which looks like a wire with a plug.

  Ju introduced: "At this stage of evolution, the tricolor worm has initially mastered an ability with great potential. Please take a look."

  Lu Yao saw that the plug tricolor worm stretched its body, and the tails of other tricolor worms were connected to it vertically and horizontally, as if threads were woven into a piece of cloth.

   "It's biointegration."

  The number 15 is lit up on the top of Moji's head, which means that he is happy in his heart.

  "Biological integration will allow all their information to be integrated into the next generation. The tricolor worms will continue to transmit and integrate information to complete the convergence and primitive accumulation of information on the entire population civilization."

   "Tricolor worms are an excellent operator group."

  Lu Yao became interested and asked him to use this miracle to see the situation of the various ethnic groups of the Yao people.

  Ju took the order and hung high in the air.

  He keeps flying around the world of the Yao people, searching and screening patiently.

  The whole process lasted for about an hour, and Lu Yao was getting impatient.

   Moment finally stopped in the air.

   "Pilot, I have carried out your order. I derived the numerical formula of the active species on the surface of this world through [Great State Digitization], and sorted and analyzed it with [Statistics]..."

   "There are too many life variables here, and the redundant information is complex, resulting in calculation errors that greatly exceed the acceptable threshold. The same evolution will produce a large number of different results. There are many excellent lives here, but none of them are high-quality operators."

  Moment has a whole set of calculation process.

  【Great State Digitization】→【Statistics】→【Evolution Screening】

  Regardless of the environment, rules or species, due to the existence of too many variables, the answer given by moments is that it cannot evolve—even if the evolution is simulated, the error will be large.

  Based on the same reason, moments cannot be evaluated for the entire Yao world.

  Lu Yao sent him to Yunzhong Temple again.

  The environmental rules here are single, which can eliminate many interferences. The disadvantage of the vortex world has become an advantage during the evolutionary screening.

  In Shacheng, Sand Meigui is the one with the highest evaluation.

   "This is a stable and controllable life. Its [Counterattack] and [Sand Eating] are very potential mechanisms. If it can cooperate with another or two species, it may be possible to build a regional algorithm."

  As for the mobile ghosts, Wuji people, elves, squirrels, and even the exotic bamboo people, reed people, and funeral people, Ju's evaluation is the same.

   "There are too many variables, so it is not a qualified operator."

   Moment evaluation criteria are based on calculations.

  Suddenly, the golden number 15 lit up above Ji's head again, showing excitement.

   "Excellent operator!"

  He flew to the depths of the sand sea in Yunzhong Temple, hung in the air, and cast a light curtain on the creatures in the sand.

   On the ground is a group of bugs that are slowly on their way.

   Lu Yao took a look, shell cockroach?

   "Excellent group coordination, excellent endurance, strong adaptation to the environment and food... This is a biological algorithm that can complement the tricolor worm, and it can be used for calculation immediately with a little guidance."

  Ju kept turning on the lights above his head, showing a kind of ecstasy.

  Lu Yao understood.

   To use creatures as operators, it is required to have group sociality, have a very strong instinctive tendency, and its own structure should not be too complicated, which will form the basis of large-scale calculations.

   It is not easy to say simple.

"Dear Navigator, please allow me to transplant this species to 【Zhuri Bay】. They are different from the tricolor worms, they can adapt to a more extreme and harsh environment, and will constitute an outer algorithm. If the tricolor When the bug algorithm reports an error, they can eat the unit that reported the error and give feedback..."

  Lu Yao said, take it away, take it away, I will give you as much as you want.

  Anyway, the shell cockroaches are only the initial test items. They are placed in the desert, and now they are more like a group of scavengers.

  Looking at the mesmerizing state of Ju sucking away most of the cockroach shells with light, and the lights above his head constantly turning on, Lu Yao felt a strange feeling in his heart.

  Life has its own way.

   It is just to see if there is any opportunity, and if you can meet the opportunity and environment that fit this species within a limited life cycle.

  The difference between the Yao people and the shell cockroaches is that they can change the environment independently, so that the external nature fits them.


  Ju brought the shell cockroach back to the Kingdom of God, and then began to build the cockroach algorithm without any pause.

  Lu Yao began to look far away.

  Moment combines the existing [Zhuri Bay] with the kingdom of God, but basically it is all on the shell of this spiral world. Moment did not interfere with the original ecology inside.

   The geological structure of this spiral-shaped world is very special, and it is divided into two spatial systems.

  One is the regular topography on the surface of the spiral. There are diverse landforms on the surface, wide plains, mountains and hills, rivers and forests, and various terrain elements are relatively complete, which is also the area where moments are mainly used for calculations.

  Lu Yao called this space the surface world, which is similar to the surface of the Yao world.

  Another space system is the inner world, that is, the space inside the screw mouth. This place is like a giant hole, and the inside is spiraling down, and the environments of different floors are completely different.

  The inside of the snail-shaped world has been artificially hollowed out, leaving only the bottom area, so it is indeed like the shell of a conch.

  The screw mouth of the world in the world is surrounded by a black mist, and under the mist lives a group of villains who look like tin soldiers.

  They have a metal body with a hat-like crystal on top of their head. The crystal emits a faint light, but it is not enough to illuminate the surroundings.

  Each of the crystal villains holds a hanging lamp to illuminate the area above their heads. They move carefully in the black fog, and the protection of the lights prevents the fog beasts from approaching. They have been looking for the few materials on the ground, and sometimes find the same kind of corpses.

  Lamp family.

  Seeing these villains, Lu Yao was not too surprised.

  He had a guess at the beginning that the [Fog Harbor] where the Lantern Race lived might not be too far away from the Vortex World.

  Otherwise, it would be difficult for the ghosts of the Lantern Clan to pass by the distant Yunzhong Temple.

  The Fog Harbor at the top of Zhuri Bay is essentially a huge man-made garbage mountain, where all kinds of waste materials are piled up.

  A large number of garbage completely blocked the screw mouth, and the edge area is a tall mountain wall that rises upwards, and the fog beasts are watching it.

  Foggy Harbor is like an upside-down bottle cap. All the Lanterns live in the cap, and the top is covered by thick and continuous black fog, which keeps them in constant fear and anxiety.

  Lu Yao looked at the backstage of Zhuriwan, and found that there are only 2021 members of the Lantern Clan, including some sleepers who have not been ignited.

  In the twilight under the black mist, each of the lamp family villains is busy repairing the hanging lamps and filling them with fuel. However, they don't know that the weird mist lingering above their heads and the beasts in the mist are nothing but beast pens specially built by Yingshen for them.

  The purpose is to let the Lantern clan continue to make lamps, make sky lanterns, and even create the precious high imitation sun [Crown], and then sell these lamp clan products together with the Lantern clan villains.

  Lu Yao clicked the mouse to erase the black mist.

  The long dark history of Fog Harbor has come to an end, and the light that should have existed here ushered in.

  The lamp clan villains who were working in a hurry raised their heads one by one, looking at the sun in the clouds above their heads.

   "The black mist is gone? It's gone... It's gone!"

   "Omg, oh my god, our sun is back and it's still there!"

   "The fog beast disappeared? It's so bright, is that the sun? It's so beautiful... Am I dreaming?"

   "It turns out that Wugang is so small..."

  The little lantern clan put down their tools one after another, raised their heads wearing crystals, and looked at the sun for a long time. Even so, they still held on to the hanging lamps in their hands, for fear that the darkness would fall again.

  At this time, Isabel landed from the sky with her magic wand, and announced to all the Lanterns: "The great Lord Yao has untied your shackles, the dark age is over, and you are free."

  The Lantern Clan villains looked at each other in blank dismay.

   "What is freedom?"

   "The new god, is he going to abandon the Lantern Race? Please don't abandon us!"

   "Master God, we are very useful, we are lamp makers, we can make all kinds of hanging lamps... Not long ago, there was a master who made sky lanterns."

   "Please trust us, we work, we work, we never stop working..."

  Lanterns showed more uneasiness, confusion and fear of the end of the existing traditional order.

  Lu Yao frowned.

   Yingshen, this kid has really dark hands, and he completely treats the Lantern Clan as blindfolded animals.

  (end of this chapter)

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