MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 332 on purpose

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  Chapter 332 is intentional

  Different from the greedy and tyrannical red dragons, and also different from the black dragons who love to feed dark creatures, silver dragons abide by aristocratic etiquette and are simple in nature, while brass dragons like to chat and do business with various races.

  These two are law-abiding factions in the Dragon Clan.

  Silver dragons are usually researchers and scholars of draconic arts, while brass dragons are socializers and merchants among dragonkind.

   Although not the same reason, these two groups have the same purpose. They expressed their willingness to buy the lamp family to Yingshen, hoping to have a long-term cooperation with him.

  At this stage, Yingshen suddenly had a transformation like Longchang's enlightenment.

   It may be that the dragon clan itself is a resource, or it may be that it is completely disappointed and tired of the past positioning of the kingdom of God, or it may be that it has tasted the sweetness of human trafficking...

  In short, He began to completely reverse the positioning of the entire Kingdom of God.

  Since the 58th era, Zhuri Bay has gradually become a trading port with lamp clan as commodities.

  Especially after the Lantern Clan produced the [Sky Lantern], its value was greatly increased, and it was enthusiastically sought after by the Brass Dragon, and was sold to all parts of the virtual universe by this group of Dragon Clan merchants.

  In the 60th era, the Lantern clan created the first artificial sun [Crown], which also brought the transaction value of the Lantern clan to its peak.

   [Crown of Light] has become a high-grade commodity derived from the lamp family, which is even rarer than the lamp family itself.

   It is described in Zhuriwan's [Development History].

  「…The Dragon Clan came in and out frequently, and there was an endless stream of transactions. At one time, there were only a hundred members of the Lantern Clan.」

  Lu Yao Click this article to get the relevant panel of this artificial sun.


  [Glory Crown LV3]: Faith +2/hour.

  The power of the Lantern family is an epic prop created by imitating the sun. It rotates regularly in the air, rising from the west and falling from the east.

  HP: 1400/1400

   Mana: 816/816



  【Praise the Sun】

  When the corona is in operation, all life within its radiation range will gain [peace] and [pleasure] states.

  Equipment needs:

  Lamp Family (0/1)


[Crown of Light] can disperse the darkness, so that the fog beasts cannot touch the lamp family in physical form, and [Praise the Sun] will also greatly reduce the attack and aggression of the fog beasts, bringing rare safety and tranquility to the lamp family .

  Unfortunately, the abilities displayed by the Lantern Clan did not bring them peace and stability, but instead made this Clan a more popular commodity.

  Firefly continued to excavate the Kingdom of God, almost hollowing out the bottom of the entire world, and then filled it with the coal mines obtained from the Dragon Clan trade.

  The coal was ignited, burning out the lamp family one by one, and burning out the black cage that locked the lamp family in the tray world.

  Zuri Bay is like a huge nautilus, the inside is almost drilled hollow, just to continuously use coal to interfere with abnormalities, make carbon and then process it into lamps.

  The Kingdom of God has become a processing plant and casting furnace with the lamp family as the final product.

  Under the frantic development of Yingshen, the world rules of the Kingdom of God have been greatly damaged, and the self-healing of the rules cannot even keep up with the destruction speed of Yingshen.

  Then, the bottom of the entire Kingdom of God was completely broken.

   Lu Yao was a little puzzled when he saw this.

  Even if the lamp family is produced in large quantities, the environmental tolerance is still considered to some extent. Does Yingshen, a **** who created three generations of new humans, not know this?

  Continue reading, Lu Yao gradually understands everything.

   is intentional.

Firefly God deliberately hollowed out the ground of the Kingdom of God. Along the area where the Nine Harvest Pillar is located, he continued to use miracles to tear a big gap along the regular cracks, and threw all kinds of life into the abnormal interference area. Strange creatures and non-living things Created to haunt the underground world, the world beasts are exhausted.

  Although the gods can't fix the rules, as long as they have rich experience, they can break the rules, and they can do it very well.

  Due to the sustainable depletion of Yingshen, Zhuri Bay was broken.

  Some rules of the entire Kingdom of God have completely collapsed and stopped functioning, including the common natural phenomena such as [storm], [low temperature], and [humidity] that Firefly God does not want.

   This action makes Zhuriwan more suitable for the carbon people and the lamp people to live in, and at the same time makes the era change permanently stop at the 62nd era.

   This is good for Yingshen who sells the lamp clan.

  He divided the world into three layers, and the basin with **** on the top is the exhibition room of the Lantern Clan [Fog Harbor]. Black mist and fog beasts surround it, making it impossible for the Lantern villains to escape, and they must keep making lights to ensure safety.

  Lanterns who have been in fear for a long time have no spare time to think about what is going on in this world and why they live in such a mist.

  The second layer is [Carbon City], where carbon citizens are fixed. They continue to burn, and they are not only the core raw materials for making lamps, but also the source of fog beasts.

  The third floor is the deepest part of the ground, connected to the Jiuhe Pillar at the other end of the Kingdom of God. This is also the place where Yingshen is trying to create the fifth generation of humans.

  The Lantern Clan in Wugang struggled to survive, and would be bought by the Dragon Clan from time to time.

  The carbon citizens of Carbon City are burning fires all year round. Their thoughts are running in the foggy harbor, showing their hunting and attacking instincts like wild beasts. These feelings are like hazy dreams to them.

  Neither the Carbon Folk nor the Lantern Folk know of the existence of the other group.

  Living like this for many years, until the Longsu accident, Yingshen left and fell, and the moment came quietly.

  Lu Yao overlooked this spiral world.

   At the relatively sharp spiral cone, there is indeed a Jiuhe pillar standing.

   This Jiuhe column also shows damage, it cannot be used without repairs by the dragon family or the column cluster.

  Lu Yao called Cancong to repair it.

  Now, Cancong has changed several generations, but Lu Yao will not continue to use the apostle's mark on it, which is too expensive and unnecessary.

   Cancong cannot leave the world of the Yao tribe alone. It has the same purpose as Lu Yao, both of which are to pursue the world of passages. So let it be Pasha's teacher in Dragon's Nest, to balance the influence of Yeti Jimmy on Pasha.

  The repaired Jiuhe column is displayed.

  【Positioning completed】: Zhoudao.

  The passage worlds around Zhuri Bay have been completely destroyed, or are impassable, and there is no other way.

   This made Lu Yao somewhat regretful.

  The next step is to go to the blood hill where martial arts prevails.

  Compared to Zhoudao, Zhuri Bay's world rules have been severely damaged, almost like a miniature cloud temple. But there are still a certain number of carbon people and lamp people inside.

  Lamp family: 2021 people.

  Carbon people: 16,788 people.

  Lu Yao focused on observing the carbon people.

  They look like dark red cone-shaped stones, fixed in carbon like a giant coal furnace.


  【Carbon Citizen LV2】

   Health: 1899/1899

   Mana: 1/1

   Damage: 0

   Defense: 1

   Speed: 0

  【Abnormal interference】

  【Fog Beast】

  The thoughts of the carbon people will form fog beasts as they burn themselves, moving in the darkness and smoke, letting go of all their imaginations and desires.


  The Mist Beast is a strange-shaped monster in the black smoke, some of which look like four-legged black jellyfish, which can swim in the black smoke or run fast.


  【Fog Beast LV2】

   Health: 189/189

   Mana: 1/1

   Damage: 5

   Defense: 1

   Speed: 5


  Have the instinct to hunt other life.


  The attack panel of the Mist Beast is very ordinary. In the eyes of the Yao people, it is a kind of extraordinary creature in the wild. But for the Lantern Clan, the Mist Beast is an irresistible fear of death.

  Lu Yao first extinguished all the carbon miners to avoid the appearance of fog beasts.

  He looked at the bottom of the spiral world.

  Here is something that Lu Yao is very concerned about.

   World Pot.

  It is said to be a pot, but it is actually a special spectacle based on the abnormal interference mining area at the bottom of the world. The carbon people continue to create fog beasts and mist.

  It is connected to the bottom of Jiuhezhu, like a cave. This cave is full of [abnormal interference] coal mines, and these crimson coal mines glow in the cave.

  When Lu Yao captured Zhuriwan before, it was because of the black smoke from the world pot that the power of the rules of the whirlpool world was temporarily delayed.

   This kind of delay is fatal at critical moments, and he is also very curious about this function.

   This is the first time I have encountered a world-level spectacle.


  [World Pot Lv4]: Excellent spectacle. The special product formed by the mythical spectacle of Nine Harvest Pillars and abnormal interference, the birthplace of fog beasts, countless carbon people eager to get rid of the shackles of rules and walk, the topographical wonders created unconsciously can spray out the power to interfere with the sea of ​​fog and disrupt the rules.


  Throughout many epochs, remembered and famous, with unique special powers.

  【Interference in the Fog Sea】(200000 Faith)

  The eruption created a sea of ​​fog with the ability of [abnormal interference], temporarily disrupting the operation of the world rules in a certain area.

  Use requires:

  Carbon Man (0/1000)


  Lu Yaoxin said, it's no wonder Zhuriwan only used the World Pot once in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God.

  This spectacle is good, but the energy consumption is too high. Not only does it require 200,000 beliefs, but it also consumes 1,000 carbon miners. Most of the gods will be hurt if they use it once.

  Lu Yao likes it very much.

  I am the target user of World Pot, and I believe in high-consumption groups!

   It is the classification of spectacle, and a new word popped up this time.


  Lu Yao hurriedly called the experienced master and asked about the details.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion