MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 336 Our army has recently imported a batch of Yao equipment

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  Chapter 336 Our army has recently imported a batch of Yao ethnic equipment

  In Sifang Kingdom, brains are always more important than strength.

   No matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than the king?

  The King is the pinnacle of power here, but he's always brooding. As long as he is not disturbed, he sits alone in the middle of the city, maintaining a meditative posture.

  Even the king is advocating the use of brains, and the residents who live here are following suit.

   Unfortunately, there are smart people and there are stupid people.

  Niu Sansi was not born with a bright mind. The deceased parents hoped that it would learn to think twice before acting. This sentence was also obtained from a wise leader.

  When there is no need to be on duty, Niu Sansi will keep using his brain like a king.

   What the king is thinking about, it doesn't know.

  No matter what problem Niu Sansi starts thinking about, it will eventually turn into thinking about one thing: where to go to eat whole sweet potatoes tonight.

  It has no lofty ambitions, dreams and life are all sweet potatoes.

  In the Seven Kingdoms, the king protects everyone, no matter whether the attack is a curse worm or another demigod, the king will take action to deal with it, trying to protect everyone from danger. Although it has been fought every time, the king will always fight fiercely with the opponent, so that the attacker will eventually enter and retreat.

   "They got through to the seventh floor?" The other party didn't seem surprised at all.

  Niu Basi braced himself and said: "According to the patrol regulations of Qifang Kingdom, people coming from here need to get the king's permission before they can enter the city. There are no patrol soldiers to send messages yet."

  Niu Ba thought for a while, and it was also a secret, so he said: "The Qifang Kingdom can retreat to the seventh floor. The seventh floor is now in chaos and demigods are fighting each other. You probably want to go to the seventh floor?"

  I even taught Niu Basi how to roast meat, and told him how to distinguish potatoes, barley, small beans and garlic.

  It knows that as long as General Hai wants to, he can screw his head off or eat himself immediately.

"What's his name?"

  The king sat up, resting his chin on one hand, lost in thought.


   Could it be that we are going to attack the Seven Kingdoms?

  Niu Basi was taken aback.

  General Hai said casually: "It's really delicious if you eat it raw, roast it over a fire, and eat it with garlic before sprinkling spices and coarse salt. That's how the Yao people eat it, but taste it."

   "Bad. Do as the Romans do, wait a moment."

   "Because of faith."

   "Chaotic fighting? It is indeed a bad place."

  The other party is talking to himself.

  He is directly in charge of his subordinates, and Lizard Commander always has a preoccupied look on his face. It seems that there is nothing to be envied about being a leader like Cong Tian.

   "Brother, you don't want to be promoted to be the commander, or even the general of the Sifang Kingdom? That's a prestige."

  Niu Basi suddenly retreated into a strange state that he had never seen before at that moment, as if the whole world had become anxious. Its thinking speed has never been slower. It felt that it might not be what Xiaojia said, the revolving lantern after death.

  Natural instinct can make Niu Basi's mane explode.

   "That...General Hai, are you going to borrow the way from Qifang Kingdom to go to the seventh floor?" Niu Basi was also so scared at that time, and asked with confidence.

   To be killed!

   "The most important thing for soldiers is not to enforce orders and enforce strict discipline."

  But when the leader of the legion looked over, Niu Basi felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body went stiff.

  General Hai said: "He is not the soldier you want."

   In terms of status, the Messenger Bird is comparable to General Ape and General Stone.

   " **** guy."

   "This... ask them to wait outside."


  I pointed to Niu Ba Si.

   "Of course, from a strategic point of view, attacking the Seven Kingdoms will do you more harm than good."

   Soldiers can escape.

  I am wearing a brass armor, and I am slightly shorter than these monster soldiers, but the weak aura I exude is less oppressive than General Ape and General Stone.

   I asked, "Why a direct attack and attempt to occupy the Seven Kingdoms?"

  Everyone obeys it from day to day, so that country exists.

waited for so long.

  Niu Basi's teeth were chattering, and his heart was beating wildly.


  The king looked down at the monster army on the ground, and said calmly: "Are they from the eighth floor?"

  Although these brownish-yellow monsters were full of murderous looks, they walked chaotically. The order made Niu Basi's hair stand on end. What stragglers are we, but ill-trained troops!

  Niu Basi looked at the small piece of meat and a small pile of various roots behind his eyes, and swallowed his saliva: "Are those... all for you to eat?"

   His stomach was bloated from eating, and he was belching full, and then he remembered a question.

  Niu Basi wants to cry and has tears.

  Different from Niu Sansi, Niao Feijue's ideal is to become the king's messenger bird.

  Niu Basi put the stone spear on it to eat slowly. It has never eaten such rich and delicious food.

   "Where he works, is out here."

General Hai said indifferently: "The gods and villains you lead cherish every civilization very much. It is difficult to conceive a city outside the abyss, and it is a pity to destroy it."

  I pointed to the front, and there was no huge object covered by a white cloth.

   It is said that the messenger bird can listen to the voice of the king at close range, gain the trust of His Majesty the king, and even be sent by the king to the lower layer of the abyss to exchange opinions with other big shots.

  Niaofei is definitely a big mynah, they are eloquent, clever and clever. In the Sifang Kingdom, big mynahs can be found in various industries, and they are very popular.

  Suddenly, a strange halo lit up in the darkness at the end of the host road, and the ancient chains that were originally wrapped around the seal broke apart and turned into drifting smoke and dust.

   "Go back and report to the king! You delay us!"

  It had to grit its teeth and hold on.

General Hai said succinctly: "You think, maybe you can't cooperate. Since the seventh floor is a group of heroes competing for the throne, it must be that the Qifang Kingdom that is connected to the seventh floor will also be affected. It must be stationed in the Qifang Kingdom by the Legion of Evil. It can protect that city, and it can also make it easier for you to find prey."

  Hai Admiral patted it on the shoulder: "Welcome to the Sinner Legion, he is the first Li soldier, don't let you down."

  Niu Basi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Niu Basi, the eighth patrol of the Seven Fangguo East Guards."

   This makes him often ridiculed by Niao Feijue, his friend and patrol partner.

   But it also remembers that the outside of the patrol specification has been underlined. No matter what the situation is, no one on the patrol on duty must be in the jurisdiction, otherwise it will be treated as a deserter.

  Niu Basi dared to look up at the other party.

  The attitude shown by the other party is approachable: "You are the commander of the evil army, Hai Zhe, and you came to hunt the gods. Yes, it should be said to be a demigod."

  Niu Basi and Niao Feijue are patrol soldiers of the Qifang Kingdom, and their jurisdiction is the host country.

  General Hai laughed heavily: "I'll take you to meet their leader."


   "You are the commander of the Legion of the Evil Ones, Hai Zhe, you are taking the liberty to visit, isn't your majesty the king there?" General Hai said.

   The leader of the monster legion asked it.

  General Hai didn't seem to care about this: "Let time tell all that. You are stationed there, and you will definitely be attacked by a demigod. They will come to you from the sky."

I explained the interests and interests in a calm and direct way: "Your goal is to hunt demigods. Qifang Kingdom is a bad front camp. Win-win cooperation is far better than confrontation and isolation. That is also the civilization of the Yao nationality where you are." Principles that have always been understated."

  Niu Basi observed secretly and found that the enemy general was the same as the soldier.

  The two big monsters still reacted, and burly monsters walked out of the seal.

   Before it could react, the bad brother Niao Feijue fled away.

  Although his voice trembled when he spoke, he still tried his best to stick to his duty.

  General Hai smiled, and the gauntlet patted Niu Basi on the shoulder, making him almost grasp the stone spear outside his hand.

   And it is still used like the two generals, who may go to the battlefield to kill the enemy at any time.

   "But you are too strong..." Niu Basi still figured it out.

   "General, why do you want you to join the Legion?"

  Every step I take, the ground trembles from the sky, and it brings so much confidence to Niu Basi. Arriving with the king, there were not two elite soldiers from the general Congtian.

   After a while, its depression is gone.

  The opponent's eyes exuded a killing intent that was not concealed.

   "You believed him."


  Niu Ba Si is a burst of courage, it clenched Ran Shi, stepped down and stopped us.

   "Brother, I am sure you have become a messenger bird, so you should find a way to make His Majesty the King promote him as the commander, so that he can have a good time." Niao Feijue often said that.

   "When you were alive, you hated roast meat and baked potatoes."

  It’s a pity that I can get whole sweet potatoes today.

  Niu Basi was carrying a stone spear, and Niao Feijue was carrying a stone axe. The two bad friends were chatting about how to find something to eat after the shift later.

  Among the seven roads in the city, the east road is the most dangerous, and the outer end is the eighth seal. The eight roads from north to south to west are connected to eight ancient cracks, and these eight cracks all lead to the seventh floor, and they are often opened under the rules of the abyss.

  Niu Basi said: "There is no [Xingnao Mint] in the Qifang Kingdom. Its fragrance covers that layer, so that everyone who retreats into the Qifang Kingdom can understand each other's words."

   "You are the king of the Seven Kingdoms, King Rock."

  The king thought for a long time again.

  The corpse demons brought a lot of supplies from the eighth floor, accompanied by a small amount of novel food, not yet fresh high-quality meat and bones!

  The king's body, as low as a mountain, came step by step from the city.

   However, rules are not rules.

   "Yes. Came to hunt demigods."

  The king nodded and refused.

   "Huh? They actually share the same language."

  The other party smiled: "It's wrong, he is very vague, his single-body combat power is worth mentioning. Yes, your army recently retired a batch of Yao nationality equipment."

   Hunting demigods?

  Niu Basi had that idea.

  The human-shaped monsters bowed their heads to pony, with long hands and long feet, brownish-yellow skin like rough stones, their eyes were pale, there was only one white spot in the middle, and their expressions were indifferent.

   "Yes, you didn't ask for one. That guy, give it to you. It can also be regarded as your local guide."

   "Of course, that's the salary of Yao soldiers."

  But I heard that no one from the eighth floor has ever come up.

   Only when he was not close to the meditating king, Niu Basi would have such a sense of greatness.

   "Rejuvenating mint? It's not interesting."

   After seeing this cool and silent army formation, Niu Basi had an idea in his mind, it is certain, but it is really impossible. Those weak soldiers...every one of them is less murderous than the Lizard Commander.

   But in the end, it's cranky and it ends up in this extraordinary dream.

   On that day, they patrolled the host road daily.

   Thanks: Xiaoyu Xiaojian supports 2,000 starting coins, eight-star hotels support 100 starting coins, and God-selling teammates support 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)