MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 344 I don't think so

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  Chapter 344 I don’t think so

  After publishing the Declaration of Eros, Zhi Chong actively recommended himself: "I am a curse-clan, and no one here understands curse-worms better than me. If I encounter curse-worms, I can give the most accurate and reliable advice."

   "I have moved in the fifth floor of the abyss all year round, so I am familiar with the basic situation below, and I have maintained long-term cooperative relationships with some demigods on the separatist side. If you want to enter the fifth floor in the future, I will be the best guide..."

  Butterfly interrupted it: "Let's talk about faith first. As far as I know, curse insects cannot believe in gods."

   "You're right."

Speaking of this, a mess appeared on the top of Zhi Chong's head: "This is the restriction and temptation of the natural rules, which requires us to seem to have equal power to compete with the gods, but it leads us to always fight with many gods. "

  "The mark of the apostle is invalid for the curse worm, and the curse worm cannot become a god—there is only one way out for the curse worm, try to perfect its own **** body, and transform into the curse worm's own god."

   "That's not a problem for me though."

   Zhi Chong said: "First of all, I am weak and not the type who is good at fighting."

"My only hunting dog, Yin Yasha, was also injured by Fugu and disappeared... Whether it is King Yan or the army over there, I have no chance of winning. As a weak person, I will always be willing to abide by the rules, because Rules are for the weak."

"Furthermore, my request is very simple. What I want is the brain of a demigod, and this kind of thing can only be obtained if the other party is alive. A corpse is meaningless to me...I will not harm anyone's life .”

   It peeked at Bart Flay, a drooling expression above its head.

  A golden light shone on King Yan's body, scaring Zhi Chong back two steps.

   "... just thinking about it."

After being warned, the sapient became more honest: "In fact, at my current stage, it is difficult to increase wisdom just by eating, so I have been looking for new ways. Not long ago, I was in a demigod on the fifth floor. After living in the territory for a period of time, I finally discovered that the better way now is to communicate and create.”

   "After communicating and learning with the intelligent race, I created a kind of claw made of wood, which can grab the fruit from the poisonous weeds wrapped in sharp thorns on the ground."

   Speaking of this, Zhi Chong had a smiling face on his head.

   "Creation has improved my wisdom! So I came here for no other purpose, just to make more claw-like things to help your local life."

   "Finally, I am of great value to you. As a citizen of Yao God, although I cannot ignite the fire of faith, I am willing to dedicate all the beliefs I have collected to Master Yao God to prove my piety."

   After speaking, it opened its mouth and spit out fireballs one by one.

  These fireballs formed a blazing bonfire on the ground.

   "All the flames of faith I collected are here."

   Zhi Chong grabbed another roll of rope from his mouth and put it on the ground: "There is also this item, which is my most important core property, and the rest were consumed when trading the demigod's brain."

  Lu Yao Click to view.


  [Beast Tamer's Reins LV5]: Faith +2/hour, Speed ​​+1.

  The magical rope created by the animal trainer can gradually control the ferocious monsters, with the effect of [domestication].


  [Taming]: Through continuous action and influence, the target creature can be tamed into an assistant who can cooperate and understand instructions.


   It's no wonder that the intelligent insect calls the demigod it controls a hound, and the key is this rope.

  Lu Yao thought about it.

  As the Yao people continue to go deeper into the abyss, they will have more contact with curse insects.

  For the curse worm group, there is still too little known information, and there are not many records in the background of the Black Abyss. The intelligent insect is an entry point.

  Lu Yao put away the tribute from the intelligent insects.

  The upper right corner shows Faith +89773.

  Including the 42,000+ beliefs gained from killing Fu Gu, this time, 130,000 beliefs were recorded at one time, which is a small gain.

  With Lu Yao's permission, Bart Frye said to Zhi Chong: "The Lord is merciful and allows you to stay here."


A red heart popped out from the top of the little panda's head, and with its paws raised high, it knelt down and worshiped the screen three times: "Thank you for your trust and tolerance, Xiaozhi must sincerely praise your great name, and contribute to this city and the civilization of this level." strength and wisdom."

   "You need to remember your oath."

  The mountain golem warned it: "I will watch you."

   "Don't worry, I'm here to settle down for a long time."

  Smart Bug unbuttoned the bag on his back: "Look, it contains the crystallization of my wisdom over the years, and these things will definitely be of great help to this city!"

  It took out more than a dozen props inside and placed them on the ground, like a rich man showing off rare gems.

  Hearing that the curse worms had brought great inventions, the mayor, Botu, also hurried over with his people.

   "This is what I said before, the prop that can grab fruit from the pile of strawberries covered with thorns, the strawberry claw."

   Zhi Chong picked up something that looked like a large scratcher, and waved it around.

"like this."

  It poses as if it is plowing the ground: "The grass fruit can be taken out safely, simple and convenient, isn't it good?"

  Botu and his party were full of question marks.

   Zhi Chong picked up another thing that looked like a needle.

   "Boning Needle!"

   "Everyone should have this experience, that is, eating meat and chewing bones will clog your teeth. With this thing, you can remove the broken bones and meat tendons that are stuck in your teeth, which is very comfortable."

   An exclamation mark appeared above Botu's head: "This is okay."


   Having been praised by the current city managers of the Sifang Kingdom, Zhi Chong was visibly excited.

  It grabbed another wooden pole. There are several hard nut-like things hanging from this pole, some of which look like exotic maracas.

   "This is called no worries!"

  Xiaozhi waved a nut hammer, beat his back, his arms, his shoulders and his chest, and explained: "There are frequent battles in the abyss, and everyone goes all out every time, so it's very common to be sore all over the body."

   "With this, I don't have to worry about it, and I can beat the sore and tense parts of my body. I have used it and said it is good."

  A question mark appeared above Botu's head again: "I don't think so."

  Zhi Chong put down the nut hammer and picked up another object: "Manicure knife!"

"Battles will injure supernatural beings. The most cumbersome situation is armor barbs. Whether it is the enemy or your own, once the broken armor spikes pierce the hands, feet or back, it is very annoying. Digging will tear the wound , If you don’t dig, you will have constant pain.”

   "In the past, many extraordinary people suffered from it, and there were many wounds that were red, swollen and festered."

   "With this small manicure knife, you can easily clip out the broken armor and barbs."

  Lu Yao discovered that the manicure knife is not a nail clipper, but a small sharp knife with a barb.

  Botu took out a prop and said, "We don't need it, we have tweezers."

   Zhi Chong was surprised after seeing the tweezers: "This thing seems to be... more useful."

  It introduces and recommends other inventions of its own.

  However, apart from the earliest boning needles, Botu evaluated them as useless.

In response, Botu showed it the creations of the Yao people to support the Sifang Kingdom, such as sky lanterns that replace the sun, potions with different functions, main battle weapons, steam cannons, telescopes and glasses, ghost armor and twin city armor, Blast Mead…

  The little panda looked over his head: "There are so many amazing creations, I don't understand them at all... This time I came to the Sifang Kingdom, I really came to the right place! Please teach me how to make these things."

  Botu told it: "This is not easy, you have to learn from basic subjects such as theology, mathematics, engineering, and medicine..."

   "I want to learn, I want to learn!" Zhi Chong said positively.

   Then it started to learn from the Yao language, and began to ask Botu for advice.

  Lu Yao then turned his gaze back to Butterfly.

  —Tell me about Ms. Nature.

   "Yes, Lord."

  A dialogue box appeared on the head of the mountain golem: "Ms. Nature is a gentle title god. Her divine kingdom is located in a space full of turbulence in the leap area, where there are few people and little disturbance."

   "For a long time, Ms. Nature has been watching all kinds of life in the kingdom of God. In his shrine, there are nine gods. For a title god, the number of such gods is very small."

  "On a certain day, the incarnation of the title of the God of Darkness will come, and he will recruit Ms. Nature to belong to God and fight for him."

  "Ms. Nature refused, and the battle of gods broke out."

  Lu Yao has always been a little puzzled.

   Title gods like Fearless and Whistleblower, who regard gods as consumables, can be followed by the gods. Why does it always feel like no one wants to be contaminated by the **** of darkness who is above them?

   Anyway, this is also the main **** of the powerful faction who is powerful in all directions.


   "Lord, the God of darkness has always had a bad reputation. He is moody, elusive, and eccentric and vicious..."

   "However, the gods are unwilling to approach the God of Darkness because He has a characteristic [Deep Dive in Darkness]."

"This ability will cause all gods to sink into darkness, and become a state of life and death. It is said that they are subordinates of the God of Darkness, but it is more like His collection displayed at the source of darkness. Without the power of darkness With God's permission, one who belongs to God cannot wake up from a deep dive..."

  Lu Yao thought it was no wonder.

  The Fearless and the Whistleblower are bosses who squeeze out the surplus value of all their subordinates, but they are kinder and generous compared to the God of Darkness.

  This person directly soaked the specimens made by his subordinates in formalin.

   Naturally, no one wants to mess with him.

  (end of this chapter)

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