MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 355 Lone Star Theorem

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  Seeing Bingquan and Shi Xiao appeared, Lu Yao didn't care about that side anymore. With the strength of these two martial arts champions, it is not a big problem to deal with the mob led by the blood ancestor.

  In the extraordinary domain, unless the level and ability are close, it is difficult for quantity to overwhelm quality.

  Lu Yao is looking up World Encyclopedia.

  He got an important piece of information from the War Cats and the Blood Clan: In the Blood Hill, no matter what kind of life there is, it is facing the threat of the daylight tide.

   But Lu Yao looked through the relevant entries, but found no similar phrases or descriptions at all, but he found the reason why the blood mound can maintain a strong repulsion with other worlds.

  In the world of Blood Hill, there is a rule entry [Lone Star] with a high priority.

  It uses the power of the rules of the blood mound to form a strong repulsion with the rules of other worlds, ensuring that the blood mound itself remains an isolated island and will not interfere and overlap with other worlds.

  [Lone Star] is interrelated with many basic rules in the world, and has a large number of detailed data descriptions, which define the variables of the repulsion effect.

  The most important variable is the power of rules (i.e. volume) in the world close to the blood mound. Strong rules will trigger the lone star to act and escape faster.

  This rule is very ingeniously written, it is like a tough rope made of countless fibers twisted, completely drawing strength from various rules to form the main body of this new rule.

   Lone star moves his whole body with a single stroke, making Lu Yao feel shocking just by looking at it.

  He is very sure that this rule is not inherent in the world of Blood Hill, but added after the day after tomorrow.

  The rule writer can only be Ying Long.


  Because He himself left a message.

   "The Lone Star Theorem is my work, and there are still many defects and partial error reports. Welcome to Tonghang to continue to improve this rule."

  —Ying Long

  Lu Yao discovered a feature.

  Although these main gods have different appearances and dispositions, they are still polite to the same class.

  Ying Long will leave a message after the rules of the world. Although the God of Darkness likes to torture the enemy, he also describes the "original sin" of each prisoner in the background of the abyss, obviously considering that other sailors may see it.

  Like a banquet bird released by the toaster, it is both a natural show off and a display of the work to the peers.

  If Qihanger is regarded as a programmer in the background of the world, Lu Yao is probably a newcomer who has temporarily transferred to the front desk, and is still in the stage of copying code and picking heads.

  A true senior expert, Ying Long has such a private and exquisite work as Blood Hill, and God of Darkness has such a heavyweight project as Abyss.

  Lu Yao clicks on [Lonely Star] to close it.

   Now that the Lone Star state is lifted, the extraction and consumption of various natural rules in the past will disappear, and then many rules will be applied to the blood mound world itself, which will be somewhat more dynamic.

  The main problem is still not resolved.

  Where do diurnal tides come from?

  Besides the rules of the world, what else can provide such a strong power radiation?

  Lu Yao suddenly realized that he had overlooked one thing.

  The surrounding electronic arc outside the blood mound.

  He opened his perspective and found that around the world shaped like an umbrella, there were still lightning flashing and running.

  Lu Yao narrowed the angle of view little by little, and finally gradually saw it clearly. It was a strange light ball floating outside the blood mound. It flickered from time to time, forming an electric ring around the blood mound.

  He double-clicked the mouse, and the thing showed a detailed description.


  [Daylight Astrology Lv5]: Excellent spectacle. Yinglong integrated the daylight beads into the world to create astronomical phenomena. Because the daylight beads are locked, there will be severe daylight tides in the blood sea area, which is periodically pulled and squeezed on a large scale.


  Throughout many epochs, remembered and famous, with unique special powers.

  【Daylight tide】

  Daylight creates the power of tides, causing the blood sea in a certain area to rise or fall rapidly. Being shrouded in daylight tides will cause life to freeze, slow down or die instantly. The damage taken is related to the creature's level, the higher the level, the less affected it is.

  Use requires:

  【Blood Sea】


  Combining that the source of this blood mound is the cage that traps the heart of the blood god, the effect of daylight and astrology is about to emerge.

  The rising tide is just like what Lu Yao saw before, the daylight will pull the blood element and water into the air, turning into a flying posture.

  The ebb and flow are more destructive, and the strong downward pressure exerted by the daylight is like an invisible sledgehammer piercing into the blood lake, crushing hundreds of thousands of lives in an instant.

  Daylight astrology is a sword hanging on the top of the world, it will continue to clean up the sea of ​​blood, killing the blood beasts and blood servants on a large scale.

  These huge numbers of low-level blood clans are the key to the continuous expansion and blending of the blood sea.

  The tide killed both the blood beasts like red blood cells and the blood servants like white blood cells, and then the blood lakes lost their vitality, and it was impossible for the blood god's heart to recover.

   After Lu Yao understood the internal mechanism, he accepted the spectacle.

  He double-clicked [Daylight Astrology], spent 50,000 Faith Fire to convert it into his own use, and restored 3 apostle marks.

   Another remarkable spectacle [World Pot] he bought before is kept in Zhuri Bay, and it is more convenient to use it by the moment, so Lu Yao did not transform it.

   It can be seen that the belief consumption of transforming outstanding wonders is greater than that of ordinary wonders.

  After the transformation, Lu Yao discovered that he could double-click directly to turn off the diurnal tide created by this spectacle.

  In the past, [Daylight Tides] operated, which was an insurance measure entrusted by Yinglong here. The tides were used to curb possible changes in the blood sea, which is a problem left over from history.

   Today, the existence of this natural disaster is unnecessary.

  Close first.

  Lu Yao also thought about it. If the loss of daylight and tide control causes the Blood Clan to grow bigger and cause trouble, and the Battle Cat Clan can't control it, then the Yao Clan will take care of it.

   Also let Shacheng exercise its muscles and bones, and pull out the Yao people from Yunzhong Temple to practice and talk in actual combat.

   After slightly adjusting the basic environment of the Blood Hill, Lu Yao returned his attention to the sky above the temple of the Blood Lake in the Cat's Claw Forest.

   A scene he didn't expect was happening on the ground.

  Three believers from different races were kneeling in front of the Ice and Snow Palace.

   Xueyi said in unison with the ice and snow giants and cave dwellers.

   "My ice fist."

   "I am Shi Xiao."

   "My blood is righteous."

   "Become brothers in front of Lord Yao, from now on we will be in trouble together, and enjoy blessings together!"

  Xueyi hugged left and right, and laughed loudly: "You two are good brothers!"

   "Good brother."

   "Hi brother!"

  The two extraordinary people said with a smile.

  Seeing Maocao leading the team, Xueyi said to it: "Captain Maocao, do you want to become brothers with us?"

   "What are you guys doing?"

  Cat grass vigilantly keeps a distance.

Xueyi said: "I, Bingquantou and Shi Xiaojie are brothers, enshrining the Lord of Natural Disasters, and spreading the prestige and belief of Lord Yao. We all believe in the Lord of Natural Disasters. With God as proof, we are of course half-brothers. "

  It said: "Captain Maocao, look, the eldest brother is from the ice and snow giant family, the second brother is from the cave dweller family, and I am from the blood family. Race is not a problem. The battle cat family does not affect either."

   "There are only comrades-in-arms in the legion, not like yours. Boring."

  The cat grass turned into a cat, turned around and trotted away.

  Lu Yao saw that the three-flowered cat was peeking behind the stone, and seemed a little envious.

  These two races have completely different social ecologies.

  The Blood Clan is scattered all over the world, and they live in places like Blood Pool, Blood Lake, or even Blood River.

  A site must have a blood ancestor as the leader, similar to a local tyrant who occupies a mountain as the king, and belongs to the green forest rivers and lakes.

  Because the blood ancestors have a strong sense of territory, only by conquering and subjugating other blood ancestors can they expand their territory. The Blood Clan fights fiercely with each other, and has never been unified. In addition, the daylight and tide in the sky destroy the blood sea from time to time, making them even more irritable.

  The blood ancestor's life is simple, grab the territory, expand the number of younger brothers, in order to steadily improve the status and strength. The disadvantage is that due to turmoil and instinct, it is difficult for the blood ancestors to break through the historical cycle of the blood clan, and internal division is the norm.

   The other side.

  The Battle Cat clan is very concentrated. The entire group has a clear internal class and norms. Inside are hundreds of thousands of civilian War Cats who are protected, and outside are the three legions.

  So although the total number of Battle Cats is far less than that of the Blood Clan, relying on scheduling, coordination and organizational skills, they are always partially completed to fight more and less, stabilizing the Blood Clan on the scene.

   But because of the high concentration of ethnic groups, a series of governance problems have also emerged.

  War cats are unanimous to the outside world, but there are also many internal problems. The main battle faction, the main peace faction, the coexistence faction, and the withdrawal faction have their own supporters, which makes every meeting of the war cats on Maoqiu very noisy.

  The core behind it is because of the excessive consumption of military resources, causing civilian cats to spend a lot of time collecting and growing food, but they will still be hungry for various reasons and life is difficult.

  Lu Yao checked World Encyclopedia.

In fact, the size of the Battlecat Clan's legion has been reduced again and again, and the strategy for the Blood Clan has changed from "destroy them completely" to "destroy all blood ancestors" and now "only focus on guarding against dangerous blood ancestors." ".

  The sea of ​​blood will not disappear, because the heart of the blood **** has integrated into the whole world, and it will always be regenerated under the power of rules, just like rain and wind.

  Lu Yao couldn't help but think of the positioning of [Blood Hill]: to train soldiers and train commanders.

   It's hard to tell whether it was a coincidence or Ying Long did it on purpose.

   But one thing can be confirmed.

  With the establishment of the temple by the blood lake in the cat's claw forest area, the Yao people will establish a stronghold in this world, and some residents of Shacheng will migrate here as the early pioneers of this world.

  With the action of the extraordinary people of the Yao nationality, the basic order of this world will be gradually established.

  Lu Yao was flipping through the records of the past era, when a prompt popped up on the simulator.

  —A believer has sprouted wisdom, do I need to transform him into a prophet?


  Lu Yao couldn't help but smile.

  Xue Yi, this boy, has picked up the wind bonus. The Yao people have not had a prophet for a while.

  Lu Yao clicked on the entry.

  The angle of view jumped to a sand dune, above the head of the Sanhua cat.

  The leader of the Battle Cat Squadron, Maocao, shimmered from his body.

  It was tied with a rope at this time, fixed in a clay pot, and then hung on a device that looked like a gallows with a rope, and there was a bottomless hole underneath.

  The sand dunes are surrounded by groups of cats watching.

  Lu Yao was confused.

  What's the situation?

  When was cat grass offered to believers?

  What's the matter with its appearance on the execution ground?

  Lu Yao continued to observe.

  He is not worried about the safety of cat grass.

   It doesn't matter, God will take action.

   Now it is important to figure out what happened.

  The cat grass is put into a jar, only a cat's head is exposed.

  Beside it, stood three elderly cat people with bushy and gray beards, maintaining their human form.

   "Maocao, now we are giving you the last advice on behalf of the Tribunal of the Legion. Do you realize that you have made a serious mistake and admit that you are trying to confuse the Legion and preach a **** that does not exist?"

   "Gods are forged, they are the fears and illusions fabricated by the ancient dragons in order to maintain their rule. This is a well-known fact of the War Cats. If there are gods in this world, then we are our own gods!"

  The trial old cat said: "If you admit your guilt here and atone for it, and accept everyone's supervision, according to the usual practice, the trial court will give you a lighter sentence and detain you in Maoqiu prison to serve."


Maocao was silent for a while, and then said: "Brothers and sisters, we have always advocated freedom and self-improvement. This is the foundation of the Zhanmao clan. As a member, I have always been deeply proud of this. We do not believe in God. , because God doesn’t believe in us and has never helped us, so God doesn’t exist.”


Maocaojian said: "There are gods in the blood hill now. In the blood lake in the northern Cat's Claw Forest, there is a temple of God Yao, the lord of natural disasters. The gods show their power. Elimination and surrender..."

   "Shut up! Shut up! Recalcitrant sinner!"

  The old cat was furious: "Shut up its mouth! Or we are too gentle with you!"

  Beside there are two war cats stuffing a ball of rags into the mouth of the cat grass.

   Now Maocao can't speak.

  The old cats continued: "The following officially announces that Maocao, the captain of the Second Squadron of the Fifth Brigade of the Three Army Corps, confused the Legion, colluded with the Blood Clan, preached non-existent gods, and refused to plead guilty. He was punished for several crimes and sentenced to hang immediately!"