MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 365 God's name

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  Chapter 365 The Name of God

  The mark of the apostle touched the Tai Sui spores and fell directly to the ground, and there was no reaction between the two.

   To transform an apostle, the touched person must be voluntary.

  Lu Yao also had the mentality of giving it a try, and it is not surprising that he failed.

  Lu Yao called Slimode's grid-leg clone, and let it stand beside the golden spore, keeping an eye on its movements.

   "Yes, my lord."

Knowing that these are Tai Sui spores, an exclamation mark lit up above Slimmode's head: "I heard that Tai Sui is a strange creature captured by the dragon clan, but I didn't expect that it has not been completely tamed so far. Its offspring, I don't know what it will look like. "

  Lu Yao asked Xiao Huo to cook a bowl of fried egg noodles, and ate supper with garlic.

  Today we have to see it hatch.

   This wait is nearly two hours.

   The Taisui spores in the crater gradually lost their light, changing from gold nuggets to white square stones, which is somewhat similar to Taisui.

   Not knowing how long we have to wait, Lu Yao switched out, clicked on the committee's official website, and entered the word Tai Sui in the search bar.

   As a result, several reports popped up, all of which were fraudulent or code-named deeds in the name of Tai Sui, and there was no relevant public information about the master.

  Lu Yao browsed the official website for a while, but got two local news.

  One is the "Notice of Publicity of the List of Personnel and Special Affairs Inspection Committee of XX City".

  In this formal notice, the city has only two more official members of the committee, one is Xu Jingxuan, who is the investigator of the Executive Bureau, and the other is Wei Yingxue, the assistant prosecutor of the Secrecy Bureau.

  Among the two, Wei Yingxue and Song Shiyi belong to the same department.

   Seeing that the local committee only recruits two people a year, Lu Yao couldn't help but sigh, even in the field of players, the competition for public examinations is extremely fierce.

  The second message is an early warning "Notice of Municipal Natural Disaster Rescue Early Warning Response".


  The member units of the Disaster Prevention Office of the Committee:

  Affected by Wasteland No. 4, starting from February 26, local interference or even overlapping may occur in our city. The Commission's headquarters launched a level IV emergency response at 10:30 on February 26...

  All member units of the Disaster Prevention Office of each district and county are required to fully prepare for the opening of centralized resettlement sites and the dispatch of emergency supplies, so as to effectively protect the basic life of the people, prevent disasters from affecting daily order, and block and contain interference and overlapping areas. Players are also requested to minimize going out to ensure personal safety.

  XX City Special Affairs Inspection Committee Office


  Lu Yao looked at the time, today is the 27th, and the interference of the No. 4 Wasteland may have appeared in some places in the urban area, but I don’t know what is different from the No. 7 Wasteland last time.

  He entered Wasteland No. 4 in the search bar.

  There is very little information on the official website of the committee.

"...Wasteland No. 4 is a world that will disperse all entrants. It is composed of parts similar to Tetris. Every entrant will lose a part of his body. He must find the lost body before he can leave completely. It will lose part of the memory or confuse the memory of others, and in severe cases, it will lead to loss of emotion and even personality disorder."

  “…Although Wasteland No. 4 will not kill people immediately, it also has a high risk. It is likely to cause serious sequelae to the entrants. Please avoid overlapping areas as much as possible.”

  The Lego version of Lu Yao appeared in Lu Yao's mind.

  He imagined that Wasteland No. 4 is somewhat similar to Tai Sui's image in the simulator, both of which are composed of many blocks, and part of their body is missing.

   Could it be possible that Tai Sui also entered the No. 4 wasteland?

  He felt that it was impossible.

  Tai Sui is in the virtual universe. Although the No. 4 wasteland is collapsing and destroying, it is still in the realm of the real universe.

   Simulator display.

  【Apostle Slymode prays to you. 】

  Lu Yao cut back to Zhoudao.

  Slimerd reported: "My lord, the Tai Sui spores have hatched, and I am under observation, please take a look."

  In the crater, the stone shell of Tai Sui spores has been turned into fragments, and there is an extra red creature inside.

  It looks like a red starfish with an extra tail.

   Red Thorn Snake?

  Lu Yao checked with [Eye of True Sight].


  【Red Thorn Snake LV1】

   Health: 1000/1000

   Mana: 1/1

   Damage: 1

   Defense: 15

   Speed: 2


  【Only sue Tai Sui】

  By praying and chanting Tai Sui, you can attract Tai Sui's attention, and then gain part of Tai Sui's power.


  【Godhead】: None.

  [Divinity]: crumbling (0).

  [God body]: The rank of the gods.


  Although both appearance and characteristics are close to the Red Thorn Snake, Little Tai Sui's outrageous initial panel and demigod status still betrayed it. 【Only tell Tai Sui】The ability also reveals its special relationship with Tai Sui.

  After the little Tai Sui grew from the spores, it was like a normal red thorn snake, crawling slowly on the ground, as if he felt that he was one of them.

  The only difference is that once other redthorn snakes encounter wild boars and wild dogs, it is basically difficult to survive and will become a delicious meal for these two predators.

  The wild boars had nothing to do with the little Taisui, they stomped on it hard, it bit the fly and crushed it with stones... The blood bar of the little Taisui remained motionless.

  The preying wild boars were exhausted and panting, and little Tai Sui was still crawling around on the ground.

  Seeing this weird red thorn snake, the more cautious wild boars all chose to give up. There are so many things to eat in the world, why bother fighting with this strange thing?

  However, wolves have to be much more patient. They only eat meat. Unlike wild boars, they can also eat bugs and gnaw roots. When they encounter weak prey, they must take it down.

  However, when encountering this red snake that couldn't be bitten, crushed, crushed, or torn apart, a wolf went berserk and swallowed it whole, trying to digest it forcibly.

  Finally, it began to roll on the ground in pain, and was almost suffocated by the red thorn snake. The wolf vomited out in fright and ran away.

  Lu Yao was worried about how to subdue the little Tai Sui?

   By the way, there is a prop that seems to work.

  The [Beast Tamer's Reins] presented by Zhi Chong before, this fire item is specially used for animal taming, and even demigods who have lost their wisdom can be trained into hunting dogs.

  Lu Yao immediately threw it to Slymode and asked him to be an animal trainer.

  Master, who turned into a man in green, holds a rein, and the other end is tied to the body of the red thorn snake.

  Slimerd's method is simple and effective. If you are obedient, you will be given food, and if you are not obedient, you will be whipped and starved.

  Little Tai Sui is almost indestructible against ordinary creatures, but he has no power to fight back against LV90 apostles and can only obey Slimode's orders.

   About half an hour later, Slimode held the weird red creature and said, "My lord, the humble has completed the initial taming."

   "The humble [Analysis Mystery] discovered that it has a peculiar rule structure. If it grows further, this rule power will gradually merge with the world rules...Tai Sui should use it to mark the world."

  Slimmode's statement is the same as Lu Yao's guess.

  Tai Sui [Life Melting Pot] gave birth to Tai Sui spores, which entered the island, adapted to the local environment, and evolved into a shape that conforms to the rules of this world, that is, the red thorn snake.

  It is said that it is the son of Tai Sui, rather it is the life coordinate created by Tai Sui.

  Tai Sui is like a dandelion, sending spores into a random world and using them as eyes. As long as the spores continue [Only Sue Tai Sui], Tai Sui will be able to find this world and devour it as if he has obtained electronic navigation.

  So the spore itself only needs to be tenacious and adapt to various environments.

  Lu Yao thought for a moment, and decided to use an apostle's mark.

  Using the will of the gods and the imprint of the apostles can ensure that the instinct of the little Tai Sui is restrained. It is related to Tai Sui, and there is no harm in being cautious.

  It went well this time, the imprint melted at the touch of a touch, and this ignorant red thorn snake became Lu Yao's tenth apostle. The number of Apostle Marks available has been reduced to 3.

  Lu Yao asked Slimmode to educate and guide it, just like how Snowman trained Pasha back then.

  Not long after becoming an apostle, the Red Thorn Snake gave birth to [wisdom].

  It imitates the appearance of Slimode, and gradually changes the limbs that were originally lying on the ground into walking upright, but unlike Slimode, it becomes a pixel villain in red clothes.

  Redthorn asked Slymode: "Did you create me?"

   "No, it was the great God Yao who gave birth to you, and I am just your teacher."

  Slimmode said: "Now I will teach you the first lesson: remember the grace of the gods, and do not surpass disobedience."

"is teacher."

The redthorn man said again: "But I can feel that apart from Lord Yao's majestic and boundless power, there is still a special will in my body... It is calling me, so I can't help but want to chant it name."

   "That's the power of instinct."

  Slimerd told him: "Don't worry, divinity and animality always exist at the same time. The important thing is to use your wisdom to drive yourself, not pure instinct."

   "Can I really?"

   "Of course, you are the apostle who was given the mark by Lord Yao. You were born with talents far beyond common sense. You can do it as long as you want to."

   "Thank you for clarifying my doubts."

  A question mark appeared on Redthorn's head: "Teacher, your name is Slymore, can you give me a name?"

   "Pray to Lord Yao, let the gods name you."

  The redthorn man immediately knelt down and prayed.

  Lu Yao thought about it.

  You come from beyond the sky, you were born in Tai Sui, and you have a predestined relationship with the Red Thorn Snake, so you are called Chi Lian.

  Lu Yao typed a few words in the dialog above his head.

   "Praise you, Lord Yao!"

  A smiling face appeared on Redthorn's head, and he was so happy that the snake's tail grew out of his clothes.

   "I am no longer ignorant and chaotic and meaningless! I have a name now! In the name of Chi Lian, I will spread the belief of gods throughout the world."

  (end of this chapter)