MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 367 Divine Legacy

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  Chapter 367 God's Legacy

  Murlocs have an upper body similar to that of a human, and the physiological structures of the two sexes are also completely different. Just like most fish in the water, male and female murlocs will give birth to offspring.

   This is different from the Redthorn family.

  The red thorn man is derived from the red thorn snake, but the red thorn snake has no so-called male and female. If it wants to conceive offspring, it will split part of its body, and then this part of the body will slowly grow into a complete red thorn snake. In addition, the redthorn's skin is rough, which is different from the smooth skin of the murloc.

  The murlocs lead the way, and Chi Lian follows behind.

  Looking at the flexible tails of the murlocs, he suddenly thought in his heart, if the red thorn snake hadn't learned to walk on the shore, it would probably still be swimming in the water now.

   Entering the deep sea, the surroundings also became dim, but these did not affect Chi Lian's sight. His strength far surpasses most of life, and the fire of faith has become his sharper eyes and ears.

  A large, wide-mouthed killer fish suddenly rushed over, scaring the murlocs away.

   Chi Lian just glanced at the killer fish, the big fierce fish froze immediately, turned its head and swam towards the back at high speed.

  The murlocs, who had avoided far away, swam back and looked at Chi Lian curiously, wondering why he could make the overlord of the sea flee while he was not physically strong.

   "This is our King of Light."

   Zhao Zai didn’t care if the murlocs could understand or not, he gestured proudly at the side, and spit out bubbles: “He is not only the ruler of the land, but also the conqueror of the water, and any monster must submit under his feet.”

   "He is the heir to Lord Yao's will, possesses divine power, and is the king of light and flames!"

  Although the murlocs couldn't understand, they looked at Chi Lian with awe.

   Chi Lian waved his hand, signaling the murlocs to continue swimming.

   They dived for a long time, and entered a deep seabed. Between the wide and deep trench, a huge sea clam was stuck.

  This sea clam is covered with green fluff and shells and other aquatic organisms, but it firmly supports an underwater palace.

  The palace was dilapidated, and the surface was covered with black and green kelp and algae. There is a white long spear inserted in front of the hall, and it emits a faint white halo all over. The white light flickers on and off, like the slow breathing of some huge sea beast.

   Chi Lian first observed from a distance for a while.

  He noticed that the Temple of the Clamshang was completely composed of whale bones. It seems that a great hunter used the whales he hunted as materials to create this underwater building.

  The murlocs kept gesticulating, spit out strings of bubbles from their mouths.

   Chi Lian can understand the words of the murlocs, which is also the apostolic power given by God Yao.

   "...This is the temple that the merman used to enshrine. The old **** once issued an oracle here, and there is incredible power in it."

  "The ancestors all said that the secrets of the past are hidden in the underwater temple, and whoever can pick up the dragon tooth halberd will rule the sea."

   "That is the weapon of the far no one has been able to pull it out."

   "Yes, yes. You say, we talk so much, can he understand? It's really hard."


  Chi Lian nodded to the murlocs, and in the astonishment of the murlocs, he landed steadily on the big clam.

  Stepping on the wet, slippery and dense seaweed, Chi Lian slowly grasped the white halberd with both hands, and exerted all his strength, but the halberd remained motionless.

   Murloc whispers came from behind.

   "It still doesn't failed."

   "That's normal, they are not mermaids, probably only if there is a strong man among the mermaids, or someone chosen by the gods, they can pull it out."


   Chi Lian could feel that the Dragon Tooth Halberd was fixed on the clam by a mysterious force. The tip of this divine weapon pierced through the shell of the giant clam and plunged into the depths below.

  He thought that after a long time, the head of the halberd had been tightly wrapped by the giant clam, and pulling it out was equivalent to wrestling with the whole giant clam.

  If the big clam is allowed to loosen its mouth, it may be able to pull it out.

  Even if you can't get this long spear, this temple of the sea **** can still be used as a sacrifice to God Yao.

  Chi Lian contrasted and said: "Go and call everyone, we will carry this big clam to the shore."

   "Yes, Chief."

   Soon, tens of thousands of redthorns dived into the depths of the water. Under Chi Lian's command, they gradually returned to the original state of the red thorn snake, with their tails intertwined with each other, forming a tough underwater long snake formation.

   Together, they cut open the corner of the seamount where the big clam was stuck, and then formed a giant red hand with many sharp claws, grabbed the big clam underwater, and dragged it all the way on the bottom of the sea.

  This huge project consumed more than two-thirds of the Redthorn labor force, and they had to alternately carry it to ensure that they had enough strength and would not delay the progress. The murlocs also helped, but their numbers were much smaller and their effects were quite limited.

   It took twelve years before and after, and the giant clam carrying the temple was finally dragged out of the water.

  The big clam that had lived in the dark seabed for a long time was exposed to the sun for the first time. All the redthorns embraced each other excitedly and cheered loudly. The murlocs also jumped happily in the water.

  Under the light shining on all things, the Redthorn people used wooden forks and stone axes to remove the thick and sticky mud grass on the surface of the clam, and removed the shellfish and barnacles stuck to it.

  They washed the clam with water and restored the clam to its original appearance.

  The shell of the giant clam on the seabed is as pure and white as a pearl, without any impurities. It is transparent and crystal clear in the sun, which makes people like it when they see it.

   Chi Lian stood in front of the big clam, and said to the tall white treasure: "You have fulfilled your responsibility to bear the life of the temple of the old days. The old days are gone, and now Zhoudao has been protected by God Yao."

   "Now, I will pull out this dragon tooth halberd that pierced into your body as a sacrifice to Lord Yao God. I hope you can help me."

  He jumped onto the giant clam, grasping the snow-white halberd with both arms.

   Arms violently.

  This time, there was not much stagnation, and the power inside gradually loosened.

   Chi Lian pulled out the halberd that had been inserted into the clam. Holding it in his hand, he realized that the halberd was polished from the bone of a giant creature.

  Dragon Tooth Halberd... Presumably it is a dragon's tooth.

   It's just that this tooth is taller than himself, Chi Lian can't imagine how huge the body of the tooth owner will be.

"Thank you for your help."

   Chi Lian said to Da Clam.

  The big clam slowly opened its mouth, and the fishbone shrine carried on its shell shattered into fragments.

   There is no mussel meat in the mouth of the mussel, only a pearl the size of a hill is floating.

  The pearl flew in front of Chi Lian, and the smooth surface of the pearl reflected Chi Lian's surprised face.

   "The body of a demigod... Are you the successor of Lord Saokao?"

  A male and female voice came out of the pearl.

   "...Miao Li Weng, who is that?"

   "My last master was also the **** enshrined in the previous temple. I am Ao Zhu."

   It was the first time that Chi Lian saw a pearl that could talk. He asked curiously, "So that old **** is called the Weng of the Lily Hat. Why did He put you in a big clam?"

   "This is a divination bone made from a divination bone."

  Aozhu said: "It includes Aozhu and dragon tooth hook. This set is the treasure of Mr. Li Weng."

"Among them, the divination bone was originally a boat, and the dragon tooth hook was a tool for catching giant turtles or powerful prey. The turtle pearl, that is, I, was used to control the boat and the hook. I was also the core of the three treasures. Turning this world into a vassal, Mr. Li Liweng has no time for fishing for many years, so he put us under the temple."

  “I just don’t know why, but later He left and never came back.”

   Chi Lian nodded: "So it is like this."

  He asked the Redthorn people to carry the huge Bone together, used logs on the ground as roller skates, and dragged it to the front of the temple. Holding the Dragon Tooth Hook in his hand, he led Aozhu all the way to the entrance of the temple.

   Slimode, who was kneeling in front of the statue, finally turned around slowly.

"You did very well."

  Time did not leave any traces on the face of the man in green, he still looked like a calm elder.

   "Chi Lian, it seems that you already know what is most important to you."

   Chi Lian looked at the teacher: "Actually, I am still confused, but I know that the answer can only be obtained through continuous experimentation. I will lead the people to move forward. As long as we continue to move forward, there is hope for everything."

   "Good, you've grown."

  The man in green smiled: "Whether it is your personal destiny or the future of this world, it all depends on how far you can lead the Redthorn Clan."

   "Even if it is the voice that continues to influence you, as long as you are strong enough, it will no longer be the voice that continues to whisper to you, but you will exert influence on it. Isn't it?"

  Suddenly, Lamode looked at the distant sky outside the temple with a serious expression.

   Chi Lian followed the teacher's gaze.

  He saw that the clouds in the sky were broken, revealing a black continent in the sky, and that continent was getting closer and closer to the ground, and it was coming towards here aggressively.

  Slimmode said softly: "The war is coming, go, Chilian, and go back to your people. You need to protect them and meet the challenge with them."


  Lu Yao took the time to watch the cats in the blood hill next door for a while, but before he had sucked enough cats, repeated reminders popped up in the simulator.

  【The Red Thorn Clan invented the stargazing altar, and the knowledge of all the Red Thorn Clan has been slightly improved. 】

  【Discover the prototype of the usable wonder: Stargazing Altar. 】

  【Chi Lian offered a sacrifice to you: Bu Wengu. 】

  【Chi Lian offered you a sacrifice: Dragon Tooth Hook. 】

  【Chi Lian offered you a sacrifice: Aozhu. 】

   This made Lu Yao startled for a while.

  He looked through the Zhoudao World Encyclopedia, but he didn't see the entries for these props.

  Little Tai Sui, where did you dig this treasure?

   Thanks: book friend 20190124191419779 for supporting 3000 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion