MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 369 unfair!

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  Chapter 369 Unfair!

  Zhao strode forward and ran wildly on the headland.

  Rough red skin and muscles twisted tightly, sweat dripping from his body, the loss of the right half of his body made him a little unbalanced, his steps staggered and staggered.

  He ran desperately!

  I must send back everything I saw, and let the King of Light know how terrifying the enemies are, and they are ambitious to invade the entire world.

  The enemy's giant beasts are roaring, the soldiers' spears are burning with dark green fire, and the **** birds in the sky are chasing after them... The enemy has brought the darkness and ashes of destruction from the sky.

   They must be blocked from a distance, and they cannot be allowed to approach here!

  Otherwise those ashes and mist will engulf the living light and fire of the whole world!

   Soon, soon.

  Zhao felt that his throat was on fire, and the sun was shining on his body, but it was terribly cold. His body was as stiff as ice and stone, and he was completely supported by a will.

  Before leaving, the king said to him: "Come on, go and investigate those intruders. Remember their appearance and how many soldiers there are, and then come back and tell me."

   "I need to organize everyone to fight and train, and I can't leave. Only you can do this."

   "Go, my brother, I will wait for your news."

  The king called himself a brother.

   According to the only thought in my mind, I must send back what I saw at all costs.

  The redthorn clansmen appeared in front of them, holding stone axes and throwing stones, they came to support one after another.

   "Hurry up, take photos, we will help you delay!"

The    clansmen yelled, threw stones at the enemy behind them, and rushed towards the pursuers behind them.

   Whether you look at it or not, you know that the tumbling gray sea of ​​clouds behind you is the soldiers chasing by the enemy. They straddle the roaring monsters, and misty ashes linger everywhere they go.

  He can't turn back.

  Legs, you were born to run, at least for this moment, don't stop.

   Zhao found that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and he even felt that as long as he jumped hard, he could fly like a bird.

   No, no.

   Zhao finally realized.

  My body is gone.

   At some point, the heavy and cold body fell to the ground and was swallowed by green flames.

   What is running now?

  What am I now?

   According to do not know.

   He just runs.

   Behind him came the wanton laughter of the enemy.

  The **** birds covered the sky and the sun, they kept swooping down, teasingly pecking at the will that had lost the protection of its body.

   Zhao waved his arms desperately, but his hands were torn apart and disappeared.

  He didn't give up.

   As long as I still have my legs, as long as I can run, I must bring the news back!

   At this moment, a big bird seemed to lose patience, and its sharp beak pierced Zhao's chest, making him confused for a while, and fell to the ground.

  Looking at the big hole in his chest and the arms that disappeared down to his shoulders, he was in a trance for a second, then got up with his head on the ground, and continued to stagger forward.

  His back was constantly being pecked by the beak and became riddled with holes, but he didn't care so much.

   Must go back.

   I must go back!

   Wang and others are waiting for my news.

   Hold on, my last will, as long as you get to that place, your mission will be completed.

  Suddenly, Zhao found himself unable to move.

  A spear pierced his chest, pinning his frail ghost to the ground, green fire gnawing at his thin, unreal shadow.

   Zhao lost his arms and couldn't break free from the spear no matter what.

  He tore apart what little body was left, shook off the spear like a scrap of paper tossed in the wind, and walked on.

  Flame, we always praise your greatness, please slow down your burning, this is my last request.

  The big bird in the air swooped down towards Zhao as if it had received some order.

   A trace of despair emerged in Zhao's heart.

  Master Shenming, omnipotent God Yao, please use my burning body to transmit everything I see back to the king with smoke.

  Suddenly a white light flew over, cutting the fastest rushing big bird into two pieces, scaring off the black birds behind.

   I saw that it was a wooden sword floating in the air.

  A woman in a strange costume jumped to the ground. Her skin was strange blue, with long braids and sharp eyes.

  The toy-like wooden sword is held in her hand, but it looks like a terrifying weapon that can cut iron and crack rocks.

   Without saying a word, she jumped towards the menacing giant beast cavalry in the distance.

  Zhao shouted desperately with the last of his strength: "Be careful of their fire and ashes, don't be touched..."

  He had never seen such a weird blue person, but the reinforcements sent by the king should be able to stop the enemy at this moment.

   "Stop talking. You're badly hurt."

  A voice suddenly sounded in the ear.

   According to this, I realized that at some point, there was a strange-looking man beside me. He has a strong body like a stone, and there are no facial features on his face, only some strip-shaped holes.

  Beside the other party was a little girl, who also had long braids, a blue face, a wooden sword on her back, and big round eyes curiously looking at her.

  The stone man said to himself: "Fortunately, I brought [Xingnao Mint] from Sifang City, otherwise the language would be a problem... This time I came to the front line at the right time, there are so many injured ghosts."

   "Don't worry, my name is Yanjiao, I'm a doctor, I will cure you."

  He stretched out his hand: "Let me check first to see your specific injury."

  The thick arm of the stone man lightly touched Zhao's mutilated body, appearing calm and unhurried, but Zhao was very anxious at this moment.

  He could see clearly that the female warrior with long braids had entered the giant beast cavalry by herself, and wielding a wooden sword, she had stabbed two giant beasts down, beating the enemy into chaos.

   But the number of enemies is increasing, and reinforcements have arrived.

   "It's not good, it's not good, the injury is more serious than I thought, and surgery must be performed immediately. Negative sword rain, help me look around, don't let other people disturb my first aid."

  The little girl nodded. She was bouncing around, holding a wooden sword, and looked vigilant.

   Zhaoren was a little confused.

  So a child, let her fight those soldiers?

are you crazy?

   "Who are you?" Zhao asked with difficulty.

  The stone man took out a jar of water from his backpack and sprinkled it on Zhao's body: "This is a potion made from quick-acting heart-relief pills. Although it has limited effects on ghosts, it can restore your spirit."

   "We are the medical team of the Shacheng Yao "Peacekeeping Force" medical team. The one fighting in the front is called Negative Sword Carp, and the child behind is Negative Sword Yu. They are a fighting nation of Negative Swordsmen. Fighting is their life, so don't worry. "

  Zhao felt a burst of coolness, the previous trance situation was relieved, and the mind became much clearer.

   "I need to go back to the King of Light immediately. I must send back the enemy's information. Please help me."

   "No problem, let's go along the way anyway. We are going to report to Lord Slymode in the temple."

  The stone man said: "Come, don't resist, enter my body, I will give you a basic first aid first, to prevent your body from further collapse."

   Zhao hesitated for a while, and did so.

  He entered the body of the stone man. This feeling was very strange, as if he had briefly merged with the other party.

   According to the notice at this time, the follow-up reinforcements of the Behemoth Cavalry have quietly surrounded the Golem.

  The behemoths snorted and ran round and round, and the cavalry threw flaming spears towards them, completely locking up the stone man. The female warrior with the sword was held back and couldn't come back to support for a while.

   It's over, it's over!

   Zhao was anxious in his heart. The child with the wooden sword staggered among the giant beasts, was knocked down constantly, and struggled with the spear, and it didn't seem to last long.

  The stone man kept avoiding the flying spears, and the space for maneuvering became smaller and smaller.

  He yelled: "The doctor sneaked up on me during the emergency operation, how **** unqualified!"

  Zhao hurriedly urged: "Run, run."

   Before the stone man could respond, the box on his back was set on fire.

  He hurriedly put down the box and tried his best to put out the fire with sand, defenseless against the spear thrown, as if the box was his life. Although the flying spear failed to pierce his body, it also ignited green fire on his stone body.

   "Damn it, my potion!"

  Gritting his teeth, the stone man stood up slowly, and white air rose from his back to the sky, rushing out a big hole in the ashes that diffused in the air.

   Zhao suddenly felt a little out of breath.

   Then his eyes started to fly around like a bird, flipping over and over again.

  He could only vaguely see that the stone man was like a gust of wind, and his tyrannical and wild attack enveloped all the surrounding cavalry, whether it was a warrior or a giant beast, he was crazily greeted by his fist.

  Several giant beasts were beaten to death with blood from their seven orifices, and the cavalry were beaten to fly far away, and they didn't get up after falling.

   More than forty soldiers riding giant beasts, including their mounts and men, collapsed neatly on the ground.

   Looking after her made her heart tense.

  The stone man turned out to be more vicious than the female warrior.

  Suddenly, the stone man stopped and looked into the distance.

  Out of the ashes all over the sky, a strange man holding a huge ax came out. It was as tall as ten people, but its body and limbs were very slender.

  The weird man had his neck bent, with only one eye on his face, and his mouth reached to the ears on both sides, showing a ferocious and sinister smile.

   "I didn't expect that there were transcendents of this level in this primitive world, yo, I'm still a dragonborn, hehe, it seems that there will be no fun."

  The stone man sighed: "It's troublesome, the high-level apostle is here."

  Negative Sword Carp also returned to him, as if he was also extremely cautious about this enemy.

  The stone man shouted behind him: "Masters, if you don't come out, we are going to die. We are a medical team, not a combat unit..."

   Following this sound, two people came out from the woods behind.

  The man on the left has a slender and weak body, like a tree-shaped demon, but the skin is very smooth, and its slender arms carry a long stick.

  The skin of the person on the right was as gray as that of the dead, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "We still want to see if your [Riding the Dragon] can deal with the apostles, aren't you going to try again?"

   "Don't try it, Master Blow, I'm a doctor..."

  The stone man was a little helpless.

   "Forget it, you guys go back, here I will deal with Mr. Takeo." Blow said softly.

  He looked at the ax-wielding giant ahead, and asked his companion, "Do you want an ax or a corpse?"

  The bamboo man next to him waved his stick and said, "Whatever you want."

   "Then I want the body, and the ax is yours."


  The two apostles walked towards the giant in front.

  The Cyclops holding the ax suddenly realized something, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "It's actually two apostles..."

  He turned sharply and ran.

   However, another figure appeared behind him, abruptly stopping the giant.

   "Hmph, want to escape?"

   "Hey, Hobard, you're finally here." The Blow said back: "Then quickly untangle it, the "United Army" needs to deploy defenses here as soon as possible, otherwise those cavalry behind rushing through this line will be in trouble. "

  According to the last picture I saw, the Cyclops was besieged by three strong men, wielding his ax frantically, with a tragic look in despair.

  His roar of "It's not fair!" was full of unwillingness and anger, making the surrounding ground tremble...

   According to my heart.

  This Cyclops is no different from himself.

  Faced with an irresistible and powerful enemy, he also wanted to flee back to report, but unfortunately, he did not have reinforcements.

  (end of this chapter)

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