MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 1 : famous

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--B City Huaxia Imperial Capital, a well-known Fengxing Group.

Fengxing Group, an electronic financial industry group founded by Baixiu, the second wife of the Bai family, one of the major families in the imperial capital.

When it comes to the sixth of the Bai family, he is a legend, an idol and a role model in the hearts of many women.

The sixth child of the Bai family, Bai Xiu, is one of the triplets. From the age of sixteen, while studying and doing business, he founded Fengxing Construction. It took fourteen years to turn a small company into a large group that is now famous in the imperial capital.

At the age of thirty, she is still single. The number of suitors is unknown. In the shopping mall, he has a fierce style, but he treats people privately and is gentle and amiable, making people feel no distance. Therefore, on top of the entire shopping mall, popularity is also first-class.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that although Bai Xiu has business talents. But Fengxing Group, with today's scale, is not her credit.

It's all because of Bai Qi, the youngest son of the second room of the Bai family, Bai Xiu's younger brother.

Bai Qi has been frail and sick since he was a child, but he is as wise as a demon. Bai Xiu was sixteen years old, and when he was only eight years old, he encouraged Bai Xiu to trade. The establishment of Fengxing Construction has more than half of the credit of Bai Qi, and Bai Xiu is only the founder on the table.

At the beginning, Bai Qi was too young. If it weren't for Bai Xiu, and the entire Bai family would never reject any request from Bai Qi, the company would not have been able to start.

What's more, the Bai family in the dignified imperial capital does not need to do business at all. Their family is all from the background of the military, and it is not convenient for business.

But Bai Qi was happy. Therefore, Baixiu came forward and Fengxing Construction was established. The Bai family wanted to help secretly, but they didn't want to. Somehow, Bai Qi's head was born, and in just two years, Fengxing Construction's profit exceeded hundreds of millions every year.

It is too much to attract the attention of the above. When Fengxing Construction developed into Fengxing Group, all financial affairs were transparent. The annual tax is only a little more or less, but for all the charitable things initiated by the state, there is no shortage of donors from the Fengxing Group.

So, after 14 years, this Fengxing Group has long become a representative of private conscience enterprises. It has also entered the eyes of the major high-ranking people in the imperial capital, but no one has the slightest intention to target it.

The old man of the Bai family, the 95-year-old Bai Lao once said: The Bai family has today's glory without being jealous, and Bai Xiaoqi alone has half of the credit.

Bai Xiaoqi is naturally Bai Qi.

This day's Fengxing Group, the tea room in the afternoon, was really lively.

"Did you really go yesterday? Are you really smart?" It was Wang Jingxian from the secretary department who was asking the question. This secretary Wang has always been known for her steady work and seriousness. At this time, she seemed a little curious and eager.

"Sister Wang, I really went. You know, I haven't slept well all the time. I heard that the master is so effective, so I'll always try it. Before, my mother took me to pray to God and to seek a doctor. I asked about medicine. Since I was a child, I have tried every method, but I only say that I am light, and I have a lot of thoughts, but no matter what Bodhisattva I ask for or what medicine I take, I have a lot of dreams. It's comfortable. Since I heard that the master is effective, I have to try it, but I didn't expect it to be really effective."

The girl who replied was a fresh graduate student who had just come to the company for an internship at the beginning of this year. Fengxing Group, the probation period is half a year, and then it will gradually become a regular. Of course, if some people do not perform well, let alone half a year, they will let you go in a week.

This girl has stayed for half a year, and will be able to become a regular next month. It is Wang Jingxian who follows.

And being able to stay in the Fengxing Group to work, naturally has its own three-point ability. It stands to reason that in a legal and scientific society like today, fortune-telling or something is not a very high-level thing. What's more, in such a huge popular group, no one should talk about these things. Even if it's a short lunch break now.

But recently, the fortune-teller in the imperial capital is really too famous. Plus, today's materialistic society. Whether it is a man or a woman, the work pressure is relatively high. There are always all kinds of things, and there are always some that money or police doctors can't solve.

For example, the girl who just spoke. She has been fond of dreaming since she was a child, and she can't sleep well no matter what. Asking God and worshipping Buddha doesn't work, and I don't know how many times I seek a doctor and ask for a medicine. It's just that I don't sleep well every day, and it's useless to take sleeping pills.

No, after the Celestial Master became famous, she went yesterday with the attitude of giving it a try. I got a talisman, and as a result, that night, I had no dreams until dawn. Although the talisman was really expensive, it cost her a whole month's salary.

Although it is still in the internship period, this is the Fengxing Group, and the monthly salary is also very high, several thousand! It can be seen how expensive that talisman is!

"I originally thought that if I spend a month's salary, if it works, it's definitely worth it. If it doesn't work, I'll just find someone to set up his stall." The girl smiled, "But I myself Unexpectedly, it is actually effective! But the Lin Tianshi said that my talisman can only keep me for one year. After a year, this talisman will have no effect, and I need to go again at that time. Please."

Wang Jingxian frowned slightly when she heard the words. "So, it can't be cured at all?"

"That Tianshi Lin said that before I was forty years old, my dreaming problem could not be corrected, it could only be suppressed. After forty years old, it will be fine. It doesn't matter if what he said is true or false. , as long as it works, even if I spend so much money every year, I think it's worth it." You can earn more money, but it's dreamy and uncomfortable, but money can't buy it.

People who don't dream often can never understand the pain of people who dream more. What's more, she was growing up.

Wang Jingxian pursed the corner of her mouth, thinking about something, but didn't speak again. There were naturally many other people in the pantry, so those individuals were pestering the girl, and they started asking questions. All revolved around the very famous Tianshi Lin Xijiu in the imperial capital in recent months.

Lin Xijiu, a young magician who just appeared in a fortune-telling stall under an overpass in the imperial capital in recent months.

It is said that this Lin Tianshi is very young, less than thirty. He looks handsome, if not for the fortune-telling sign, he looks like a rich boy, not a fortune-teller.

At the beginning, this Lin Tianshi, who set up a stall under the overpass, naturally had no business.

Until one day, this Lin Tianshi was found by the local ruffians. Under the group attack, he easily used a few talismans to attract thunder and lightning from the sky. The thunder and lightning directly touched the hair of a few rascals, and everyone watched a live version of a fantasy drama. Then, Lin Tianshi became famous.

After that, gradually, this Lin Tianshi broke the marriage and took control of the universe; when he talked about misfortune and good fortune, he measured the heaven's secrets; when he commented on the eight characters, he changed his luck.

The mysterious makes people shudder. Also let some people who seek fortune-telling have their wishes come true, or it will be extremely peaceful.

Therefore, those who hated him wished to drink his blood and eat his flesh. I am grateful to him, and I can't wait to treat him as a Bodhisattva, which is really a two-sided extreme.

It is said that this Lin Tianshi is very good at showing off. Before he became famous, he counted how many hexagrams a day. No one knew. After he became famous, he counted three hexagrams every day.

Moreover, Lin Tianshi said that things like fortune-telling must be seen. As a result, some requests came to him and wanted him to count, but Lin Tianshi was not happy, so he simply said no.

There is no shortage of some powerful people. After Lin Tianshi said no, they wanted to force it. Then, Lin Tianshi will use his poisonous tongue. The so-called poisonous tongue is like a curse.

Say you have a bloodbath, say when you will be unlucky, say where you will suffer, say how much money you will lose.

All in all, it sounds like a complete curse, but to the point of death, these curses will all work.

In the past few months, anyone who tried to force Lin Tianshi to do something was seriously not able to end well. The next one was missing an arm and a broken leg, the better one, a lot of money went out, and only a little injury.

As a result, this Lin Tianshi became even more famous. Most of the imperial capitals, the common people below the middle level, and elites from all walks of life have all heard of this Lin Tianshi.

No, the huge Fengxing Group, a big group known for its strictness and rules and regulations, in the tea room during the lunch break, everyone is actually talking about that Lin Tianshi.

After more than ten minutes, the lunch break was over. Although Secretary Wang Jingxian never spoke again after that, when he left the tea room, there was a touch of firmness between his brows and eyes.

It was a bit too mysterious, she really couldn't find a solution, so she decided to go to that Lin Tianshi to try it!

Only three hexagrams are counted in a day... Moreover, it is divided into morning, noon and evening. It also depends on Lin Tianshi's mood and eyesight, it seems... It's better to take a day off tomorrow, go early.


Fengxing Group, President's Office.

"Liu Liu? Lao Liu!"

The first sound was still relatively light, only slightly impatient, but by the second sound, it had become severe.

This is the president's office of the Fengxing Group, who dared to speak with a stern voice to the president Bai Xiu... It can be seen that the identity is not simple!

Bai Xiu finally came back to her senses, and brushed the hair around her ear. The serious face that was used to work at work, after letting go of the serious expression, seemed a little softer.

And such a gesture, Bai Xiu will only show it in front of her family. The person in front of him is naturally one of his family members, her compatriot, the fifth brother, Bai Li.

Bai Li, don't look at the gentle name. But since childhood, Bai Li was not a gentle person. Before joining the army, the violence was excessive, and after joining the army, he was restrained. Violence is used to target some criminals, but to others, it has never been used.

But it is precisely because he has dealt with criminals too much, so when someone or something does not take advantage of his mind, his temper will become even worse. If there is anyone in this world who can make Bai Li willing to restrain his temper unconditionally, it is only Xiaoqi from the Bai family.

After the other party was born, the entire Bai family, up and down, was regarded as a darling of the Bai family, who was willing to unconditionally hold it in his hands and pamper it.

Bai Xiu did the same thing, so she was never jealous. Feeling the vague impatience of Bai Li, Bai Xiu sighed.

"Fifth brother, you know Xiao Qi's temper. He won't listen to me when he decides. The construction site in Lin Nancheng really doesn't need him to solve it himself, but he's just interested. It's already there. Before he solves the problem, where is it that I can call him back..."

Bai Li looked coldly at his fellow sister in front of him, "You shouldn't have let Xiao Qi know about the accident at the construction site. Don't you know that he has been suffering from a low-grade fever these few days?"

Bai Xiu swallowed her saliva, really miserable. Her fifth brother was never unreasonable, and even more unreasonable when he was unhappy! If you want to reason with him, he will directly attack you. If you beat him, then continue to reason. If you can’t beat him, then listen to his reason!

Bai Xiu's skills are good, compared with ordinary women, it must be much better, but if compared with Bai Li, it is not comparable to a finger. Therefore, Bai Xiu can only explain aggrievedly: "My company, others don't know what's going on, fifth brother, can you still know? Although I am the president, the outside world thinks how powerful I am, but this company is completely in control. In the hands of Xiaoqi. Where is there something he doesn't know! I just want to hide it, but I can't hide it!"

Bai Li didn't want to accept this explanation, so his tone became colder. "You can't hide it, that's your incompetence!"

Bai Xiu's mouth twitched, and she was about to say something when the phone rang. For some reason, her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly smiled embarrassedly at Bai Li and answered the phone. The next moment, Bai Xiu's expression changed.

At this time, Bai Li, who was on the sofa, also received a message, and he abruptly stood up from the sofa. This man was full of suffocation and suffocation. At this time, he didn't know what news he received, and the whole person added a bit of gloomy aura. All of them express a message: those who are close, die!

On the other hand, Bai Xiu, with a bit of panic, hurriedly stepped out from behind the desk.

"Fifth brother, let's go to Linnan City, something happened to Xiao Qi!"

Read The Duke's Passion