MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 455 :dislike; despise

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If one missile is not enough to solve it, then two! If two are not enough, then three! As long as you can find this

The so-called Luo family's land, then there are as many missiles as you want! The people of the Bai family never accept any threats unless

They want to accept!

After Yun Qing left, Bai Ding felt relieved. The injured elder patted on the back of Bai Ding's neck, and the other party suddenly fainted.

past. Bai Ding's fallen body was thrown to Luo Chuan by the injured elder, "Put it in the mysterious prison, you will personally

Go and watch, no one is allowed to see him.

Luo Chuan nodded, "Yes, I see.

Although he responded like this, Luo Chuan was actually very surprised.

Xuan prison, is it actually Xuan prison? That place is actually a dungeon of the highest level of their Luo family. Usually, either

It is a very noble status, or it is very destructive, and it has gone wrong because of the practice, otherwise

If so, it would never be locked in such a place.

The Profound Prison is made of a special material, and it is very difficult to break open it with external force other than the key. Luochuan

He took Bai Ding to Xuan Prison, put him on the only wooden bed, and sat cross-legged beside him.

In the distance, he practiced quietly.

At the same time, Luo Chuan couldn't help thinking about Bai Ding's previous words, and he had to say that those words were really...

So domineering. In their Luo family, even if there is a patriarch, the identity and power of the elder have always been above the patriarch.

above. They have never seen a few of their elders so shriveled, nor have they seen anyone

Dare to threaten someone like them!

The elders have always been "gods" in their Luo family. It turns out that "gods" are also threatened.

It seems that something has collapsed, and it seems that something has been "liberated". Luo Chuan found that he could not enter into meditation.

The mood suddenly became more complicated.

On the other side, Bai Qi, Lin Xijiu and others saw Yunqing who came to the door, heard what the other party said, and knew

When Bai Ding was detained by the Luo family, his eyes narrowed.

"The Luo family? You didn't tell my second brother how to get there, how did he find it? And you

He also said that he broke in suddenly. "Bai Qi puzzled.

Yun Qing nodded, "Yes, I didn't tell him, I didn't think much about it before, thinking that he was based on my personal status.

I found it there because of the aura on the

Strength, after all, his practice time is short. Secondly, it is impossible to break through the labyrinth of the Luo Family just by the sense of breath.


Yun Qing said, then paused, "Bai Ding mentioned what cat's meow, he said he found it based on the cat's meow, but I

I didn't hear it, and I saw that the group of people in the Luo family had strange expressions after hearing Bai Ding say this. This is also the reason why those elders will seize Bai Ding later. "

"That way

"It seems that the Luo family has a special reason for arresting my second brother." Bai Qi narrowed his eyes.

A family with a large population. What my second brother said was that even a hidden family would not

It's the same, Yunqing, that family's path, if you can find it once, you can find it a second time, right?"

"Yes, I promise.

Yun Qing nodded,

"That's good, you don't have to think too much, I'll discuss with Lin Xijiu again to see if we want to prepare

Bai Qi smiled,

Order something, and when it's time to leave, we'll find you, your room has not been touched, you can go in and rest for a while. "

Yun Qing paused, and finally nodded slowly, indicating that he understood.

After Yun Qing left, Lin Xijiu said: "I really have to prepare something, I just have some ideas, and Guoguo's

You also need to prepare two more for Zhong Fulu, and you can also look at the arrangement if you are there. "

"I understand. Since they want to escape from the world and feel that the maze is strong, let them see, in the high

Bai Qi nodded,

Under the artillery fire of science and technology, whether those things are useful or not, what about cultivators, against the entire state machine, that is

court death!

Lin Xijiu smiled and gently stroked Bai Qi's cheek, "Okay, let's go.

Lowe family.

"Why are you here?" Luo Chuan frowned and looked at Luo Xitong who appeared. Bai Ding is still in a coma,

This man shouldn't have heard the order, why did he come this way?

Luo Xitong said softly, "I want to chat with him."

"You should have heard what the elder said. If you came here by yourself, then I can't help you." Luo Chuandan


Luo Xitong took a deep breath

"I just had a few words with him."

Luo Chuan was expressionless, "You go to the elder and say this, if the elder agrees, I have no opinion."

Luo Xitong's face turned ugly.

Luo Chuan directly "closed" the cell door here. Luo Chuan himself was inside. This kind of closure was like

A kind of "close the door", but it can isolate the sound of the outside world and the people outside, such as now, the inside can't see the outside

Luo Xitong, who was in front of him, even if Bai Ding woke up.

Luo Xitong's talent is good, and he has always held a high position in the clan. He has some kinship with one of the elders.

For a long time, he has been regarded as the "leader" of the younger generation, probably because of this reason, it is inevitable that he has a high self-esteem.

You know, the earth doesn't revolve around him.

A few minutes later, Bai Ding really woke up.

Luo Chuan looked over and fell silent for a while, "You're awake." Bai Ding sat up, looked at the surrounding environment, looked at Luo Chuan again, raised his eyebrows slightly, "This is the prison.

room?" This Luo family is really "old" enough, and there is such a prison cell.

"It's the prison cell, yes." Luo Chuan nodded, "Speaking of which, the people of your Bai family have saved my life again. Last time

Thanks to the help of Daoist Ginkgo

Bai Ding chuckled, "Oh, the way you treat your savior is quite special, and it's unforgettable.

Luo Chuan was silent for a while, and said: "Sorry, I can't control the affairs of the clan. However, please believe me,

I really have no ill will towards you.

Bai Ding raised his brows, noncommittal.

"Did you really hear the cat meowing?" Luo Chuan lowered his voice.

Bai Ding smiled, "So what is it, so what is it not?

Luo Chuan's voice was two points lower,

"In our clan, there is a legend left by our predecessors, which can also be said to be ancestral teachings.

The cloud swallowing cat is the symbol of our family's sacred object. It has a special existence and a special breath, and only the most special people can listen to it.

To see it, to feel it, even to see it. Only those who can come into contact with the Cloud Swallowing Cat can become the real members of the Luo family.

the patriarch, the leader. These years, about three hundred years ago, the cloud swallowing cat has never made a sound. In our clan

There is no other cat. For more than 300 years, the cloud swallowing cat has never appeared again, and we are not even sure.

Whether there is still a cloud-swallowing cat in the Ding clan, and the people in the clan have not been able to see, hear, or perceive the existence of the cloud-swallowing cat. this is in

Our clan is not a secret. It is also for this reason that in the past three hundred years, some people in our clan have joined the WTO.

Just to see if the Cloud Swallowing Cat left our clan and went outside, can they sense it outside.

For example, more than a hundred years ago, Luo Xitong went out to find the cloud swallowing cat, but then various things happened

Love, provoked the enemy of Yunqing. It was because of the blood spirit beads that the lunatic was attracted. In the end, the blood spirit beads still didn't get it.

arrive. was robbed.

In fact, Luo Chuan felt that this was a bit ironic.

Bai Ding was speechless when he heard Luo Chuan's words. "Swallowing the cloud cat? You mean, here you are, except for the cloud-swallowing cat

And no other cats? So it's not normal for me to hear cats meow?"

"Yes, and you passed the maze, the route you passed through the maze was told by Yunqing, or you came by yourself.


Of course he came by himself, and he didn't see any so-called labyrinth at all, if it wasn't for what this person said so rightly

The way he looked, he would definitely think that the other party was making fun of him.

Luo Chuan looked at Bai Ding and slowly let out a sigh of relief. "It seems that you really came here based on the cat's call, and the labyrinth of our Luo family doesn't seem to be useful to you."

Bai Ding glanced at the other party and said nothing.

"If it's really a cloud swallowing cat, if you really found it based on the cat's meow, then the people in the clan probably won't

Will let you go easily. Luo Chuan lowered his voice even more, and after saying this, he said softly: "I know

Someone out there will surely come to your rescue. People in the family have been out of the world for too long, and they have already had a relationship with the outside world.

some disjointed. At that time, I also hope that you will be merciful. "

"It doesn't seem right for you to say anything merciful to a prisoner like me, right?" Bai Ding smiled.

Looking at the other party with a smile, Luo Chuan shook his head when he heard the words.

"I believe in the power of those people outside, they will definitely be able to save you out, this cell can't hold you,

I have shown you such kindness, and I just hope that you can let our Luo family go. Although I can't do it here

Lord, but if they can spare you, can this be brought to light?

"What you said is too early, as you said, you don't have the right to speak in this family,

Then, what will happen in the future, no one can predict. I can only tell you, people don't offend me, I don't offend

People, if people sin against me, they must pay back tenfold.

Bai Ding's expression was very cold, and his voice was even calmer. Luo Chuan's complexion changed slightly. After a while,

He took a deep breath.

"I understand, I hope other people in the family can be smarter and don't do anything with you.


To be precise, it is not an enemy of the entire Bai family.

But now, there is still a Yun Qing in it. Yun Qing is here for revenge.

The three elders who have done something to Yun Qing, the three elders, in the Luo family, have a very high status, Luo Chuan actually has a very high status.

Understand that some hostility is inevitable, and he will say this to Bai Ding, just holding a glimmer of hope.

In fact, none of them are fools, and none of them are children.

Being locked in this cell, there is nothing else to do. Of course, Bai Ding also tried to contact the outside.

However, there is no signal here. In addition, if he contacts the outside according to some special methods, he himself is not very good at it.

The second one doesn't seem to be of any use.

Nothing on his body has been taken away, and the locator is also on him, but he just doesn't know the location in this army.

device, is it useful?

Yunqing has already gone out, so Xiao Qi and Lin Xijiu must have already known about their detention.

Interest, he has no doubt that the other party will definitely come to save him. Just don't know the exact time.

Therefore, Bai Ding is actually not worried about his current situation, just. The so-called cloud swallowing cat made him feel

I felt a little trouble. If the so-called cat meow really comes from the cloud-swallowing cat, and this ling-swallowing cat has such a different meaning to the Luo family, then I am involved in a trouble...

He Bai Ding is not a member of the Luo family, so people from this family... will probably look at him very unpleasantly.

Read The Duke's Passion