MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (12)

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If you see the other person in pain, whether it is because of the symptoms or something else, you will feel pity in your heart.

As time passed, the relationship between the two became more and more warm, and after eating. Baiyun took Ye Xingheng to the outside


Ye Xingheng's body is much better now, and simple exercise will only be more beneficial for people's physical recovery, so. During this time, Bai Yun accompanied Ye Xingheng and did not many simple exercises.

Two people came outside, the garden below the hospital. After walking for a while, the wind picked up, Bai Yun took off his jacket and put it on Ye Xingheng.

Ye Xingheng smiled with frowning eyes, looking at Baiyun with the appearance of Baiyun in his eyes. "I'm not so vulnerable now, just a little bit, and I'm not cold now."

"Then it's better to take care of your body. What if you catch a cold? You can have surgery in ten days.

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Well, now I can't catch a cold. "

Ye Xingheng didn't expect that he would be able to have surgery. This was something he never thought about. Originally, one extra day of life was counted as one day. The family was reunited, but now, he really saw the hope of life, and Bai Yun even assured him that he would definitely heal himself.

Bai Yun was not a doctor, but Ye Xingheng believed in the assurance of the other party from the bottom of his heart.

There is still a day when your body may be healed! This was something that I didn't even dare to think about in the past, so looking at the young man beside him, Ye Xingheng felt more and more love for the other party, Ye Xingheng was worried, wasn't he? One day, I will be unable to control myself, if that is the case, will Bai Yun leave immediately?

Bai Yun should just think that there is a fate between them! Although the other party sometimes looks at their own eyes. There is love in the eyes. And every time, Ye Xingheng's heartbeat would be faster. But it's not the same as when it happened.

And sometimes, from Bai Yun's eyes, the affection he sees makes Ye Xingheng not feel frightened. He is afraid, afraid of Baiyun, but also likes himself, afraid of, afraid of Baiyun, dislikes himself, whether Baiyun likes it or not. Like himself, he is afraid, because they are people from two worlds, and there is no future at all.

Like now, Ye Xingheng was very satisfied that he was able to steal so much happiness.

Every day he wished that his time could pass a little slower. There were some things he didn't want to think about at all. Just go by.

In this way, several days have passed, and Ye Xingheng's surgery time is getting closer and closer, only one week, and during this time, Baiyun will not go back at night, because, in the evening, he will also take advantage of the opportunity to It is also beneficial for this person to input his own spiritual power into the other party's body, and let the other party take a proper amount of his own blood, his own blood.

Bai Yun even thought, did he let the other party take a drop or two of his blood?

It's just that his heart is blood and his spiritual power is too strong. I don't know if Ye Xingheng can bear it.

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Ending Fanwai 002

The time for Ye Xingheng's surgery is getting closer and closer, and there are less than three days left in the blink of an eye. Because Baiyun has been staying out at night for the past few days, even his father and father can't see it, so ,this day.

Bai Yun took advantage of Ye Xingheng's sleep and injected spiritual power into the opponent's body. Then, he heard someone knocking on the window. Bai Yun looked at it and found that it was his father and father.

Bai Yun walked out, a little awkward, as if he had done something bad outside and was caught by his family, Bai Yun blinked innocently, looking at his father and father.

"I just said what are you doing out there everyday? Is this the friend you were talking about?"

Bai Yun nodded. "Father, father, why are you here? He will have an operation in a few days, and his heart disease is very serious, so these few days and nights, I have been using my spiritual power to warm him up. I wanted to introduce him into the first practice, but I found that his current body is too fragile. If he is introduced into the first practice at this time, it will not be good for him, so I delayed it and can only use my spiritual power to warm him up."

"It's a good-looking child. Since he's your friend, and you're so dedicated to saving you, then this matter must be done to the end."

"Of course, father, don't worry, he is my friend, how could I not save him. I still want to give him my blood, but I'm worried that if my blood is too strong, it will Let his current body be unbearable, father, father, you are here just in time, is there any way you can do? If you have a way, then if you give him my heart blood, it will be even better, the success of the operation The rate will definitely be higher. In fact, his condition is not as complicated as that of the uncle.”

"Do you still want to give him your heart blood? It seems that you really care about your friend, okay, son, you don't have to give your father an official word here, don't you just like it? Is it someone else? You really think we are all fools."

Bai Yun was stunned when he heard this, he liked Ye Xingheng, did he like him? It turns out that every day I feel that time passes quickly, and I want to see each other all the time, just like it! Although there are many same-sex couples in the family, and their juniors have seen the love of their elders a lot, Bai Yun and Ye Xingheng didn't think about this in the beginning, they turned out to be in love with them him?

"You kid runs outside every day, does so many things for others, and is very diligent every day. Don't you know that you like others? How can I have a stupid son like you, you are really too much Stupid."

Bai Yun's mouth twitched. "Father, father, if you two think I'm stupid, you should teach your brother well, don't teach him to be so stupid, but when I went back the day before yesterday, I saw that my brother was also doing something Stupid, he almost bit his tongue off, he even asked me if I could put it back on after biting off my tongue, and he wanted to bite off his arm, are you starving him? Why does he keep thinking about self-mutilation?"

When Bai Ding heard the words, he immediately followed the black line. When his son was born, it was an egg, and then the egg broke.

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And out, with Baiyun is also the most intimate, just. After another period of time, the other party didn't know which tendon was wrong, and the thoughts filled his head all day long, it was very strange.

He always thinks about taking a part of himself apart and seeing if he can put it back on himself, which is simply speechless, and when he's hungry, he can just put his arm against him. A fierce bite, if not after seeing a lot of doctors. There were a lot of psychiatrists, and they asked Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi. They, all the people in the Bai family, who had the ability, showed him, and confirmed that this little guy didn't have any big problems. It's just that the curiosity is too heavy, and they all suspect that there is something wrong with this guy's brain.

He was so cute when he was a child, but how did he grow up and become less and less cute? Bai Ding was also very puzzled. Now that he heard Bai Yun say this, he tapped him on the head.

"Don't worry about your brother's affairs. Your seventh uncle said that he just thinks a little abnormally, but his brain is not a problem. He likes to bite his own arm, so let him bite it himself. Anyway, after biting his flesh, he is very It will grow out soon, and he can't hurt himself. He is willing to self-harm, so what can we do?"

The corners of Bai Yun's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and having such a father and father doesn't know if it's his brother's luck, or is it actually his brother's misfortune?

What does he mean when he wants to bite? Well, their family is also implementing a stock-raising policy for his younger brother anyway. It is probably what the other party wants to do. Anyway, the other party won't toss himself to death. .

"You haven't said, is there any way to protect him so that he can drink a drop of my blood!"

Yun Qing said aside. "There is a way. When do you want to do it? Do you want him to know? Or don't let him know? If you don't let him know, it doesn't matter if you do it now. If you want him to know, then tomorrow."

"I have never told him about the issue of cultivation. He doesn't know that I am a person with special abilities, so let's do it now, he will have an operation soon, and I don't want him to have too many things in his heart. "

"Look at you like this, son, you have really grown up, and you actually think about others, which is not bad. They all say that love can make people grow up. This is really not a bad thing to say, okay, then we will go in."

Under the **** of Bai Ding and Yun Qing, Bai Yun took a drop of his own blood and stuffed it into Ye Xingheng's mouth.

Ye Xingheng, who was asleep before, is now in a coma, and has no idea what happened to him.

He just took a drop of blood from his heart, and with Baiyun's current cultivation, it's nothing, so his face is not pale. Bai Ding and Yun Qing did not sympathize with their son, and asked the other party to meditate and recover. Afterwards, Bai Ding and Yun Qing, who came to see it, left.

After Bai Ding and Yunqing left, Bai Yun began to recover. It was almost dawn when Bai Yun recovered almost. His current strength is still quite strong. He took out a drop of blood and took such a short time. Almost recovered, Bai Yun is still very satisfied with himself now.

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It's a pity that I can't beat the big villain Qunhan, and I don't know when I will be able to beat the big villain. That big villain has liked to bully the fourth generation of their Bai family since childhood. The fourth generation of their Bai family has long been I want to unite and beat the other party, but unfortunately the other party is too strong, and they are not able to beat them at all, so they still have to keep getting stronger.

Bai Yun opened his eyes and glanced at the sky outside. It was almost dawn outside. During this period of time, he had been staying outside, sleeping next door, not like meditating in the room today.

Usually when he came over, Ye Xingheng was awake, and the other party seemed to wake up very early. However, the sleep quality of the other party should be good, because every time he came over to see Ye Xingheng, the other party's face was alright. At this time, looking at the person on the hospital bed, Bai Yun couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Like it? He really didn't think too much about this aspect before, but after his father and father talked about it, he seemed to understand everything like a butterfly, and it turned out that he had fallen in love with Ye Xingheng.

Therefore, when I see the other person's face is not good, I feel pity and distress, so when I see the other person happy, I will also be happy, and I will unconsciously want to coax the other person to be happy, this is the feeling of liking someone, He didn't understand before, but now he understands, he should thank his father and father.

If it wasn't for his father to just clarify, he probably wouldn't know his thoughts on Ye Xingheng by now.

Baiyun stood up from the ground, then slowly came to the bedside, sat down on the bedside, looked at Ye Xingheng's sleeping face, and then the color of his eyes darkened a little bit, he His gaze slowly settled on Ye Xingheng's lips.

Because of heart disease, Ye Xingheng's lips were much lighter and pink than normal people's lips.

Bai Yun watched, and suddenly had the urge to kiss him, but when Bai Yun reacted, he found that he had lowered his head, and he was about to kiss Ye Xingheng.

For a while, Bai Yun's movements froze. He didn't know if he should continue. He didn't know what Ye Xingheng thought of him. He fell in love with Ye Xingheng. That's right, what about Ye Xingheng? Does Ye Xingheng also like him? If Ye Xingheng is just grateful to him, not like it, then what should he do himself?

Bai Yun thought about it this way, and found that he was really troubled! However, looking at the pale pink lips in front of him, the person in Baiyun was once again bewitched. He finally lowered his head slowly, and then covered the pale face little by little. Above the pink lips, what Bai Yun did not expect was that he had just covered the pale pink lips. Suddenly, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes.

At that moment, both of them were stunned, especially Bai Yun. He never thought that the person on the bed would wake up at this time, and the person on the bed did not expect that Bai Yun would be in his room at this time, and, Do this to him.

The two stared at each other blankly, and then at the same time. Both of their cheeks were a little red.

Especially Ye Xingheng, not only his cheeks, but his ears turned red. Bai Yun looked at the other party like this, and his heart moved slightly. Then, he couldn't help but deepen the kiss. If it was just on the other party's lips at first, then Ye Xingheng's current performance, the other party's With red cheeks and ears, Bai Yun couldn't help but deepen the kiss, and at the same time he was sure in his heart.

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Certainly, this person also likes himself, otherwise, he would never behave like this.

Ye Xingheng's whole cheek was really red, and when Baiyun deepened the kiss, he was completely at a loss, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Bai Yun felt the other party's jerky, and felt even more distressed in his heart. He was once again fortunate that the other party seemed to have forgotten the bad experience half a year ago. Otherwise, the other party would not have behaved like this. This person should be very repulsive and repulsive.

Bai Yun couldn't help hugging Ye Xingheng, but he didn't continue the kiss. The other party's heart was not good, so he didn't dare to stimulate this person too much. The doctor has already said that no matter what happens, you should treat it with a normal heart, and then you can't be overjoyed, otherwise, if there is a problem, the operation can only be postponed.

Baiyun hugged Ye Xingheng, Ye Xingheng listened to Baiyun's heartbeat, that heartbeat was much stronger than his own, Ye Xingheng slowly calmed down.

Bai Yunguo really likes him, and what he sees in the eyes of the other party is true, which makes Ye Xingheng happy, but he can't help worrying in his heart, Bai Yun likes him, but if the other party's family does not agree, what should he do? manage?

What should I do if Bai Yun is not in harmony with his family because of himself?

What's more, can he be worthy of Baiyun just by his own identity? He could see that the other party must be your noble son. They are people from two worlds. Can someone like him be worthy of Baiyun?

In Ye Xingheng's heart, there are ten thousand reasons why he is not worthy of Baiyun, and there are also reasons not to be so close to each other, but. Ye Xingheng went into Baiyun's arms, and the stick was even tighter, and he couldn't leave.

Liking is such a grinding thing, although your own reason tells you what kind of things you should not do, but because you like it, then it seems that everything will be out of control, especially when you If you find that the person you like also likes you, then some things are even more uncontrollable. For example, the current Ye Xingheng, he doesn't want to leave Baiyun's arms at all, not at all.

The two hugged quietly for a while, and then Bai Yun's voice sounded softly in the ward. "Ye Xingheng, I like you, and you like me too, don't you? Let's date then."

Ye Xingheng's body trembled slightly, he finally left Baiyun's arms, and then looked at Baiyun's face. "Can we really date? Don't you think we're not from the same world? Do we really match?"

Bai Yun was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, he touched Ye Xingheng's cheek. "Why do you think about this? This

There is no match for each other, as long as we like each other, then we match, if we don't like each other, then we don't match.


Ye Xingheng hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and said. "But Baiyun, will your family agree with us? I have no relatives, so I have no problem with you, no one will object, but you are different, your family conditions should be very good, very good Right? Would your family approve of you being with a boy?"

"Of course I agree, in fact, my father and father have come secretly once, but you fell asleep at that time, so

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So I didn't specifically wake you up. If it wasn't for my dad and dad, I wouldn't know I liked you, they pointed it out

I. "

Ye Xingheng was really stunned.

"Your father and father, how can it be father and father? Not father and mother, they have come, when is this?"

"They've been here, and it's not long." Bai Yun didn't say the exact time, and he didn't want to say what he was worried about.

"My father's physique is a bit special. I was born to my father. My father and my father gave birth to me, so I don't have a mother. My father played the role of mother, and I came out of my father's belly. "

"Can a man have a baby?" Ye Xing's eyes widened in surprise. Bai Yun looked at him like that, and he felt so cute. He couldn't help kissing the other's surprised eyes, and then said with a smile. .

"Of course it's impossible for normal men to have children, so my father's physique is a bit special. I can tell you in detail later, or you'll understand when you see them."

"In addition, as long as my family members are the ones I like, they will like them, but they don't care if they are boys or girls, and there are quite a few same-sex partners in my family. The elders in my family are looking for a lot of same-sex partners. , they are very loving one by one."

Ye Xingheng never knew that there was such a strange thing, so his worries were all unnecessary? There are many same-sex partners, that is to say, even if Baiyun finds a same-sex partner, there is no problem.

"But my family's conditions are not good, and it's not right for you to be a householder. I'm afraid that a good family like yours is very particular about being a householder, right! Even if I'm a boy, they don't care, but if my background makes them dislike... "

"You're thinking too much about this, what's wrong with your background? Isn't it good to be innocent? Don't worry, as long as we like each other, my family will definitely like you very much, and they will like you. You, more than like me, you will be able to understand when you see my family in the future, now, the most important thing is your surgery, it is safe and successful, the rest as long as we like each other, all the problems not a problem."

Bai Yun said it very firmly, Ye Xingheng looked at the other party like this, and finally nodded slowly, and he couldn't help but feel relieved, since Bai Yun's father and father already knew about them, and there was no objection, Instead, it clarified Baiyun's thoughts, so, maybe. They are really not against themselves and Baiyun.

Ye Xingheng suddenly had a feeling that he was above the clouds, could it be that he was really very peaceful? Since meeting Baiyun, everything seems to have happened.

Baiyun kissed Ye Xingheng's lips again, Ye Xingheng couldn't help blushing, Baiyun hugged Ye Xingheng.

"It turns out that I like you, and you like me, too! I'm really grateful to my father and father. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't know how I feel about you."

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Ye Xingheng slowly raised the corner of his mouth upon hearing this.

After the two of them confirmed each other's intentions, the relationship between them became more sweet and natural. Bai Yun liked to hug Ye Xingheng from time to time.

Ye Xingheng was very shy, and every time he was held in Baiyun's arms, he couldn't help blushing, making Baiyun almost unable to restrain himself from being impulsive.

The night before Ye Xingheng had surgery. After the other party fell asleep, Bai Yun went back home, then found Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, and asked them to help him stare at Ye Xingheng's surgery.

Bai Qi touched Bai Yun's head. "This time flies so fast. It didn't take long for our little Baiyun to find a lover for himself. It seems that Uncle Seven is getting old."

"Seventh uncle is standing with me now, and he looks a little older than me. How can we be old? We are cultivators who don't know how long we can live? Seventh uncle, don't worry, you are absolutely not. He will grow old, but my seventh uncle is so handsome."

"It's still Baiyun's sweet mouth. Is it because of this mouth to coax his daughter-in-law?"

Bai Yun shook his head. "That's not it. Why does my daughter-in-law need me to be so coaxed. Besides, what I told Uncle Seven was the truth. Uncle Seven is not old at all, Uncle Seven is so handsome."

Bai Qi laughed and shook his head. The next day, Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu appeared in front of Ye Xingheng together.

Ye Xingheng was a little nervous at first, but the smiles on Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu's faces made him relax quickly.

The operation will be performed today, Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu followed them into the operating room, and Bai Yun followed.

In fact, it is enough to have Baiyun, but Bai Qi's light of heaven and earth is very beneficial to Ye Xingheng's recovery.

Although the operation took a little longer, it took more than ten hours, but, just as Bai Yun thought, Ye Xingheng's problem was actually much less serious than that of Bai Feng. ! It was not even Bai Feng's whole body that had undergone a major change of blood, and Ye Xingheng's words, although a heart was replaced, the so-called rejection problem, under the influence of spiritual power, would not be a problem at all.

So, coupled with Bai Qi's light of heaven and earth. For Ye Xingheng's side, on the second day of the operation, he opened his eyes and found that he didn't feel that much pain all over his body, instead he felt a warm feeling. The heart had always felt uncomfortable before. But now that he could feel his strong heartbeat, Ye Xingheng was stunned. Could it be that the current heart surgery is so simple? Can recovery be so fast?

At this time, Bai Yun finally told Ye Xingheng that the cultivators were different from ordinary people.

Ye Xingheng was of course not surprised, because they had already gone through troubled times, and Ye Xingheng also survived in troubled times, just because they were in the imperial capital, they were relatively lucky.

Ye Xingheng is an ordinary citizen, and the imperial capital has always been very protective of the ordinary citizens of the imperial capital! Although the time of troubled times is relatively long, the troubled times experienced by ordinary people are not so exaggerated.

Because Ye Xingheng was in poor health, his family never asked him to do anything.

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As for the so-called cultivators, ordinary people in the entire imperial capital are now aware of it. He just never went to Baiyun to be a cultivator before. He has thought about this. Now that he knows what he says, Ye Xing is very surprised. Fortunately, I feel that I have been favored by God!

After only staying in the hospital for a week, Ye Xingheng fully recovered. From then on, Ye Xingheng could run, jump, and his body could insist that he do anything.

Ye Xingheng had never thought before this that he would have such a day, he actually even thought, would he not be able to get off the operating table? But in fact, he didn't stop, and now, his health is very good, which made him very grateful to Baiyun, and he took Baiyun home.

And when Baiyun saw another photo. He was stunned for a moment.

Ye Xingheng didn't notice anything unusual about Baiyun.

The photo Bai Yun saw was of his twin brother. Next to his twin brother, there are pictures of his parents, Ye Xingheng solemnly introduced Bai Yun to his family, and also solemnly introduced his family to Bai Yun.

Bai Yun looked at Ye Xingheng, and finally knew why this person felt strange when he saw him for the first time. It turned out that it was not the so-called amnesia, or the so-called closed past, but his own The person saved was Ye Xingheng's twin brother!

Bai Yun felt very sorry for Ye Xingheng's younger brother. However, it was not Ye Xingheng himself who experienced such a tragic event, which made Baiyun feel a little bit fortunate, and Ye Xingheng's younger brother died. That car accident, Baiyun has already told people to investigate, I believe there will be results in the shortest time. The police couldn't find out before, maybe they didn't increase their efforts. After all, there are still many unspoken rules in this imperial capital. Yexing Heng is just an ordinary person. If there is no tape on it, how can the following be so focused on checking!

But after the intervention of the Bai family, Bai Yun believed that no matter what the driver was, he could find out. Sure enough, on the second day, the person who killed Ye Xingheng's twin brother appeared. The water is over, it belongs to one of the big families, but there is no way to compare it with the big families in the imperial capital. It is a good person from a medium and large family.

Because of this, he was able to get away with impunity all the time. Bai Yun directly took the other party out and threw him into the prison. He would never think about it in his life. As for the family who defended that person, Bai Yun, although he didn't do much. However, it is impossible for this family to continue to develop upwards.

Without implicated them, it is already very good for them to sit together in a group.

As for the one thrown into the prison, if the other party did not die, that is the biggest punishment. What is death? But it's just a moment of pain! but. The real life is worse than death, that is the real suffering!

On the day when his brother got his revenge. Ye Xingheng's whole person became more relaxed, leaning against Baiyun's arms, he really felt that he was really lucky.

Ye Xingheng had no other family members, so Bai Yun naturally brought him back to the Bai family.

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At the beginning, Ye Xingheng was very uneasy, he was afraid, afraid of Baiyun, other family members would not like him, but after coming to Bai's house. All the people are very friendly to him, and they are really concerned about him. That kind of real concern can be felt by people, and can be felt at once. Ye Xingheng is a sensitive person. Naturally, I felt it, so my heart was even more moved.

It turns out that what Baiyun said is true, the other party's family is really good, very good, and will not object to them, as long as Baiyun likes, as long as they truly love each other, then no one in their family will object .

Although Bai Yun was laughed at and even teased by Bai Luxi, he was smirking, and Ye Xingheng looked at him with a happy smile.

Ye Xingheng really had a feeling of being extremely peaceful. Every day in the Bai family is also very happy.

Bai Yun brought Ye Xingheng into the ranks of the cultivators formally, and brought the other party into the body, Ye Xingheng's comprehension was quite high.

With Ye Xingheng cultivating with him, Baiyun became more energetic in his cultivation. Moreover, because of the need to bring Ye Xingheng, when it comes to cultivation, he will be more attentive. In a short period of time, Bai Yun's cultivation has soared, and he is amazed to see the Bai family!

Bai Yun planned to take Ye Xingheng on a mission together. On this day, Bai Yun was charming. He knocked on the door outside, but he didn't hear any echo inside, but there was a sound inside, Bai Yun knew. His fourth uncle is not at home now, but is in the army, so he is not worried that he will destroy any good things by rushing in.

After Bai Yun went in, he found that there was a sound coming from the bathroom. No wonder he didn't hear himself knocking on the door. It turned out that Uncle Charm was taking a bath. Baiyun looked at the source of the sound, and found that it was a notebook. And the content on it made Bai Yun's face red.

Just when Bai Yun blushed, Charm wiped his hair and came out of the bathroom. Seeing Bai Yun, his brows suddenly picked up.

"Yo, it turns out that it was Bai Yun who came here. Why is your face so red? You are too innocent. Don't say it. You have been with your wife for so long, and you still haven't gotten married yet."

Uncle Charm's speech has always been so direct, Bai Yun's mouth twitched slightly, but he really didn't talk to Ye Xingheng.

Although they kiss and hug each other a lot, and every night, he also sleeps with Ye Xingheng, but it seems that they have never practiced together.

"It turns out that you really haven't had a consummate house yet. I said Baiyun, don't you have a problem with your body? I think your wife is also a very attractive person, especially that face, she looks really good. That's right, you haven't gotten married yet. Aren't you afraid that your daughter-in-law will run away with someone else?"

Bai Yun heard the words, his face darkened immediately, and he glared at Charming. "Uncle Charm, what nonsense are you talking about? How could he run away with others, we are already together."

Charm shrugged. "If the man can't do it, the daughter-in-law will run away with others sooner or later. It's not too strange.

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If you always fail like this, your daughter-in-law will definitely run away with others, and you will have nowhere to cry. "

Hearing this, Bai Yun's face turned even darker. He glared at Charm angrily, even when he came to look for him, he forgot everything. I could hear the insolent laughter inside, and my face suddenly turned even darker!

Although Bai Yun didn't believe that Ye Xingheng would run away with others, it was absolutely impossible, but after seeing the disc, Bai Yun's heart couldn't help but ripple, he thought to himself. , You and Ye Xingheng should have a consummation.

So that night. Bai Yun's heart couldn't help but eagerly followed. He spent a long time in the bathroom, and when he came out, Ye Xingheng was already drowsy.

Bai Yun knew that this was Ye Xingheng's first time, and also the first time for the two of them, so