MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (22)

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Not "Dad" but "Father".

If what I said once was an accident and my own delusion, then for two consecutive days, twice in a row...

"I really heard the voice of the baby in your womb. When Bai Yun and Qingyan were in Uncle Yunqing's womb, they were able to talk early and could communicate with Uncle Yunqing and the others. Maybe the cultivators were originally Different from ordinary people.

Bai Luxi said a little excitedly, the man in white looked at the other party, and said lightly: "If you hear it, you hear it, it's not a big deal."

Bai Luxi blinked, "Eh? So, does this little guy really have his own consciousness? And can he spread his consciousness out to communicate with others? This is another smart little guy."

The man in white did not speak.

Bai Luxi felt very surprised, couldn't help staring at the belly of the man in white, and asked, "Can I chat with him? He seemed to be talking to me just now.

The man in white looked at each other and said lightly, "Whatever.

Bai Luxi passed his consciousness to the belly of the man in white. This time it was much smoother than yesterday. Yesterday, except at the beginning, he didn't feel it after that, so he suspected that what he felt was an illusion.

And today's words, when Bai Luxi passed on the past consciousness, there was an echo from there.

This echo came directly from the little guy, and I felt very happy.



Bai Luxi said excitedly: "He's talking, he really can talk, I heard him calling his father.

The man in white looked at Bailuxi and said nothing.

Bai Luxi became embarrassed after he was excited. He is not the father of the little guy, and it is not him who is called his father, and he looks so excited, will it make people misunderstood!

"Haha, I'm just excited." Bai Luxi said embarrassedly.

The man in white sat up straight, and poured a glass of water in a thermos beside him to drink.

Bai Luxi breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down his excitement just now, and continued to establish a spiritual connection with the baby in the belly of the man in white. After the establishment was successful, Bai Luxi heard the baby's voice again.

"Father, spiritual power, spiritual power."

Bai Luxi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the man in white, "He wants spiritual power.

The man in white paused and said, "Don't you lose to him every day?

"Yeah, that, isn't it enough to lose?"

The man in white looked at the other party, "Then you can lose a little more.

"But... Bai Luxi blinked, "Well, would it be better to leave it to his father?"

"He's not here." The man in white said lightly.

Well, this reason is really incomparably powerful! Very powerful!

"Then... as long as you don't mind, I don't care. I'll give him more spiritual power every day after that." Bai Luxi said.

The man in white made a light "um" sound.

So, for the next month, Bai Luxi did as he said, inputting spiritual power to the little guy every day, and he input more and more. For this, he also asked Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi for help. . With their help, Bai Luxi has recovered well, and more and more little ones can be supplied.

In the blink of an eye, the man in white has been living with the Bai family for more than three months. Bai Luxi has not forgotten what the other party said before that the pock-faced person will come back in three months. Now, Bai Luxi found that he had a faint feeling of reluctance, and it turned out that he was a little addicted to being a cheap father. The feeling of communicating with little guys every day, as if they are blood relatives, is too fascinated.

So, I can't help it, Bai Luxi seems to have injected a little more emotion into that little guy. Now that his real father is coming back, of course his cheap father has to give way.

Whenever I think about it like this, Bai Luxi always has a very sad feeling.

On this day, after finishing the grooming, Bai Luxi finally said: "That, his father, is he back?"

The man in white looked at Bailuxi, "What do you want to say?

"It's nothing, that is, if he comes back and wants to pick you up, let me know.

The man in white looked at Bailuxi, but did not speak.

Bai Luxi didn't understand what the other party meant, and blinked, "What's wrong? Am I asking the wrong thing?"

"He hasn't come back yet." The man in white said lightly.

Bai Luxi really didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or what to do.

"He hasn't come back yet? What did he do when he went out? It's been so long since you left. In a situation like the two of you, he can go out with confidence." Bai Luxi couldn't help muttering.

The man in white did not speak.

"Then you have a good rest first, I'll go out and come over later."


Bai Luxi left, closed the door and smiled bitterly. The pock face has not come back, that guy is really relieved, his daughter-in-law is pregnant with a child, and the person is still missing, and he has not seen him for a while The other party has contacted that person. If he didn't think that anyone would lie about such a thing, he would have thought that the two people actually didn't matter.

Bailuxi sighed secretly and went downstairs.

"Yo, Luxi is coming down. Charm beckoned, and Bai Luxi walked over.

"Uncle Charm."

"Is this just finished taking care of someone?


"How, is this time hard?"

"Not hard.

"Well, I shouldn't feel hard after thinking about it, I have to be a father.

Bailu Creek:


Is this sarcasm? It must be sarcasm, right? Bai Luxi looked at the charm silently.

Charming innocently said: "I see that your performance is indeed like someone's father, why, am I right?

Bai Luxi took a deep breath, "No, Uncle Charm, you're right, very right.

Charm smiled, "Yeah, I also think I'm very right.

Bailuxi was speechless again.

At this time, Liu Suifeng and Bai Feng walked in from outside, followed by Bai Ye and Sun Liuqing.

Bai Yehe smiled and said: "I heard that our Luxi is going to be a father, I came here to see, when will the child be born? Luxi.


"Third uncle, stop laughing at me." Bai Luxi smiled bitterly.

Bai Ye raised his brows, "You child, why is this a joke, it's a happy event to be a father.

"But the problem is that I'm not his father, and his father is coming back soon.

"No?" Bai Ye's eyes swiveled around the crowd, and he slowly said "oh", "It turns out not to be, huh, it doesn't matter, it's good to practice now. It's also good!


His family members are really more wonderful than one!

"Well, yes, being a father is not something that anyone can do from birth. It does require learning. "Liu Suifeng also said.

Bai Luxi was speechless.

When Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi came in from outside, they saw everyone teasing Bai Luxi, Bai Qi smiled, "Luxi, where's the one from your family?

Bai Luxi's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Seventh uncle, that's not my family, that person has a pockmarked face, you will make others misunderstand and be unhappy when you say this.

"Really?" Bai Qi blinked innocently. "In my opinion, this person is much prettier than Mazi's face.

It's very fateful, and it's good to just be together. Isn't that pockmarked face missing? It's fine not to come back. "

"Yeah, I think our Luxi is a good match for the one upstairs, and he looks like a husband and wife.

"Not bad."

Bailuxi: "...

In the end, Bailuxi simply ran away.

Lin Xijiu and the others couldn't help laughing after they fled.

"We haven't told him the truth until now. Everyone knows that he is the only one left in the dark, isn't it?" Bai Yedao seemed to be thinking about Bailuxi, but the gloating in his eyes was still the same. obviously.

"He was stupid himself, and until now he has no doubts who can blame it? It can't be blamed on us."

"Yeah, you're that stupid.

"That's it!" The others all agreed.

Poor Bailuxi, still no one wanted to tell him anything, and all watched his jokes happily.

And Bai Luxi here "escaped" and returned to the room, which immediately attracted the attention of the man in white.

"Haha." Bai Luxi smiled dryly, "Well, it's okay, I just ran faster.

I don't know if the ridicule of those people played a role, Bai Luxi always felt a little embarrassed when looking at people now.

It doesn't seem so natural anymore.

The man in white glanced at the other party and said nothing.

Bai Luxi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, he must hold on to it and not mess around!

@023: The truth of the thunderbolt

In this way, after another period of time, the belly of the man in white has become very obvious, probably because of this, the other party is not willing to go out, and what clothes can't cover it.

However, the man in white would occasionally turn twice in the courtyard below.

During this period, the little guy's demand was also a little bigger. Besides Bai Luxi and Bai Yiren's own spiritual power, the little guy liked the light of heaven and earth on Bai Qi the most. Every time Bai Qi sends spiritual power to the man in white, it is also the time he likes the most.

Moreover, the little guy can use his own consciousness to communicate with Bai Qi.

That little guy, Uncle Seven, was very happy and intimate, so Bai Qi also liked this little guy very much.

On this day, after several people had finished grooming, the man in white fell asleep. Bai Luxi was in the room, looking at the sleeping face of the other party, slightly stunned. Don't say, this person really has a face of peerless elegance, which is very pleasing to the eye no matter what.

Probably aware of Bai Luxi's sight, the drowsy man in white suddenly opened his eyes. Then, the two fell into each other's eyes. For a while, no one spoke, and there was a faint warm atmosphere. spread between the two.

After a while, Bai Luxi coughed and smiled awkwardly, "Um, did you disturb you?"

The man in white lowered his eyelids and slowly shook his head.

"You rest, I'll go out first, come in later, if you have anything to call me."

Hearing the words, the man in white gave a faint "En" sound, and just like that, Bai Luxi went out, and when he came to the door, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Bai Luxi instinctively felt that it seemed a little dangerous to go on like this. Now, looking at the man in white, it seemed that he could no longer treat him as a rival in love. Could it be that he is such an easy-going person?

Thinking of this, Bai Luxi felt a little uncomfortable.

The man in white slept until the afternoon. Bai Luxi saw that the other party was sound asleep and didn't disturb the other party. When he saw the other party wake up, he quickly asked, "How are you? Are you awake?"

The man in white nodded and sat up, "I slept for a long time?"

"Yeah, you've been sleeping for a really long time, it's all afternoon, I'm worried if you're going to sleep until night.

The man in white pursed his lips slightly, "I'm a little hungry."

"Can you not be hungry? You've been sleeping for so long. I'll get you something to eat. It's all warm in the kitchen."

The man in white nodded again.

Bailuxi went to get food, and soon, the other party came over.

After serving the people in white, Bai Luxi felt relieved after seeing how much better the other party's spirits were. "anything else?

The man in white shook his head.

At this time, the mobile phone on the man in white seemed to vibrate. Bai Luxi glanced at him and said nothing. The man in white took out his mobile phone, glanced at the information on it, and squinted slightly.

Bai Luxi said: "You can't do anything now, if there is anything, we can do it for you.

The man in white looked at Bailuxi, but did not speak.

Bai Luxi stared at each other.

After a while, the man in white said, "I want to go out.

"Where are you going, I'll go with you."

The man in white seems to be thinking about whether to bring Bailuxi with him or not.

Bai Luxi looked at the man in white with a very censorship, "You understand your own body, now is not the time to joke around, if you mess around, you can't do it. If something happens, you will have nowhere to regret it. go."

The man in white seemed to be persuaded, and finally nodded, "Then let's go together.

The man in white got up from the bed, Bai Luxi thought about it, and called Bai Totem and Dongfang Invincible in addition to himself, but did not let them show up, just let them follow. Bai Luxi himself has not returned to his peak state now, so he is afraid of encountering something.

Experts cannot face surprises. If you have White Totem and Dongfang Invincible, you will be fine.

I didn't let them show up because I was afraid that the man in white would mind, and then there would be no need for them.

According to the guidance of the man in white, Bailuxi drove to the eastern suburbs of the imperial capital. After a while, the car stopped.

"Is it here?" Bai Luxi asked.

The man in white nodded, "Well, it's here, go over there.

They got out of the car, and then the two of them headed in one direction. After arriving here, Bai Luxi faintly felt that there should be an aura of fighting here before, and now there is still that aura, which is very obvious, and The people who fought just now should be very strong, otherwise, the residual breath will not be so obvious.

Bai Totem and Dongfang Invincible simply came out of the dark. Besides them, there were Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi. Bai Luxi knew that Bai Totem and the others were following, but he didn't know anything about what Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were also following. "Uncle Lin, Uncle Seven, you are here too.

"Yes." Bai Qi chuckled, "We Luxi need help, of course we are coming."

Saying that, Bai Qi looked in the direction of the man in white, "So you're looking for Tiansha Shi."

Heavenly sandstone, a natural spiritual creature, a peculiar medicine stone, it is said that a special kind of heavenly sandstone can also have other unknown effects. understood.

"Tianshashi?" Bai Luxi blinked, "Are you looking for this?

The man in white made a light "um" sound.

"It is said that there is a strange life force in the sandstone of the sky, is that the case?"

Lin Xijiu asked, looking straight at the man in white.

The man in white nodded again, "Yes, but that kind of life force can only be used by people of our family, even if it falls on others, it's just a waste.

"It turns out that, no wonder I feel that the life force in Luxi's body is a little familiar. It turned out to be the sandstone of the sky." Lin Xijiu said slowly.

The man in white did not speak.

Bailuxi vaguely felt that there was something strange.

"Then how much of that kind of sand and gravel is there, and if there are too many, can it be used on Luxi's body?

The man in white nodded, "Yes. Besides, there are usually at least three pieces of sandstone like that when unearthed, and only one piece is needed for Bailu River.

"Who else is looking for the gravel that day like you? Is it someone of your own race?

"No, it's my hostile race." The man in white pursed his lips, "There are not many of them, no more than three will come out this time, but they have a kind of innate supernatural power, that is, they are using their innate supernatural power. At this time, all damage can be avoided for about three seconds, depending on the strength of the enemy. If it is weak, this world can last longer. The three of them have always cooperated very well. With that kind of cooperation, they used it well. This innate supernatural ability can take the sand and stone to escape the sky.

"The fighting atmosphere here is very strong, you shouldn't be the only one in your family, right?"

"There are four people, only two were here before, I don't know where the other one is.

"Then, is that pock-faced from the same clan as you?" Bai Luxi couldn't help asking.

The man in white looked at the other party, but said nothing.

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Luxi sympathetically, this child's IQ is not good!

Bai Qi laughed, "Xiao Luxi, haven't you seen it yet? Your pockmarked face is the one in front of you, haven't you seen that the two of them are the same person?

Bai Luxi was stunned, for a moment, he didn't seem to understand what Bai Qi was saying, but after he reacted, his eyes suddenly widened in disbelief, "You, you say what?"

Bai Qi laughed again, "You are so stupid, our whole family knows it, why are you so stupid?"

Bai Luxi only felt that a thunderbolt from the blue was not enough to describe his current expression.

The pockmarked face is the same person as the person in front of him? This, how is this possible! Bai Luxi looked at the man in white, but the man in white did not look at Bai Luxi.

Bai Luxi naively said: "Why is this, then, then, the child in his stomach is not...

"The child was originally yours, otherwise who do you think the little guy's father's father's name is?"

It was a bolt from the blue, and Bailuxi had the urge to get dizzy.

This kind of stimulation is really too great, Bai Luxi said that he really can't accept it.

Bai Yi and Mazilian are the same person. The most important thing is that they are not a couple. The father, the father of the child is actually himself! The amount of information is too great, and the people in Bailuxi are stupid.

Bai Qi pushed the other party, "Okay, don't be stupid here anymore, let's go to Tianshashi now." After saying that, Bai Qi sent a message to Du Youyang, who happened to be there now. The imperial capital, so you can catch the strong men.

Until they waited until Du Youyang, Bai Luxi still didn't seem to be able to react, and the whole person still looked a little stupid. Bai Totem simply didn't know what to say about his stupid brother. He couldn't help but slapped the opponent's forehead fiercely.

"Are you stupid?"

Bai Luxi was beaten, and he repeatedly said that he was not stupid, and then he didn't know what to think, and laughed slyly.

Everyone was really dumbfounded.

With Du Youyang's help, Lin Xijiu had already collected the aura here, so for the race that was hostile to the people in white, as long as Du Youyang positioned them, they would definitely be found. The sandstone in the sky has been unearthed, and it is hard to say who is in the hands now. The people in white can no longer contact their own clansmen. It should be that the two parties are entangled.

Under the leadership of Du Youyang, everyone looked for them, and then, after half an hour, they found someone. Sure enough, the two sides were fighting over there. Except for the people in white, people from these two races were also there. .

Lin Xijiu and the others joined the battle. Naturally, the scene became one-sided. Not long after, the hostile race of the man in white was taken down, and Lin Xijiu didn't kill them, because they The **** smell on his body is not strong.

As a cultivator, who can still have two lives in his hands? What's more, such racial hostility has always been unsuitable for outsiders to intervene.

Therefore, Lin Xijiu just took away the sand and gravel from them, and then drove them away.

The man in white is obviously the leader of their side, three pieces of sand and stone, he gave one of them to the rest of them to take away, and Lin Xijiu gave some powerful talismans as a friendly gift. The other two sandstones were taken away by the man in white.

After returning to Bai's house, the man in white said that he would retreat for about three days. When everyone asked about the situation, they all agreed that there should be no major problem. When the man in white retreated, Bai Luxi finally recovered, and he looked at everyone in the Bai family sadly.

"You all bully me, you have kept such an important thing from me for so long, you are too much.

"It's not that we are too much, it's just that you are too stupid, Luxi, we really didn't expect you to be so stupid.

"Yeah, if you said that if you had nothing to do with each other, would we let you be a cheap dad? Would you always laugh at you? You don't have any doubts about yourself, it's obviously not good for your IQ!"

"No way!

Bailu Creek....

Why does he have such a family!

@24: very happy

The man in white said that he would retreat for about three days. If it was before, Bai Luxi would definitely not feel how difficult it was for three days. However, now, after he received such a thunderbolt news, before he had a good relationship with the man in white

After the conversation, Bai Luxi immediately felt that this time was very difficult.

It can be said that life is like a year!

Bai Luxi waited, waited, and waited for three days. During this period, he didn't know how many times he was laughed at.

However, it was probably because he had been ridiculed more times, and Bai Luxi's face had become thicker, so he could not change his face now that he was ridiculed by everyone.

"Today is the third day? I don't know if people can get out of the customs today." Charming smiled, "Luxi, is it good to be a father?"

Bai Luxi looked at Charm, "Uncle Charm, I'm still stunned.

"Really? I'm still confused. You said you're not too old, so why can't you stand the stimulation? Tsk tsk, it's worse than the heart of the old man! Look at how calm your grandfather is.

Bai Luxi couldn't help complaining: "That's because you all know the truth. You deliberately kept me in the dark and played with me.

So of course you all calm down. If I had known it earlier, I would have calmed down a long time ago!

"Really?" Charming disagreed, "I think you knew it earlier. I'm afraid you're not so calm, and besides, you don't have a brain at all, who can you blame?"

Bai Luxi was speechless for a moment.

Knowing that it is impossible for him to be too charming, Bai Luxi can only helplessly give up.

This day, at night, finally, the man in white left the customs. Bailuxi immediately ran up after hearing the movement here.

That anxious look made the rest of the Bai family couldn't help but laugh.

"This guy Luxi is really excited after he has a daughter-in-law."

"Forgive him for always thinking that he was brokenhearted and that he was taking care of his rival in love, but now he realizes that he is actually a winner in life.

Getting a little excited is normal.

"Oh, that's right. That's right!

"Let's not go up and leave the space for the young couple. However, Luxi has a son, tsk tsk, Qunhan doesn't know if they will still be arguing to have one."

"Hehe, if he really gave birth, he would be of this generation. It would be fun, but I haven't listened to the urging of the Qunhan clan recently. So I think I shouldn't be thinking about giving birth to a child.

"It's also true that he only looks anxious when he is urged."

While chatting below, Bai Luxi had already run upstairs and saw the man in white.

Bai Luxi came to the other side in three or two steps, "You're out of the customs, how are you feeling?"

The man in white looked at each other, "The body is not bad.

"That's good." Bai Luxi breathed a sigh of relief. "Be healthy.

The man in white poured a glass of water to drink, and the man in white paused before and behind Bai Luxi, and lowered his eyes and face.

Bailuxi looked at each other pitifully, "Can I know your name?

The man in white moved again.

Bai Luxi said softly, "I want to know your name."

The man in white pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and finally spit out a few words, "Feathering love."

Feathering love... Bai Luxi slowly recited the name, and even seemed to have a special flavor.

Then, Bai Luxi smiled, "A good literary name. Feathering affection, it sounds so nice, and it matches your appearance very well.

After hearing the words, Yu Huaqing glanced at Bai Luxi lightly, "This face is indeed much better than that pockmarked face, isn't it?"

"That's not true." Bai Luxi smirked, "As long as it's you, any face is fine. As long don't disappear anymore and people can't find it.

In the next half sentence, Bai Luxi said very lightly. But the eyes are always staring at Yu Huaqing.

Feathering love eyelids slightly. She trembled slightly and looked away. A faint warm atmosphere spread between the two of them again.

Bai Luxi looked at this splendid face in front of him, and couldn't help leaning over. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and finally, Bai Luxi slowly stuck on it. Stick to each other's lips...

Incredibly soft, at the beginning, Bai Luxi was just sticking to him, but following closely, he slowly deepened the kiss.

Little by little, with a very gentle and intimate gesture, he pryed open the other's teeth, then reached into his own tongue, and swept the other's tongue...

When the kiss was over, whether it was Bai Luxi or Yu Huaqing, their cheeks were slightly red.

Especially Yu Huaqing, the other party's ears are all red.

Bai Luxi looked at this appearance of feathered affection, and couldn't help but kiss the other's lips again, this time. Softer than before.

This time, it was really too intense. When Yu Hua Qing was released, the other party's body was sore and soft.

Bai Luxi hugged each other and took the person in his arms. "Yu Huaqing, can you stay with me? I'll be nice to you and my baby, and I won't say anything sweet to Bai Luxi. What I say is the most simple love words. Yu Huaqing looked at Bailuxi, although she didn't say anything. , but the kiss just now said it all.

Yu Huaqing leaned against Bai Luxi's arms and gently closed her eyes.

For a long time to come, Bai Luxi became a father of twenty-four filial piety, taking care of the older ones and the younger ones. Although the little one has not yet been born, the spiritual power it needs is getting bigger and bigger, and the body of Yuhuaqing can't supply it.

However, there are two previous lessons from Yunqing, so everyone can say that they are very experienced in dealing with this. Although Yuhuaqing has always been in poor health, it is not very bad, and there is no danger to life, so the situation is not bad. .

Before, the other party ate a nutritional package, and after that, Bailuxi only missed a duck-style filling.

However, even so, Yu Huaqing was not able to produce a lot of flesh, which made Bai Luxi very frustrated.

Today, the same is true.

"This duck meat is delicious, you can eat another piece." Bai Luxi coaxed, Yu Huaqing looked at it, and frowned slightly in disgust.

Then he still shook his head, "I don't want to eat it."

"Don't, don't want to eat it, it's really delicious. You can eat another piece." Bai Luxi picked up the piece of meat and brought it to Yu Huaqing's mouth.

Yu Huaqing hesitated for a while, but finally opened his mouth and swallowed the piece of duck meat.

Bai Luxi breathed a sigh of relief, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Yu Huaqing shook his head, "It's not delicious.

"Then let the chef change the type tomorrow until you like it.

Yu Huaqing looked at Bailuxi, "As you like."

"You should eat more, you see that you are thin, I wanted to say it before, but it was inconvenient for me at that time, so I didn't dare to say more. You are really too thin. What's more unbearable, there are still more than two months before this little guy comes out.

Thin? Feathering doesn't think so.

However, looking at Bailuxi's appearance, Yuhuaqing still eats more, although only a little, but it is better than nothing.

In this way, under the care of Bailuxi, it was just a few days before the due date. In the past few days, Bai Luxi seems to have ADHD, walking around Bai's house all day, in a hurry, and like a plague chicken.

The Bai family didn't know how many times they rolled their eyes.

However, Bailuxi was still very nervous. "What do you want to do in and out?" In more than ten minutes, Bailuxi has been in and out no less than a dozen times, and Yu Huaqing couldn't help asking.

Bai Luxi said: "I'm just afraid that you will be born suddenly, and there will be no one around."

Yu Huaqing rolled her eyes, "Not so fast, and even if no one was there at the time, wouldn't I just make a phone call?"

"What if you suddenly passed out? What if you couldn't make a phone call? What would you do?"

Yu Huaqing was speechless for a while, and could only say: "You think too much.

Bai Luxi shook his head in disapproval. "It's not that I think too much, I have to be careful about everything.

Yu Huaqing didn't say anything at all, Bai Luxi was obviously a little nervous, so he should stop provoking the other party. Anyway, the other party won't listen.

It might as well just save your drool!

Bai Luxi didn't know how many times he entered the room during the day, but at night he laid the floor directly in the room. Just sleep in the room! The big bed in the room is big enough, but Bai Luxi was afraid of pressing Yu Huaqing, so he never mentioned sleeping in the bed.

Moreover, Bai Luxi didn't know how many times he would wake up when he went to sleep at night. Every time he woke up, he seemed to wake up with a start. People were not nervous about giving birth, but he himself was almost nervously weakened.

Yu Huaqing is also very speechless about this.

On this day, Bai Luxi woke up again, and he hurriedly looked at the situation on the bed. Yu Huaqing was still sleeping, Bai Luxi breathed a sigh of relief. Then he stood up and wanted to cover Yu Huaqing with a quilt, but he saw Yu Huaqing's brows wrinkled and seemed a little uncomfortable.

Bailuxi immediately became nervous, "Feathering love?'

Yu Huaqing opened her eyes and frowned, "I have a stomachache, maybe I will give birth.

Bai Luxi's eyes widened suddenly, and for a moment, he seemed unable to respond to these words. Afterwards, Bai Luxi rushed out of the room and shouted, "Come on, someone is going to give birth, give birth!

Bai Luxi's roar was terrifying, and it shocked everyone in the Bai family. It didn't look like his daughter-in-law was about to give birth, but it looked like his daughter-in-law was about to die!

Everyone twitched the corners of their mouths speechlessly. For Bai Luxi, it could be said that they were completely desperate.

Needless to say, it was naturally a riot of troops.

Bai Luxi was outside the room, waiting anxiously. It wasn't his turn to help with childbirth, mainly because he wouldn't be inside. This sudden shock would only become a burden.

Therefore, Bailuxi has always been the one to be despised. If he was not allowed in, he could only stay outside, anxiously waiting for a very difficult time. Bai Luxi stood up and did not know how many times. Finally, I don't know how long it took, a newborn baby was taken out.

That child, there is not a little bit, when an ordinary baby is born, the wrinkled appearance is very watery, and. The two eyes are already able to stare round, look at you, look at him, and even establish consciousness with people.

Bai Luxi was very surprised to see it, and after hugging it carefully, he hurried to the bedroom.

Feathering is in good condition.

Bai Luxi looked at the person on the bed and couldn't help kissing the other's forehead lovingly. Yu Huaqing opened her eyes, just to see the tenderness in Bai Luxi's eyes.

Yu Huaqing's heart trembled slightly.

Bai Luxi wiped the sweat from the other's forehead. "It's hard work for you, and I'll never give birth again in the future. It's not easy to live with such a fearful life. It's good to have a baby."

Yu Huaqing looked at Bailuxi and said nothing.

"I saw the little guy just now, the one of Shui Lingling, who doesn't look like he was just born at all.

Yu Huaqing nodded, Bai Luxi talked to the other party for a while, seeing that the other party was not in a good mood, he quickly said again. "You are still weak now, hurry up and rest, I am here, you can rest assured. The little guy is also taken care of now, you don't have to worry.

Yu Huaqing was really not worried, he looked at Bailuxi, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Bai Luxi looked at the person on the bed and felt extremely happy at the moment.

@25: explain why

Downstairs, Liu Suifeng curled his lips, "Isn't that just giving birth to a child? Luxi looks like a great enemy.

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