MTL - Godly Alchemist-Chapter 212 Where are you going

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"Well, I'll take a look at the Lion Department with you." In order not to bring danger to the tribe, Ren had to compromise.

"Thunder Doctor ..." What did the leader of the gerbils want to say, but seeing the eyes of the two mad lions' messengers, they swallowed the words behind.

Ryan signaled that the leader of the gerbils was all right, and said to the two messengers of the Lions Department: "Let's go now. The Lions should be far away from here."

"Of course it's far away. If we hadn't heard that there is a thunder doctor that can treat the soul-eaters here, how could we go to this small tribe area to waste time." Said the middle-aged man.

"Thunder Doctor is right, let's hurry up the road. You will know what a true tribe is in our Lion Department. No matter the living environment or food beauty, they are thousands of times stronger than this small place." Another tall messenger heard Ren agree to go to the Lion Department, his face immediately changed to the beginning, said with a smile.

Rennes did not bid farewell to the gerbils. After receiving a horse, the messenger of the Lions Department went on the road. Rennes was afraid that he would stay here for too long. Too impressed, that's troublesome. Rennes didn't plan to go to the Lions Department with them at all. Like they said, if they really went to the Lions Department, it would be artificially stabbed me to be fish. Both messengers are senior warlocks, and they have reached their place. Even the chance of resistance will not be available, and even if he killed a messenger of the Mad Lion Department, he must not go back with them. Following them now is only a measure of slowing down the soldiers, and they must escape whenever they have the opportunity.

Along the way, Rennes looked for topics from time to time, and also wanted to set their words, but unfortunately, these two people were disdainful to talk to Rennes, the taller ones were also hypocritical, perfunctory, seeing Rennes no longer say this what. Rennes found that the direction was exactly the direction of the magic fortress pointed by the leader. Rennes secretly rejoiced and threw them away when they were near the magic fortress.

The time soon arrived at night. When the two messengers saw that it was too late and was not suitable for hurrying, they signaled Rennes to rest. Ren thought they would set up a tent or something. Who knew that each of them found a tree and went up, and even their two lions found two dwarf trees and jumped up, watching them skilled. It looked like they had camped in this way, and Ren thought scornfully.

Although Rennes could get the house out of alchemy and there are tents in the storage ring, in order to reduce their alertness, like them, they chose a tree to climb up, and found a slightly shorter, relatively stout Tree branches lay up.

"Oops." Rain pretended to be turned over and almost fell off the branch.

"Haha, what use can such a useless person bring back, what rumors are really true ..." said the middle-aged man with a big laugh.

"Can't say that, Doctor Thunder is a doctor, not a warrior like you or me on the battlefield, and his body is normal." The tall middle-aged man still smiled.

Ryan laughed secretly in his heart, his purpose was achieved, and I wanted you to look down on me, so that you could have a chance to escape, and he had sealed all of his Shura power with a black ring. From the appearance, he was just a warlock. The level of sixth-order, this strength has not yet been able to attract their attention.

Rennes had already planned to run away tonight, so he chose a lower branch. Just to make them doubtful, he just pretended to almost fall. After chatting with the leaders, Rennes knew that he had been driving for a day at this speed, and he would be able to pass through the magic fortress by daytime. It would not be easy to escape by daytime, so he must escape their control tonight.

Rennes pretended to fall asleep soon. In fact, she was awake mentally, listening to the voices of the two trees with her ears full of body sounds. As the sound of breathing worsened, Rennes knew that they should have fallen asleep. But to be on the safe side, Rennes didn't drop the tree right away, but it survived for another two hours. At this time, he should be completely asleep, and then Ren got up quietly and slid down towards the tree.

In Rennes' current body, there was no sound from the tree, that is, the two lions did not hear any sound. After getting down the tree, Rennes didn't rush to escape, and looked at the trees of the two messengers again. They found that they were all asleep, and a sneer raised in the corner of Rennes' mouth. .

"Dr. Thunder Doctor, where is this going?" A dark voice came from behind him, and Ren knew it was the voice of the tall messenger.

"I drank too much water and wanted to make it easier." Rennes interrupted the plan with a sudden voice, and he didn't know what to answer for a moment, and said casually.

"Since Thunder Doctor is so dishonest, I have to tie you up. If there is any offense, please don't be angry." The tall angel said with a grin.

Of course, Rennes couldn't wait for him to be tied up, took out the demon bone sword from the storage ring, and a swivel chopped to the back. The strong wind brought down the grass behind him.

"Well, good power." The mocking voice came, and I knew it was the short messenger.

"Brother, as long as you don't die," said the short messenger.

"Of course, the leader just said that we should take him back, but he did not say that he must be brought back intact. If we blame us, he said that he was desperate to resist, and he would only be wounded if he had to breathe anyway. The Lion Department can make him live. "The voice of the tall messenger came.

"Come on, I won't shoot this kind of strength," said the tall emissary.

Renn's sword did not hurt anyone, and he no longer hid. He unsealed all the power of Shura. The instant power broke out, and the surface of his body was spitting with milky white shimmer, especially in this dark night. Dazzling, like a little sun.

"Are you from Zhongzhou?" Said the tall messenger.

He has heard that Zhongzhou is a country that believes in gods, and warlocks like Rennes must be descendants of the Zhongzhou family or even the royal family. Such people bring back some crazy lions, but they are not troublesome either. I will be afraid of Zhongzhou. If Zhongzhou goes to war with the Lions Department, it must be the entire Western Region against Zhongzhou. The Lions Department will not have any direct losses ... I do n’t hesitate to direct him if I understand. Brother went to take down Rennes.

After a roar, the short middle-aged man's body suddenly became large, and in a blink of an eye he became a giant man more than two meters ...