MTL - Godly Alchemist-Chapter 220 Another ruin

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When Jon saw Ren's attitude so resolute, he was not polite, and let Nicole put away the storage bags. Indeed, with these black crystal irons, their squad could be free for a long time and have more time to explore this area. .

"Where is the ruins here? I heard there is a ruin ..." Ren asked.

"The legendary ruins are far from here, about half a day away. Everyone here claims that the monsters in the night came out of the ruins. A few of us were afraid that the darkness would not come back and we haven't been to the ruins. Well, if you want to go, let ’s go together, anyway, it ’s very early today. ”Jon is also curious about the ruins, but has been suffering from the problem of time, so he has never had a chance to go. Today, Rennes solved the task. Problem, time is more abundant.

"Okay, okay, I want to see it too. I heard that there are treasures left by other civilizations." Nicole jumped happily.

"Don't expect too much. You must know that many people have come here. You haven't heard of anyone who got the treasure yet." Max said with a smile. He was also very excited and wanted to go to this place. The ruins are like the iconic buildings in this area, but there has been no time, and today they finally get their wish.

"Then let's hurry up and set off quickly." Rain said hurriedly when everyone wanted to see it.

"Go ..." Jon yelled as he headed towards the ruins.

Rennes and Nicole followed behind Jon, hurried toward the ruins, and often encountered hellos along the way.

"Old Jon, where is the rush? I'm going to find somewhere to dig today ..."

"Good luck today, it will be enough immediately. The original member of our team came again and took him around ..."

... It seems that Uncle Jon's popularity around here is pretty good, and he greets him, thinking in his mind.

Several people are more excited, and they don't feel tired when they rush on the road. They walked while chatting, and unknowingly came to the ruins of the destination ... There is a gray area in front of them, why is it gray, because these buildings are all In this color, this is a large area. Several people can't see the margins when standing in front of them. The style and style of these buildings are a bit similar to those of the Arubian Empire, but they are different. The style of these buildings corresponds to what they know. And this area is also shrouded in a gray-white mist, and the area where Ren and others are standing is like two worlds, only a few tens of meters apart. One is bright and the other is foggy ... "Why is it so gloomy?" Nicole said, looking scared at the ruins.

"Yeah, I only heard about ruins before, I didn't hear that there was so much fog here," Max said.

"You're here first, I'll take a look first." Rennes said, he felt a sense of danger, and with his own strength he still has the confidence to investigate, but to Nico them, he There is no confidence at all. This is also because he has contacted too many strong men. For the intermediate and early strength of these warlocks, I know it is too weak.

"Since it's here, you can't do it for nothing, you have to go in and look at it," McClell said firmly. He knew Rennes was powerful, but he had to hand over dangerous things to Rennes. As a man, he couldn't do it.

"Yes, isn't it for nothing if you don't go. Even if it's dangerous, it's worth seeing what ordinary people don't see." Max also said.

"Then go in and take a look, everyone is careful." Jon said, he also felt that there was danger here, but blindly avoiding danger is not the way, sometimes avoiding danger is also an opportunity, there is nothing absolutely right or wrong. Just do what you want.

This time Rennes took the lead and walked into the ruins first. When he walked into the ruins, it seemed that it was not a mist, but a film. When he turned back, there was no road behind him, but Thousands of abyss, and the ruins in front of it have also changed. Although it is still barren, but there are no remnants. All the houses and buildings are intactly preserved, just a little dilapidated. It is now clear that not only is the fog inside the ruins, but also the ash mixed with the mist falling from the sky, like the end of the world.

After feeling that he was hit by a person, he hurriedly turned around and punched out. The fist stopped as soon as it reached out. It turned out that Nicole hit him. Nicole was the second one to enter the ruins. He followed Ren to enter here, and he struck Ren on one step. Looking to the outside world, he almost sat on the ground.

Rennes took Nicole a few steps. He guessed that Jon and the Max brothers would also appear in the position just now, so he took Nicole away to avoid several people colliding again.

Sure enough, the three of Jon also appeared here one after another, all three looked at everything in front of them with aggression, anyone who saw this scene would be shocked.

"Where is this? Why are we here? Aren't we going into the rubble?" Max said subconsciously, not sure who he was talking to.

No one talked, all staring at the building in front of them. None of them had experienced this. The adventure they experienced was the battle with World of Warcraft or the battle with people ... "We should be here just now. It ’s in another space, and the layer of fog we see may be space fluctuations. When we move to the ruins, we are equivalent to a teleportation array. "Rennes is already very experienced in space teleportation. Press His experience is definitely in another space or a secret place, and he will tell everyone his understanding in an easy-to-understand way.

"Is this still the ruin here?" Niko said nervously.

"Looking at this building, it looks alike, but it doesn't look like. What we see outside is a building that has been badly damaged, and here it is just a little barren. There is no damaged building." Max thought and said .

Suddenly Jon patted his hand fiercely, and the sudden sound surprised everyone, and they looked at him questioningly, wondering what happened to him.

"I thought of a possibility. If that's the case, we might have a huge opportunity." Jon said.

"Do you mean this is no longer the world we are in?" Rain asked, tentatively, thinking about this possibility.

"Well, it's quite possible ..." Jon nodded.