MTL - Godly Alchemist-Chapter 243 Dead end

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"Are you scared and stupid inside, dare to talk to the boss like this." The bald man came to Ren and said.

Aragorn glanced at Rennes and saw that Rennes had no intention to stop them. He immediately got excited and greeted the bald man directly, his lips slightly tilted to reveal an evil smile.

The bald man was startled when he saw Aragorn's expression, and a chill rose from his heart. This man who looked like he was sulking and sullen was putting a lot of pressure on himself. The bald man was very puzzled. However, the momentum can not be lost anyway, the baldness of the bald man's face quickened the pace at his feet.

Rennes wasn't idle, he stepped on his feet, and when he reappeared, he came to Kies's body. It turned out that Rennes couldn't cast an instant step more than ten meters. After the baptism of the devil's blood, he can easily do it now. Arrived, and this is not the limit of Rennes. Case only saw that Rennes on the other side suddenly disappeared. He felt a pain in his chest as soon as he took a divine effort. Then he saw Ren was standing in front of him, and he was still holding a bright red beating. heart.

Why did he have a heart in his hands, and who was it? Case was at a loss in his heart, right? He had no heart. Rennes shook his hand, his heart broke in pieces, and Case fell to the ground. In the end, Case didn't know how he died. In fact, the white-eye prediction was really fulfilled, but there was a big time error, and white-eye did not predict that he would be killed by the ghoul.

Aragorn and the bald have not yet encountered. A glance at Aragorn, seeing that the boss has ended the fight, and he admires the boss's means of killing. The boss is the boss, and the blood is so murderous. The enemy ’s heart was dug out and crushed. It is in line with our demon's style, Aragon thought. But the movements on the hands are not satisfied. The eyes and the bald eyes meet together. There seems to be a vortex in front of the bald eyes. It keeps going deeper and deeper, and the pupils slowly dissipate, but the movement of the body forward does not stop. .

The right hand of Aragon grabbed the big bald head with no consciousness of resistance, and the magic force on his hand spurred him. At the same time, the bald head's head was smoking white smoke from each hole, and there was a smell of burnt, bald head. My mind is thoroughly familiar. Aragon was very satisfied looking at his booty. When he looked at Rennes again, he felt that he was still the boss. This man killed was just art.

Rennes did not stay after killing Case, and directly punched Roga and the young man with yellow curly hair in two punches. This time, Rennes did not dig into the heart and then crushed them. Instead, he directly punched the enemy apart, Rennes didn't know if he was affected by the blood of the demon king. Now he likes this simple and rude fighting method. He punched an enemy with a punch to make him feel better and didn't feel enough.

Aragon watched Ren's eyes turned around, and he could not help shrinking his neck. The boss's eyes were full of murderous intentions, but he couldn't provoke the boss, Aragon thought. Aragon himself can also kill these high-level warlocks. After all, he is also a high-level warlock, but he asked himself that it was impossible for Rennes to bombard the enemy with such a simple and violent bombardment. By contrast, I still feel that he is not Rennes' opponent, and at the same time, he does not believe that Rennes is now a warlock, not a senior warlock.

In fact, during the automatic operation of the bone refining method, a lot of demon power was absorbed, and at the same time, the magic power was also growing rapidly. Ren's magic power has also reached the high level of the warlock, but he feels like something is missing. The magic power is full, and most of it can only overflow but not increase the volume. He also knows that his foundation has accumulated enough. If he wants to enter the advanced warlock stage, he still lacks an opportunity.

Nico can see that the bad guy headed by Kane, who has been pressing his team, was so easily killed by Rennes. He couldn't accept it for a while, was his team too weak, or Rennes too strong? Of course, Rennes is too strong. How can their own team have grandpas, Max, and McLay? Just thinking of Max, Nicole's heart was sad again.

Jon knows that Ren and himself are not the same kind of people, and his own team can't let it go. He has his own world and ambitious goals. When Rennes grows into a giant in the future, he can still be with others. Bragging, Rennes was once a member of his team, so it must be very face-to-face, thinking of Jon's face can not help but smile.

McLay's heart is full of remorse. Why is he so weak that even his brother can't protect him? Seeing his brother was killed in front of his eyes, although this is not to blame McLay, he just can't live in his heart. One off. I must be strong, and I have the ability to protect the people I want to protect, McClay thought.

After disposing of the corpses of Case and others, several people got together and finally left the crisis-ridden world. Rennes also left. He came here to find the wormhole, and to run through the ruins of this other world. Now, the mystery of the ruins has been solved, and it has nothing to do with the wormhole you are looking for. You don't have to waste time here, and you can continue to advance to the interior of the Western Region.

"Everyone has any plans. Now everyone knows the cause of the ruins. It is not a place of treasure and the space has completely disappeared. In the future, the ruins are ordinary ruins, and the night is no longer dangerous. Stay in There is no point in this magic fortress, "Ren said to everyone.

"I plan to go around the world. I have been running here since I haven't had a chance to appreciate the beauty of this world." Aragon said eagerly.

"I'm going to take my granddaughter back to the Lieyang Empire. It should be fine for so long, and I don't plan to take her around for bounty missions. Go back and send her to a magic school. Let her receive a formal education and get to know more friends, and I saved a lot of money, and it is not a problem to spend my old age. "Jon said, he also felt that the level of his team was indeed true Very weak, letting Nicole run around with him like this is also deserted, especially after seeing the power of Rennes, he was also curious about the Warlock Academy, and wanted to send Nicole to a regular college to study .. .... "I'm going to look around and gain more experience, but it's also a grind," McLay said.