MTL - Godly Hunter-Chapter 8 Mutant monster

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It's only possible, not absolute, but if you can mutate a monster, the mutant monster will have a huge increase in strength, and it will also drop 100% of the rare items that the monster would not drop under normal circumstances!

Whether true or false, Chen Mo feels it necessary to give it a try. Monsters like Black Brother Bring, which are not refreshed, are hard to find.

Hit the last two black brothers Blin below 10% of their health. Chen Mo deliberately killed one of them and left the last.

The last black brother Brin, Chen Mo no longer attacks. When the monster is not attacked by the player for a period of time, the health recovery speed will increase sharply. Before long, the black brother Brin's health will return to full value.

When the black brother Bulin was full of blood, Chen Mo immediately began to attack the black brother Bulin.

After a short while, the black Goblin's blood dropped to less than 10%. Chen Mo stopped attacking and waited for the black Goblin to recover his blood.

This continued for thirteen times. When Chen Mo hit the black brother Blin's health below 10% again, the black brother Brin suddenly made a roar!

The next moment, the black brother Brin's body size doubled suddenly, the black skin was covered with the luster like steel, and bloodshots appeared in the black eyes. The moving speed increased significantly!

Good guy! It's really mutated!

Chen Mo can't help but be shocked!

After the mutation, the attributes of the black goblin increase with the naked eye. If he is not hiding on the big rock, can he single out the mutant black goblin?

But now he is on a big rock, and the mutant black brother Brin is more powerful, and he is not afraid.

Looking at the mutated black brother Bulin's anxious masses under the stones, Chen Mo happily threw down traps one by one.

"Variant Goblin, with 3000 health, defense is significantly higher than Black Goblin."

I hit a trap, but just smashed the black Goblin less than 50 points of health. Chen Mo calculated that he had to blast Black Goblin at least 50 times before he could kill it.

50 times, this is not a small number. Even if Chen Mo hides on the stone and keeps attacking, it will take eight or nine minutes to kill the mutant black goblin. If the mutant black goblin is on the ground, Chasing to kill, within twenty minutes, he could not kill it at all.

Fortunately, brother wit, think of such a way to kill monsters, otherwise it would not be easy to kill this guy!

Chen Mo couldn't help but get proud, and mutated the amazing speed of the black brother Brin. It was not easy to work with it for twenty minutes. The guy's attack was definitely not low, and he was accidentally attacked by it. Once or twice, it's not strange to be dropped by it.

Rhythmic Goblin's blood volume was rhythmically consumed on the stones. After blinking for three minutes, the blood volume of the mutant Goblin dropped by about 30%.

At this speed, after another six or seven minutes, the mutant black brother Bring is about to die.

But Chen Mo's expression was gradually intensified.

He felt bad.

At the beginning, when he used this method to kill Black Goblin, he felt that Black Goblin's condition was a bit wrong, but because Black Goblin died soon, he didn't care much.

同样 The mutant black nibbling now appears the same. This was a fierce mutant Black Brother Bring, which became even more anxious and angry. From time to time, he looked up fiercely and looked at Chen Mo above the stone. The wooden stick in his hand began to beat the stone severely from time to time, as if trying to knock the stone The pieces are broken!

not good! Mutant black brother Brin's legs have begun to bend, ready to try a jump attack!

When Chen Mo got here, why didn't he understand?

He can think of using remote means to attack monsters on the stones, and the game designer must have thought of it, but the game designer did not rudely make this method impossible, but made various restrictions!

Players can attack monsters from a high place to make the game more colorful, but using this method to attack monsters will cause special monster hatred and cannot be used all the time!

Chen Mo hadn't had any accidents before, because every time he killed two black brothers Bring, he put down a stone to attract strange monsters.

默 Chen Mo understands that he can no longer continue to attack mutant black brother Brynn on the stone. He needs to leave the stone to alleviate the special hatred of mutant black brother Brynn, or wait until this special hatred has accumulated to the apex, it must be him who suffers!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo jumped from the stone to the opposite side of the mutant black brother Bulin without hesitation.


Mutant black brother Brin roared and rushed around the rocks.

"So fast!"

I didn't think so much when I looked at it from the top, but when I got to the ground, Chen Mo knew how powerful the monster became after it mutated!

After a few meters of distance, the mutant black brother Brin chased after Chen Mo!


Then, it stepped on a basic trap that Chen Mo had laid out on the stone!

However, at this critical moment, the disability effect did not appear.

Sure enough, it is too unrealistic to want to rely on the unreliable 10% chance!

Mutant black brother Brin rushed in, and was close to Chen Mo. Chen Mo calmly set the next trap in the stone in his hand.

But instead of leaving the shock trap for the first time, he continued to escape.


I took a few steps, and the mutant black brother Bulin caught up with Chen Mo. Despite running around the rocks, the variation in the speed of the black goblin was not much hindered.

At present, the mutant black brother Bulin's stick is about to hit Chen Mo fiercely. Chen Mo moved his hand and dropped the shock trap.


The shock trap exploded, and a mutant Niggobring blew a dozen points of damage on his head, but both the mutant Niggobring and Chen Mo were pushed away by two meters.

Chen Mo was well prepared. When pushed away, he immediately ran and opened a little more distance.

Mutant black brother Brin is not as flexible as Chen Mo, and his movements are paused before he starts chasing Chen Mo again.

However, the speed of mutating the black brother Brin was too fast. Chen Mo used the shock trap to open the distance, and after a while, he was drawn closer.

"Basic Trap!"

The basic trap has been cooled down. When Chen Mo escapes, he quickly arranges the next basic trap.

"Fuck! Still no disability effect!"

The disability effect still did not appear. Although the mutant black brother Bring was killed by more than 50 health by the basic trap, it had chased behind Chen Mo and the stick swept down towards Chen Mo.

默 Chen Mo flickered, avoiding this attack of the mutant black goblin, but the attack speed of the mutant black goblin was bizarre, just after the first hit, the other hit followed.

默 Chen Mo was unavoidable. He could only raise his crossbow and block it in the direction of the severely chopped stick. While raising his hand to block, his heel was also kicked hard!

创 "Genesis" game is very realistic, especially in combat combat, very close to reality, attacking monsters, or being attacked by monsters, players will receive additional force.

boom! —88!

Mutant black brother Bring's stick hit Chen Mo's crossbow fiercely. The hand crossbow did not reduce the damage that Chen Mo took. Chen Mo's health was instantly destroyed by more than half.

But by this mutant attack of the mutant black brother Bulin, and Chen Mo's pedal force, Chen Mo's body, at this moment, backed out more than two meters away.

At the moment of retrogression, Chen Momeng turned around and accelerated to escape, and added a low-level healing technique to his body, pulling his blood back to more than 120 points.

If other players, at this time, I am afraid that he can only be attacked by the mutant black goblin, but Chen Mo can temporarily escape from the battle by the attack of the mutant black goblin.

However, Chen Mo was able to do this. The big reason is that the mutation of the black goblin attack is too strong. If it is changed to an ordinary black goblin attack, it will definitely not work.

A few meters away from the mutant black goblin again, but the distance of several meters is really nothing in front of the mutant black goblin. In less than three seconds, the mutant black goblin chased it again. Chen Mo behind.

All skills are still in the cool down state. Facing the wooden stick waved by the mutant black brother Brin, Chen Mo rolls again and dodged an attack.

The second attack of the mutant black brother Bulin followed, and Chen Mo was well prepared, just as he had raised his hand to block, while at the same time using his heel hard.

boom! —79!

Another huge injury floated, Chen Mo's remaining blood volume ~ ~ less than sixty points, can no longer withstand an attack by the mutant black brother Brin.

I can't bear this attack anymore, and he once again opened up the distance from the mutant black goblin.

The mutated black brother Brin is of course persevering in pursuit of Chen Mo, and Chen Mo seems to be inevitable.

Do not!

The basic trap cooldown is complete!

默 Chen Mo quickly laid out the next basic trap, and threw it to the mutant black brother Bulin who was about to chase behind him.

Boom! —47!

The basic trap exploded, but the speed of mutating the black goblin is still the same, and the disability effect is still not appearing.

However, Chen Mo was not afraid, and used the final killing trick. Before the mutant black brother Bulin caught up, he quickly climbed back to the stone.

"When you meet a player who is so big, you will take it."

Chen Mo sighed as he watched the mutated black brother Bryn leaping wildly below.

The attribute is powerful, but unfortunately it is always a monster, and there are still drillable holes in the settings. He entangled with the mutant black brother Brin for a while, and the special hatred of the mutant black brother Brin has obviously been greatly reduced, and he can Blow the guy on the stone for a while.

Although he could not kill the mutant Hei Goblin on the stone all the time, but the mutant Hei Goblin no longer threatened Chen Mo. It was only a matter of time to kill it.

I blew it on the stone for a while, and then pulled down to mutate the hatred of Hei Goblin. This was repeated several times. After fifteen minutes, the blood volume of the Hei Goblin finally reached the bottom.

Read The Duke's Passion