MTL - Godly Hunter-Chapter 918 Fusion evolution

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"It's him, he will be there in three minutes!"

"What to do, time is running out!"

A group of twelve-winged angels flew from the building to the sky, and saw Catlin flying at a high speed from a distance.

There was a lot of speculation, and the faces of a group of angels were all unsightly.

Angel City wants to reach the perfect evolutionary body, and it takes less than an hour to say, at this critical juncture, the enemy that threatens them the most is the emergence.

They have no doubt that once Katrin approaches, Angel City's perfect body plan will be blocked.

"Master Carlom, what do you do now?"

They all looked at Callom.

"Forcibly merge and evolve! Most of the people in this capital have been devoured. With the previous preparations, forced evolution can also have a perfect body. After evolution, although not as powerful as perfect body, there is no one on this continent. It will be our opponent! Through this crisis, and after spending more time in the future, Angel City will be almost perfect! "

"Start to force fusion!"

"Forcibly merge, three minutes is not enough. Let the Angels play and stop fighting for time!"

洛 Carlom was even more angry. After years of preparation, he saw victory in sight, but someone came out to obstruct it and let the plan almost fail.


When Carlom issued an order, a group of angels flew away.

The next moment, Angel City stopped swallowing. A large number of angels took off and flew towards Catlin.

The moment the angel flew away, Angel City was suddenly enveloped by a black light, making it blurred inside, but if you take a closer look, you can still see the black light, and there are huge black tentacles. Crazy squirm on Angel City.

The black tentacles, and a lot of materials and props prepared by the angel family, as well as various magic items, began to merge together.

the other side.

Now Catlin is very different from when she went to the last place.

All-metallized Katerin, flying fast in the sky, like an interstellar warship. The shining metallic light, like the fangs of a beast, is daunting.

But a large number of angels did not fear, and flew around Katrine like locusts, and under the command of senior angels, these angels swooped towards Catlin.

In addition to the angels who want to invade Katerin, there are also a large group of angels in the distance, forming a huge cast team.

骇 A terrifying magic array is gradually taking shape in the sky.

"It really is weird."

Chen Mo floats in the sky, beside him there are black phoenix and big fat man.

The two guys looked at the angels attacking around, their eyes were full of hostility, and they had a rush to rush over to do something.

"Roar! Roar!"

Squinting as the angel was about to enter Catlin, the fat man couldn't help yelling.

"Don't worry."

Chen Chen smiled, let the fat man do not move first.

Big fat people are powerful, but most of them who come in are angels above level 80. Big fat people can't kill much in the past.

In front of Chen Mo, Catlin's control panel appears. After continuous clicking, Chen Mo entered Catlin's weapon defense system.

Although he never asked, Enoch and Fatila did not relax in this regard.

Especially after being upgraded to the highest-level strategic city, the center of the development of the entire city is placed on the weapon defense system.

Chen Mo issued an order, and the next moment, on top of the metalized Catlin, there were enhanced magic cannons of various sizes.

With it, bursts of rumbling sounded, countless magic artillery bombarded.

The angels who wanted to approach, the blood of each one plummeted under the attack of the magic cannon on their face.

The magic artillery attack lasted only a short while, and the angels who wanted to invade Katrin had been killed.

Chen Mo floated in midair and saw a large number of angel corpses falling from the sky. I couldn't help feeling that this magic cannon was really useful.

But it ’s easy to use, it ’s easy to use, so the consumption is also huge, so if you look at Catlin ’s storage, you can use it like this once.

The use of magic cannons consumes magic crystals. This thing does not have much water in the game, and it is difficult to acquire them with money.

A large number of angels died, but Katerin's speed of travel was not affected.

The high-level angel commander in the distance was very ugly, and Catlin was stronger than they expected.

Katlin is approaching quickly, but their prepared super magic array can also attack.

This is a magic circle that has exhausted the strongest caster of the entire Angel family, with great power of unimaginable giants!

"Light of Scourge! Attack!"

A twelve-winged angel gave a cold drink, and then gathered hundreds of super angels to launch a super magic array attack, and started to launch.

A giant holy ray of holy light soared into the sky, this sky suddenly turned in the sky, and then fell over Catlin, falling down fiercely.


There was a loud noise, and Catlin, who was flying fast, was stopped by this light and could not move again under the attack of this light.


Chen Ju's great light fell, and Chen Mo's face changed.

The Angel Family is indeed an ancient clan, and it was able to prepare for a surprisingly powerful attack in such a short period of time.

I was less than a minute away from Angel City, but Catlin was stopped in this way.

Not only that, this horrible attack, Catlin will not be fine!

As soon as the giant light fell, Katerin appeared a giant magic shield.

However, under the attack of the giant ray of light, this magic shield is in danger as soon as it touches. I am afraid that it will not support for a short time.

Big fat, they will stay here, and they will be in danger.

Packed up the black phoenix, the fat man jumped down to the ground and found a place to hide for a long time, and Katrin's magic shield shattered.

The giant light fell into Catlin, and the building inside Catlin was suddenly destroyed.

This mighty gigantic light has not stopped at 1:30, but has continued to attack Catlin for a full minute!

If it hadn't been for Catlin's metallization, within this minute, Catlin would be completely destroyed without any trace of dust.

However, even with full metallization, Catlin was severely damaged.

The light stopped, and Catlin, who was still in the air, turned into an ugly metal without edges.

The sky tree is the worst, and all the leaves of the tree are missing, leaving only a bare tree body.

It wasn't because there was a fountain of elves in Katrin, and Sky Tree might be tragedy.

"Great attack."

Chen Mo walked out of the shelter, and the fat man, looking at the opportunity to destroy Katerin, could not help but praise.

From the appearance, Catlin was almost destroyed, but Chen Mo was not attentive.

Catherine was destroyed only on the surface, and none of the great tricks of the angel family can destroy Catlin, which shows that Catlin is powerful.

Actually, Catlin was more powerful than she showed.

"Hum! We hit well, we hit back."

Chen Chen stared at Shi Zhanjun, an angel clan in front of him, his eyes narrowed.

As a result, a huge black hole appeared in front of Catlin, and a huge black shadow suddenly shot out of the black hole.

Dark shadows are fast, but the angels' response is not slow.

The angel, the target of the attack, quickly spread out to avoid the attack ~ ~ But this dark shadow suddenly exploded when it hit the middle of the angel's location.

The huge amount of blood from the giant maggots rose from the heads of the angels, and the damage was not high, but what made the angels panic was that they found that they were actually attacking them by a mass of metal. After the metal exploded on them, they started to slam Cannibalizing their bodies, no matter what they do, they can't shake it off.

的 The angel that was struck by it quickly turned into a mass of strange metal, and fell from the sky to die.

的 The angels around me were stunned. What kind of attack is this? The power of such transformation?


In the face of such an attack, they could do nothing.

"It doesn't matter! Angel City evolution is complete!"

But there was an angel looking at the dark and sullen group behind them with a smile of joy.

The fusion and evolution of Angel City and Demon Ghost Shadow is faster than everyone expected.

Behind the Legion of Angels, a group of black giants dancing their teeth in the sky slowly drifted towards Catlin.

The angels rejoiced to make way for the city of angels to pass.

攻击 "Attack! Light of devour! Let this city be our food! Interfering with the evolution of Angel City, this is the price!"

On the black giant, Callom suddenly issued an attack order. (To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang @] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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