MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1011 Blocking: terrible comprehension

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What are you afraid of?

Wan Cheng fell into meditation.

If there is no absolute strength to suppress it, the body of immortality is almost the existence of the invincible version!

Not afraid of injury.

Not afraid of death.

Every time after the frequency death, it will be perfectly reborn.

Such a person, is there a solution?


Another invincible talent!

32-16, especially in the last few games, the strength of the beasts is more and more horrible, every battle is extremely difficult, and it is not easy to win.

"Invincible, undead body..."

Wan Cheng mouth read.

Really invincible?


The golden silkworm that had just been abused by Wan Cheng was violently killed. The pleasure of revenge in the eyes, even if Wan Cheng can see clearly.

Why does he have pleasure in his eyes?


Because I used to abuse it.

It is clearly remembered.


Really invincible?

Do not.

Invincible is just **!

Wan Cheng suddenly understood.

The flesh will never be destroyed, but what about it? The consciousness of the golden silkworm will not change, and will not recover as it was, then, spiritual attack?

He will not.

It is not necessarily effective.

Mental damage can easily lead to ** damage, which will cause the effect of immortal body! But Wan Cheng, but knows a more rude and simple way.

A way to end the undead body - exile.

The picture of the dreamer is still flashing in front of the eyes, just as it is. If, after being exiled to the drifting interstellar, exiled to the endless starry sky, even if it is not dead, what? Its spirit will be horribly tortured, but in the end it will not be as good as death!

What if the dreamer is fighting against the golden silkworm?

The result is self-evident.

"I won't banish."

Wan Cheng thought about it, and he couldn't use it for similar tricks.

The power of the waves...

What can I do?

After all, it is not the power of seals!


The body was scratched again.

Wan Cheng is still escaping, and his mind is not in battle.

"Exile... Seal..."

Wan Cheng has only one concentrated focus left in his eyes, leaving only the golden silkworm in front of him.


Another blood mark.

No matter what Wancheng is thinking. fighting. Still continue.

And when he took the opportunity to go to God, the golden silkworm would not let go, and in just a few seconds, he added a few scars to Wan Cheng. And fight. As always, it is fierce.

even. More desperate than the previous battle.

The first five times, if you say. All the beasts have an advantage, and then they are counter-attacked by humans. If they win, then this time, it is the opposite. The unexpectedly strong human beings pressed the gold silkworms, but as a result, they were countered by the golden silkworms that broke the blood.

The body of immortality is like a mythical existence.

"How is this still playing?"

"Can you remember the little black house of the War College? If that is the case... that kind of mental torture is still possible."

“Can it be the same? Who was the opponent at the time, and who is the opponent today? Only the gap in strength can create a time difference in the spiritual field.”

"More... Can Wancheng be used?"

Human camp.

Wang Ru and several other strong people discussed for a long time, still have not found a way to break the bureau.

There are many ways to fight against the undead.


Suitable for Wancheng, enough for him to win, one no!

But the undead body is such a magical power. If it is cracked, it will be useless, and if you can't crack it, it is invincible existence!

"The power of the waves..."

Wang Ru smiled and shook his head.

This one, lost.

Zhou Wang and others browed slightly, but did not show any good way. Because even if they are, in the face of this disgusting immortal body, I am afraid there is nothing wrong, perhaps, only Su Hao?

Everyone looked at Su Hao again.

With the existence of the sleeves, Su Hao is restrained by this kind of power!

End of abuse.

Unfortunately, he did not let him run into it.

"Will Wancheng lose?"

Chen Yiran sat next to Su Hao and asked, exhaling like a blue.

"Not necessarily."

Su Hao’s eyes glimpsed. “Don’t forget, Wan Cheng also has a card.”


Everyone is a little confused.

What kind of card is Wancheng?

Ah, yes, the comprehension that Su Hao said before, but this time is obviously a restraint of talent, obviously a question of attributes, and comprehension is used again?

Everyone is puzzled and once again looks at the holographic world.

The beast camp is completely different from humans, because this time they know clearly that humans have no chance to win!

There is indeed a weakness in the undead body.

But that weakness is definitely not a solution to the power of the waves.

after all……

The power of the waves?

What the hell!

"There is to be a win."

The beasts are excited.

And this time.

Wan Cheng has already been abused.

"I still refuse to admit defeat?"

The killing of the golden silkworm eye is still an unscrupulous attack, and as his opponent's Wan Cheng, it is just a defense, and the water does not leak.

Is Wancheng weak?

no way!

There is no undead body, how can the gold silkworm be his opponent? Now the injuries on his body are all made by the golden silkworm. It can be said that every injury to Wan Cheng is a gold silkworm exchanged for one life.

One injury, one life.

This is the winning secret of the golden silkworm.

And finished.

No cracks.

"Win it soon."

Gold silkworm is delighted, it can clearly feel that because of the injury, Wancheng's physical strength and speed are constantly falling, Wancheng can't hold it anymore!



The golden silkworm was excited to bring two scars to Wan Cheng, but no one noticed. At this time, Wan Cheng is in a state of how strange.

The faint eyes are bursting with brilliance.

Around Wancheng, the power of the waves surrounded by that circle seems to be condensing something, and these have never been noticed.


The golden silkworm suddenly turned bright.

Wan Cheng’s defense finally showed a trace of flaws. It seems that physical fitness can’t finally be supported?

"call out!"

The golden silkworm has found a chance to kill the past.


Streamer reversal.

At this moment, Wan Cheng fiercely looked up and looked at the golden silkworm that rushed over, just a wave of his hand. The power of the lurking waves around it suddenly broke out.

"The power of the waves - the whirlpool!"


Endless seawater emerges.

The power of Wancheng's waves is like a real appearance.

I just thought that I was about to win the golden silkworm. Suddenly I found myself entering a world of oceans, and I was surrounded by the power of Wancheng.

"Is ridiculous. Surrounded?"

Gold silkworms are all laughing and laughing.

It is not dead!

This Wancheng...

I thought I could kill it like this?

It’s just funny!


The power of the waves is scattered.

The gold silkworm suddenly frowned. Because it found out. The goal of these waves of power is not it, but it starts to rotate around it!

The waves are soaring.

It is like a tsunami.

And these waves. However, a huge ring-shaped ocean is formed around the golden silkworm, and it will not return to the sea, and it will endlessly end to end.

"What is he going to do?"

The golden silkworm is stunned.

It feels something is wrong.

The outside audience is also watching a glimpse of it. Wan Cheng will have a counterattack before he dies. This is not unexpected for those who have watched the battle for several days, but this counterattack...

What the hell?

It’s not easy to get out of the phone, it’s not about the golden silkworm, but around it?

The beast is puzzled.

Humans do not understand.

Su Hao’s eyes swept away and looked at the route of the power of the waves. Suddenly, he understood what, Wan Cheng, this guy, is going to use this way?


The power of the waves broke out.

Endless waves are getting faster and faster.

The golden silkworm can feel the terrible power that emerges around it.



"I am not dead!"

The golden silkworm looks up, and the surrounding area is ten meters. It is all waves, running waves, and wrapping around him. The speed is very fast, and the height is more than ten meters. It is also full of terrible power.



The speed of the waves is speeding up again, like a terrible whirlpool.

And the golden silkworm is located in the center of the vortex!

The golden silkworm looks around, only the blue waves that rotate, and soon, in its eyes, only the blue lines are left, and nothing else!

Blue lines.

Going faster and faster...

The faster and faster...

The golden silkworm felt that the mind was getting more and more faint. Suddenly, the warning signs in the mind were awake, and when I looked around again, I suddenly showed a faint color.

He finally understood what Wancheng had to do.

Puppet exile!

This guy can use the power of the waves to cause the effect of exile!

Let him look at the surroundings, it is an endless wave, let it forget the time and space, and finally collapsed by life!

Terrible guy!

"Unfortunately, I was noticed."

Jin silk sneer, suddenly killing the waves.

I have never understood the purpose of Wancheng before, so I dare not act rashly. Since I understand it, I don’t mind if I die again, I will die and die, will not leave here?


The golden silkworm rushed to the surrounding waves.

Three seconds.

Unprepared and rushed in, it was strangled in three seconds.


Soon, the golden silkworm was reborn again.

The golden silkworm rushed again, and it was three seconds. It was strangled again, and it was getting closer and closer to the edge of the waves, and it would soon escape.

"it is as expected……"

The human audience smiled bitterly.

Once you are detected, will you lose your effect? Even though the golden silkworm can't escape, how can this fight have the sense of emptiness?


The golden silkworm cocoon smiled and finally killed Wan Cheng.

"Is it discovered?"

"Sure enough."

Wan Cheng smiled.

In the hands of the wave of power, a subconscious wave, but in the next moment, his eyes seem to have changed into a world, through the power of endless waves...

He seems to have seen the endless ocean depths.

He seems to have seen the terrible underwater vortex.


That is an endless wave.

Above each wave, there are terrible lines, and the center of the wave of the giant vortex seems to seal a frightening creature.

Where is that?

Wan Cheng is terrified, is it an endless sea?

However, at this moment, Wan Cheng can clearly see the terrible lines of the mysterious creatures on the power of the waves. Was this the true power of the waves?

Ps:question, may I ask, what did Wancheng children's shoes see? 1, mysterious creatures. 2. The reader's sauce lost in the operation. 3. Monthly ticket. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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