MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1017 Convergence

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Black hole.


This is the power of the emperor to merge in a space strong, and his true killer, no matter where Su Hao is, he can't escape this desperate blow.

Different space?

If Su Hao does not come out, he can only be destroyed as the alien space is destroyed. Therefore, the only thing he can do is to let the alien space smash and escape. However, no matter what the emperor thinks, he would not have thought that he did not wait for Su Hao, but instead waited for a trip to Huangsha.


The yellow sand is spread out.

From a small group, the whole body is scattered.


The emperor stunned.

Still not responding, the emperor found out that the sand-like things, and their own talents, attracted each other and began to merge.

"what's the situation?"

The emperor was completely paralyzed this time.


This has not been sorted out.


The cold mans flashed.

A horrible killing surrounds himself, and the emperor is a spirit, Su Hao is coming! Don't look at it, just by feeling, he knows that this is the real Su Hao.


The sword of the Milky Way erupted.

By landslide!

Broken water flow!

Still the most simple and rude skills, Su Hao's entire person is like a residual image.


The emperor sneered, and the sword of war broke out.


The two met again, the horrible light wave trembled, and the two took a step back, and the emperor was marked with scars. Reorganized in an instant, intact.

"You are finally willing to come out."

The emperor smiled lightly. "With these blind eyes, I want to beat me?"

Yellow sand cover, take the opportunity to attack, is this not a means of hooligans? Su Hao actually wants to beat him by this means, it is ridiculous!

"Blind eye method?"

Su Hao smiled and laughed. "Who said that I use the blind eye?"

When Tianzi browed, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Looking down, suddenly suddenly.

Su Hao’s attack was blocked by him. Cast the sword of the Star River many times. It is impossible to threaten him at all, but because of Su Hao’s decisive attack, he ignored the yellow sand in his body. even. He has no time to pay attention to those yellow sands.


When he ended up with Su Hao. Suddenly found that those yellow sands disappeared.

Do not.

Not disappearing.

It is integrated into his body!

"what happened?"

The emperor was shocked. The fusion talent is automatically launched without urging?

This has never happened before.

Inducted in the body, it seems that those yellow sand did not have any effect on him, but I do not know why, the emperor always feels bad.

Quick battle!

Can't drag it!

The power of his rules is not much, and there are not many Su Hao. The final confrontation is the decisive battle.

"End it."

The emperor took a deep breath, and it was impossible to give Su Hao the humiliation. Su Hao’s power was beyond his imagination. However, it does not matter, as long as you defeat Su Hao, everything is over.

This is his revenge and will never allow failure!

"The last move."

The Son of Heaven is clear.

With the power of him and Su Hao, it can only happen once.

"Maybe, let you see the true power of integration."

The emperor looked at Su Hao with an endless contempt in his eyes.


A silent wave of escaping.

The horrible translucent ripples swept through the air, and the forces of Su Hao ruled up, but they were penetrated without any hindrance.

"No harm."

Su Hao eyebrows pick one.

This fluctuation is not for people!


With the volatility of the volatility, the surrounding scenery changed.

The familiar wilderness has disappeared, and it appears in front of Su Hao that it is a dream-like scene, with all kinds of brilliance and eccentricity.


Su Hao is slightly confused.

"No, no."

Su Hao quickly reacted, "This is the world!"

"There is a vision."

The voice of the Son of Heaven came from leisurely. "This is my world, the realm of integration!"

"Are you the third in the world?"

Su Hao was shocked.

In the world, only the ten spirits can be formed!

Moreover, for genius, the importance of the world is beyond imagination, so it is not easy to choose ten borders to create a garbage world.

And the emperor...

"No, no."

What Su Hao feels, "This is an incomplete world!"

"Not bad."

The Son of Heaven prides himself. "This is the third person I have swallowed up in the world. The power of acquisition, the successful integration, and the integration of my environment, hahahahaha."


This guy actually killed a third in the world.

The surrounding audience was in awe.

Is the emperor so strong?

That is the power of the world!

"The guy was merged by me after I was killed. Although I was only lucky to win, but unfortunately, when I completed the integration, I already had the third strength to truly kill the world. The real one. Hit! You, you can only look up a blow."

If the sky is like a madman.

"Come on."

Su Hao smiled and laughed. "Let me see your true strength."


The Son of Heaven took a step.

In the context of integration, all kinds of strange brilliance, strange and strange, very magical.


The emperor reached out and a force emerged. It was the power of the stars. It belonged to the terrible power of Chen Xing, and it floated in front of the Son of Heaven. The emperor reached out again, and a force emerged. It was the laser power belonging to the tooth eye. Similarly, it appeared in this world.


Two forces appeared.

Then, in the eyes of everyone. Slowly approaching, then merging, and finally, formed a force full of strange atmosphere.

"this is……"

Everyone in the audience stood up in shock.


This is the pinnacle of convergence!

This is the real killer of fusion.

The Son of Heaven has mastered this power? The beast is not clear, but the human side is clear, although the fusion talent is difficult to develop, but once it reaches the extreme, it will be terrible. The power of water is 1, and the power of fire is 1, but if parallel imports. Is the final strength 2?

Do not. According to the strong speculation, this result is likely to be 11...

This is the terrible thing of integration.

According to the power. After the fusion. The resulting multiple difference is greater. But you can be sure that this number is absolutely terrifying!

Moreover. Will the emperor merge a power?


It is also a force to show up.


The breath in front of the Son of Heaven became more and more strange.

“This is the context of integration?”

Su Hao sneered, "You are not afraid of me now?"

"Of course you can do it."

The emperor sneered, "Forgot to tell you, the rules of the integration of the world, here, everyone has only the right to strike a shot... After both of them have shot, they can leave. This is the setting of my integration. You can shoot now, but can you kill me?"

set up.

Su Hao eyes a glimpse.

He knows this thing, for example, using the kingdom as a battlefield.

If he does not provide the power of the air in the kingdom of heaven, then when he is fighting, neither he nor his opponent can use it. It is as simple as that.

And the context of integration...

Is this set by the Son of Heaven?

This is the third strongest in the world, and it can turn the surrounding environment into an absolute scene that is beneficial to oneself. When he was fighting against Yunyi, if he was not in school, he would hurt the students. I am afraid that if the clouds are gone, he will not be tied.

"A hit?"

Looking at the emperor who constantly blends strength, Su Hao seems to understand what.


Another force emerged.

There are seven kinds of powers in front of the emperor. All of them are a little dignified. Even if they are Wang Ru, they look down in awe.


Wang Jun spoke and looked at this incredible scene. "How is this bureau broken? The emperor is so powerful, and then combines several forces. I am afraid you are not an opponent?"

"of course."

Wang Ru nodded, "If you let him always merge..."

"But the strong will not give him the opportunity to merge. First of all, in the face of the real strong, they will not be brought into the immersion of the emperor, when their real world breaks out, it is estimated that this integration will be Carrying out pressure, the emperor has only one dead end."

"Of course, if you accidentally get caught here..."

"To tell the truth, the power of the world's third-largest power, it is estimated that a hit can kill the emperor, which will give him the opportunity to integrate? Even if he will be born again, the power of the horrible world will burst here!"

"It turned out to be."

Everyone realized that "He will reconcile this with Su Hao?"

Wang Ru is silent.

After a long time, I sighed, "No solution."

The Son of Heaven itself is at the second peak of the world, and in the face of the same realm, almost all can be brought into the realm of integration, just like the heaven of Su Hao!

Pulling in is just a complete abuse.

The same is true of the context of integration.

With absolute talent and absolute integration advantage, no one will know how terrible the hit of the emperor will be!

That is the power of Wang Ru’s jealousy!

Su Hao, what is the stop?

What is even more terrifying is that he is still merging!

Ten kinds...

Thirty kinds...

Eighty kinds...

One hundred and twenty kinds...

Two hundred and forty kinds...

Five hundred and twenty kinds...

Still going on!

The breath around him is terrible, and all the audience around him are shocked and speechless. What is this terrible power?

"Two years in the field of fierce beasts, I have worked hard to integrate thousands of kinds of strengths. I am honored that you are fortunate to see my strongest move." The eyes of the emperor flashed in pleasure, and seemed to see Su Hao’s frightened eyes, however, After the explanation, he looked up and saw only the mercy in Su Hao’s eyes.

"So, you still don't understand..."

Su Hao sighed and looked at the light around him. "It's a perfect occasion."


The Son of Heaven is stunned.

"The power of source energy is weaker than the power of rules. I can't integrate the power of rules, but sometimes, the quantity can really cause changes in quality. What do you say?"

Su Hao has a funny smile.


Around Su Hao, there are tens of thousands of strange light groups. Each light group represents a strange power. Walking in the air is like a star!

Ps: Seeking a monthly ticket. (To be continued...)
