MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1019 Sprinting opportunity

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The field of beasts. :3w.

In the vicinity of the **** forest that has been destroyed, a dilapidated thatched house is still strong there, and it seems to fall at any time.

An elegant figure, standing on the side of the grass house.


Two bright lights are shining.

It is the supreme being of the earth today, the Emperor of Mingguang!

"There are two more."

The Emperor of Mingguang looked at the last two lights and whispered softly.

"The Great."

A fierce beast is on the ground. "In a word, your subordinate immediately takes people to destroy the last two desperties!"

"no need."

The Emperor of Mingguang waved his hand.


A gust of wind blew.

The only two lights were suddenly extinguished.

There are only one left in the nine lights.

The emptiness of the emptiness, I saw a figure appear, before the Emperor of Mingguang, it turned out to be the Nine Snake, "The Great Emperor, the abyss is desperate, has been destroyed."


A smile appeared on the face of Mingguang.

Nine desperate, only one.


Nine snakes paused, and this sighed. "The game of the fierce beast 32-16 lost very badly, fighting seven times with humans, seven consecutive defeats! Especially Su Hao..."

"His strength is terrible!"

"Su Hao?"

Mingguang Emperor repeated the name. "Don't care about him, as long as the devil can win, get the last first, and the rest, don't care."


Nine snakes should be.

And this time.

A fierce beast that was also lying on the ground suddenly saw the fierce light. The terrible strength of the peak of globalization has come out, looking directly at the Emperor of Mingguang. "The Great Emperor, it is said that you are seriously injured outside, you can't shoot it! So you can only use this way, don't know what you think..."

"What do you want to do?"

The nine snakes were furious. "This is the great emperor."

"The fierce beast can be respected by strength. The emperor should have the strength of the great emperor, isn't it?"

The fierce beast said, "If the emperor really wants to command all our beasts. At least. To prove that your strength is not? Otherwise, who knows if it is impersonating? It is said that in humans, there is one but with the breath and momentum. Fucking people's talents, maybe..."


The nine snakes screamed.

"No problem."

The Emperor of Mingguang looked at him indifferently. "Do you want to prove?"


The fierce beast does not fade.

"It's very simple."

The Emperor of Mingguang did not care. "This is a reasonable request. I will let you touch it."


The fierce beast stunned and reached out.

The Emperor of Mingguang gently grabbed it. Indifferently said, "Now, feel the power of the great emperor."


A whisper.

The fierce beast didn't feel anything wrong, the power of the emperor was so normal? However, when it glanced over the people around, it suddenly found that they looked at their own eyes full of horror, and they subconsciously followed their gaze and saw their bodies.

The body that is gradually disappearing.

With the emergence of the power of the great emperor, its body can not bear, the decomposition of life!

The power belonging to the great emperor circulates through it, and wherever he goes, there is nothingness, the power of rules, what is powerful, all turned into nothingness!


After a few seconds.

In the hands of the Great, there is nothing.

The Nine Snakes and others are deeply shocked, but it is a world peak! In the hands of the great emperor, it took a few seconds to completely turn into nothingness!

Who said that the emperor can't shoot?

Who said that the Great was seriously injured?


"Do you want to try?"

The Emperor of Mingguang looked at the beasts and be as gentle as ever. However, at that time, the gentleness made all the beasts feel a cold heart.

"Don't dare."

All the beasts are on the ground.

"Do you have doubts?"

The Emperor of Mingguang suddenly looked at the Nine Snakes.


The nine snakes hesitated for a moment, only to be sure, "Yes, with your strength, directly killing humans, why not? Want to eliminate the deep sea secrets, direct shots will not do it? Make a battle of glory, although The beast will definitely take the first place, but it feels a bit redundant."

"Destroy humans?"

Emperor Mingguang laughed at himself. "If it can be extinguished, I have already shot it."

"You can't do it?"

The nine snake eyes are wide.

"I am indeed the great emperor."

Mingguang Emperor smiled leisurely. "But it is not the strongest in the world. Not to mention the fact that if I take the shot... that place will definitely notice."

"that place?"

Nine snakes are stunned.

Where do you make Mingguang the Emperor so jealous?

"When you reach the Imperial level, you will naturally know."

The Emperor of Mingguang patted its shoulder. "Now, guide them to the game."


The nine snakes and the beasts revered with respect.

Next to the grass house, only the Emperor Mingguang was left. Suddenly, the yin wind blew and the yin spirit flashed. The familiar shadow squatted in front and the Mingguang Emperor swept away.

"Everything, follow the plan."



Su family.

After Su Hao went home with Chen Yiran, he found that Su Ling was placing the tableware, and suddenly he snorted. "Linger, what about my aunt?"

"what happened?"

Li Xiaoru’s voice came from the kitchen. “Come back, the food will soon be fine.”


Su Hao is inexplicably relieved.

"what happened?"

Chen Yiran felt that his status was wrong.

"I don't know, I was a little embarrassed, but it will be very soon."

Su Hao shook his head slightly and guessed, "Is it estimated that someone is going to shoot here, and then give up? But that feeling..."

"Forget it, nothing is fine."

Su Hao put down his concerns.

The family, once again and the gas of the meal. For Su Hao. Whether you are attending a competition or not, you will come back to eat on time every day. After that, with the Su family ancestors, that is, Grandpa Su Hao confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him, he was relieved to leave.

If even this level can't prevent the enemy, he knows it's useless?

Everything seems to be so peaceful.


At the end of the 32-16 game, everyone was finally relieved.

The results of 16-8 have not been said much, so this battle of glory is for most humans. It is already over. Because the remaining 16 people. In addition to the seven human beings, the remaining nine and eight are the third strongest in the world, and...

how to spell?

Unless you have the luck of Li Xin!

Summon a meteor to kill a real person. Otherwise this is a battle that must be lost! 16-8. It is likely that a human being can't get in! of course. If you have to count it, maybe, Su Hao still has a chance? at least. At the time of the war, Su Hao broke out a terrible energy.

"Who knows?"

Wang Ru saw everyone, and even Li Xin didn't say anything.

Chen Xing.

That strength is only tenth!

The top nine?

They are even stronger than Chen Xing. What are they playing? At this time, almost everyone, after seeing the power of Chen Xing, only left a shock!

how to spell?

Meeting room, a silence.

Everyone is very confident and everyone believes in their strength.

However, this is not a question of believing in not believing, but that the other party is far older than everyone else, and no one is so arrogant!

"Su Hao?"

Wang Ru looked at Su Hao.

"and many more……"

Su Hao seems to be thinking about something big in his eyes.

"Maybe there is no way."

Su Hao suddenly spoke, and everyone was bright.

Is there a way?

"Let me think about it..."

Su Hao himself felt a lot of headaches. He felt that he had caught something, but it was very vague. The thoughts, fleeting, what exactly?

Su Hao frowned for a moment and suddenly spoke. "Where is the gap between us and the beast?"


Everyone looked at each other and Zhou Wang categorically said, "The realm!"


A group of the world's first and second, the battle of a group of the world's third, for them, the most important thing is the gap between the realm!

However, the power of the world is not comparable to ordinary power!

and so……

Only caused such a disparity in comparison.

"So, that is, if you let the realm be the same, is it possible to win?"

Su Hao muttered to himself, but his eyes were getting brighter.

If that's the case...


“The second to the third in the world, what do you need?”

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully.

"The Ten Realms."

Chen Yiran said softly.

"Ten Borders!"

Su Hao is bright.

Yes, ten spirits!

The difference between the second and the third is the Tenth Spirit. That is to say, if you get together the Ten Spirits, can you let everyone enter the third place in the world?


The speed of the spirits...

Su Hao’s eyes are shining. For others, it may be difficult, but it is definitely not a problem for him! Just how to cultivate the spirit of the other people?

Su Hao once again fell into meditation.

meeting room.

Only Su Hao’s thoughts alone.

Ten Jieling...


Secret spirits...

Su Hao feels that he seems to have seized the line.

Under normal circumstances, the cultivated spirit can only use it by itself, but is it not a secret skill? If, if you research your own secrets?

As long as it matches, what about the Ten Spirits?

To know.

At the beginning of Wancheng, just broke through, it merged with a four-level spirit!

This is the power of the secret spirit!

And these people are not the secrets of the spirits? If this is the case, just help them to get the ten spirits...

The third in the world, just around the corner!

"Absolutely feasible."

Su Hao is excited.

Of course, the premise is that he can study the production of secret techniques.


Su Hao double eyes closed.

Time back.

The scene of the day when I stepped into the Taihu Lake came to my heart. At that time, the analysis and modeling of the secrets of the spirits was very fast, and the data at that time emerged layer by layer.

The content of the secret spirit is analyzed layer by layer.

Su Hao doesn't know how to make secrets. However, with the original design, he can completely imitate the same spirit. As for how to make it suitable for everyone...

"Maybe, can you imitate the power of their rules?"

There are countless thoughts in Su Hao’s mind.

Manufacture of spiritual secrets.

feasible! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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