MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1028 Six lore!

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"Tick. +"

The blood is leaving.

Gao Ming’s face has not been wrong for a long time.

Tiancheng Jieling, reversing Qiankun.

Su Hao, who was completely abused, actually attacked in this way. This is what no one thought of. Heavenly level spirit... Has this world appeared?


There are countless four levels of spiritual reality, and the five-level heavenly spirit has never appeared.

Everyone knows that the fourth level is not the limit, but the five levels...

Never touched.

Nowadays, it appears, gorgeous appearance on the stage of the battle of glory, appeared in the hands of Su Hao, re-created Qiankun!


Gao Ming coughed up a pool of blood. "Is this... is it a heavenly spirit?"

"Not bad."

Su Hao is as calm as ever.

The power of the heavenly spirit is far beyond his imagination.

How long has the shadowless needle been in his hand?

It can be said that when he started to control the rules, he easily made the perfect level, but for the legendary five, he was not qualified to touch.


The emergence of quantum computers!

On the day from the quantum computer to the hand, he was deducting, analyzing, and even, when he could show it, he had no end.

Even he did not think that at this time, it will bring surprises!

The five levels of the spirit are almost perfect, speed, penetration, and even shape, even the horrible Gaoming can not resist, let alone other people?


The shadowless needle twitches and swells.

The brilliant eyes moved to it. The pale face is a little smiley. "It’s a god-like spirit! Unfortunately... it’s just a needle."


Everyone has a glimpse.

"I said, my body will heal."


A ray of light emerges.

In the eyes of everyone shocked, Gao Ming’s body recovered rapidly. In the twinkling of an eye, the wound worn by Su Hao hole has already recovered! If the blood on the non-clothes is still there, I am afraid that everyone thinks that its serious injury is just an illusion. This... just fine?

"Is this OK?"

"What the power of hell!"

Everyone was shocked.

Even though Su Hao has a look.

This power...

Attack, it is not the strongest. defense. Nor is it, treatment, nor is it, however. It combines all the features and integration. Become the power of omnipotence! The fusion of the Son of Heaven is to borrow the power of others. But the power of Gaoming is his own, and the strength is unmatched.


Su Hao does not think.

Such as the body of immortality has a method of cracking. What about this?



What is the way to crack it?

Su Hao brows slightly wrinkled.

"How do you want to crack me?"

Gao Ming’s appearance is just a smile. “I have seen your battle. I have to say that you are the most terrible human being I have ever seen. Even if it is a defeated battle, you can also think of the method of cracking, and then win against it. ""

“I heard that your talent is a model analysis?”

"It's no wonder that the power of analysis, more importantly, is not fighting, but in terms of cracking and increasing, it's no wonder that your fighting power has not been strong."

Gao Ming said slowly.

Is it nonsense?

No, it is also analyzing.

When Su Hao analyzed it, it was also analyzing Su Hao!

Su Hao heard a smile.

Not strong in combat?

What a special thing...

Is it only that it dares to say so? If you change to any other person, dare to say that Su Hao is not strong in combat, Su Hao violently kills him in minutes!

But Gao Ming...

I am really qualified to say so.

"The combat power is not strong, good at crack analysis, this is you. Because you have several times the level of challenge, people's positioning of you, put on the combat power, but it is wrong." Gao Ming eyes flashed, "just fight me You seem to be a little absent-minded."

"Want to come, is it studying the heavenly level?"

"Unfortunately, even I have not paid attention to it, otherwise, it will not give you this opportunity."

Gao Ming has some regrets.


Su Hao brows slightly pick.

How did it start to talk about it again?

Su Hao’s heart suddenly met and suddenly understood. Morale, it is because of this! In the previous battles, the shocks and turmoil brought by Su Haotian's leveling spirits will wipe out the morale of Gaoming as a fierce beast. At this time, Gao Ming needs to lift people's fear of Su Hao.

Let people know that Su Hao, but so.

This will restore morale.

Therefore, we will analyze the advantages and weaknesses of Su Hao in the eyes of the public. Unfortunately, this way is completely ineffective for Su Hao.

"Are you delaying time?"

Su Hao suddenly smiled. "It seems that the recovery just took you very much. If you need it, I can wait for you to recover here."

Gao Ming’s analysis stopped.


Just kidding, does it need to delay time?


With Su Hao's words, the surrounding audience realized that it was so, it is no wonder that Gao Ming did not even shoot. Gao Ming suddenly reacted silently...

It can be ignored, the audience?

"damn it."

Gao Mingmu said, "It seems that I can only make a quick decision."

"Since you are looking for death."

Gao Ming’s eyes became cold. “Then I will fulfill you.”


The third heavy later power broke out!

The power of terror swept down and slammed down to Su Hao. Gao Ming was volleyed. "My attack will come to you."

"call out!"

An inexplicable force is close behind.

In the eyes of Su Hao, the cold light flashed, and the red and blue awns soared. In the twinkling of an eye, the so-called attack would have been pushed from where the smashing eyes of the hand blasted out.

"go with!"


The shadowless needle is drawn across an arc.


The star burst.

The shadowless **** shot into the air, obviously there is nothing. But there has been a fierce tremor, that is, it belongs to the power of Gaoming!

Su Hao, found its location.

"Can you feel it?"

Gao Ming shocked.

The shadowless needle is indeed strong, but it cannot protect Su Hao. However, Gao Ming did not expect that when Su Hao made a full effort, he could feel the power.


Su Hao is just a sneer.

If the previous dissolving power is a full-scale attack, he can't defend at all, but this kind of targeted attack. It’s just a joke in front of illusory reality! Unreal reality deduction. He can easily capture the traces of that power, and then, the shadowless needle burst.

"I still don't believe it."

Gao Ming came back again.

In a word, a power. An attack.

Countless attacks have surfaced. however. Every time, Su Hao easily obliterated, illusory reality positioning. Shadowless **** blasting crack.

Cooperate with nothing.

No matter how powerful the power is, it is impossible to get close to Su Hao.

"It is impossible."

Some people can't understand Gao Ming. "If it is so powerful, why can you beat him so easily? Is it just because of the heavenly spirit? No, absolutely not. The former Su Hao definitely did not have such a strong positioning ability. This is suddenly appearing. ......"


"If Su Hao hasn't changed, is it because of me?"

"my power……"

"What is the difference between the two methods?"

Gao Ming suddenly understood.

Before, it wanted to block and block all the forces of Su Hao. Therefore, all the tricks of Su Hao could not be used, because there was no source at all, there was no attack at all, how did Su Hao crack it? Therefore, Su Hao can't use the arrow of the Milky Way until now, only the shadowless needle!

It turned out to be the case.

If I say that, if I continue to use that way...

Gao Ming’s eyes are bright.

Su Hao, who is fighting against Gao Ming, suddenly feels uncomfortable. The high-spirited momentum changes in a flash. Su Hao’s sharp gap is not right, and he immediately retreats.


Gao Ming’s mouth appeared with a smile. “I already understand.”

"Your strength will be weakened."

"Your speed will be pinned."

"Your reaction will be dull."

"Your eyes will be invisible."

"Your ears will not be heard."

"Your nose will not smell."

Gao Ming stood there leisurely, saying a word, and with his opening, Su Hao’s body suddenly did not dare to move because of those forces...

It was fulfilled.

"The lore, this is the six lore!"

Strength, speed, and reaction are the three kills of the flesh.

Hearing, vision, and smell are the three kills.

Either way, it is very scary.

And now...

Gao Ming all showed up.

This is its trick, once used this trick, spiked a strong player of the same session. After the six loiterings, Su Hao has not dared to move.

All the audience opened their eyes.

They don't know how much power Su Hao bears, but just feel that power is terrible, joking, losing hearing, sight, smell...

Isn't that directly abolished?

Anyone, even if it is a demon, if you lose these things, you can't find the right direction. How to fight? Of course, the devil will not be in the middle of it. However, Su Hao was originally low in the realm. In the face of Gao Ming’s killings, he could not defend himself. He was all eaten hard.

Strength, speed, reaction.

Su Hao felt a significant decline. If his own body is strong and unmatchable, I am afraid that it will be abolished.

As for the other three?

I am afraid!

If you switch to any other person, it will collapse, but only this move is not effective for Su Hao, because at this time, the synchronization space is perfect!

Under three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead end, Su Hao knows the surrounding environment.

Vision, hearing, smell?


"call out!"

Gao Ming shot again.

In the face of a already abolished Su Hao, it can kill Su Hao with a random attack! In one word, an inexplicable force has been slammed down again.

It stands to reason.

Su Hao can't see, can't hear, how do you know where the Gaoming attack came from?

However, shortly after Gao Ming’s shot, Su Hao suddenly pointed at a certain direction, and there was no shadow of the blast, and a group of Guanghua burst in the air.

"Is this six lore?"

Su Hao’s mouth smiled. “But that’s it.”

He blinked his eyes and looked at Gaoming. Everyone knew that he could not see, but he did not seem to have any influence at all.

This situation makes everyone feel astonished. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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