MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1054 Husky who will be a dog!

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Endless sea.

Zhou Wang also saw the enemy, an enemy he was very familiar with - the ghost.

At first, the ghost ignored all his attacks with a special physique, and finally he was found in the lightning of thousands of attributes, and then he was killed.

Never thought, this product has come again?

Zhou Wang looked at his strength and the same world-class third.

"Long time no see, Zhou Wang."

The ghost is a little faint.


Zhou Wang’s raising his hand is a lightning bolt.

It was the overbearing lightning that was originally realized, and it was bombarded in the ghost. Unfortunately, the powerful lightning that was enough to kill the ghost was almost useless.

"Oh, it's okay."

Zhou Wang is catching up.

The ghost is very angry.

Because Zhou Wang completely ignored him!

Under normal circumstances, even if two enemies meet, you should not yell at you xx, he returns, you kill me, I destroy you and the like? This product does not play according to common sense!

"Do you think I was still the original physique?"

The ghost looks cold, "Now I am the third in the world, the body is almost perfect, will not be restrained by you, will not be attacked by you again!"

"This time, you will die very badly."


Zhou Wang should have a sentence.


Ghostly stunned, what is this reply?

"So, the purpose of your visit should be to delay the time?"

Zhou Wang looked at it clearly.

"What is it, not what?"

The ghost sneered.


Zhou Wang’s indifference should be a sentence.

The ghost's forehead is exposed.

Oh your sister!

Can you give me some reaction?

Forget it, the ghost feels that if you talk to this guy nonsense, it is estimated that you are alive and mad, this guy is special cold violence! No wonder the human world has a big power before. Just replying to "Oh" will be considered cold violence, and it is too correct to recommend joining the national law!

"If you don't want to answer, go to hell."

The ghost looks silent.

"In the beginning, in the virtual world, my ghost body is not complete. It is cheaper for you."

"This time, I will not give you any chance."

The glory of the ghost eyes is flourishing.

What strength is it now?

The real ghost body!

Even the nine snakes can't beat it. This is the really terrible place of the ghost body. Even if the nine snakes are now half-empire? Still can't keep it!

What's more, a Zhouwang in the district?


The waves are raging.

The ghosts of the glory of the whole body rose, and the glory of the glory flashed.

The eyes are clearly defined.

At the beginning, it was abused by Zhou Wang. Now, I can finally get back to the scene.


The ghost shot.

The terrorist attack blasted to Zhou Wang. However, at this time, Zhou Wang just looked up and looked at the ghost and sighed. "This is reality..."


The ghost is obviously stunned, what is the reality?


The glare of the thunder flashed.


When the ghost reacted, I suddenly found that I lost the trace of Zhou Wang! What is even more terrible is. It doesn't even know which direction Zhou Wang has gone.

"The trough!"

The ghost is paralyzed.

It finally knows what Zhou Wang said here is what it means.

It is not the place of the battle of glory, you can't beat you. Why are you playing with you, sick? What is the advantage of Zhou Wang? Speed, absolute speed!

It’s almost the speed of your eyes.

The ghost was stunned for a time, completely in the same place.


"Which direction do you pursue?"

The depths of the endless sea.

If Su Hao can see the map today, he will find that everyone is thinking about the endless sea. The strong beasts sent out by the beasts can't stop them! This is the strength of today's strong human beings, experienced the experience of blood and fire, they are not the same.

And the fierce Wang Ru and the Nine Snake also broke out a decisive battle.

The nine snakes, which have always been at the advantage of the beast, seem to have ignored. Although human beings are under 30 years old, they are much more than humans, but above...

But there are many people!

How strong are these old guys?

no one knows!

What's more, Wang Ru, the owner of Tianlong Court? In a big battle, the nine snakes, who have always been self-proclaimed as the fierce beasts, were almost blasted on the spot.

"Half-step king, you actually..."

Nine snakes looked at Wang Ru unbelievably.

"You have all been promoted to the semi-empire, why can't I be a half-step king?"

Wang Ru is as elegant as ever.

The beast is born very powerful, but all human beings have to start from scratch. This is the gap. The only advantage of humans and beasts lies in their growth and talent, which is unmatched by the beast. During this period of cultivation, even the nine snakes have become half-empire, let alone him?


Wang Rujian is as angry as a rainbow, and half of the endless sea is almost broken.

The nine snakes fled.

Have to escape!

Unless it intends to go with Wang Ru, otherwise it is only beaten, the strength of the two is almost the same, but Wang Ru's control and proficiency in talent is not comparable to the nine snakes.


Wang Ru only sneered after seeing the nine snakes.

However, in the sense of my own strength today, I still can't help but wonder.

Half-step king...

He became a half-step king.

This should be a glory thing, but this is too wrong, because, too fast, the time to become a half-step king, faster than imagined for a full year!

"The source of the heavens and the earth has increased."

Wang Ru reached out.

There are countless source energy particles around, and that is what exists between heaven and earth.

"What happened in this world?"

“The source energy particles are actually increasing.”

The federation, the new genius is even more against the sky.

It is unimaginable to enter the professionalization field in junior high school. These, in addition to Su Hao's original pharmacy, make the talents merge from high school to junior high school. These source energy particles also have the same contribution. Such a fast cultivation speed. It is simply incredible.

It is these changes that make Wang Ru panic.

Because he knows that heaven and earth will never change for no reason.


A source can come, and the whole planet will completely change its appearance.

And now?

Still changing!

The source energy is still there, and the terrible thing is that the world is not reinforced.

Ask. If the semi-emperor, the half-step king continues to increase, and even, the emperor level, the king level! That kind of powerful guy, what should the planet do?

To know……

The confrontation between the strongest king and the emperor is enough to destroy the entire planet!

When the king is not as good as the dog, when the emperor is gone,

What about the world?

That picture is so beautiful, Wang Ru did not dare to think. He can be sure that if it is the day, the destruction of the whole world is not far away.

"Is it a conspiracy of a beast?"


Wang Ru’s eyes are on the depths of the endless sea. “Is it related to this?”

You don't need to know the law enforcer.

Without knowing the mystery of the world, Wang Ru directly guessed the truth.

The streamer flashed.

Wang Ru also rushed to the depths of the endless sea.


It seems to contain all the secrets.


The endless thunder is roaring.

The golden lightning layer falls down like hell.

The deepest part of the deep sea, the endless sea center. The calm sea suddenly resurfaced, and the horrible waves began to surge.

Every wave. Every lightning is full of endless killings.

Very scary.

The depths of the entire deep sea began to rotate.

The waves under the impact of high-speed shocks give people a illusion of confusion, and how fast the speed is.

It was dark.

Thunder, waves, and the most central, like a black hole. Full of horror appeal, so that everyone can not see clearly, but can not help but want to enter.

Here is the true deepest part of the deep sea secrets.

Su Hao stopped.

Because there is no way to go, the devil becomes a little girl standing next to him, holding the bear in his hand. His eyes swept over the thunder and shook his head slightly.

"I can't go."

"There is a problem with the sea, and there is a problem with the lightning. If you break into it, there is only one dead road."

The devil sees it at a glance.


Su Hao nodded slightly.

"call out!"

Right hand and one finger.

A figurative body has killed the past.


A thunder.

Flesh flesh.


The devil can't help but roll his eyes, this picture is too ugly.

"This kind of attack intensity, I can't resist in my body."

Su Hao brows slightly wrinkled.

"call out!"

A force of rules enters.


Another lightning bolt.

The power of Su Hao’s powerful rules has completely changed to the rules of the world’s power, and he is still being directly killed. This time it is even worse, and there is no residue left.

"The attack is too strong."

"The world of flesh can't be hard."

"The power of the world is equally untenable."


Su Hao brows slightly wrinkled, this deep sea secret, the power is a bit too much, he even suspected that these things, who made it out, this power...

Is it the strongest king?

"What do you think?"

Su Hao looks at the devil.

"My strength is too much to pass."

The devil shook his head slightly.

Su Hao is amazed.

The strength of the demon half of the emperor, no. He, a man who is hardly under the devil, still can't. The two Xeons are actually blocked by a lightning bolt?

"Is the hand of the strongest king?"

Su Hao thinks thoughtfully.

in history.

Never had the strongest king.

Moreover, even if there is, it is necessary to make such a scene, what is the purpose?

Can't figure it out!

“Will it be Mingguang Emperor?”

The devil thinks of the only one with this strength.

"will not."

Su Hao shook his head.

If Mingguang really has such strength, I am afraid it will be destroyed directly!

"Let's wait for them."

Su Hao is indifferent. "It should be coming soon."


Su Hao has a light in the sky as a logo.

Very bright.

The devil does not understand, how confident Su Hao is, even not worried about his friends, to know how many geniuses of the nine snakes for this battle!

And when the devil is confused, the streamer flickers.

Zhou Wang, Zheng Tai, Wang Jun, Chen Yiran, Wan Cheng, everyone has arrived, and finally came over, it is Li Xin, because this lazy goods, even from the beginning to the end let the two haha!

A dog-planned Husky?

Can be a ghost soon!

Ps: Following the new book Liujia’s 18th generation ancestors, including the cemetery, some people even asked, Liu Jiashou’s graves are lacking people? You think this is over, big mistakes, this group of children actually asked, Liujia cemetery is still missing the tomb thief? ! What are they going to be Liu Jiaduo?

Finally, when everyone goes to support Kazakhstan. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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