MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1068 Sprint: The strongest king!

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Su Hao looked at the top of the world with some ecstasy.

In order to catch up with the time, in order to quickly send Su Tiancheng a piece of the past, how can you pay attention to other things along the way? Now, when he is disheartened, he still sees these things after all. Seeing the composition of the mountains of the world is actually a rule!

"This is actually the power of the rules!"

Su Hao felt that she was shocked.

a mountain!

It turns out that it is simply composed of the power of rules. How complicated is that?

How amazing?

"The top of the world."

Su Hao marveled.

In his eyes, there is no battle, because when Su Hao saw the power of the rules, he suddenly realized it, if, just if...

What if he absorbs the power of these rules?

At the beginning.

He is only domain-oriented. In order to find different talents, in order to find a talent for building a complete world, he has traveled thousands of miles and walked through many unknown places.

Even the last!

Back in time, with the help of the enemy, it is only ready!

And now?

Breaked through.

Gorgeous Li has entered the world, and how to break through the strongest king has become a nightmare that cannot be advanced. However, because it has just broken through, Su Hao has never considered such a far-reaching thing, but now, suddenly there is such an opportunity. Appear in front of yourself.


Just a hypothesis.

Suppose he absorbs the power of these rules?

The power of countless talents eventually constitutes a near perfect heaven. And the power of countless rules can form an extraordinary world?


A special world?

Can heaven be transformed again?

This is the transformation of the foundation!

From countless talents to countless rules, almost the quality of soaring!

talent. From the beginning of the fusion source, and the rules, it is only available in the world! If it was before, Su Hao could not even think about it.

But now...

Can there be more rules in this world than this?

Whether it is the past or the present, as long as the rule has once appeared. All of them are recorded here! This is simply for him!

Therefore, Su Hao is crazy.


Must break through!

Never miss this opportunity!

Outside the world.

No one noticed that when other people focused their attention on Su Tiancheng and Mingguang, there was such a person who quietly placed his hand on the top of the world.




A stream of light shrouds the top of the world.

How long does it take to analyze these?

not long!

Because almost at the moment when the quantum computer was fully launched, all the strong players in the country followed suit, almost comparable to Chen Yiran, the devil, Zhou Wang, Li Xin, and Erha. There are also old predecessors such as Wang Ru, and even Li Tiantian and others have also shot.

Everyone is helping to separate!


It only needs to be copied for a moment, and the rest is done in heaven.


"Extreme acceleration!"


Endless light shrouds this area.




Everything in the sky is running wildly.

this moment.

The whole heaven is helping Su Hao, he is not alone in the fight!

one day.

Two days.


One month.

Two months.


One year.

Two years.


Su Hao also forgot how long it took.

In his memory, as long as he keeps merging and smelting, it is ok to integrate those rules into himself, and the power of rules. This is the fusion at an incredible speed. The whole heaven seems to have become a special force to be tempered. Integrate all.

This is an unimaginable feat.

To know.

Now the world they are in is a fusion of the Ten Realms?

Su Hao, what do you want to do?

What is the world created in this way?

How terrible is the new world in which the power of numerous rules is combined?

How is the result.

no one knows.

When Su Hao used the power of rules to quench the kingdom of heaven, he was already taking one. Even the former creationists are absolutely afraid of the route!

Su Hao is still creating a legend.


Advanced at this moment.

In the kingdom of heaven.

Because of the original ten thousand eight thousand talents, it has already become a new world, and everything is no different from reality. And when the rules are merged. Here, there has been a change again, and there is a source of fog in the heavens and the earth, even...

Begin the birth rules.

No longer a gift, but a rule!



Almost instantaneous.

In the sea, the black fish stuck in the bottleneck broke through! Even, Li Tiantian and others are in the twinkling of an instant, and they will become the third in the world!

The bottleneck that I have never been able to comprehend has broken through with the help of the world.

This is a very shocking scene in itself.


It has changed.

And these, Su Hao did not notice.

In the kingdom of heaven.


Countless light curtains appear.

That is the history of the kingdom of heaven. With the appearance of rules of time, rules of space, and so on, the history of the kingdom of heaven has been repeated in this moment.

Initial establishment...

The appearance of the character...

Heroic sacrifice...

Reconstruction of the Kingdom of Heaven...

In the scene, this scene reappeared.

Chen Yiran and others all stared at this scene. It turned out that when they accompanied Su Hao, these little friends in the heavens were working hard!

When I saw the sacrifice of countless people in the kingdom of heaven, everyone cried.

These ones……

Is it the price paid at the beginning?

"I am sorry."

Xiaodie’s tears fell.

If it wasn’t for her, if it’s not her waywardness, would it be like this?

She never thought about it.

So many people have lost their lives!

Li Tiantian is also a small face.

At this time, suddenly. Endless streamer flashes, and in countless rules, the rules that belong to rebirth are flashing, and the rules that belong to the representation are flashing!

The power of terror is condensed, and the heavens and the earth are golden.

In the twinkling of an eye, the earth is vast.

The whole heaven is shrouded!

When the glow disappears. In the kingdom of heaven, suddenly there are countless figures, and when Xiaodie and others looked at the past, they suddenly became excited and speechless.

"That is……"

The people were shocked.

far away.

Those people stared blankly at the surrounding environment and looked at the strange place. Soon, everyone quickly condensed a battle, "Who?"

Killing the sky!

Even with only the weakest strength, these people. Still not afraid!

This is the original heaven.

In the face of the globalization of Scorpio, in the time of weakness, there is no reason to be afraid.


Chen Yiran and others walked out and greeted Shi Mingxuan.

"Chen Yiran?"

"Li Xin?"

"Li sweet?"

Shi Mingxuan called out one by one. These are the students of the War College. Of course he knows it. Because of Su Hao’s sake, he is quite familiar.

How come here?

"You are also dead?"

Shi Mingxuan stunned.


Chen Yiran laughed. "Teacher, here is heaven."

"Heaven State?!"

Shi Mingxuan’s eyes suddenly widened.

around. The great man, even those of the heavenly people, were all shocked. At this time, they looked at this huge and almost inconceivable world.

"This... is heaven?"

Everyone is stunned.

At the beginning.

Heaven is just a small village.

And now...

This is almost a world!

"Your strength..."

Shi Mingxuan suddenly realized that "it is already..."

“Su Hao has now become the pinnacle of globalization.”

Chen Yiran smiled. "Now. He is still breaking!"

The peak of globalization?

Shi Mingxuan and the original Heavenly Kingdom people have been stunned for a long time.


Has it been so long?


Su Hao is so powerful now?


If not, how can I save them back! Su Hao is not only alive, but also alive, which shows that they made the decision. is correct!

"The gods have succeeded."

All the people of heaven are excited.

And Shi Mingxuan suddenly realized what, "Wait, you said that he has reached the top of the world, but still breaking through? That is not to say..."


Chen Yiran looked over the sky.

at this time.

Heaven is still changing.



A rule appears.

At this time, the kingdom of heaven seems to be a blender, combining countless rules and instilling in the thick and concrete rules.

The kingdom of heaven is made up of figurative.

at this time.

Seems to be in feedback.

This is a surprise scene.

Heaven is like a huge sphere. Above it is the power of numerous powerful rules that are instilled, and below it is a purely figurative force!




That figurative rule is constantly changing!

Su Hao sat cross-legged.

There has been a lingering atmosphere around it.

The top of the world.

When Mingguang is completely suppressing Su Tiancheng, he suddenly feels wrong, this breath...

"Someone broke through the strongest king?!"

Everyone was shocked.

At this most critical time, there are still people who break through? I was preparing to ignore it. Suddenly, they found that the breath was so close to them!


Standing on the top of the world, they feel the strong breath!

That breath...

It seems to be at the door?

The entrance to the world?


The Mingguang sword collapsed the hall.

far away.

The situation outside is clear at a glance.

And when I saw the outside, everyone was shocked! On the mountain top of the world, a young man sits cross-legged, and the endless brilliance is flashing. A horrible breath is rising, and between the moments, it is the strongest king, and it is still improving!



That incredible power, even in the limitless upgrade, even in the limitless approach to the light!

"How can this be?"

The light is horrified.

Su Hao stepped into the strongest king, so strong?

"No, never let him break through!"

There was a stream of light in the eyes of the light, "kill him!"


Mingguang is a sword, this time, no longer Su Tiancheng, but Su Hao!

Ps: What is the end, it seems to be early, at least there are twenty chapters, with the author's straight, how can be bad. o (╯ ╰ ╰) o By the way, the author has always thought that Weibo did not pay much attention, and then I suddenly asked, "If you rest for two days, you will not be killed"...

As a result, you understand.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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