MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1086 Coming: Return to Earth!

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Su Hao took everyone in and let it go. The horrible energy is centered on the top of the world, and begins to radiate to the surroundings. The collapse of the whole world begins.

There is no doubt that.

This world is finished.

At the top of the world, only Su Hao is left alone.

At this moment, Su Hao suddenly noticed that a broken figure wanders in countless forces and is madly absorbing the surrounding forces.

"That is……"

Su Hao eyes condensed and suddenly realized.

Dark blood!

It turned out to be it!

It is not self-destructive, how can it still be alive?

Su Hao was shocked.

However, just for a moment, he completely realized that this **** dark blood is not human, even that he is just a horrible consciousness, that is, this group consciousness is too powerful and powerful, just by consciousness, You can show up on your own.

How terrible?

The dark blood of the physical state is the most wasteful.

When the flesh is destroyed and the dark blood is restored to the true body, it is also back to the most sturdy moment, even if it is such intensity, it can not be destroyed! On the contrary, in this case, the dark blood returned to the initial state and became the most powerful moment.

He reabsorbs the power to destroy the world.

He is making the final breakthrough!

"Breaking the **** level?"

Su Hao suddenly understood that if the dark blood is so absorbed, he is really likely to break through the **** level. At that time, that is the disaster of everyone!

"Absolutely not let him break!"



The world is destroying.

The mountains are falling apart.

At this moment, the world is shaking. Hundreds of millions of people are likely to fall, Su Hao recalls the grandfather’s illusion telling him, “If...”

"If the world reaches the most dangerous moment, it must be destroyed."

"Don't wait for him to destroy himself, take the initiative to destroy and absorb it, use the power of the original world. Just create a new world!"

"Create a new world?"

Su Hao muttered to himself.

He has already remembered the law passed by the old man.

Because he is too familiar, familiar, he has been used almost always, but that law is equivalent to a privilege certification.

At the moment of using the law, Su Hao automatically defaults to the highest authority.

Li Xiaoru is the owner of the world?

Su Hao is the founder of the world for a short period of time when the law is initiated!

"start up!"

Su Hao decisively started.


A trace of Su Hao emerged. At this moment, Su Hao feels that he is in control of the world. This feeling is very similar to that of heaven.


This world is bigger than the kingdom of heaven!

And, it is destroying.

However, these do not need to care at all. When Su Hao took control of the world, Su Hao discovered. You can use the power of the whole world to destroy dark blood! Yes, the world is destroyed, and the power that is born can not only raise the dark blood to the **** level, but also destroy the dark blood.

But he can't!

Su Hao glanced at the world full of life. Can only sigh.

If this time kills dark blood, then countless people in the world will die, even the world is broken, how can someone live?

Slightly shake your head.

Su Hao reached out. I completely ignored the dark blood that is absorbing energy, and spit out a few words.

"Model returns!"


The world is broken.

Su Hao took the initiative to return, which is much faster than the collapse of the world itself. When almost Su Hao collapsed the world, endless energy appeared in the sky. The heavens that were originally made according to the earth, at this time in the endless energy filling Next, it began to gradually improve.

The whole heaven is changing again.

That is the power of the whole world, enough to let the strongest kings step into the power of God, how to prevent the heavens from changing?


Day domestic.

The mountains and rivers reappeared, and the high-rise buildings, which were not originally there, appeared here, and these were exactly the same as the original world.

Su Hao, is using this force to create the world!


The sleeves flashed.

Su Hao closed his eyes.

The energy of terror surrounds the world. If he is not a contributor to the creation of the world at this time, I am afraid there is no such qualification at all, but now...


As long as there is enough power, he can do anything!

At about the same time as the construction of heaven, Su Hao brought everyone into heaven, and for those people, the world has not even changed...


They don't know at all.

Just in the effort of drinking a glass of water, the world is still changing! From the new world to the heavens, from today, Su Hao will become the **** here!

This is the first time Su Hao has done this incredible thing.


Fortunately, he has a grandfather experience.

The grandfather who has been hanged has taught his own experience of creating the world. Although it is not completed, although the bugs are flying all over, they are worth learning. Therefore, for Su Hao, this is the second time, not the purely ecological world of heaven, but the real...

A world of countless people!

Every brick.

Every drop of water.

Every dust.

Every kind of creature.

There can be no trace of deviation, or disaster will occur. It is even more difficult to create a new world than to create a new world!

You can imagine it.

When you are driving, suddenly the car is gone?

In fact, it is not that the car has disappeared, but that you have changed the world, but the result is unquestionable...


A person hangs up.

It can even lead to serial car accidents, and high-speed rails and airplanes that are driving, if there is a problem with a fuel tank or wheels, it is also a heavyweight disaster! When Su Hao’s grandfather was born, he was born. It’s because of the novice, I’ve got all sorts of problems, and the result...


At the moment, the world of Su Hao’s bugs is full of evidence. In 2012, when the disaster was said to be full, it was because of the sequela of the transfer of the world.

and so.

Su Hao’s copy of the world. Every particle must be fine.


He has experience over his grandfather.

The emergence of the kingdom of heaven does not say, the existence of figurative, is simply a complete copy! Coupled with the legends of the grandfather, some of the creation tips...

For Su Hao, creation is very simple.




The powerful energy of the kingdom itself, plus the return of most of the energy left in the original world, a new heaven, was born...

In order not to cause trouble.

For the time being, except for the place where the original heaven was not allowed to enter, the rest. It is no different from the original world, and only the strong ones of the individual worlds have felt this special change, but in a single moment, they disappeared without a trace.

Even they themselves thought it was an illusion.


Replace it from then on.

And this time.

After the destruction of the top of the world, dark blood is ecstatic to absorb everything.

He does not know the existence of the kingdom of heaven.

He finally succeeded in destroying the world.

Although the process was very difficult, it was almost lost, but. After throwing out Su Tiancheng and Mingguang, he finally destroyed the world!

As for death?

Do not. Will not.

As long as he successfully breaks through the ranks of God, he can ignore Su Tiancheng in the future! What is the relationship between Su Tiancheng and him? He will become a true, invincible god!

This power makes him feel extremely happy.

Right now, finally arrived at the moment he enjoyed.


His self-destruction, the destruction of the world. Li Xiaoru was affected, and no one can survive. This is a blow to the god-level powerhouse. How can there be life? However, it is crazy to absorb the dark blood of energy. Suddenly I felt that the energy in front of me was falling wildly.



When he absorbed only 10%, the power was absorbed.


A big hand crossed the world.


The world is completely annihilated.

There is no dust, a world, just disappeared from the plane, and the dark blood looked up and saw the **** figure - Su Hao.

"How are you still alive?!"

Dark blood is furious.

I soon understood what it was. "Is that 90% of the power, did you absorb it?"

Su Hao laughed and said nothing.

Dark blood is almost mad.

His hard work, and finally made a wedding dress for others? It’s hard to destroy the world, but it’s all taken away by Su Hao?


You know, he just took away 10%.

A bow.

Dark blood sensed his breath, and suddenly hated the teeth, half-god, he is only one step away from the so-called **** level!

Just give him 30%, no, no, 20%.

10% is also OK!

He can successfully enter the **** level!

However, no more, dark blood looked at the body only a little bit of energy, in front of the eyes of Su Hao, almost did not mad.

Cooked ducks are eaten by others in front of you!

Here is the earth!

After the original plane disappeared and collapsed, they returned to Earth.

Into the eye, as always, the desolation.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Dark blood looked at Su Hao in front of him, "You..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Su Hao sneered, "To destroy the world for your own sake, this time, I will not let you go!"


"The initial source, isn't it Su Tiancheng?"

Dark **** madness.

"So, he paid the price."

Su Hao is unmoved. "What about you? Do you want to pay the price?"

"Can you catch me?"

Dark blood licks his lips. "You really absorb the power of the world, but I can feel that your strength has not changed, and I..."

"Ha ha."

"I have absorbed the power of the entire world!"

"My strength has increased several times."

Unconsciously flashing a trace of doubt in the dark blood eyes.

To absorb the power of 90% of the world, there is no promotion? Or, Su Hao did not absorb it at all, but to prevent him from absorbing it, so he destroyed that power?

Think of the scene in which power was madly falling before, and he suddenly became somewhat clear.


Certainly so.

The black hole that Su Hao learned can definitely complete this scene. In this scene, he was crazy when he thought about it. The power of his painstaking collection was exiled in this way.

The kill! (My novel "Super God Modeler" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the upper right to add friends ", search the public number "qdread" and pay attention, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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