MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 787 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (13) leads the jump

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At this time, the chief of the city defense army had received an order from his superiors to arrest the group of people on the charge of roaring the palace, so he began to greet his men to prepare for action.

However, just when the chief of the city defense army gave the order and the guards stepped into the square, another accident happened. The President of the United States, Seriti III, actually appeared on the city wall of the palace, listening to the petitions of the gentlemen. The appearance of Liti III brought a burst of madness.

The old and sophisticated chief of the city defense army can see it clearly. Unless Celiti III happened to be walking near the city wall before, there is only one reason why he can appear on the city wall so quickly, that is, Celiti III has long been there. Get ready near the city walls.

Although the chief of the city defense army is biased towards the orthodox nobles, this position is not enough to allow him to involve his own life in the battle of the gods, so he ordered the suspension of the operation on the grounds of the appearance of the President of the United States.

"My people, what are you flocking to gather under the city wall for?" After Seliti III, who was wearing a gorgeous robe, appeared on the city wall, the gentlemen immediately took Shiaire as the leader and sent them to the city. appeal to Celiti III.

Celiti III was dizzy at their request, but kept in mind the explanation given by the first lady Lorraine, no matter whether he understood it or not, nodded from time to time in response.

This method really worked. The gentlemen felt a great honor to find that their words were carefully listened to by Celiti III. They seemed to have selectively forgotten in between, and everyone has published it in the press more than once in the past few years. Complaining, claiming that the current chaos of Shib is caused by the incompetent President of the United States.

Soon, Celiti III caused an even greater sensation, because he told the gentlemen that he would walk down the city wall and talk to the gentlemen at close range, instead of standing on a high place and looking down at the gentlemen. The words caused a stir among the gentlemen again, and the crowd erupted into strong applause.

Although it is said that Celiti III's behavior today is a show that has been discussed with the business group for a long time, but for the sake of authenticity and to avoid leaks, obviously, except for a few leaders, most of the gentlemen present did not know what would happen.

Seeing that Seliti III had all come down, the chief of the city defense army couldn't help but feel fortunate that he had stopped a step. Seliti III had obviously passed through with those people. If he really did it, maybe the Royal Guards of the Royal Family would also follow. After the move, the big guys didn't know what happened afterwards, and a little shrimp like myself would definitely become the first wave of victims.

"What you said is very reasonable. I have a very supportive attitude towards your ideas, but after all, the parliament is a system that has been circulating for hundreds of years. It doesn't seem good to abolish it like this?"

The words spoken by Celiti III are still the words taught by Lorraine. The core is one word, with rhythm, which leads the rhythm to the current Great Council system.

The representative of the gentlemen was still the one who gave the speech before, and Shiaire replied to Seriti III with words of strong enlightenment:

"Dear President, this era is constantly changing. Our ancients would not have imagined that more than a thousand years ago, now we are far away from the gods, and we still use spirit flintlock guns, floating airships and iron carts, so the political system is natural. It has to change with the times.”

Seliti III immediately praised Shiaire's idea, and gave Shiaire the gold watch he carried with him, just saying that although he was the president, he was very helpless to the current situation, controlled by the nobles. The resistance of the parliament was too strong, and he couldn't give a positive answer to Shiairi.

Then Seliti III shook hands with every gentleman present as much as possible. Whenever he saw a gentleman, no matter whether he really knew him or heard his name, he kindly patted their shoulders and said something encouraging. The words have been tossing for a long time before returning to the palace.

By this time, the wily Speaker Li Xini had completely guessed Lorraine's plan, so he summoned the enlightened nobles to his mansion to discuss the matter.

Just as the orthodox aristocrats wanted to force Celiti III to resign, Lorraine's plan was earth-shattering, that is, since Celiti III could not fight the nobles within the parliamentary system, then simply overthrow the old parliament and set up a new one. Parliament, everyone is on the same starting line.

Lorraine has already taken action, so are these people going to follow or not? After Li Xini explained Lorraine's plan, the enlightened nobles quarreled. One group said that they would simply support the establishment of a new parliament and then purge the orthodox nobles. Parliament is supreme.

The quarrel between the two sides was interrupted by Li Xini's cough, and slow but firm words came out of the 65-year-old's mouth: "Why do we have to be black and white? Why can't we bet on both sides?"

At this time, the enlightened nobles came to their senses, and they were almost surrounded by Lorraine's actions! The most urgent thing to abolish the Great Council and establish a new one should be the orthodox nobles. On the contrary, the relationship between the enlightened nobles and the enlightened people is quite good, and the two are not incompatible.

"I took some people to stay in the Great Council, and the rest of the enlightened nobles went to contact the enlightened people. We bet on both sides, and we took all sides! Warner, you are the leader, do you have any confidence?"

The owner of the name in Li Xi's hidden point, although he is 46 years old, is undoubtedly a junior figure to the congressman.

Warner was a young noble who was elected to the Great Council last year. He wasn't even a senator, but his home was in Batiros, so he entered the mansion that night, but he didn't expect that he would be given to him by the famous senior Li Xianni. When he was picked, his face turned red all of a sudden.

"But, Mr. Speaker, I am naturally very honored to be able to undertake this task, but everyone here is more qualified than me, how can the boy be?"

"Youth is your greatest advantage." As Li Xini patted Werner on the shoulder, the parliament of the enlightened nobles ended in a warm atmosphere.

However, there is no such atmosphere in the meeting of the orthodox nobles, especially when they can be sure that the cunning and cunning Li Xini will definitely shrink his head and let the pressure stack on himself, because at this point, the enlightened faction, Atona The attitudes of the faction and the business group are the same, and the orthodox nobles have become the target of the fire.

Therefore, the meeting did not discuss any good solutions, and in the end, it could only be concluded by not being cowardly or doing it, and fighting with the other party.

And after the gentlemen got the instructions of Celiti III, they were as excited as they were playing chicken blood. They felt that they were participating in the affairs of the country, and thus a sense of political pride emerged. The major affairs of this country are now even us gentlemen. Instead of watching aristocrats sing a one-man show.

So on the following day, the gentlemen headed by Shiairi gathered in the stadium opened by his house to take an oath. They vowed to work hard for the establishment of a council that can represent all the residents of Shibo.

In order to achieve this goal, before the establishment of the real parliament, they formed a "preparatory council" as an alternative, and also swore that if the real council was not established, the preparatory council would never be dissolved. , also known as the "May Oath"

Shiaire's lineage is actually quite ancient. His ancestors were nobles who had been living in Dima for hundreds of years when Hels arrived in Dima, and stood firmly on Hels' side in the reform of Boligu. , and thus reigned supreme.

However, as the Parson dynasty of Dovan I took control of Shibo, Shiairie's family, like other nobles, began to be excluded and declined. Until now, the Shiairie family is no longer a noble, but a businessman. A member of the group, but still very rich.

Reliable pedigree, coupled with outstanding ability, Shiairi became the leader of the new generation of enlighteners at an early age, and unlike the old generation of enlighteners who only dared to criticize in the press, the new generation dared to rush to the stage under the sun. , to fight for political power for themselves and for the business group.

As usual, it would be good to catch all these scoundrels who dare to deny the dignity of the parliament, but now this group of scoundrels not only have rich people behind them, but also hold a gift from Celiti III in their hands. It is really difficult to catch them. what!

To make matters worse, there was actually a split among the nobles. Werner, a member of the Great Council, a well-known enlightened nobleman, openly joined the Preparatory Council. Under his leadership, the Preparatory Council was filled with many so-called "enlightened nobles". This made the orthodox nobles grit their teeth with hatred.

Later, the nobles who joined the Preparatory Council were not limited to the enlightened nobles, and even some nobles who were not open-minded before also joined the Preparatory Council.

After all, many small aristocrats may not have no complaints about the parliament monopolized by the big aristocracy, and in any case, preparing to propose a new voting rights setting in the parliament has even attracted many small aristocrats, and even some big aristocrats who want to find another way. interested.

It stands to reason that as the speaker, Li Xiani should be in charge of this matter, but he said "a thousands of years of rules, they said that they changed and they changed? Ligu didn't change the rules, why should they change it?" Then he let go.

Speaker Li Xini doesn't care, what else can the members do? The orthodox nobles watched the situation deteriorate like this worriedly, feeling that something was going to happen.

They also had no good solution. After a long discussion, they decided to keep the same and respond to all changes, ignore the preparations for the parliament, and convene an emergency meeting in June according to the agreed time to fight against Lorraine.

On the day of the opening of the emergency meeting, Shiaire jumped out again, and he was surrounded by many people in front of the gate of the Palace Square, and made another speech: "Old by a small number of old nobles, representing a small number of people. , the evil and illegal parliament is being held! In this regard, I call on those new nobles who yearn for a better world to resist this evil meeting in the form of a strike!"

Therefore, when the meeting was officially held, one-third of the seats were vacant, and not all the members who did not show up participated in the preparation of the meeting, but they undoubtedly adopted a strike attitude and refused to be involved in the conflict between the upper-class nobles. .

And even among the two-thirds of the remaining nobles, half of them were enlightened nobles who were scheming, including Speaker Li Xini, who came to see the orthodox nobles.

To make matters worse, these people who did not come even included the President of the United States, Celiti III. If you don't come to the parliament, how can this parliament be held?

In the past, the speaker was the representative of the parliament, and the president of the United States was the last and strongest card in the parliament. Now the speaker, Li Xini, is watching the show, and the president of the United States is taking the lead as the second or fifth child. How can we play?


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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