MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 811 : Domination of the Southern Border (37) King's Head Lands

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When the news that Celiti III was sentenced to death reached Hado, Quiberon was also stunned. Although objectively speaking, he had been using various methods to run on the National Assembly, and there was a real risk of putting Celiti III on fire. Roast, let the National Assembly solve this trouble for himself, but he did not expect the National Assembly to be so radical.

In Kiberon’s original expectation, the National Assembly would at most depose Seliti III, and then after the limelight passed in a few months, report to Seliti III that he died of an accidental infection. At that time, he could take the opportunity. Claiming the injustice of Celiti III's death, so as to obtain a more just cause for the West Expedition.

However, did Quiberon ever imagine that the National Assembly was so courageous that it dared to judge Celiti III in an open and fair manner, and even execute him in public!

So in the new letter, Quiberon, with real anger, the unanimous anger of the aristocracy, warned the National Assembly: "If you really want to pass an unlawful trial, let a noble congregation The President dies in humiliation, and you will receive the righteous wrath of all Lawmen."

To this, Hiale responded with three words of warning from the God Realm: "Knowing that I am guilty of my sin is only in the spring and autumn, justice is in the hearts of the people, and history will declare me innocent."

Whether the nobles are equal to the lawful ones is debatable, but many nobles who have not defected have indeed caused a new round of sensation because of the news that Celiti III will be executed.

In the army at this time, the army at all levels has been cleaned again and again. Even if a small number of troops still belong to a few nobles, it will not hurt, and there will not be a situation where the whole territory of the old customs province is betrayed during the western expedition of Kibelon, but There is one other force, the navy.

As the profession that requires the most training, and there are no vast overseas colonies to provide maintenance in this world, the proportion of nobles and old nobles among the senior naval officers is very large. Even if many officers have defected and fled before, the National Assembly can only The promotion of naval officers from other nobles kept the old nobles at an advantage.

These officers may not be followers of Celiti III, and many even criticized Celiti III, but at this moment they united and unified their opinions, because what they saved was not Celiti III, but Southern Xinjiang. The mainland has a thousand-year-old legal system.

"This is a declaration of war against the whole order," said the conspirators. "The National Assembly must be destroyed by the wrath of the nobles, and we cannot remain on this ship."

With this in mind, the officers who were connected in series first protested to the National Assembly on the news of Celiti III's execution through regular channels and private channels, but they were rejected without hesitation.

This made those naval aristocrats who were biased towards Celiti III and who were still uncertain, completely gave up the idea of ​​reconciliation, and decided to solve this problem by violence, but the experienced National Assembly had been against them from the moment they rejected them. The possibility of naval riots.

The rhetoric of the rebels among the naval officers is that they want to rescue Celiti III, but they are actually very clear that they did not join the Rebellion of the Honorable Alliance last month, and now they are the only ones left. The riot is doomed to fail. Seizing control of Batiros is impossible, and the National Assembly is fundamentally different from the usurped Navarre.

So their real plan is to run away after getting the fleet, whether it is to defect to Linna Province or to Quiberon, it is much better than staying in the city of the slayer.

After making up their minds, the Navy launched an armed rebellion on January 26, which later generations called the "January Riot". This was a rather unsuccessful riot. The Navy was unpopular in Batiros, so the well-prepared National Assembly could In the first time, suppress the rebels.

Most of the fleet was still under the control of the National Assembly, and only a few rebel navies were able to seize the ships and successfully escape through the range of the coastal defense guns.

Afterwards, a lot of names were added to the list of people who were executed together with Celiti III. Some members felt distressed about this. After all, they were all officers who had received elite training, not to mention that they were all nobles, so Can't some left over to make atonement?

However, the National Assembly was very firm in this regard. They said that there must not be a second road to Pudong, and thus rejected the proposal for amnesty, and these rebels must be guillotined.

In the National Assembly, Shiaire said murderously that in order to stop betrayal, he would not hesitate to change the navy. Anyway, the factory is still there, and new soldiers can be recruited and new warships can be built at any time. After that, Shibo could have a new batch of troops.

With the defeat of the naval insurrection, the rebels were thousands of miles away from Batyros, so Celiti III's fate was already determined and no one could save it.

The date of execution was selected on January 30, and Celiti III was taken out of prison by five flowers and was escorted all the way to the square in front of the palace gate.

Those who were escorted to the square with Celite III, including Lorraine, all the arrested people related to Celite III, whether they were maids or attendants, the new ones were not able to escape. nobles, and the navy who participated in the "January Riots".

In order to faithfully show the honor of being executed by Seliti III, Siale specially designed a new type of execution platform, combining hanging and beheading in one, fully reflecting the efficiency of the reformers.

Even though he had been ordered to kneel, Seliti III was still dizzy, as if he was still dreaming, unable to believe everything in front of him.

This year is 2925 of the calendar year, 857 years after the founding of the state of Xibo, 444 years after the establishment of the Parson Dynasty, and the 8th year of his rule, but in this year, the dignified President of Xibo Hezhong actually created an unprecedented The record, the President of the United States who was tried by his own people in his own country, and who was pushed out to be beheaded?

Seliti III is actually very young, only 27 years old, ten years younger than Shiaire who ordered his execution, and more than forty years younger than Zhong Ming who personally executed him. But to die?

"Don't cry, the enemy will laugh," said Lorraine, even though she was no longer the gorgeous lady she used to be, being imprisoned for more than a month made her unkempt, but Lorraine still maintained her demeanor, In the iron prison, everyone was entertained, and the guillotine looked down on all beings.

"Do you have any last words?" At this time, it was none other than Zhong Ming, who was serving as the executioner. It was Zhong Ming, who was "rebuilding the republic". He thought that it was not enough to kill Duofan. The son of Shibo's former supreme leader Celiti III, Zhong Ming's white eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

So in the eyes of many people, it seems that Zhong Ming can no longer be called "Night Demon Slayer", how about changing his name to "Parson Slayer"? After all, in addition to the Seliti III couple and their entourage, there were also three of their children on the execution ground. In this way, all descendants of Fauti II were slaughtered by Zhong Ming alone.

It is a pity that Zhong Ming is now 69 years old and has not received formal education, so the National Assembly cannot appoint him as a general, so he can only enjoy it in this way.

Zhong Ming's abusive question was not answered. Although Lorraine told Celiti III not to cry, sometimes this kind of mood can't be stopped. Celiti III still couldn't stop crying, and there were a lot of tears. The maids were just as miserable, as for Lorraine and the others, they were even more disdainful to answer Zhong Ming's provocation.

As Seliti III put his neck on the cold execution platform, the tears of the 27-year-old young man couldn't stop flowing down, muttering "I am the President of the United States" until his death. until the head is cut off.

Then it was Lorraine's turn. The former first lady used her beautiful eyes to finally look under the stands, looking at the people like weeds, and said in a contemptuous tone: "After I die, Shibo will surely be in chaos. ," She then followed in the footsteps of Celiti III and was beheaded.

At this time, not many people paid attention to what she said, even if they heard it, they didn’t take it seriously. But in a few years, they will understand what real chaos is.

The death of Celiti III marked the end of the Parson dynasty established by Dorvan I in 2481, which lasted for 444 It is also an auspicious number.

It's just that although the gods are no longer in the Southern Border Continent at this time, the traditional power is still very strong, and even affects the National Assembly.

Therefore, the National Assembly still, according to tradition, did not regard 2925, when Celiti III was executed, as the year of the end of the Parson dynasty, but waited until after defeating the intervening army and signing a peace treaty, it declared the end of the Parson dynasty.

This is not only the southern border continent, but also the tradition of the whole world, that is, if the ruling regime is challenged, the challenge will lead to a war—whether it is a civil war or a foreign war, even if the current royal family is dead, the dynasty cannot be declared destroyed. The end of the dynasty was declared in the peace treaty.

So since then, although the Parson dynasty still exists, it has entered a period of vacancy on the throne, only waiting for the end of the war for him to die.

After the trial and execution of the "partners" of Celiti III, Chiaire issued a statement saying that the National Assembly was established through emergency elections, so the official U.S. president will not be elected for the time being.

Therefore, Shibo had to wait until after the intervening army was repelled, and then conduct nationwide elections to elect a truly legal National Assembly, and then elect a new legal President of the United States. Before that, the National Assembly would control the legislative power, and the Standing Committee would control the executive power. as a wartime excess.

In the eyes of people like Shielé, this kind of standing committee is just a temporary transitional institution, and when the war is over, the power can be handed over to the legitimate President of the United States, which also reflects his optimism for the end of the war.

The news of Celiti III's death quickly spread throughout the southern continent, which made the people of Kibelon angry, but also made them feel happy. As the most orthodox representative of the Parson Dynasty, Celiti III was executed, which means that They also have opportunities, and many foreign countries have opportunities.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju