MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 817 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (43) Resolving Dangers and New Dangers

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In the face of Phoebe's absolute numerical superiority in the number of troops, Moulay and Enz did not have much time to support before they were captured by the other side, which opened the door to Nasube for King Giberon I, which was more powerful than King Giberon I's army. It was Phoebe's navy that was about to reach Nasube.

Phoebe Bo did not have a navy originally, unless you count the Shanghai and Hong Kong troops who part-time fishing as a navy. The so-called Phoebe Bo navy is actually mainly composed of fleets that surrendered a few years ago. It is precisely because of this that Phoebe Bo Bo can build a fleet that can compete with Xibo, even the cleaned Xibo navy.

Although after 2 years of combat, the Phoebe Bo fleet has experienced different degrees of aging and damage, but it can still be used now.

The Battle of Nasube started with a series of naval battles as the opening song. After a week of fighting, the Phoebe Navy took advantage of the home field advantage of the Nasube Coastal Defense Artillery, and abruptly crippled the Nasube Navy, making the opponent basic. Lost combat effectiveness.

In fear, this led to a mutiny in the Nasube Navy. The Nasube Navy, dominated by the old navy, succeeded in mutiny, killing sailors loyal to the National Assembly and defecting with the remaining ships.

This series of events marked Nasube's complete loss of naval power, and the time went by faster than the most pessimistic estimates before the war in Maher.

After Nasube lost its naval power, the sea area became a raging battlefield for the Phoebe Navy, and it was another week of bombardment. Phoebe opened the door, and only then did King Quiberon I dare to order the landing operation.

Next is the blood and fire showdown, which can be said to be the most tragic battle in the entire Xibei civil war so far. More than one-third of the block was completely destroyed, and the citizens suffered heavy losses.

In this battle, the soldiers and auxiliary soldiers of the war of Kiberon I added together, and invested more than 100,000 troops. Although Mael only had 6 legions, he also armed a large number of militia by recruiting citizens. In view of Phoebe Thanks to their reputation on the battlefield in the past, the militia was very willing to defend their hometown.

At first, after a **** fight, the Phoebe army successfully seized the port and blasted through the city wall from the port to enter the city. The battle immediately turned into an urban battle.

After entering the urban area, the Fibibo army encountered very serious resistance, and many militiamen relied on the barricades, causing a large number of casualties to the Phoebebo army.

The two sides fought until the beginning of May, and finally the entire line collapsed because the Fibibo army could not bear the heavy casualties, and was expelled from Nasube by the Maher army, thus declaring the battle of Nasube ended with the victory of the National Assembly.

In this battle, a large number of citizens died, and the six legions of Mael garrisoned in Nasube also suffered heavy losses, but the losses of King Quiberon I far exceeded the opponent's, and because of this fiasco, Phoebe was unable to go west again in a short period of time. sign.

After the battle, the National Assembly immediately mobilized reinforcements to supplement Mael's legion. The six legions had not been disbanded, so they quickly returned to full strength within two months and continued to be stationed in Nasube.

During the battle of Nasube, Fini tried to attack the rear through the valley province, as Mael feared, in order to cut off Nasube's back road, but the colonial railway has not yet been developed. Unusable, let alone Feeney? As a result, Feeney's raid plan was a natural failure.

After the defeat at the Battle of Nasube, King Quiberon I had to give up the strategy of seeking speed and instead adopted the strategy of warfare that Mael was most worried about, namely taking the southern route and passing Huayiduwu and Salinari to capture the enemy. Skabir, this would form a three-sided siege of Nasube, turning Nasube into a protruding wedge.

It was just that the tragic battle of Nasubei had just ended, and King Giberon I could not start this plan immediately, so he went abroad to Tuk again, and went to the representative station of the Alliance of the Holy Order to request more foreign aid.

When Mael won the battle of Nasube, Baleklanor also completed his battle plan, and under the pressure of the intervention army successfully passed through the province of Linna, forcing Hades to flee to Kodomy Form a provisional government.

As Linna Province was hit hard, and the infighting in the three western provinces that Shibo was looking forward to came as promised, Shimo Province took the lead in jumping back and sent envoys to Shibo, asking for a decent peace.

It is not difficult to imagine that the next target of Shibo's attack must be the province of Sym, because if he continues to attack the province of Athena, there is a danger of being cut off by the province of Sym, and he will not attack the province of Sym first , it is impossible for Shibo to attack the province of Athena with the main force.

I used to follow Linna Province and shout 666, which is acceptable in Sim Province, but now I have to become the main target of accepting the war, which is absolutely impossible, not to mention that after more than two hundred years of peace, Seeing the ferocity of the war at this time, Sym Province became even more frightened.

After discussing this, the National Assembly gave a reply, which would allow the province of Sym to have autonomy during the war, but the province of Sym had to surrender control of the frontier Star Fort and resume taxation to Sym.

The Siym Provincial Council expressed its agreement to Sieb’s conditions in principle, but required detailed consultations on specific issues. Therefore, the two sides are currently conducting more detailed negotiations on this issue, and Baleklano has been able to fight for more than a year. The Shib army was temporarily rested.

This marks that after the execution of Celiti III, after more than a year of fighting, Shibo finally passed the most dangerous moment. However, this is only temporary. The Holy Order Alliance has indicated the order to interfere. At this time, only a small amount of intervention troops and Material support, but who knows how it will develop in the future? So Xie Bo had a general sense of fear at this time.

And Xie Bo was able to survive the crisis of the past year, mainly by squandering the legacy of the Parson Dynasty for hundreds of years, and depriving the property of those fleeing nobles. However, by this time, these methods have been used to the extreme. If you use it again, there will be problems.

In addition, the price problem has also become more and more serious with the reduction of external pressure. At the beginning of last year, when the situation was extremely critical, the National Assembly passed the "Corn Price Limit Act", which was the first time to suppress the rising prices in recent years, thus uniting the bottom people. , Facts have proved that this measure has achieved very good results, helping the National Assembly to survive the most critical difficulties.

But after that, the National Assembly began to backtrack, and some members, for various reasons, were preparing to bypass the "Corn Limit Act" and restore the good times of free trade.

As early as April 2925, the National Assembly used financial difficulties as an excuse to discount the amount of compensatory coupons for business groups. You must know that before the National Assembly forced merchants to maintain prices, it was not gratuitous, but to use coupons. Compensation for damages suffered by merchants due to price control.

The act of discounting the coupon compensation by the National Assembly gave the business group a legitimate opportunity to raise prices. Many shops even claimed that because the National Assembly broke the promise, they did not need to abide by the price limit bill. Simply put It's just another price hike.

Regarding the statement of the merchants, there is only one expression of the middle and low-level people, that is, I bought a watch last year, just as the middle and low-level people didn’t understand why free trade made commodity prices so much higher, and now they are also concerned about the price of goods. Started to rise again feeling extremely angry.

If it was in the past, the people at the middle and low levels would swear at most, but after several "uprisings" by the reformers, the authority of the parliament has disappeared. Also gained a lot of experience.

Therefore, the no-clothes movement, which had been subdued for more than half a year, revived again, and the leader of the no-clothes Han began to lead the angered people to attack the chamber of commerce, and even hang the businessman.

Eback said that he did not understand what free trade was and did not want to understand what it meant, because it would make them unable to live because of high prices.

And this time, the man without clothes has become more difficult to deal with. It's not that Eback did nothing in the past six He obviously went to learn some enlightenment theory, so he faced the guards asking him to attack When explaining the reason for the Chamber of Commerce, Eback pulled out the "innate human rights" that enlighteners liked to say.

What does natural human rights mean? Even if the parliament is doing something wrong, as a member of the country, we can oppose it with our actions. This is a matter of course.

The last time the No-clothes Movement did not attack the Chamber of Commerce until the late stage, but this time it was done at the very beginning.

For this kind of behavior, the National Assembly has no way to establish a law to make it illegal, because it is also the legal source of the "June Uprising", "September Uprising" and "November Uprising", denying this kind of behavior. At the same time, it means that the National Assembly has denied the foundation of its own existence.

So what Shiaire can do is to repeat the same old tune: "Free trade is undoubtedly an undeniable truth in the world, and those who threaten to control prices by arbitrarily attacking merchants are undoubtedly either scoundrels trying to profit from chaos, or A traitor who took bribes from the fugitive nobles."

This is also something that can't be done. It is impossible for Shiaire to really execute these "rogues" or "traitors" like the execution of Seliti III. There is no other reason, there are too many people, Shiaire The purpose of these speeches is to increase the severity of the impact on businesses, so as to scare away some people who cannot bear the high prices.

In the National Assembly, most of the members have the same thoughts and attitudes as Shiaire. Although a few members have made different voices, their attitude is that they should crack down on those merchants who maliciously raise prices, rather than support price restrictions. , The representative of these few members is Ropier, 38 years old this year.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju