MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 821 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (47) A dream come true

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Alaro Province was originally Philippine Argon. It is located in the southwest of Gililah West Province and the north of Valley Province. Although it is said to be local, the population of the province is mostly farmers who produce raw materials.

It has been five years since the Great Revolution, the country has become more and more chaotic, and the peasants' lives have become more and more difficult. The change of customs and radical policies of the National Assembly that did not bring them any benefits have aroused the dissatisfaction of the conservative peasants, making this province more difficult. The countryside of the village has become a powder keg. When the powder keg meets a noble with ulterior motives, the dry wood and fire will hit it off.

The fuse of the peasant riots in Alaro came from the special tax and forced labor levied this year to cooperate with Maher's spring offensive. After all, Xibo's finances have not been better since the economic crisis. If you want to take the initiative to launch an offensive war, you can only make the peasants make more sacrifices.

The peasants were naturally reluctant to make more sacrifices, so in May this year, under the instigation of the squires, the tax collectors were beaten and expelled from the village.

At first, the local inspectors did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and still believed that this was just the peasants' anti-tax bond, which was already common at this time, so they just sent the local garrison to "teach" the peasants.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the squires and nobles dressed themselves as the peasants' spokespersons, and led the peasants who had mixed in with the mercenaries to successfully surround and destroy the unprepared garrison.

After this attack, the squires bewitched that the inspector would definitely take revenge on the village, so only an uprising was possible. The peasants who had long been dissatisfied with the National Assembly listened and joined the squires, so the riot was like a plague, spreading from one village to another. Another village swept across the entire province of Alaro like a flame.

A few days later, the news of the peasant riots spread to the Valley Province. This pioneering province of Xiebo was captured by the Intervention Army as early as last year. Now the top general of the Intervention Army stationed in the Valley Province is called Zaan. He quickly Aware of the fighters contained in it, he decided to attack.

Zaun is a collateral member of the Randildo family that rules Fassa. He is 42 years old this year. Although he can also be called a prince, his position in the family can be seen from his transfer to the valley province. .

Here in the Valley Province, there are no fighters, but they must be defended. If the defense is successful, it is a duty. If you fail, you will be punished. It is already the greatest honor to be the commander here.

Zaan has always hoped that he can become the next Kibelon I. He did not recognize the ability of Kibelon I. In fact, in Zaan's view, Kibelon I was only a middle-aged person, and Zaan really envied him. It was the adventure of King Giberon I, who rose from a sideline to the controller of Phoebe by relying on military power, and Zu Anxin yearned for it.

So during this peasant uprising in Alaro, Zaun sensed his opportunity, and he thought it was a good time for him to do it.

Logically speaking, taking the initiative to march from the valley province requires the approval of the headquarters and even the deployment of the army, but Zaan knows that he will not come again when the opportunity is lost. The headquarters is thousands of miles away from here. The dishes were getting cold, so he defied all opinions and led a small intervention army to the expedition.

At this time, due to the riots in the province of Alaro, Shibo's control of the local area has basically failed, so Zaan easily sneaked into the province.

After the invasion, the very shrewd Zaan raised the tiger skin as a banner, claiming that he was only an advance force, and the large army of the intervening army arrived later, which soon attracted the squires and rioting peasants to defect, making Zaan quickly become a rebellion. The leader of the army, through the ability to create something out of nothing, has a large army on hand.

However, Zaun understands that the situation has not been fully opened up, because in order to prevent a surprise attack in the valley province, Mael has defended 2 legions in Xiucape, which was stationed in Xiucape during the battle of Nasube last year. These two legions succeeded in defeating the encroachment of the Vale Province, which is why the former general was dismissed, and Zaun was able to be replaced in the Vale Province.

Therefore, in Zaun's view, only by eliminating these two legions can we stabilize his rebel force in Alaro Province, which also means that Shibo can no longer put troops in Alaro Province to completely disrupt Shibo's rear for himself. Open the situation.

The first Alaro peasant riot occurred in March, and it became more serious after May. However, the Xiucape Legion remained unmoved, because this was any part of the local garrison, not its own task, and he had to be stationed in Xiucape to prevent Prevent the Valley Province from invading.

Besides, the Hucape Legion did not think that a group of rioting peasants led by the squires could do much harm to Shibo.

And what's worse is that Siber's rule over the province of Alaro has basically collapsed, confined to a few big cities, and the big cities' attitude towards the National Assembly is also very ambiguous, which makes Zaun invade the province of Alaro and the rebels. After the reunion, the Hukape Legion just woke up from a dream and found that something was wrong.

The two legions stationed in Xiucape were the 23rd and 24th legions. Out of contempt for the peasants, the commander decided to lead the 23rd legion on the expedition, leaving the 24th legion behind in Xiucape as the last stab at the sea.

After arranging the arrangement, the main general will go out with 23 legions. In addition to the elite 3,000 people, the main general also has 10,000 miscellaneous troops as auxiliary troops.

Regarding the movements of the Hukape Legion, since Zaan received the support of farmers and squires, the position of Lord Xie will always be clearly controlled by Zaan from the moment he is dispatched.

At this time, Zaan has received news from the family. The family said that the headquarters does not know anything at present. Zaan knows the implied meaning:

If he succeeds in his solo trip to Alaro Province this time, then the headquarters will award him the honor, but if Zaun fails and all his troops are smashed in, then his political career can come to an end ahead of schedule. So Zaun could only win but not lose.

Taking advantage of the generals of Xibo's underestimation of the enemy, Zaan successfully deceived them into the encirclement of his choice, the Tanor grassland, Zaan mobilized 50,000 troops to surround the 23rd Legion here.

Although the main general fell into the encirclement because he underestimated the enemy, but relying on his own basic military capabilities, he quickly reacted after being surrounded, shrinking defenses around the hills, successfully resisting Zaun's attack and stabilizing his position, and urgently built a simple star fort , which made Zaun, who lacked psionic cannons, besieged for more than a week, but failed to gnaw this hard defensive position.

For more than a week, the 24th Legion who stayed in Xiucape had heard the news of being surrounded, and received the order to support the general, so they left Xiucape.

At this time, what Zaan was most worried about was that they directly supported Tanor. His own army of 50,000 was besieged for a week and could not be captured. His morale had dropped sharply.

Fortunately, the lieutenant left alone. He felt that the dispatch of the Ancestral Army meant that the valley province would not have the mobility of the intervening army. This was the best chance for him to recover the valley province's rise by virtue of military merit, so he ignored the order to ask for help. And marched toward the valley provinces.

In the face of the responsibilities of the 23rd Legion's main envoy, the lieutenant even said boldly, I am going to cut off Zaun's back road, disconnect him from the valley province, and force him to clear the siege and return to the division's defense. The envoy yelled, you are taking the lives of 230,000 people to put a badge of blood on you.

After the news of the 24th Legion's loneliness spread to Zaun, he seized the opportunity to publicize it, causing the morale of the 23rd Legion to drop sharply. At this time, Zaun was fortunate enough to cut off the 23rd Legion's water source in the Notar Grassland, making them become A turtle in a urn that has been cut off from supplies.

Three days later, the main force of the 23rd Legion was able to hold on, but the miscellaneous army couldn't hold it. It collapsed in the decisive attack launched by Zaan. During the course of the rout, the defense that was still maintained by the 23rd Legion was destroyed. Seizing the opportunity to march in, the 23rd Legion was defeated and destroyed. The main general committed suicide when he was defeated.

It should be said that the 24th Legion did not expect that the 23rd Legion would collapse so quickly. The lieutenant dared to invade the valley province alone. The main force of the enemy was all dragged by the 23rd Legion and contained the Tanor Grassland. Therefore, when the Tanor Battle ended, It means that the 24th Legion has become rootless water.

Of course, Zaan would not miss this opportunity. He cut off the support of the 24th Legion, ordered the defense of the star castles everywhere, and prepared to catch the turtle in the urn again.

At this time, the 23rd Legion had been destroyed, and the entire province of Alaro was betrayed. The closest reinforcements to the 24th Legion were the 3 legions far away in Nasubei. It was impossible for them to arrive in such a short time, so they insisted on A month later, the 24th Corps also collapsed and the lieutenant was captured. UU reading

So far, Shibo suffered a tragic defeat in the "Battle of Tanor", and the 23rd and 24th legions were completely wiped out, leaving no army that could stop the rebellion in Alaro province and the invasion of the valley province, and the legion that stayed behind Nasube. At most, it can only stick to it, so before Mael returns to the army, this place has become a land where Zaun gallops freely.

This good news inspired the resistance of the squires. For a time, all the cities and towns in Alaro Province rebelled. Zaan took advantage of his strength, and soon nominally controlled more than half of Alaro Province, with an army of 100,000 at hand. , and extended its power to the westward province of Gililah.

When the news of the rebellion in the province of Alaro and the annihilation of the Xiucape Legion reached Hado, Mael was shocked, because the rebellion in the province of Alaro indicated that the Intervention Army could directly threaten the logistics route of Shibo, a deal with it. Not good, maybe all Naro Edom was lost, and all his own army would be locked up and become a lonely army in Naro Edom.

And at this time, Mael has been besieging Hado for more than three months, and he can't say that he has not achieved any results.

So after weighing, Mael reluctantly gave up and continued to besiege Hado, leaving only part of the legion to be stationed in Lanshuo Province, and he led the main force to Alaro Province to quell the rebellion first.

The news of the failure of the Battle of Hado reached the National Assembly, leaving many members speechless. Some members were indignant and wanted to make Maer resign. This was stopped by Ji Weiluo, who has been in charge of the Eastern Front for more than two years. , and did not make any devastating mistakes, it is a taboo for the military to change generals.

The Alaro peasant uprising in June was already unfortunate for the National Assembly, but the new news in July was even worse, this time on the Western Front.


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