MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 842 : Dominate the Southern Border (68) with a sharp edge in hand

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Since he was instructed to go to Athena Province to organize veterans' reclamation, Orange has been careful and careful to establish his own forces here. Relying on the veterans' reclamation group, he has gradually gained his own forces.

The success of Orange so quickly is inseparable from the chaos of the Directorate-General. The depletion of finances has led to a growing problem of underpayment, and the battle on the Western Front is not too intense, so which legions can get paid on time? The answer is that loyal officers can get paid on time.

The army on the western front has already begun to develop in the direction of warlordization due to chaos.

A legion has a maximum of 3,000 people, and officers rely on their own family background and local donations are enough, but there is an exception for an officer, that is Orange, because in addition to supporting his own legion, Orange is also A large number of veterans must be provided for the reclamation group.

Veteran reclamation regiments, if you want to expose black information, can be said to be everywhere. However, this cannot stop the veteran soldiers from defecting here incessantly, because at this time in this chaotic era, the only place for veterans to settle down is.

So how many veterans are there in Orange so far? The answer is that it has exceeded the 100,000 mark. Not to mention Orange, even those business groups with strong financial resources cannot afford it for a long time. Therefore, this is destined to be under the formal channel. rise.

So from the very beginning, Orange used all kinds of methods to maintain the veteran reclamation group in his hands by taking some crooked ways.

The first way, and the way that veterans can directly feel, is to issue military tickets as currency in the reclamation area, and if the soldiers want to use these military tickets to buy, they must hold swords, guns and sticks in groups. In order to let the shop understand the truth.

The second method is to play free salaries. Orange only supports its own direct line legion. For those legions that are theoretically their own but not direct line, they usually only pay the officers double pay, and the soldiers at the bottom can deduct as much as they can.

Under the temptation of double pay, most of the officers turned a blind eye to Orange's methods. If an honest person insisted on saying something about it, he would only unfortunately die from an epidemic.

On the one hand, the unpaid corps owed money, and on the other hand, the Orange Corps and the Veteran Reclamation Corps were barely able to support their families, which led to a large number of soldiers from other legions who were unwilling to continue fighting and fled.

For such soldiers, Orange usually gives them two options, one is to pay Orange's redemption fee so they can go home, but their names are still on the roster and no one will go after them. Deserters, the other way is to enter Orange's Veteran Colony.

As for those soldiers who didn't want to pay Orange's redemption fee and didn't want to settle down, Orange could only reluctantly let them go to see Ropierre.

Speaking of the redemption fee, this is actually an income of Orange. Of course, it must be shared with the officers of other legions. After the redemption fee is received, the Western Front will not report it. Another income for Lanzhi et al.

It’s just that there are not many veterans who choose to pay the redemption fee, because the high redemption fee limits the veterans who take this path, and now that Shibo is so chaotic, the army is one of the best places to work, so in the end, most soldiers chose Join Orange's settlement, which will increase Orange's power on the one hand, and increase his financial pressure on the other hand.

Orange's biggest income actually comes from borrowing, borrowing from those business groups in Athena Province that are not hard-core, to support their own legions and veterans, and often play some tricks of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall. Symbolic repay some loans.

Normally, most business groups would shy away from people like Orange, but there is one exception. The group is the Taugocha business group.

The Taougocha Merchant Group was established by the Taougocha family. It has always been the local emperor of the slave-catching province. It has a large amount of money on hand, so it lent it to Orange in waves like running water.

Some members of the clan felt distressed by this money like running water. They said that if you throw a stone into the sea, you can still hear the sound, and what can you get if you lend the money to Orange, the clan leader smiled and said nothing.

For Orange's actions, Batiros is not ignorant, and some newspapers bluntly asked: "In this way, whether those troops are Shibo's army or Batiros' army, what does Orange want? What are you doing?"

What does Orange want to do? He wants to continue to climb up, instead of being abandoned as a tool after the coup d'etat, and the veteran reclamation group has now become a weapon in his hands. Among the soldiers, the prestige is not as high as Orange.

After all, compared with the huge number of troops, there are only a few who can be promoted to the officer class. Most veterans are at most a senior soldier and then have to retire. For the vast majority of retired veterans, Orange is their God, so they recognize no one but Orange.

In the end, the criticism of Orange was like a stone ox into the sea, because Mael stopped all these attacks, but there were too many attacks on Orange. Patience, he didn't think Orange was a worry-free little brother.

Before the autumn wind arrived, Cicada had a foresight, and Orange soon felt that his position in Mael's heart was no longer important, which made Orange very nervous.

The news that makes Orange nervous comes from the incident that happened in Xiebo on the 6th of the fruit month (September) this year, that is, there was another coup d'etat in the city of Batiros. Leng Yi said that the use of the word "you" is really good. In just one word, he summed up the current situation of the Xibodu government.

Then why did Batiros "again" a coup? This can be traced back to the fact that after the "Huoyue coup" overthrew the royalist parliamentarians, the supervisory government condoned some control behaviors to pull people back from the royalist camp.

As a result, this behavior led to very bad consequences, which were not good for the Directorate Government, that is, the people began to miss the stable prices during the reign of terror, and there were even calls for Ropierre's vindication.

Some of the younger generation of parliamentarians took advantage of this voice to stand out. They called themselves the "new rulers of terror", claiming that they would not restore Ropier's "reign of terror", but would implement a "moderate reign of terror".

The so-called "moderate reign of terror" lies in the fact that his moderation is only reflected in economic terror but not political terror. After all, the people's greatest disgust for the reign of terror lies in its rampant killings. If only economic terror is used to stabilize prices, it will undoubtedly alleviate a lot. A sense of disgust among the people for a reign of terror.

With the slogan of "moderate reign of terror", the "new ruler of terror" has received extremely enthusiastic support. It can also be seen from this that the Directorate Government has really become disgusting.

Therefore, in this year's general election, the "new ruler of terror", like last year's royalist parliamentarians, successfully occupied most of the seats of the new parliamentarians. For Maer and others, this sign is very bad.

Don't forget that the legal principles of the Directorate's government come from the overthrow of the reign of terror and the "Lunar Coup" that killed Ropierre. The recovery of the "new ruler of terror" means a very bad future.

The so-called once-in-a-lifetime encounter, and Maer, who noticed the army, decided to launch a coup d’etat. Since he held an extraordinary meeting last year and wiped out all the members, Maer did not dare to hold an emergency meeting again this year to avoid surprises, so he patiently waited until the fruit month (September 2018). ) on the 1st to launch the "Guoyue Coup".

The 1st day of each month is the day of the regular meeting of the National Assembly. On this day, all members must be present if they have not asked for leave. It is undoubtedly the best time to act.

Not to mention disobedience, the new Generals of the Reformed Legion did not even dare to be neutral. Just like their predecessors, they were liquidated afterwards, and the main generals were deprived of all powers to the end.

So taking advantage of the regular meeting of the National Assembly, the Reform Corps marched again to Batyros, and found that the National Assembly was surrounded by the army. The members were already very skilled in waiting for the name to be pronounced, and then left irrelevant, leaving the relevant ones to sign.

This year, there were still several members who refused to sign, and they had to use the **** of the Lingsui gun for physical persuasion. It took more than an hour to complete the signing.

Afterwards, Maher announced that he was responsible for the coup, claiming that what he had done was for the better future of Shibo, so he dismissed all the deputies who had been arrested and exiled them to the valley province, and Bao Wang, who was exiled here last year. Sending members of parliament for companionship is the "Guoyue coup".

Afterwards, some newspapers satirized in their editorials The year before last year, the Baowang faction came to power and made the swing swing back. Yes, but this kick was too far and the remnants of the Civil Rights League were revived, and then the governor of the government felt that this was not enough, so he kicked the swing again. "

This evaluation was quite vivid, and it quickly spread in Batiros within a few days, and some good people drew cartoons and mocks. As a result, just the next day, the editor of this newspaper was arrested for violating the National Sports Security Law.

In the "Guoyue Coup", Mael did not use Orange, which can be completely explained because the Reform Corps did not dare to disobey Mael's orders, so it is reasonable that Orange did not know the news of the coup.

But Orange was still uneasy, feeling that Mael had turned from admiration to him, and that he might become the next target to be purged.

And this year's conflict is just a rehearsal, and the most tragic conflict will definitely come next year, because according to the "2928 Mother Law", the five governors who have served three years in office will hold general elections next year. Conflicts will reach the point of irreconcilability.

In the past two years, only one-third of the National Assembly had been re-elected, and this has already happened. What will happen this time when the entire supervisory government is re-elected? Will it pass peacefully, or will it be a daily coup, or will it usher in an era of Ropierre terror again? no one knows.


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