MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 845 : Domination of Southern Xinjiang (71) Era of Ruling

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A few days later, the little Baleklano fled to Nasube with his wounds, and was led by the guards into the local parliament. In the urgent information brought to the members, a shocking conspiracy was revealed: Baleklano is about to Rebellion, he couldn't bear to tolerate the division of Xibo, so he could only kill his relatives in tears.

After reporting this emergency military intelligence to the House of Representatives, Little Baleklano was asked to go down to rest. However, in the lounge, Little Baleklano saw a man who made him feel terrified.

"Your grandfather has a good calculus. He has already assembled the army before letting you inform him. If he wants to win, he will make the decision. If he loses, he can still leave a grandson for himself. No matter what, he won't lose and go bankrupt?"

The person who said this was Orange, who was supposed to organize the compilation of the new mother law in Batiros, but secretly left Batyros to come to Nasube again.

In fact, Orange has no choice. Once Balakrano rebels, if it is not dealt with quickly and the fighter is seized by the Holy Order Alliance, then the self who has just seized power will be in an extremely dangerous situation. The counterinsurgency must be fast!

So Orange entrusted the work of Batiros to Mipoloka and others, and he personally arrived at the front line to command the battle, preparing to catch Balakrano by surprise.

Orange's confidence in doing so is that he also came from the Eastern Front. There are many of his former colleagues and subordinates here, so Orange can quickly assemble an army.

The second is what people want. From the commoners to the business groups, they don’t want Xibo to continue to be in chaos, but they control Batiros, representing the legitimate government, and there are more than 100,000 veterans behind them. If they die here , it will detonate a bomb of 100,000 people, and Xie Bo will be blown to pieces.

The commoners may be ignorant about this, but the business group knows it clearly. The veteran colony is the source of Orange's power and his amulet. The business group can't and dare not let him die, so it must give full support. He quickly quelled the Baleklano rebellion.

On the 1st day of the month of harvest (August), Balekrano held a meeting in Hado, stating that the Xibo National Assembly had been usurped by the careerists. Establish an interim government.

Not long after the news of the Balakrano rebellion, he learned a shocking news that Orange had actually appeared in the province of Joy. Langhi quickly assembled tens of thousands of troops and ordered a counter-insurgency against Balakrano.

Leng Yi determined that Orange would be the victor of this civil war, unless there were accidental accidents, and what Leng Yi had to do was to erase these accidental accidents and make it a historical inevitability.

Stability is paramount, so the business group must support Orange, so Orange must win, so Baleklano must lose.

Baleklano seems to have a lot of troops, but all the power he has comes from the authorization of the National Assembly. Now that he has torn off the skin of the National Assembly, there are very few soldiers who follow him.

And Palekrano's opponent, Orange, has great prestige in the hearts of the soldiers. It is necessary to know that all of them are about to become veterans, and the life and death of the veterans are all in the hands of Orange.

Therefore, wherever Orange went, all the soldiers surrendered, and there were legions on the verge of uprising. Balakrano's control of the front line collapsed. In the end, he was stunned to find that he could control only a few legions of the direct line.

Orange's attack speed was equal to his advance, and within a month he reached the city of Hador, the temporary residence of Baleklano.

Hado Fortress is a natural danger. Baleklano was attacked by the navy before and after. However, Orange did not need to work so hard. The merchant group staged a riot in the city, and many soldiers also laid down their weapons. It was only 3 days. Before that, Orange broke through the walls of Hador's fortress.

In the midst of embattlement, Baleklano used the barricades in Hadow to support him for two more days, until finally he was betrayed, and he had to commit suicide in despair at the age of 49.

The Baleklano Rebellion was quelled by Orange in less than 3 months. This speed was beyond the imagination of the Holy Order Alliance. The commander of the coalition was Zaun, who created the riot in Alaro Province a few years ago. It was decided not to wait for the spring of the following year to attack the Valet province in winter, so as not to let Sibo rest.

Orange ignored the other party and promoted Puedi to be the new General Marshal of the Eastern Front, and then set off to return to Batiros, ready to end the era of the Directorate Government and usher in a new era with himself as the main body.

When Orange left Batiros to supervise the battle on the front line, it did not mean that the Directorate government stopped exploring the new system. Thinking of a new system under the will.

First of all, the name of the Directorate Government must be changed, because after three years of Mael's rule, the name has become unpleasant. The government of Orange, which came from a coup d'etat, does not need to bear the stench of the Directorate Government.

After Orange returned to Batyros, the "Mother Law of 2931" had already been compiled by Mipoloka and others, and only waited for Orange's final confirmation.

After browsing, Orange signed his own name for this mother law, and it was immediately passed in the National Assembly, completely replacing the "New Year 4 Mother Law" (2931 Mother Law) with this "New Year Mother Law" (Mother Law 2931). Calendar 1 Year Mother Law (2928 Mother Law).

According to the "Mother Law of the 4th Year of the New Calendar" (Mother Law of 2931) passed by Xue Yue (December), Xie Bo will abolish all the powers of the supervising government and replace it with the executive government.

The executive power of the executive government is controlled by the three governments, Orange as the first government, Mipoloka as the second government, and Naletase as the third government.

As for the former governor, Warner, he could only find other positions unfortunately. Don't forget that he was the first to see the risk and significance of Orange's loneliness, and was obviously jealous of Orange because of this.

In the final analysis, Warner is just a weed, it is not that he is incompetent, otherwise he would not have reached the point where he is today. Unfortunately, this grass is still capsized in the gutter after all, and he withdrew from the highest political stage in embarrassment.

In addition to the ruling, there are actually a series of political changes, mainly to strengthen the first ruling power. However, this mother law, which clearly violates the spirit of reform, has not met much opposition in the National Assembly.

But Orange also knew that the reason why he did not encounter any opposition was because Sibo was exhausted at this time, and desperately longed for stability from top to bottom, so he tolerated what he had done, but if Oran If Zhi fails to fulfill his promise, he may become the second Maher.

However, Orange's luck has indeed deepened, because nearly ten years have passed since the dragon fruit bubble crisis. According to the cyclical law of economic crises, the damage from dragon fruit has already ended, but due to the fierce political struggle of Shibo, the situation has improved. The economy is hidden in terrible chaos.

So it doesn't need Orange's economic ability, as long as he can do the most basic thing and stabilize the situation, then the economy can naturally improve. Because the crisis is over.

After Xue Yue promulgated the "Mother Law of the 4th Year of the New Calendar" (Mother Law of 2931), the year 2931 ended, and Xiebo ushered in the year 2932 of the Dali calendar, the 5th year of the new calendar, the founding year of Xiebo in 864, and the establishment of the Parson Dynasty. 451, and the 15th year of Celiti III.

In the new year, Orange will start with economic policy. He will not forget the two extremely bad economic reforms that led to the bankruptcy of the government's reputation, but he also knows that countless people at home and abroad are staring at him. Action, so Orange bravely starts with economics.

In terms of economy, Orange has two major moves. One is to compile a code, and the new phenomena that have been improved in the economic system for more than ten years will be confirmed in the name of the code. The second is to establish a national bank. Bring together the power of all business groups.

The Taugocha family has gritted their teeth and sold iron to support Orange for many years. At this moment, it finally paid off. The leader of such an important industry as the Xiebo Bank is actually a businessman of the Taugocha family who developed the province. regiment, not the other more prestigious ones.

After the establishment of the Sable Bank, Orange obtained a strong reserve fund, and immediately he abolished the waste paper-like index and issued a "ruling currency" with the portraits of the three ruling officials.

After the initial panic, the newly issued ruling currency has withstood the test, Xibo's confidence in the market has begun to recover, and the economy has really turned for the better.

In the face of the gradually improving situation, Orange did not immediately counterattack like a hot head, but like a frog boiled in warm water, he continued to maintain a tepid situation on the east and west fronts, and at the same time quickly rebuilt the navy~www And the veteran reclamation regiment also has a new role, Orange will place them in strategic locations to reclaim, especially for the dangerous Qiu Tia fortress, anyway, the number of veterans is extremely large, Orange relies on In this way, little by little enemy troops.

Seeing this, the Holy Order Alliance is also in a hurry, to be precise, Orettia, the leader, is in a hurry, so the organization has created an unprecedented large coalition army.

Orange knew that this was his final test. As long as Xiebo could resist this attack, the Holy Order Alliance would be hopeless.

If the biggest difference between Orange and the Siberian ruler in the previous Great Revolution is that he pays great attention to his identity as a soldier, even if he was like Maher, he tried to downplay his soldier after he became the governor. Attributes, however Orange does the opposite, always emphasizing that he is a soldier first and a statesman second.

A few years ago, if anyone dared to publicize himself in this way in the National Assembly, he would have been attacked like a storm in the House, because the officers had no right to govern.

But now it's not at all. People are even reassured by Orange's military attributes, and believe that soldiers are inherently more reliable than those politicians.

Therefore, at this time, the battle should have been commanded by Puedi, the commander of the Eastern Front, but Orange entrusted the administrative affairs to the other two governors, and personally went to Valet to command the battle.


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