MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 848 : Sleeping with the Eternal Night Jie (middle) Sleeping with the Jie

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This result shocked Leng Yi, because Azathoth was just a black light for Leng Yi, not the destructive power of Azathoth. Of course, the destructive power of Azathoth really exceeded Leng Yi's imagination. It is as annoying as candy, and the only way for Leng Yi to solve the disaster brought by Azathoth is to clean the entire world thoroughly.

The shocking part of Leng Yi is why does this happen? This is to talk about a problem that Leng Yi has never discovered and paid attention to, the identity of the God of Slashing the World, and the answer to this question needs to go back a long time, that is, the fall of the Ancestral God.

How did the Ancestral God fall? Leng Yi was too lazy to think about it, so he let the ancestral **** enter an area alone at that time, and then made some vibrations to indicate that they were fighting, and then the **** of the world came out to show that the ancestral **** had fallen, and now he was the successor of the ancestral god, and that's it.

But this world is a logical world after all. If Leng Yi is too lazy to think about it, he can only use the system to help make up a reason for Leng Yi, so that there will be no logical errors in this world.

So what's the reason? what is the reason? The Ancestral God is already the most powerful existence in this world, what else can exist to destroy the Ancestral God? The answer given by the system was Azathoth, the "Blind Fool".

But there will be new problems. You must know that before Death Knight Dais jumped into the abyss, the so-called abyss did not exist at all. The strange hands and demons just grew out of the black fog. Does not exist, where is Azathoth?

At that moment, Leng Yi realized the question and knew the answer. Azathoth was in Leng Yi's body. Leng Yi's incarnation was Azathoth, and it was only the descendant of this god's will. , can accommodate a demon of the magnitude of Azathoth, so the **** of the world is Azathoth before the abyss was born.

After the abyss was created, Azathoth was transferred to the abyss as the "earth", so Leng Yi never found out that the **** of the world was Azathoth, and with the transfer of Azathoth, the abyss also appeared. Sanyuan Pillar, and what exactly is Sanyuan Pillar?

"All things return to one" Yogosothoth is Azathoth's knowledge, which is actually the knowledge that Cold Game can obtain through the system, so Yogosothoth knows all the abilities from ancient times to the present, and he is a low-profile system. , is the closest existence to the system in the whole world, so Akashya can perceive the endless knowledge from Yoggsothoth.

The so-called tentacles of the future are actually the ability of Yugosothoth, which is why Leng Yi named it "tentacles".

"The black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of descendants" Shabu Nicholas is Azathoth's will, so she will help Leng Yi as the abyss.

Leng Yi hoped that **** would be busy with his own affairs and not go to the mortal world, so Shabu Nicholas kept starting a holy war between the abyss and hell, so that **** had no time to think too much; Leng Yi wanted the Knights of Apocalypse to be defeated, so Shabu Nicholas refused to support and watched the apocalypse The knight died.

She has always faithfully carried out Cold Yi's will and tasks. She is the embodiment of Cold Yi's will, but Cold Yi has been giving orders to Shabu Nicholas through the system, so she did not realize the difference between the system forcing orders and executing orders.

"Crawling Chaos" Nyarlathotep is Azathoth's action, why is it called action? You must know that the original **** of world-slashing was Azathoth, so why did the **** of world-slashing still exist after Azathoth went to the abyss? Because of Nyarlathotep, the action of the **** of the world is the action of Azathoth, and the action of Azathoth is the action of Nyarlathotep.

Therefore, after the Kanyumi Stone incident broke out, Leng Yi went to the underworld to investigate the incident, but only found Shabu Nicholas and Yoggsothoth in the Three Abyss Pillars, but did not see Nyarlathotep, because the world was cut. The **** himself is the real Nyarlathotep, which is why Shabu Nicholas smiles at Leng Yi.

Nyarlathotep, the real **** of slashing the world, knows that his body often carries a supreme consciousness. In this regard, he regards Leng Yi's consciousness as the mother egg of Azathoth, and consciously conceals that he can act on his own. In addition, Leng Yi was used to using the vest of the God of Slashing World, and it turned out to be a blackout, and he never found out the true identity of the God of World Slashing.

When Cold Yi's will comes, he and Nyarlathotep are one, and Nyarlathotep, who Lengyi can know, can also know, with only some exceptions. , it is another kind when it is located in the tentacles of the future, because at this time the incarnation of Cold Game is Yoggsothoth instead of Nyarlathotep.

When Leng Yi discovered the truth of Sanyuanzhu, it was when he used the tentacles of the future, and the tentacles of the future were Leng Yi's incarnation as Yoggsothoth, so Nyarlathotep couldn't know.

Leng Yi took advantage of this characteristic of Sanyuanzhu to retreat directly from the tentacles of the future to the game room, and then sealed all the memory of his discovery of Sanyuanzhu in the system. He didn't even know about it, he was just doing himself. When he was a prisoner, he vaguely realized that he had sealed a memory.

Yugosothoth's knowledge all comes from the system, but he can't know all the information of the system, and the sealed memory that was locked by the code lock by Cold Game naturally cannot be known by Yugosothoth, so Sanyuanzhu is not. You know, Leng Yi once realized the truth.

After realizing the truth, Leng Yi immediately took countermeasures, instructing the system to implant false memories into himself. In his memory, he did not implement the Iron Ambition plan, but implemented the utopian plan to force the intervention of time by gods. This plan Finally ushered in a tragic failure.

With such memories, Leng Yi became extremely pessimistic, so he became a prisoner of himself and exiled himself in Middle-earth.

Later, Leng Yi gave the system new instructions. When he has reached a certain number of years as a prisoner of himself, he will think that he can implement the plan of iron ambition, and the experience of the success and failure of the last plan will be reflected in Leng Yi as inspiration. mind to help Leng Yi make a better plan.

The combination of these series of actions has finally brought about the current situation. The Iron Ambition plan has been successful, and he will sleep forever, and Azathoth is the God of Slashing the World, which means that Azathoth is connected with the Three Abyss Pillars. will leave this world.

Gulugulu, this turned out to be Azathoth's voice. After a thousand years, the body of the "God of World Slasher" was re-integrated with Azathoth. At this time, Azathoth was the God of World Slasher.

Since the real body has attributes, knowledge, will, and action do not need to exist alone, so Yoggsothoth, Shabu Nicholas, and Nyarlathotep have all returned to Azathoth's body, including the entire underworld. All demons, because those demons are nothing but bacteria on Azathoth, can only live in an environment with Azathoth.

The three abyss pillars merged into one, Azathoth woke up, and the most terrifying existence in the whole world came to the world, but unfortunately no one could see it. into the endless abyss.

Fallen, fallen, I don't know how long it took, as if a piece of pure white feathers floated above the pitch-black water, and in that instant, everything was over.

But he didn't fall asleep immediately, but saw another video, which was the changes in the world after he left. Seeing this, Leng Yi felt that the Lord God was really conscientious, and the after-sales service was very good.

It was also through this video that Leng Yi knew how high it was under the abyss. He jumped off the end of the world in 2952, when the Southern Border Continent was unified, and ended up falling for 14 years, until 2966. He finally fell out of this world when he finally fell out of this world. Fortunately, the process was dazed, otherwise Leng Yi would be so lonely that he would explode.

This generation of residents of the Southern Xinjiang Continent has seldom called this year the year 2966 of the Dali calendar, but rather called it the 39th year of the new calendar.

At this time, the benefactor of the Southern Border Continent, "the greatest emperor in history", ruled all his life, and the beloved of the gods, Orange, was 67 years old and began to enter the end of his life. The old man who accompanied him in the past Friends are almost gone, leaving him alone.

Orange has begun to gradually decentralize, shifting his interest to writing a diary, mainly to recall his magnificent youth, but what happened on this must be written in the book .

"When the first ancient people in a distant era built strong city walls, they once believed that their family would accompany the country forever. There will be extinction, but the gods will accompany us to eternity."

"In our age, we know that the gods will also disappear because of the 'Metatron disaster', but we believe that these concepts of rationality will survive forever like this world, but last night, the sky! It collapsed! ! (all capital letters) It's hard to believe that our world can really go on forever."

"My God, if I was thirty years old, it would be impossible to believe that I would simply write these words, 'The sky is falling', the **** of the mountains is above, the sky is falling!"

"Last night, the stars that have accompanied us since the birth of this world fell one after another, like the most beautiful scenery, so the world we have known for thousands of years will never be seen again. The old sun seems to be swallowed by the abyss. , the sun of the mages this morning is not the sun of the old days, but a big fireball that is countless times larger than the land!"

Orange's diary was written on the morning of the second day of the Fall of the Stars, so it only recorded the shocking changes that could be found at that time. The diary is serious countless times.


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