MTL - God’s Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation-Chapter 6 upgrade!

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When a black-haired boy came here on the ground covered with leaves, the battle between the Chen brothers and the two fighting chickens was not over yet.

Seeing this player who was suspected of being able to summon meteorites appeared, the two of them felt anxious.

For fear of the opponent stealing the monster.

What puzzled the two of them was that the young man just glanced at this side lightly, and then continued to walk west.

It seems that they are not interested in their prey.

It was not until the young man left their sight that the Chen brothers felt a little relieved.

After half a minute.

The brother who killed both fighting chickens sat under a cypress tree and chatted while resting.

"It's really rare for people who haven't robbed monsters these days."

"It may be that the disadvantages of the skill have appeared. With such a strong power, the side effects must be great."

"That's right... is that guy the one who summoned the meteorite?"

"Who knows? Leave him alone."

Chen Dajia nodded, and then suddenly said, "I just saw that person's eyes that were not interested in fighting chickens. I thought he was going to level 2."

"how is this possible."

Chen Xiaoyi smiled and shook his head, "The fastest record for level 2 was 1 hour and 40 minutes, and now it's only less than half an hour."

"Even if he has such a powerful skill, his experience bar should be less than half. Not even a quarter..."

When the two were still talking and resting.

the other side.

Ling Yi, who continued to move westward, finally walked out of the "C"-shaped green cypress forest.

As soon as he walked out, he saw a large grassy **** of six or seven meters, nearly two stories high, in front of him.

You need to climb up to see what's on the other side.

"Huh? Why is this grassy **** so high?"

Ling Yi pondered curiously as he walked over leisurely.

When he started to climb the grassy slope, a system message suddenly appeared.

【Current area: Crimson Orchard】

[Monster Information: Red Goblin (Lv2~Lv10)]

[Hint: There are many monsters in this area, it is best to come with your friends]

Through TV yesterday, he learned a lot of information.

For example, the farther you are from the camp, the higher the level of the monster, and the monster will take the initiative to attack the player when it sees it.

But he only now knows what this area to the west of the green cypress forest is.

When he climbed to the grassy **** and cautiously looked to the other side.

An endless green plain appeared in his field of vision.

On the plains are intricately grown fruit trees five or six meters high, and the fruit trees are all covered with unknown vermilion fruits.

The vermilion fruit is big or small, the small one is about the size of an ordinary apple, and the big one is about half a meter in diameter.

Under each fruit tree, there are more than a dozen hopping fruits.

It must be the red fruit monster.

Ling Yi lay there and looked carefully for a while, but did not find any difference between the red fruit monster and the fruit on the tree.

Except for moving.

"Hey...that's too much to blame."

At a glance, there are at least a thousand of them.

It was only what he could see.

In the further distance, there must be more.

Ling Yi didn't dare to appear in the sight of the red fruit monsters rashly. Once he went out, not to mention all of them, at least half of the monsters would find him.

At that time, hundreds of monsters rushed towards him, and he couldn't stand it.

"No wonder Shenlu suggested to bring a partner with you... If you really want to deal with the Red Goblin, how can you do it without thousands of people coming together?"

"But that's someone else, my words..."

Thinking of the next scene, Ling Yi couldn't help showing a happy smile.

He was lying on the grassy slope, hiding his entire body in the grass, looking down through the gap in the grass.

Then he said softly, "Xing Luo."

The next second, in the air hundreds of meters high, the flame star appeared again!

When the fiery red and bright flame star accelerated and fell, the red fruit monsters on the grassland below were still jumping in their place.

These red fruit monsters, like giant red apples, have no eyes and no heads, and Ling Yi doesn't know if they have noticed the threat above their heads.


Until the flame star fell to the ground and burst open, the two red fruit monsters in the area did not evade.

Died together under the flame star!

[You killed the red fruit monster (Lv2), experience +2]

[Congratulations, you have enough experience, and now it will be automatically upgraded to level 2 for you! 】

[You killed the red fruit monster (Lv2), experience +1]

[You have gained 5 free attribute points! 】

"It's level 2!"

Ling Yi looked up at the time.

【Remaining arrival time: 2 hours 34 minutes】

"It's been 26 minutes since I've been here, and I've only been upgraded to level 2. I don't know if it's slow or fast."

He knew that it was difficult to upgrade the Divine Way.

But he didn't know how difficult it was.

In the morning, I heard from the uncle next door that it might be difficult for the strong to gain some experience after fighting all afternoon.

The reason is because the way of God does not allow the abuse of vegetables.

Players have no experience in killing monsters lower than their own level. Killing monsters of the same level as their own has 1 experience, killing 2 points higher than their own level 1, and 3 points higher than their own level 2...

A level 90 player only needs 1 experience point to kill a level 90 monster.

And a battle of that level is often indistinguishable within a few hours.

Shaking his head and throwing the distracting thoughts out of his mind, Ling Yi opened the personal panel, ready to start adding more.

Last night, he decided the route he would take in the future.

That is full repair!

Be an almighty strong man who has both physical output and spell output, can lose skills at a distance and melee combat, and can kill and save people!

He has a super mutation system. If he only improves one aspect like the others, it will be a waste of the system's ability!

And since you want to grow in this area, add some...

"Well... let's add mana first. At present, the higher the mana, the stronger the power of my Starfall. UU Reading"

"The faster you clear monsters, the faster you upgrade."

Currently, his first task is to upgrade.

The sooner you reach level 10, the better!

Thinking of this, Ling Yi stopped wasting time, and hurriedly added 5 attribute points to his mana.

Take another look at the personal panel.

Name: Ling Yi

Level: 2 (1/300)

Talent: Probability Reversal

Strength: 3

Mana: 10

Agility: 3

Constitution: 3

Stamina: 3

Skill: Starfall (1 star)

Remaining constellation: 1

Evaluation of combat power: Ordinary people with greater destructive power

"It's still an ordinary's very objective."

Why doesn't Ling Yi want to make himself infinitely powerful, as fast as the wind, and possessing a combat power that surpasses that of ordinary people?

But the most important thing right now is to upgrade.

Everything else can stand aside.

After closing the personal panel, he once again turned his attention to the grassland below.

"Hey hey hey."

"Let me see the power of this starfall now."

Ling Yi pushed aside a small piece of tender grass in front of him and said softly, "Xing Luo!"

At the same time, he looked up at the blue sky.

In the sky at a similar height, a red-gold light spot suddenly appeared, rushing towards this grassland at the same speed as before!

The altitude and speed are the same as before.

But the flame star is twice as big!

10 meters in diameter!


Looking at the flame star that was bombarding the grassland like a missile, Ling Yi subconsciously took a breath.

"I'm so strong at level 2?"

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