MTL - Golden Stage-Chapter 63 Cold palace

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The author has something to say: I beat my face, and I made a mistake. I didn't write a reunion in this chapter, and I punished myself for my recklessness.

Let's meet them in the next chapter.

It turns out that one sentence or a few words in the world is enough to make people feel broken.

Yan Xiaohan thought in fear, "Is this for me?"

He was like a person who was about to freeze to death in the snow and ice. When he was about to despair, he suddenly saw a little light. Whether it was an illusion or a phosphorous fire, he seemed to have caught the last straw for life.

The handwriting had blurred the original shape, there was no characteristic at all, but Yan Xiaohan still stared at those four words with scorching eyes, as if burning white silk to make a hole. If Fu Shen was present, it would be recognizable that his enchantment was exactly the same as the symptoms of drug addiction in Howard City.

Qiu Yebai's drug addiction has long been absent, but the heart addiction raised by Fu Shen has grown back day by day.

Gradually, the boiling mood returned to calmness, Yan Xiaohan took a long breath, his tight shoulders gradually relaxed, and then he was surprised. On a cold day, he even sweated his back.

He carefully folded the white silk and put it away, as if he had gained a little warmth and strength from it, and walked slowly towards his mansion.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year.

Because of the turmoil last year, the current situation was turbulent, and the country was in dire straits. This year, all the ceremonies in the palace were simplified. On the sixth day, Zhao Yi's Xue was pregnant. This was the first child ushered in the New Year's Palace of the New Dynasty. The sign was very auspicious. The emperor Changzhi was overjoyed. He promoted Xue to be a concubine and rewarded his father, brother and family.

When Yan Xiaohan heard the news, he felt uncomfortable, so he privately approached the **** who was waiting by the queen to ask questions. He now commanded the embargo in name. In fact, because the emperor was unavailable, there was no **** in the province, and foreign affairs were still subject to severe cold. He was like a big housekeeper in the emperor's backyard, and he wanted to be a housekeeper and a servant. He was very reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.

When the capital city was broken, Princess Qi Ling and her infants were still fleeing to the south of the Yangtze River under the **** of the Wangfujiading and Yingguo government. At the beginning of Emperor Changzhi's ascension, Fu Ling was booked as the Empress of China. The couple originally had a good relationship. However, in the early days of the new dynasty, Emperor Changzhi accepted several family daughters as concubines in order to capture the Jiangnan clan. The originally deserted harem quickly turned into a battlefield where the sword and sword were not seen. The queen is a gentleman who is soft outside and hard to fight. After being neglected several times, the queen is gradually alienated.

At first, Yan Xiaohan didn't notice the intrigue in the harem. Until the year of last year, the princess suddenly had acne and fever, and her symptoms were dangerous. She almost didn't survive, and the queen was seriously ill. When Yan Xiaohan heard about it, he paid attention to it and made a private visit. From the queen's palace, a palace girl who secretly passed on a message to the concubine of the other palace was found. Under torture, the confession confessed that she wiped the princess with a scarf brought from outside the palace, and then the confession was presented on the royal list. Changzhi Emperor Longyan was furious, but finally lowered it gently, and only entered the concubine into the cold palace. thing.

Since then, Yan Xiaohan has only known what day the queen spends in the palace. Although Ying Tingyi, Fu Tingyi, also fled to the south of the Yangtze River, he always did not eat fireworks on the earth, and only counted as "chaos is better than nothing". Fu Ling did not have a strong enough family to back it up, and naturally became the object of provocations.

Before long, the concubine hanged herself in the cold palace for no reason. Since then, Yan Xiaohan will have a little time each month to ask the Queen's situation. He did not deliberately avoid people, or even ask others to ask him. He and Fu Shen are a legitimate family. It is natural to support Fu Shen's sister.

Needless to say, with this move alone, Fu Ling's life in the palace was immediately better.

Xue's father was one of the four Jiangnan bachelors who participated in the discussions in the Yanying Palace. She was also the most favored among the concubines in the harem. There was no sister-in-law in the palace, and she was pregnant at this time. That's not good news. Yan Xiaohan asked the eunuch. I heard that the queen was only unhappy and had no other plans. She also tried to prevent her from taking preventive measures. She only let the people be more careful and not be counted by the people.

However, the world ’s events were unpredictable. On the twelfth flower festival in February, the palace suddenly made a noise. It is said that Xue Shufei was hit by someone in the garden. Unfortunately, the child was born and the child was not saved.

The lady who smashed Xue Shufei was the sweeping maid in the Queen's Palace. She was silent during the trial, and made a five-body gift to the queen. Then she bumped into a pillar in the temple and died instantly.

At this time, the empress queen is reasonable and unclear. Emperor Changzhi is furious. Regardless of the relationship between husband and wife, there is no heavy penalty. Only the queen is banned for one month.

Emperor Changzhi may not know that the Queen is likely to be framed, but he does not need the truth. Standing behind Xue is the Jiangnan clan, half of the new dynasty, Emperor Changzhi also expects these people to work for him, and the Fu family behind the queen is already an empty shell. Comparing the two, it's easy to understand. For the bigger picture, he can only choose to sacrifice the queen.

However, he forgot that there is also a "Fu family" in North Korea without a surname of Fu.

On February 14th, the second day after the queen was imprisoned, Xue Shufei was dragged into the cold palace from the dormitory. The courtyard was worn out and few people arrived. She was blocked by a handkerchief, her buns were scattered, and she was sobbing and struggling. A strong **** was thrown into an empty house.

This is where the princess who framed the princess lived. After her death, the court **** suspected that this place was unlucky and easily stopped. No one cleaned for a few months, the spider webs were spread, the courtyard was mossy, Xue Shufei was thrown on the cold and dirty ground, and the ice muscle jade bone was immediately covered with a layer of mud, so it was embarrassing.

She was also a pampered child since she was a child. She had suffered such grievances, but was shocked and frightened, and could not help crying.

In the hazy sight, someone seemed to block the sky. After a moment, a pair of black boots stopped in front of her eyes, and a young low magnetic male voice came over his head: "Is she?"

The **** who caught the man had a fierce look, but he respected him very much: "Master, it's Xue."

The man murmured "Um" and walked past her. Someone cleaned the table and chairs for him, and the brocade robe angled up. He sat down in front of Xue and instructed humanity: "Help her up , The cloth in his mouth is gone. "

Xue's mouth was pulled out of the towel, and he couldn't help breathing, climbing up with the pain of his body, and looking at the person sitting at the front of his eyes, he couldn't help but stunned.

Although the men she had met were limited, they were all young and good-looking, but this man was the most beautiful one she had ever seen since childhood.

He had a quiet eyebrow. When he didn't smile, he also had a kind of gentle expression. When Xue saw him staring, his eyes were slightly curved, and he asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Xue was suddenly horrified, dropped his head, and cried, "No ... I don't know."

"My official name is strict, he was ordered to lead the embargoed army, and he had a little friendship with his father Xue Shangshu."

The words "Yan" and "Forbidden Army" are like a pot of cold water pouring down. Xue's heart was so cold that there were only two words left in his mind: finished.

Since the princess was almost killed last year, most of the concubines in the harem have converged, and they have a little more awe at the queen-not to respect the queen, but to the person who supported her behind and killed the princess who had harmed the princess.

The emperor's humerus is close to the court, the embargo commander, Yan Xiaohan.

During the Yuan and Tai Dynasties, Feilongwei was rampant and powerful, and the power changed. The person was the head of Feilongwei. It is said that he acted strangely and had fierce means. I do n’t know how many loyalty he has framed, but he still stands. Even in the new dynasty, Emperor Changzhi still had to reuse it.

The shock dissipated, leaving only panic, Xue retreated hurriedly and shivered, "What are you doing ..."

"Mother-in-law," he asked casually, "what does my official do? Do you have any idea?"

"I don't know!" Xue Shiqiang calmed down, stubbornly arrogantly said, "It is a capital crime for a foreigner to break into the palace, and you dare to take action against me, aren't you afraid the emperor will hold you accountable?"

Yan Xiaohan said: "My official was ordered to guard the palace, so naturally I ca n’t sit by and watch you and other venomous poisonous women deceive you. This is a matter of duty and responsibility. It seems that the mother-in-law should have heard of my official, since Know who I am, it should be clear, not to mention you, it is here that my father is here, and my official will do the right thing. "

Xue trembled: "You ... I'm the emperor's concubine, and it's not your turn to intervene ... I want to see the emperor!"

Yan Xiaohan chuckled and said, "I call you a mother, do you really think you are a mother?"

Although he smiled, his eyes were killing, and he said coldly, "Frame the queen and murder the emperor. Do you think you can still walk out of this gate today?"

"... You're the Queen, why did you help her?" Xue was finally terrified and cried incoherently, "I can give you whatever she gave you! You--"

"Because her surname is Fu." Yan Xiaohan interrupted her lightly. "You planted a stolen queen at the Flower Festival, and you rushed to commit my taboo and killed you."

Flower Chao Festival? What does it have to do with Hua Chao Festival?

Xue's face was bewildered, and one of the eunuchs who stood beside him stood by from the north side, thinking about the "Flower Festival" and immediately came to understand: Hey, that's not the adult who married Jingninghou last year Days?

Uncle Fu Hou's whereabouts are unknown now. The queen is his only sister. It's no wonder that Yan's popularity has become so bad.

After Yan Xiaohan arrived in Jiangnan, there was less work to send people to the west, but he occasionally shot, but he seemed more and more surly and vicious. This kind of venting is actually of no use, except that he was poked against the scales, and he hurts himself, and the offender should not worry about it.

The **** came forward with a piece of white magpie in his hand and said softly, "Mother, please."

Xue looked at Yan Xiaohan in disbelief, his eyes broken, but the man didn't look at her, staring at a bunch of white flowers outside the window and wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing her stagnant, the **** yin and yang said strangely: "If the mother is unwilling to do it on her own, then you have to be sent to the road by a slave."

Yan Xiaohan turned his head at this moment, and said lightly: "I heard that the lady concubine came from a high gate, read poems from an early age, and was able to sing and dance. Someone once claimed that your life is precious and you will be good. "Speaking of this, he didn't hold back, and sneered from his nose:" Manjinling City is full of such rumors. I am afraid my mother believed it, and thought that she was the next defender. "

"This white cricket has given you enough face," Yan Xiaohan stood up, holding the armrest of the chair, staring down at her, arrogantly, "It's better to be conscious, and if you don't know anything about it, my official will change you Become the next Mrs. Qi. "

If Xue was struck by lightning, she had a rough knowledge of poems, read history books, and immediately understood the threat of Yan Xiaohan, and she knew clearly that she was in danger today and would die.

Han Gao's ancestor favored Mrs. Ji Qi and had a son Liu Ruyi. She nearly replaced Prince Edward Rong several times with her holy pet. Gao Zu died, Liu Ruyi was summoned by Lu Hou into the palace, and his mother and wife were severed, and their eyes, ears, and tinctures were taken to make them live in the toilet. *

The dispute between the concubine and the queen is not just a battle between the harems, but a future battle between the princes of the Chu. It is an impassioned confrontation between the old ministers of the north and the upstarts of the south.

Yan Xiaohan walked away.

In the first year of Changzhi, on the 14th of February, Xue Shufei became crazy after giving birth, she was delirious, and condemned herself in the cold palace.

In the evening of the day, the stars were scattered like snow, and the Changqiu Palace hurriedly announced the request of the Taiyi physician. The Queen Fu had a pregnancy and she went up and down. 2k novel reading network

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