MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 103 Gaoling's Flower in Criminal Investigation (End)

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A group of panda policemen with dark circles under their eyes tried to make themselves feel energized and went to the hot pot restaurant together.

When Zhang Mei received the call, she was still on the road. Because the legs and feet were inconvenient, the female policeman who sent her out proposed to send her home. She did not refuse, and she smiled and agreed.

"Is it going to go to my store to check?"

Feng Kaiming explained to the phone, "Sorry, we need someone to be present. Can you be there?"

"Ah, I am sorry."

Zhang Meixiao’s dignified atmosphere, with some admiration, said, “My leg is really hurting. I will give the key to the female police officer and let her take it.”

She is only a weak and sick woman, and she is not involved in the case. She does not want to be present, but it is a good idea to hand over the keys. The seventh branch is not good enough to force her to be present.

Feng Kaiming had to continue "but we are not familiar with your store."

"Zhang Hua hasn't gone yet, he has no car, and he stays in the house. He often goes to my store. You can let him go."

Zhang Mei obviously didn't care about breaking his relationship with Zhang Hua. After he said it, as if he had an understatement, he asked, "How is my husband going home tonight?"

"Mr. Zeng has some details to ask here, I am afraid it will take a while."


Zhang Mei held the mobile phone, and the red lips twitched slightly. "That would bother you. Although it is not very good with Zou Yufang, I hope you can find out the murderer earlier."

The phone hangs up, and the policeman who is driving the car waits for the traffic lights to look back. "Miss Zhang, is the phone in the bureau?"

"Yes, I said that I have to go to my hot pot restaurant to check. My legs are too painful to be present. I will give you the keys and I will take you over."

Zhang Mei’s attitude is very good, and the policewoman smiled and said, “Okay, thank you for your cooperation.”

At the big night, Longhai Restaurant and the hot pot restaurant above opened the door, and Lin Shiheng took the water Wei together to the hot pot restaurant.

This is the first time they have come. After all, Zhang Mei had no intersection with Zou Yufang on the surface, and there has never been any conflict. Therefore, she used to be a routine question because she was the wife of Zeng Longhai.

After the hot pot restaurant lights were turned on, the house suddenly stood up, and the neatly arranged tables and chairs and benches looked very clean. The bright ground floor was beautiful solid wood flooring.

“The decoration is not the same as the downstairs.”

Lin Shiheng glanced a few times. "The interior of Longhai Restaurant is an external design here. On the contrary, the exterior has also become internal."

Shui Wei also felt a bit strange. She looked around and wondered, "The design of this hot pot is so strange that it is not too small, so it looks so narrow."

Feng Kaiming turned on the phone and adjusted a photo. "I have read the information. The hot pot restaurant was not like this before. Later, the second renovation was transformed into this."

“Hey, this is a photo of the hot pot restaurant.”

Lin Shiheng took the lead in taking the phone to view "From the photo point of view, the previous decoration is better than now."

The original room nodded. "Yeah, if you don't say it, I thought it would be reversed after the renovation."

"What store decoration will be more and more going back?"

Feng Kaiming touched his chin. "Is it because the proprietress was pitted and the pits were decorated. I was ruined when I renovated the new house last time. I had to pull me to pick up the decorator. I don't even dare to go back home."

"will not."

Shui Wei recalled that “the proprietress said that she had worked hard from a small worker and had done renovations. It is reasonable to say that she should be knowledgeable.”

Lin Shiheng picks up "From her speech and various actions, she is a very confident person who will take the lead in planning. Such a person is unlikely to be pitted. The decoration store like this will generally give Drawing out."


The original room took the mobile phone and went out to make a phone call. When I came back, I was surprised. "I contacted the decoration company that renovated this store. They said that the drawings were given by the boss's eyebrows. They just renovated according to the drawings."

“And at the time, the decoration workers on the company’s side had also questioned the drawings, saying that if they were installed according to this drawing, the effect would definitely be worse than the original one, but the proprietress insisted on following the drawings.”

Feng Kaiming was wise, and turned his head to the original room. The two people had the same voice. "There is a problem."

The voice just fell, the two consciously quite tacit understanding, quite proud of reaching out and hitting a palm.

"The decoration time was two months ago. According to Zhang Hua’s confession, it was exactly the time period that the proprietress proposed to compound him with him."

Feng Kaiming guessed that "Is it possible that the boss is because Zhang Hua refused to like Zou Yifang, and he was so embarrassed, so he chose to kill?"

"Think about it, my husband likes Zou Yufang, and the little lover who cares for it also likes Zou Yifang. The mentality is different."

Shui Wei also followed the "Is there is doubt, why the store is good, why should I decorate it, how can I look after the decoration is not as good as before the decoration?"

"But her legs and feet are not working. If it is necessary to put people on the lights, there is no such ability. Is it a gang to commit crimes?"

Lin Shiheng slightly narrowed his eyes and turned his head and scanned the store again. He suddenly asked, "Where the position of the downstairs lamp is almost at the hot pot restaurant."

Shui Wei is also trying to say this. She recalled the headlight position of Longhai Restaurant and walked around. The location of the restaurant in Longhai Restaurant was the checkout counter of the hot pot restaurant. She entered the checkout counter and closed. The upper eye walked straight away according to the memory, did not take two steps, stood in front of a door.

"It's almost here."

There was a big lock on the door, and Zhang Hua was brought upstairs.

"Do you know what this is doing?"


Zhang Hua looked at the door and his face was green and white. "It is the lounge that I used when I was in the store with Zhang Meijie. Because there is something in my house, I am afraid that others will find it, so I usually lock it."

"Are you the key here?"


Zhang Hua quickly and flusteredly took out the key in his pocket and shook his hand to open the door. "The police comrade, it will not really be Zhang Meijie. She is very weak. Usually, if she is not in the toilet, she will not walk."

"Is it necessary to check it before I know it."

According to the memories, Shui Wei walked to the bed of the lounge in three or two steps, opened the small wooden bed and reached out to hit the edge of the floor.

After listening to the sound for a while, she jerked her head and looked at Lin Shiheng, "The forest team, it was empty."

"I'm afraid I have to open it."

As soon as the voice fell, she suddenly had a cool feeling on her body. She was frozen and asked to check the case of Shui Wei.



The familiar dripping sound rang in the ear, and the water Wei Wei raised his head and confronted the woman who was standing next to him and staring at the front.

Her pupils zoomed in for a moment, subconsciously went to see Lin Shiheng, and when he saw his boyfriend, he stood there, and the tight nerves relaxed a little.

Nothing to fear, a corpse, as a criminal police, seeing the body afraid that it is not a dead person.



Zou Yufang did not speak, the sound of water droplets was very loud, and the ticking was very distracting.

Shui Wei was hypnotized to hypnotize himself.

Do not listen or listen, Wang Ba Nian Jing.

Just as you carry the body with you to solve the case, the enemy does not move.

Anyway, she is a ghost. If she really wants to do something to herself, she can't resist it. She can't be killed, and she becomes a ghost.

I thought that if I was killed by Zou Yufang, it would be a joke in the mind of Shui Wei.

"Are you killing me?"


"Cough and cough"

She almost didn't laugh out loud, and quickly suppressed the smile with a cough.


Feng Kaiming is seriously studying the cracks and corners of the floor. He suddenly heard the cough and was shocked. He lifted his body and looked at the water.

"It's okay, it's a bit cold."

Shui Wei quickly stood up and endured the chill of the body and stretched out his hand. It was "greater than the groove."

Feng Kaiming continued to bury his head and look at the place under the bed. Suddenly his eyes were sharp, and he reached out and carefully pulled a hair out of the gap.

"The forest team, there are discoveries."

Lin Shiheng put on his gloves and picked it up. He lifted it slightly and looked at it under the light.

"Long hair, yellow."

"Zhang Mei is a long black hair, this hair should not be her."

"Huang Changfa, the owner of the hair, is not dry and severe. The hair has not fallen for a long time, almost two to three days."

Feng Kaiming clapping

"Zou Yufang is a long yellow hair, the missing time is the day before yesterday, at this time."

As I said, several police officers on the floor finally lifted the floor.

Sure enough, as they suspected before, the floor was a whole piece. As soon as it was lifted up, it was first a **** hole, and then down, it was the broken headlight.

"I rely on"

In addition to Lin Shiheng, everyone can be said to be staring at the big hole.

"If I remember correctly, this place is rented by Zhang Mei."

"She is not afraid of bearing the problem if she gets through the two buildings."

"She dares to kill, and she is afraid of this."

Zhang Hua was pale and shocked to look at the big hole.

"No, impossible impossible"

How could it be Zhang Meijie, what happened to her?

Lin Shiheng put his hair in the bag of evidence and "take it back to the test. If it is confirmed that it is Zou Yufang's hair, this is the physical evidence."

"Almost, catch people."

After several people surrounded the area with a cordon, Lin Shiheng suddenly stepped forward.

"Zeng Longhai?"

The original room replied, "The questions are almost the same, and I drove back."

"He and Zhang Mei are still living together."

"Yes, they have a superficial relationship, plus a daughter, or live together, that is, Zhang Mei occasionally lives in a hot pot restaurant because of the relationship between legs and feet."

As I spoke, the sound of the original room gradually lowered, and I watched carefully the look of Lin Shiheng gradually sinking.

"Lin, what's the problem?"

Lin Shiheng slammed forward and stepped forward. "I rushed to their home immediately. Zhang Mei is likely to start with Zeng Longhai."

Others quickly thought about it.

Since Zhang Mei can start her own plan two months ahead of schedule, she has opened up the upper and lower floors with her decoration as a blind man. Her mind is absolutely very meticulous.

The police investigation of the hot pot restaurant is likely to make her a vigilant. Anyway, she also killed people. It doesn't matter if there is not more than one.

Then Zeng Longhai, who is around her, a husband with a bad relationship, is likely to be her target.

The police were ready, but no one thought that when they broke into the couple's home, they saw the scene still shocking most people.

The living room was full of blood, and Zeng Longhai fell to the ground in a coma, blood around him and his body, and he could not see if he was still alive.

And the culprits that caused all of this, Zhang Mei, just sitting on the sofa, **** hands holding nail clippers, being patiently cut out the extra nails.

A knife is placed on the coffee table, which is obviously a tool for committing crimes.

"Do not move your hands up"

The police immediately pointed the gun at the woman who was sitting on the sofa and still looks pretty and generous.

Zhang Mei cut the last nail, and looked at the family suddenly burst into so many people, no flustered look on his face, but slowly put down the nail scissors, **** hands in the police's vigilant sight to manage the hair.

"I didn't expect you to be very fast."

Zhang Mei was arrested and the whole process was very cooperative. There was no resistance.

Zeng Longhai on the ground was also sent to the hospital for rescue. Fortunately, the wound on his body was not fatal. It was easy to save his life. Unfortunately, Zhang Mei cut his little Tintin and put it in the juicer. Squeezing Ding Ding into a meat foam, he can no longer be a complete man in his life.

In the torture room, perhaps it is known that the general trend has gone, Zhang Mei has not concealed, and the handcuffed hand is placed on the table, which is very natural.

Lin Shiheng stood outside and looked. "She has nothing to fear."

"Let's go, let's go in."

Zhang Mei confessed to how he killed himself.

"The day she came to me after work, it was just the time for the shift. There were not many guests in the store. I was the only one at the checkout counter. I lied to the lounge and gave her the medicine she had prepared. Once tied, open the board and put her in."

"That was prepared long ago. I have done renovation before. I know how to get through. I have seen the design of the lamp. I also know that I can open the groove from the top after the opening. When I am decorating, I said it is help. Actually, let Everyone knows that my store is under renovation, so no one will doubt if I go to get through the sound."

"Zou Yufang's height is very easy to know, how to put her down is also very simple, I am weak, she is very healthy, so she never thought I was a threat."

Having said that, Zhang Mei smiled and seemed to think of something funny.

"I planned everything, just waiting for her to come to me, because I know that she did not give up Zhang Hua, for Zhang Hua, she will come to talk to me, and she will consciously find a place where no one is. It just happened to be convenient for me."

“I informed everyone that dinner at night was to make proof of absence, and to ensure that Zeng Longhai was the first person to visit the store.”

Lin Shiheng whispered, "You hope that Zeng Longhai will kill Zou Yufang personally."


Zhang Mei quickly admitted that his face even had a satisfying smile.

"Think about it. When Zou Yufang wakes up, she will find that she is in a small coffin. It is dark everywhere. Her hands and feet can't move. She can only endure fear and call for help."

"She will recall that it would be a coma after drinking the drink I gave, and then she would be thinking about it, thinking, where is I buried alive or not, can anyone help me?"

"When I was happy to sing, she was crying and crying for help. When I was drinking and chatting, she was crying in despair, and she was afraid of it overnight."

Her tone gradually grew up, like a child with a gift, and there was no haze.

"When she accepted that she might be trapped inside, she suddenly saw a glimmer of light."

Zhang Mei smiled happily and his eyes were scary. "For Zou Yufang, this is the hope of life. She shouted desperately, she wants to save herself."

"But what she got was only a little bit of water coming in."

"Zeng Longhai used to put the mop slot under the lamp. He would stand under the mop. Zou Yufang can of course see him. She shouted his name desperately, hoping that Zeng Longhai could hear her to save her, but it was useless. Zeng Longhai couldn’t hear it. He thought that he was just mowing the ground. In fact, the woman he liked the most was soaking in the water and dying a little."

Zhang Mei’s mouth rose to an abnormal arc. She couldn’t wait to see the person sitting opposite, whispering and eagerly asking, “You don’t think, is this great?”

Lin Shiheng is opposite to her four eyes, and the magnetic voice is faint. "I don't think so."

The smile on Zhang's face gradually fell. She leaned back on the chair and looked mocking. "Yes, you are the police. For you, this is just a case."

"Why kill her"

Seeing Zhang Mei does not answer, Lin Shiheng asked coldly, "Because Zhang Hua likes her but doesn't like you or because he likes this wife, Zeng Longhai likes her more."


Zhang Meimei is full of disdain "They are not worthy of killing me."

"Zou Yufang is pregnant."

When the words came out, the pen recorded by Shui Wei was slightly stunned, and some strangely looked up and looked at Zhang Mei.

Zhang Mei did not find her sight, still immersed in her own world, talking with resentment

"It doesn't matter how Zeng Longhai played outside. Who he likes, who he wants to raise, I don't care, but he shouldn't make a child."

"Before I was sick, my assets were several times that of Zeng Longhai. After I was sick, I was hospitalized. I was unable to take care of my business. I gave it to Zeng Longhai. I didn't expect him to be so stupid, so that my business was frustrated again and again. When I was sick, I had a good situation. Are all ruined by this stupid person"

"Zeng Longhai was very concerned about his shop. He opened a branch and stared at Zhongyuan City. I also came to Zhongyuan City. I didn't expect the business to get worse and worse. It was Zeng Longhai, and the business was hot. ""

"A man has money, he has a sigh of relief. He used to have money. But because I have more assets than him, he will inevitably respect me. When I shrink because of my sick assets, I can’t take care of my business as I used to. His attitude has changed."

When Zhang Mei said this, there was no sad expression on his face, and he still ridiculed his disdain. "He started to look at one woman after another. I took them to the hotel to open the room. I was sad and disappointed at the beginning. Later, when he was physically examined, he found it difficult to get pregnant and he let go."

"He plays a woman, why can't I play a man? Anyway, Zeng Longhai has only one daughter of my daughter. After that, these are my daughters."

Lin Shiheng asked, "You think that Zou Yufang is pregnant with Zeng Longhai's children."

Zhang Mei smiled coldly. "I don't think she is pregnant with Zeng Longhai's child."

"Zeng Longhai took a look at Zou Yufang's business. I always knew that I didn't plan to do anything. I have lived with him for so long. I don't know what his temperament is. But if you don't catch up, you will cherish it and chase it. Then it turned from a pink pearl to a fisheye, so it didn't matter."

"Zhang Hua told me that I liked Zou Yufang. When I didn't want to be with me, I was a bit angry. But I know Zhang Hua too, soft buns, fear of things, as long as I scare, he can get back to his side. But I did not expect that Zou Yufang actually seduce Zeng Longhai for Zhang Hua."

Thinking of this, Zhang Mei’s eyes are full of killings.

"Before she refused Zeng Longhai, I thought she was so unyielding. I didn't expect that just to get a man, it was so easy to go to bed with Zeng Long."

"In her eyes, I am attached to Zeng Longhai. As long as I lost Zeng Longhai, I have nothing. She doesn't want to think about it. According to Zeng Longhai's character, if I really rely on her, this place of Mrs. Zeng's wife. How can I do it?"

Lin Shiheng patiently listened to Zhang Mei, and asked "Which channel did you confirm that Zou Yufang was pregnant with Zeng Longhai?"

"I heard it in person."

Zhang Mei continued to sneer. "Zeng Longhai took Zou Yifang to the house the day before. The woman ran to me and said this before. I know that she deliberately let me hear that, the purpose is to force me. Let go of Zhang Hua."

"She said that she was pregnant, and she was unwilling to be an underground lover. Zeng Longhai's stupid pig refused to hesitate to say that she would divorce me. She also said that he was transferring property to ensure that the wind and scenery would return to Zou Yufang. Family."

"I can tolerate Zeng Longhai looking for a woman outside, but I can also tolerate this woman is Zou Yifang, but I can't stand it. He wants to divorce and distribute the property to another wild species that has not yet been born."

The hatred in her eyes is getting deeper and deeper. "Zeng Longhai did the concealment, but he couldn't help me. I found out that he was actually transferring property. Maybe he wanted to divorce, but he was afraid of scrutinizing his daughter's custody. Now, with other children, I naturally want to get rid of me."

"At the beginning of his career, he was in crisis. If it wasn’t for me to help him through the body, how could he throw it when he used it now? It’s a good calculation."

"He didn't want to welcome a new wife, a new child. Then I want him to kill them and watch Zou Yufang who wants to replace me die in his shop."

Lin Shiheng was not affected by her fierce emotions. She only asked the words "killing people, why not escape".


Zhang Meixiao laughed, "I want to destroy my family, why should I escape?"

"Not to mention that I didn't think that the body would be discovered so soon. I didn't expect your police to think of my hot pot restaurant. I have studied the structure of the lamp carefully. The place where the body is installed is inside. It is difficult to remove it. At the time, it is very likely that only one layer will be removed. As long as the outreach is not removed, I am safe."

"So when our colleagues went to Longhai Restaurant on the same day, you came down to care about Zeng Longhai. Actually, you just want to make sure that we will remove the entire headlights for investigation."


All of them have arrived, and Zhang Mei has no need to hide. "How can I care about Zeng Longhai? If this is not what I did, even if he is dead, I will not take a look."

"The headlights are difficult to dismantle. If you decide to remove the lights, I have enough time to take my daughter away. After confirming that you didn't open the exhibition, I let go of my heart and continue to open my store. I didn't expect to remove the lights. You can actually find my head."

"When I know that you are going to the hot pot restaurant, I will be psychologically prepared. There are two ways in front of me. First, do nothing, wait for your results. If you can't find it, you can be safe. If you find out, I will be taken away."

"Second, squatting still free, to Zeng Longhai to start, to ensure that he will not have other children in this life, he is a flower and tradition, pay attention to blood, if only my daughter is a blood, will be good to her, But if I was taken away so that Zeng Longhai would become an eunuch, he would later make a child, and without my protection, he would definitely have a cold encounter with his daughter."

"For the child, I can't take risks, so I gave him medicine and cut his stuff so that he could never make another child to threaten my daughter."

Zhang Mei is very clear. Since she decided to kill Zou Yufang, she walked on her own plan step by step. Like a spider preparing to hunt, she first made the spider web, and then patiently squatted. In the center of the net, wait for the prey to come to the door.

After the failure, she will quickly take measures to prevent her daughter from being left out after she is in prison.

If her timidity is not on murder, it should be a very admirable woman.

"You put Zou Yufang in the lamp, just to let her be killed by Zeng Longhai to open the electric gate."

"Do not."

Zhang Mei smiled.

"There is another reason. If Zou Yufang does not accidentally fall down, she will stay on it until the body rots, the long locusts, and the stench, will make people notice something on the lamp."

"This kind of thing Zeng Longhai usually arranged Zhang Hua to do it. I just want him to see the woman he likes to become stinking and ugly."

"By the way, Zeng Longhai opened the restaurant. There is nothing wrong with the dead. But if a rotten corpse is found on the ceiling lamp, he will not be able to visit the restaurant until it is hot."

Speaking of this, she still has some regrets. "I didn't expect Zou Yifang to fall down like this. I thought that the weight of the lamp was good. Now it is really thrilling to think about it. If she falls alive, then I can It’s tossed in white.”

"But it's okay, the body is falling, I still won."

Zhang Mei’s face is a smile of satisfaction and satisfaction. The water Wei’s hand records quickly. After the recording, put down the pen and raise his eyes to see the woman standing behind Zhang’s eyebrow.

She looked at the front with no eyes, and her body was still ticking.

"Remind you of one thing."

After thinking about it, Shui Wei still said, "Zou Yufang's autopsy results did not show that she was pregnant."

"She is not pregnant at all."

The smile on Zhang's face froze.

She is very organized and organized, and this time because Zou Yufang threatened her daughter's status.

She chose her daughter between herself and her daughter.

Even if she was discovered by the police, she was not flustered.

This is for the daughter, the necessary sacrifice, if she did not do so, then the daughter she should have got everything will lose everything.

But now, Zou Yufang is not pregnant at all.

What are the things she did?

Until Zhang Mei was taken out, his expression was still embarrassing.

Perhaps Zou Yufang is compiling the words to deceive Zeng Longhai, so that he can press Zhang Mei to get Zhang Hua, perhaps she is angry but Zhang Hua was taken away, deliberately against Zhang Mei.

But no matter what the truth of the matter is, Zou Yufang is already dead, and no one knows what she thinks.

Shui Wei took a look at the place where Zou Yifang was staying. She has disappeared.

In the midst of it, she has a feeling.

As long as the case is broken and the real murderer falls into the French Open, the soul will not follow her.

Moreover, as long as the Lara Lin team's hand, she will not feel the cold that seems to be freezing people.

After the case was closed, when a group of people became tired and became a dead dog, Shui Wei took Lin Shiheng and went out to tell him his own discovery.

"And I found that Zou Yufang's soul did not respond to the outside world at all, and there was no attack. She couldn't even say anything, just follow me, and when the case broke, she disappeared."

"But I always feel that I will encounter such a thing."

"This is good."

Lin Shiheng’s expressionless expression “when the case was investigated, the body was next to it, and there was no rotten smell, which was convenient for the case to progress.”


The eyes of Shui Wei are also bright. "And I just have to touch the Lin team and it will be fine. I will not hurt any more. When I investigate the case, I can only report the photo and the autopsy report. But my words, I will carry it with me. With this corpse, just like the golden finger in the novel, this is my golden finger."

The excited water Wei opened happily and pulled the hand of Lalin’s time. "Lin team, you are right?"


Lin Shiheng and the confused girl looked at each other, and the magnetic sound fainted.

"I am your golden finger."

Shui Wei stared at this good-looking face with a serious look, and his face turned red.

"Yes, it is."

It’s more like a golden finger than a handsome guy.

The case was quickly solved, and the funds for the dinner were approved. We finally found the expensive store to eat and drink.

By the way, I also announced the relationship between Lin Shiheng and Shui Wei.

Although these days, we are busy checking the case, but we also see a lot of clues. The news was announced. Except for some colleagues who don’t like to observe other people, others are expected.

Congratulations to the round after the round, a colleague joked and said, "Lin team, such a good day, don't give some gifts to Avi?"

No one expected that Lin Shiheng really had a gift, but he did not expect that he actually took the gift.

When I open it, a group of colleagues who are full of enthusiasm and curiosity want to see what good things have been sent by Lin Shiheng have pumped their mouths.

"a pair of shoes"


Lin Shiheng seems to have never seen the look of his colleagues' face, "I really shouldn’t count on the forest team, this is a romantic thing," but the shoebox was handed over.

"I want you to see that day."

Shui Wei took over the shoe box and opened it. It turned out that she had said that she had paid a pair of shoes for half a month when she investigated the case.

"Thank you."

She looked up and smiled at her boyfriend.

"Can I get other gifts than the shoe box?"

Lin Shiheng promised to hesitate without hesitation.

In the next second, Shui Wei picked up her toes and smiled at his left cheek.


"Avi is good"

On that day, the criminal police officers who had almost no sleep were overwhelmed.

After confirming the relationship, their mode of getting along is no different from the previous one. They still check the case together every day, study the flaws of the murderer together, and go around together.

Colleagues of the seventh branch have been transferred and transferred. Lin Shiheng and Shui Wei have always been there.

After a long time, the two actually got a nickname.

Solve the case.

Because they always act together, they can always solve the case very quickly. I thought that the water Wei who couldn't keep up with Lin Shiheng's pace was more powerful than many people thought, and actually kept up with her boyfriend's pace at an extremely fast speed.

It’s just that they are always inseparable, even if they are on a business trip, they either don’t go or they go with them.

Others naturally do not know what the reason is, just laughing at their relationship.

In the course of a case investigation, the murderer found that the situation did not hurt the person, Lin Shiheng blocked in front of the water Wei, the gun was dropped down the floor, only the murderer with the knife.

As it turned out, although he was famous for his ability to solve crimes, he never lost his first hand. You came to me and pressed the murderer to the ground with some scars.

He was affected by some minor injuries, but he was frightened by Shui Wei. She always comforted her. She sat in the car and held her boyfriend’s hand and cried. I almost let the colleagues who came to see the team’s eyes. I am going to breathe.

Fortunately, just before their misunderstanding, Lin Shiheng, lying down, suddenly said a serious sentence, "Is my face hurt?"

Shui Wei cried aloud, and did not quite understand why he said so, but still shook his head in tears.

"That's good."

Men with large and small wounds were obviously relieved.

"I said, I will protect this face."

Colleagues "ha"

Lin Shiheng, who was not seriously injured, still got a vacation.

Taking advantage of this rare vacation, he and Shui Wei had a wedding.

This will continue to solve the case and solve the problem, and will not retire until retirement.

In this life, they have counted countless cases, found murderers for the dead, and punish the perpetrators of the impunity, witnessed the joys and sorrows, and saw the cruelty of time.

But fortunately, they are always together.

After retiring, Shui Wei never saw the soul of the deceased, but she was used to staying with her husband all the time.

At the age of sixty-five, she took the lead and passed away. Lin Shiheng kept up.

Finally, I got a good end.

叮The mission is completed, please select 1, continue the mission, 2, vacation

Continue the mission.

Lin Shiheng did not open his eyes, he smelled a scorching smell first. He slowly opened his eyes and began to receive memories.

Hey, good food?

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes