MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 106 Food (3)

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A pot of potato sirloin was wiped out after ten minutes.

Two young people who drank nutrient solution and ate a pot of food in a partnership, swelled up, and sat down on the sofa with a satisfied face.

Of course, although the fullness of happiness in the body made them want to go back to the bedroom and hold a warm quilt to sleep well, but still did not forget the business.

"Time is constant, this ancient earth dish is absolutely true, and my spiritual power has never been overcome to this extent."

Du Mowen lazily lay in bed, touched his hand and touched his stomach to hold up the rounded curvature. His eyes were so closed that he was half closed. He still insisted that "there are only fish-flavored pork and palace on the market." Baoji Ding, two kinds of ancient earth dishes, are still dying to die. You only need to take out these two dishes, you can definitely hang the ancient earth vegetable market."

“Yes.” Levi yawned and tried to keep himself in spirit. “Even if these dishes don’t have the effect of soothing mental energy, there will be a bunch of people who choose to buy it, let alone soothe the spirit. ""

"And most importantly, this is a purebred earth dish, not the kind that Blue Star has developed. If you hit this sign, you will definitely make a big profit."

Although they are favored at home because they are favored at home, they are many times more numerous than Lin Shiheng. However, most of the older children have a great dream of making contributions.

Think about it, the real ancient earth food that has never appeared before, the taste is good, the effect of suppressing mental riots is still so good, if you use it to open a company, then you are not making a profit.

Lin Shiheng listened quietly to them and suddenly said, "I am sure I will bother you this time."

Both of them are confidently patted on the little belly. "We are good brothers, you don't bother us who are troubled, we will definitely do things for you."

After confirming that Lin Shiheng had to commercialize the dishes, Du Mowen and Levi began to plan your words.

"If you register a company, you must first register with Amway. Make sure that no other company will grab this with us."

"I think there is a place on Queen's Street. There is a building that is being built recently. There is a depression everywhere. It is best for a gourmet company."

"You don't have to worry about money. I have saved a lot of money in these years."

"Me too, the sum of our two money is definitely enough."

"When nothing happens, we don't want interest, don't worry, I can guarantee that if you take out this ancient earth food, you can definitely make a big profit. When you make money, you can return it to us."

The more they talked, the more excited they were, and it seemed that they couldn’t wait to get up and make a plan.

It’s just that they have discussed the details, but they are very tacit and did not mention them to join together. After all, they taste great and not too bad to eat and can soothe the spirit of the food. It’s such a sentence, just a six or seven-year-old. Children can see the business opportunities.

Even if Lin Shiheng wants nothing now, he mainly registered the patent with smooth profits, and his life is almost lying down to make money.

If they don’t ask for a buddy to join them, it’s not cooperation at all, it’s taking advantage of it.

Both of them are determined and very honest. Even if they know clearly what kind of benefits these foods will bring, they still choose to keep silent.

However, they did not think about taking a share. Lin Shiheng planned to make a big pot.

A young man with good temper is sitting on the sofa and using a gentle voice. "Levy, Mervy, you know that I only knew about learning before. I am not familiar with things like the company. If I can, I hope. You can open with me."

Du Mowen patted the belly. "Here, you are too young to understand these. In fact, you can now open a company after applying for a patent, and then recruit a general manager. As long as the patent is in your hands, this company must be You can't make a profit."

"You are looking for us. We can help other than the previous period. Nothing can help."

Levi followed and nodded and made a summary. That is to say, even if we can help you in the early stage, you will find us. It is equivalent to letting your interests go to us."

They all know that their friends have never been exposed to the outside world. Apart from studying, they are vague and ambiguous about other things. Otherwise, they will not discuss the use of this point to secretly support his tuition.

So now Lin Shiheng puts it forward, they only think that it is because friends are not very clear about what is the specific situation.

"Do not worry, even if we don't help, you can definitely make a fortune by relying on ancient earth dishes."

"Yeah, when you graduate, you are a well-off generation. When you cover us, you will be fine."

The young black-haired youth, as always, has a good temper and laughs. "Mervin, Levi, in fact, I have no interest in making a lot of money, as long as I earn enough money to live a good life."

"You also know that, in fact, I have never been interested in business. If I open a company myself, I will have something to do afterwards. I don’t even have a discussion. Although this may be a bit numb, but you two It is someone I can trust."

He spoke and said, a little feeling in his eyes. "After the death of his father, no one cares about me anymore. After the mother married her stepfather and threw me to the boarding school, I will go back to the holiday. I will also be ordered not to Going out, the good An An will be assigned to give up his brother at home."

"From small to large, because living expenses are not enough, I always wear worn clothes and eat low-cost nutrient solution. Because inferiority is different from other students, I dare not take the initiative to make friends, until I know you, I have a real meaning. My friend, in fact, in my heart, you are already close to your family. This recipe may make a lot of money, but I am really not interested in the management company. If you don’t help me, I can’t think of anyone else. I am."

Du Mowen and Levi were somewhat shocked.

In their impression, this thin and purebred earth-human friend rarely said such a long line of words. He always learns silently and does things silently. Even if he encounters something difficult, he will not take the initiative to ask for help. But the grief of my own face.

To be honest, the two people who lived smoothly and did not lack things at the beginning did not understand Lin Shiheng's thinking. It was just that everyone lived together. The usual habits of life and the three views were very close, so they gradually became friends.

Because Lin Shiheng never mentioned the matter at home and his family, both of them are not interested in mentioning this topic, only vaguely guessing what might be difficult.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a typical stepfather with a stepfather.

In the past, they also felt that friends who didn't understand anything other than learning were a bit silly. Now think about it, in such an environment, it is good that he has no long hair.

Levi, who has always been more serious, tried to calm down his own look and eased the voice. "Here, I understand your thoughts. My name and me are your good friends. I will definitely help you. We will help you in the early stage. You can do everything, and then if you have any problems later, you can always ask us."

"Yes, it’s constant, you can’t have such a good thing, we don’t do anything, how can we share a piece of it.”

Lin Shiheng shook his head and his eyes were firm.

"Not so."

"From the time we live in a dormitory, you are helping me. Now that I have the ability, I want to help you."


He coughed and his face looked awkward. "I really have no interest in the management company. If I can give it to you, it is better to give me peace of mind than to give it to a stranger."

Levi and Dumer are both a bit embarrassed and emotional.

They are also considered to be a clear stream in the second generation of the rich second generation. From small to big, they are very gratified. Every time they see someone being bullied or need help, they can't help but shoot.

It’s just that there are no one hundred or eighty people who have helped since childhood. This is the first time someone who has been helped has stood up and wants to give back to them.

When you think about it, they always give Lin Shiheng their own kindness and never think about what he wants to return. He always thought that Lin Shiheng didn’t know much about these things. He didn’t know that he had been silently remembering these things. In my heart, when I have the ability, I want to give them back.

Although they did not help to get a return, but see the true sight of the friends in front of them, the two are still warm in the heart.

It is a heavier feeling of happiness than just the food.

"it is good"

They looked at each other and saw the firmness in the other's eyes.

"We open the company together"

When he heard the two agreed, Lin Shiheng also breathed a sigh of relief. Then, his eyes picked up slightly and the voice rang silently.

“But before we start the company, we have one more thing to do.”

"The tree is big, we are still so young. If we stand up so much, maybe it will make the bad guys feel bad, especially if we are still in school, it is better."

After Lin Shiheng said a lot like this, the two young people who were still immersed in "ah, how can my friends be so good" are a bit embarrassing.

The smiling eyes bent slightly and looked at the very pure Lin Shiheng, who was smiling and asked them, "How do you feel about me?"

Dumere is "Great."

Levi is "very safe."

"Is it a bit owed?"

"how come"

Lin kept the temperature and smiled, and tapped the table with a hand. "I feel very good."

The two looked at him as softly as before, and looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

Strange, how can a kind of cute beast become a giant shark?

New therapeutic nutrient solution has appeared in the market

Experts announced that this therapeutic nutrient solution was donated by the Blue Star who inherited the ancient earth civilization.

The new nutrient solution was created by using the ancient earth killing weapon pepper.

A week later, the Blue Star network was full of similar titles.

"Is the official new nutrient solution you bought? How do you feel good?"

"I didn't buy it. I was desperate for the official. The treatment of nutrient solution is more difficult than one. I now feel that raw meat is better than drinking nutrient solution."

"Hey, I am going to buy it. I heard that the nutrient solution that came out this time is particularly good. It was donated by a blue star who inherited some of the civilization of the ancient earth. You think it is inherited from civilization, and the taste should be poor. Where are you going?"

"Okay, the last time they came out with the new Kung Pao Chicken, they also vowed to say that the taste is much better than the first-generation fish-flavored pork. It is also a very confident assertion that this time no one will drink silk in the nutrient solution. ,The results of it"

Speaking of this matter, the blue star who believed in the expert's reputation to buy the new Kung Pao Chicken to treat the nutrient solution was also aggrieved.

"They didn't even have the nails on the label, but I swallowed it. Sometimes I really doubt how the previous earth people lived. We can pull out the nails for a thousand years. How are they so weak before they are pulled?"

"You don't believe in the words of the experts. Maybe the human tongue of a thousand years ago is different from us. It can be a good way to suppress mental riots anyway."

"Forget it, I still drink fish-flavored pork, listen to this new name, potato sirloin, in case they add soil to it, I can be allergic to the soil, drinking silk is better than eating soil."

Similar conversations have appeared in various places in the Blue Star. Fortunately, although a group of Blue Stars who are not poisoned by the primary nutrient solution are not willing to buy new nutrient solution, there are another group of Blue Star people who believe in experts.

The potato burdock nutrient solution was quickly put on the shelves, and some of the blue-star people who came to the early adopters bought them and sold them.

Lin Shiheng and two roommates are in the automatic sales supermarket to observe the purchase situation.

Obviously, the Blue Star people who don’t trust experts are still relatively few. Most people in the supermarket are in the nutrient solution area. They are directed at the fish-flavored pork and Kung Pao Chicken. Only a small number of people stand. The potato burdock nutrient solution was so loud in front of it, trying to observe through the packaging whether there were any strange things in it, and hesitated to put this newly released nutrient solution into his own purchase basket.

Because it is new, everyone dare not buy more, most of them only buy one bottle and two bottles and plan to go out and taste.

Of course, the treatment of nutrient solution, generally nothing is definitely not someone to taste the taste, or have to wait until the mental riots, will be iron-faced, holding a heart, open the nutrient solution and pour into the mouth.

Every Blue Star who has finished drinking the nutrient solution with a black face often sighs since the mental riot is suppressed.

“It’s really not easy to live.”

To live, eat it.

If you eat it, you have to eat a box.

What a painful understanding.

Therefore, the three people kept a half-tone in the nutrient solution area, and every face of the Blue Star who saw the nutrient solution was very unclear.

If you translate it, it would be equivalent to spending money to buy it, and that mentality is very different.

In this case, the two roommates are very confident.

"Do not worry, I have bought and drank, although the taste is not consistent, but it is much better than the first-generation nutrient solution. I will know when they taste it."

"Yes, as long as someone has drunk, they will definitely come back to buy it."

Their shackles were quickly proven.

Outside the supermarket, a blue star who had just bought a new nutrient solution was violent.

Almost in the moment when he radiated arrogant energy, some of the blue stars who were still walking around the good end of him quickly moved away from him at a speed of flying. The roadside was commanding the traffic police to get rid of the familiar road. A horn, standing far away and shouting at him.

"Sir, please drink the nutrient solution immediately."

The blue star of the male who was suffering from the loss of mental power showed sorrow and despair. He shook hands and was unwilling to reach into the bag. A hand covered with blue veins shook outside.

"It's pitiful, why is there such a terrible thing in the world of mental riots?"

"Yeah, fortunately, I don't have the mental energy. Every time I see the mental energy drink nutrient solution, I feel pain for them."

The passerby sympathetically looked at the man in the distance who was desperate and filled with despair. The eyes were full of pity. "The supermarket I just entered with him. The new nutrient solution he bought is the potato burdock. I really can’t think of it inside. What are the things, if the soil is the soil, how can this poor fellow swallow it."

"Actually, I don't have much to say about eating soil, but if the taste of the soil is not as bad as the fish-flavored pork and Kung Pao Chicken."

"Think of beauty, this is the official treatment of nutrient solution, what do you expect?"


Under the sympathy of many people who looked far away, the blue star who was a strong man and how to look at his height and body finally made up his mind under the urging of mental riots.

His eyes were filled with pain and the resoluteness of the strong man, and the big hands full of blue veins shook and took out the newly bought nutrient solution.

Open the nutrient solution and he sent it to his mouth.

It doesn't matter, just forbearing it now.

Desperately hypnotized in my mind, I just finished drinking it. The strong man closed his eyes painfully, and tears poured down his cheeks. He poured the whole nutrient solution into his mouth.

The sympathy in the eyes of the masses is even heavier.

"I hope he doesn't spit it out."


What people didn't expect was that the brawny suddenly opened his eyes after drinking, and his eyes showed an unbelievable look. He first looked down at the empty bottle and pouted, as if he had just relished his mouth. the taste of.

The blue star's vision is very good. After clearly seeing the action of this poor guy, some people look at the sights of the past suddenly.

"What is he doing"

"Now I don't hurry to find a water sputum. Does he want to let that taste accompany him for a night?"

Just as they were talking about it, the eyes of the strong man lit up. With a surprise and a hint of surprise, he quickly looked down and found the bag in his hand.

In the exclamation of many people, he found a bottle of nutrient solution and poured it into his mouth.

Everyone was shocked, including feeling that the mental power is no longer violent, and the traffic police who are holding a small horn to call for "safety to eliminate normal order."

"I didn't read it wrong. His mental riots have not eased. Why do you want to drink?"

"Is he looking for abusive personality, but it was normal to look at it before drinking."

"Is my eyes broken, he actually drank another bottle"

"After another bottle, or my sensory system is wrong, I obviously feel that his mental strength has not rioted again."

When a group of people talked about it, the movement outside the supermarket also attracted three young people who were standing by the shelves.

I heard that someone was mentally violent, and their eyes lit up and they rushed out.

If you buy potato burdock to treat nutrient solution, you can see the effect directly.

The three people were very confident in the potato burdock. When they went out, they saw a very uncle who was very peaceful and ate the nutrient solution.

"That must be our potato calf."

Du Mowen proudly said that "other nutrient solutions are unlikely to cause such an effect."

Levi, who has always been relatively stable, is also very happy to be emotionally exposed. "Yes, it seems that everyone will know how good the potato burdock is."

Outside the door, the brawny finished drinking all the nutrient solution.

He quickly rushed into the supermarket and whispered to buy another box to go back to drink.

The three young people excitedly waited for the passers-by to pass the reaction of the brawny to find out how delicious the new therapeutic nutrient solution for potato burdock.

"It won't work if you don't make a fortune this time."


Several passers-by passed by with a trace of sympathy, and still chanting in his mouth.

"Oh, it’s another one that is hard to drink."

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