MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 119 Lost the child's research madness (5)

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This sentence is a bit embarrassing to everyone around, especially the doorman who thought that he was driving the outsiders who harassed the students. He was different from the students who only watched the drama. He looked at something more in-depth.

For example, in front of this woman who said that she is a dumb mother, her skin is fair, her body is not very expensive, but the diamond ring on her hand, and the set of ear and earrings are a set of jade jewelry, it is enough to see her. There is a foundation.

Most importantly, the temperament of that body can't be seen.

How do you see how the wife of the rich family is a mother who has a dumb stupidity at the school gate?

You know, the guards are majestic in the eyes of the students. They can only be in the school, but they are just a small, no longer small role. Their duties and tasks are to protect the students. The students themselves are generally unable to use them. When they came out, only the outsiders made trouble in the school, or the students sang at the door. That was what they should do.

Today, the doorkeeper consciously did not do anything wrong, the small dumb stall near the school, he had seen how many times, the entangled female student Zou Le, although he did not know, but look at the beautiful people Dressed up and full of shame and innocent look, from the bottom of my heart stood on the side of the female student.

Although Wang Xuan looked anxious and didn't mean to hurt, but he was dumb, standing there, it was annoying to look at the gesture.

If a person who is not a good student at a glance is found on the door, he has to ask carefully, and change to Zou Le, the guard will directly determine in the heart that Wang Xuan is looking for something.

There are people from outside who come to the school to find things, and of course he has to manage.

Even if this little dumb is resentful, I haven’t seen him with any confession for so long, and I haven’t seen his family to set up a stall with him. His age is small, and from the appearance of the two, he Together, they can't beat the strong guards.

But who can think of it, he suddenly burst out of a mother who seems to be irritating.

The guard can't understand why the mother and the child wear gold and silver and tender skin, a hard-shouldered black and skinny, and it looks very good. He has no time to think about why they are so uncoordinated. Because at this moment, his heart suddenly burst into a sense of crisis.

You know, parents are not sensible for their children. Killing Matt and then taking the first test of the author's latest chapter of the purple purple htt:du00book157872ht

Everyone is watching the dishes, and the other person looks at the head. He may have to smack at him. The guard does not want to lose his job. So he slams his hands and his tone is slower. "Your child comes to us." The school is making trouble, but it is also pulling on the female students. I am also performing my duties and I will understand you."


Sure enough, the next moment, the lady holding her son bitten, "My child is very embarrassed, he must not make trouble, there must be some reason."

The guards were not surprised. They were the guards at the school. He looked at the various parents. This one-mindedly believed that the first well-behaved parents of the children had gone to the sea.

He did not have the rudeness of Wang Xuan just now. He explained with a good voice. "He has to say that this little girl is his girlfriend. He also said that people borrowed his money. How could this be a cough? I mean, The female student said that people don’t know your child, and they have never borrowed money. They have made it clear that he is not arrogant about making troubles. Now he is studying, and there are so many students coming and going at the school gate. I can't always block him here."

At the beginning of the week, the child was bullied by his own child. The scene was not irritating, and he lost his normal thinking ability. After listening to it, he only insisted that Xuan Xuan would not deliberately make trouble.

The guard can't wait to slap a slap in front of a woman who can't understand people, but this woman is not a small dumb who can't talk and can be bullied. He doesn't dare to do anything.

I don’t know how to deal with it. Suddenly, the crowd squeezed out and looked like a man who rushed over. He was dressed in a formal dress, his body was slender, and his facial features were very handsome. Although he didn’t wear glasses on his face, Just standing there, the refined temperament was revealed directly.

When I saw him walking to the lady who suddenly came out to appease and patted her shoulder, and said softly, "I will handle it," the guard relaxed.

This man looks like a very good temper, good temper is good, this thing is a big impact, it is definitely not good, it is best to solve it privately.

Lin Shi, who had a good temper, walked straight to the front of the guard. He glanced at Zou Le, who had been frightened by this sudden reversal. He directly called the "problem to inform the principal, we will handle it well."

The guard was shocked and almost thought that he had misunderstood "this parent, not to be, the principal is so busy"

"I would like to ask, I am going to beat your child, let your child fall on the ground in front of so many people, you still can't feel it?"

Lin Shiheng’s speech has always been gentle and harmonious. Even the current situation is all, but the meaning of the words has no meaning of gentle speech.

The guard still doesn't want the other person to go to the principal. If the matter is really the other party's unreasonable trouble, if he is jealous, then the work can't be done.

"Sir, I can understand your mentality. If you look at it like this, today I am also paying a little more. I will pay him to go to the hospital for examination. If there is any problem, I will bear it."

The expression on Lin Shiheng’s face has not changed. He looked back at the son he was holding by his wife. When he was pushed, his face was rubbed on the ground. At the moment, he was carrying blood beads and was curling up in the mother quietly. In the arms, I look at this side without hesitation.

He turned and looked at the guard. "If you have a conflict with this female student, you will be so heavy."

The guard can't answer.

He certainly won't. Now, this year, which child is not the baby in the hands of the parents, let alone push the people directly to the ground, and he even has to be eager to catch up.

The reason why the shot is so heavy, and even his excuse does not want to listen, is not to know that Wang Xuan is a small dumb stalled by a person, but also to see him in the wind and rain in the stalls, the body is always wearing a ragged No money, no power, no one gave him a support.

He did not answer, Lin Shiheng sneered aloud, "Our family's children, we know ourselves, he will never come to your school for no reason, as you said, what is the situation in this matter, we clearly understand clearly If it is really the fault of my child, I as his father, with him apologizing to admit the mistake, if it is not the fault of my family Xuan Xuan, but was sinned by the person who buckled his head, then we will talk."

Wang Xuan’s posture is a bit strange. After all, he is not a real child. He was held by the beginning of the week. It was a bit sour when he was long. When he was pushed to the ground, he seemed to have fallen to his face. There is no place in the whole body that does not hurt now.

But he doesn't care about these things, and he doesn't even feel these pains at all.

Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin said that they are his father and mother.

He felt that his five senses seemed to be sealed by a transparent glass. He could hear the sound and see the picture, but the brain could not feel what happened.

Light and fluttering, like a dream is being done.

Until he saw Mr. Lin in front of him, as a father, find justice for him.

Wang Xuan’s nose suddenly became sour. He couldn’t control his tears. He always felt that crying was very weak. Whenever he wanted to cry, Wang Xuan would find a place to hide, not letting people see it. Your own weakness.

But this time, he was reluctant to hide, and he was reluctant to move his eyes on the back.

Wang Xuan has suffered a lot from snacks and has suffered a lot of losses. He feels that the most is not goodwill but malicious.

This world is not as beautiful as many people think. For small and weak things, many people do not blame their own sympathy, but for more people, weak is the same as good bullying.

A person, he is weak, so weak that even if he is bullied, he has no place to protect himself, and a lot of malicious will lean on him.

For example, a colleague who is always very good at talking in the office and refuses to refuse, when people go to work and pat the butt, they can be asked for many jobs that are not their own, and they can leave when they finish work.

Because you are weak, you should be accepted.

However, this situation is only caused by personality. Unlike Wang Xuan, he has no chance to change.

Wang Xuan once saw with her own eyes that a grandmother who was found after the incident had been sitting on the side of the road while taking a thigh and crying while screaming at the other party’s conscience. She said that when she was selling vegetables, she could not find it and let the other party go to the supermarket next door. The man is not going to live or die, saying that he is buying more dishes. From this, it can be seen that the other party knows this one hundred.

There were a lot of vegetables on the street, but the man was chosen to be the old grandmother because of his old age and his eyes were not good enough to be bullying by the weakness of the other side.

Like Wang Xuan, he is a dumb boy and a teenager who lives alone at the age of fifteen, so he is more malicious than a tramp who is a healthy and adult.

Today, Zou Le knocked out his pen, also in order to let him face the person with weakness. If not the kind student lends him a pen, maybe he even expresses that he is looking for Zou Legan. .

He thought he had been used to it.

I am used to people's weaknesses, but he has no right to defend himself.

Today, Lin Shiheng blocked him.

As a father, find justice for him.

There was a gentle woman who shouted his name and held him in his arms. He patted his back gently, as if he had been greatly wronged, and comforted him with distress and affection.

Wang Xuan’s tears are like a valve that can’t be closed. He can’t stop crying, and his crying eyes are blurred, as if he wants to vent all the grievances and sadness accumulated in his heart.

For the first time, I cried like a child who was loving.

His tears fell on the beginning of the week, and it seemed to drip in her heart.

At the beginning of the week, I was more distressed and hugged my child. I continued to pat his back. "Cry, cry."

Her voice with a crying voice was full of sorrow and grief, and with the voice of her voice, her tears fell on her face. "Cry out, it’s good, Mom and Dad will never let you be bullied again."

Lin Shiheng looked worried at the wife and son who was crying.

"Look at you also have to work, we don't bother you, go in and find the principal's decision."

"Wait a minute, this is a school, no one can enter."

The guardian was only said to be guilty. Seeing that Lin Shiheng had to go in and look for the principal to ask the sin, he quickly reached out and stopped.

"Now my child is at the door of your school and there is a conflict with the student guard at your school. You said that we are unrelated people."

Lin Shiheng has no intention of giving in. He has sharp eyes in his eyes, and he sighs "Good, you don't let us in, you can take us in."

When he finished, the guard was still unwilling to move, and made up his mind to stop the other side of the school.

Lin Shiheng simply took out his mobile phone and found a number to dial the past.

"Xiao Liu, it is me, I want to ask, last time you said, I will try my best to meet my requirements. Right now I want to see the headmaster of my city. Yes, I will send you a brief brief."

When Lin Shiheng called, Zou Le, who had been scared all the time, was blank. Even if she could deny Wang Xuan’s money, she would count on him. She is now only a student, and the students are not afraid of the teacher. In particular, the other party is still looking for the principal.

She didn't know what to do now, she could only pray in her heart.

I heard that the principal is very busy, and their school is so big. It has always been the first in the city. This person is not the parents of their school. How can I see the principal and see the principal?

It must be that he is scaring people in the pretense, certainly this is the case.

Even the guard is the same idea as her. Their school is so famous. Of course, the principal is not a nameless person. How can a foreign person say that he sees the principal when he sees the principal.

But the next second that this idea has just risen, Lin Shiheng should say "Okay, you let him call me this mobile phone number, trouble you."

Zou Le stiffened his face and watched the other party hang up a few words.

When Lin Shiheng edited the text message, the surrounding area was quiet, watching the lively students, trying to make a big thing into a small guard, only to hold his child tightly, like a loose hand, he would run away, while Holding the beginning of the week, whispering and weeping.

He hangs up the phone for less than two minutes and the phone ringing sounds.

The elegant man took it. "Hello, we are at the school gate now, your school guards are not allowed to go in, okay."

Lin Shiheng handed the phone to the guard who was stunned. "Your headmaster is going to talk to you."

The guard sighed heavily and took the call, which heard his familiar voice.

The headmaster is suppressing his anger and yelling, "How do you get acquainted with Professor Lin?"

The strong sense of survival made the guards quickly see Zou Le, who was scared and pale. "The principal, a female student, said that the son of Professor Lin and Lin harassed her, and I only helped."

"Okay, I will take them to you right away."

Returning the phone to Lin Shiheng, the guard looked at him intricately, and looked at Zou Le who was already scared and shivering.

"This classmate, I am bothering you to go to the principal's room with us."

"I'm not going"

Zou Le almost refused to use his sharp voice to think that he had nothing to do with me. It was this dumb that had to be entangled with me. I didn’t know him at all. I went home immediately and went to the cram school. do not go"

Before facing Wang Xuan's rude guard, Zou Le did not know what to do.

The little girl doesn't want to go. If he insists on the other side, then he will cry, and the parents will come to the door to do it.

He subconsciously looked at Lin Shiheng, who was going to find the principal. He unexpectedly found no anger on his face.

Lin Shiheng is not angry.

He said directly, "If you want to go home, go home. Even if you are gone, we still have to find out about this matter. If it is a misunderstanding, all of our family will apologize for your gift, but if you really borrow If the money is not enough, if the amount is huge, we can handle the police completely."

It’s really a feng shui turn, just Wang Xuan was threatened by the police, and now it’s the turn of Zou Le.

Zou Le was so white-faced that the steps that should have been taken up were stiff and motionless.

Lin Shiheng still talked to her with a gentle attitude. "Look at you like this, it should not be a bad student. Is it legal to learn whether it is just owing money? It is nothing, but if it is a fraud, it will be a fight." To reach a certain amount, even if you are a minor, as long as we do not agree to reconciliation, you have to go to the management office for a while."

"Little girl, you are young, we don't care about you as an adult. As long as you admit it now, you can make it clear, but if you die, don't say it, then you will find it again. Still you."

His attitude is called the rhetoric of the spring breeze. No one can see that it is not coming, but for Zou Le who listens to reason, it is a blue sky.

Admitted, to pay back, do not recognize, or pay back.

But where is the money from her?

Zou Lebai looked at the surrounding face, so a lot of people around to see, even if she was afraid of her heart, want to ask for love, she said how to export.

If there is no one, she can still cry to Wang Xuan’s parents and say that she is also a ghost, asking them to see her in her younger age, and she slowly clears the money.

Can so many people look at it, if she confesses, this thing spreads throughout the school, where she still has a face, if Mom and Dad know

Zou Le shook and trembled.

Can't recognize

Never admit

She and Wang Xuan never contacted each other through the mobile phone. They only talked to him when they were in front of school. Especially when borrowing money, she was late for the day and looked at Wang Xuan when she took the money. No one was picked up around.

Even if someone saw her talking to Wang Xuan before going to school, it would not be anything. Wang Xuan is selling things. She asked if the price is not good.

Why did you ask the price? I don’t know Wang Xuan who would pay attention to what a person with a stall looks like.

In this short period of time, Zou Le put all the problems in his heart in the bottom of his heart, confirming that all aspects have no flaws before they raise their heads and die.

"I just don't know him. He just came to swindle money. Maybe you are still a group. This is even if you are in the middle of the principal, I am not afraid of you."

A good and unyielding look. Read the zero novel network du00 good man operation guide to wear the latest chapter

Lin Shiheng sneered and slammed 110.

"Okay, then we will handle the alarm."

After dialing, he briefly explained the situation. After hanging up the phone, he looked at Ming Ming’s eyes or was guilty, but he still insisted on holding a pair of "I am most afraid of you".

"This classmate, you are going to school every day, don't know if you noticed the monitoring near the school?"

Zou Le suddenly stunned.

"If I remember correctly, your school has a camera in place to prevent students from going over the wall."

"Plus those on the side of the road, you said, will there be a camera that can capture the video of you and a person you don't know in a picture?"

The pretty female student's face gradually faded.

She had never really noticed this before. Every time, she only wanted to hide from the eyes of the people, but never thought about it, but also avoided the camera.

No, it won't be so clever.

Zou Le kept comforting himself in the bottom of his heart, but in his mind he was collecting and inadvertently seen it, but he was hidden in the depths of memory because he didn't care.

It seems that a while ago, I heard my father say that the country has new actions, and just replaced those broken monitors with new ones, and this time, it will rotate and shoot.

In case it happened, she and Wang Xuan were talking.

Lin Shiheng looked at her face that was scared to stand, and her face was still a cold smile.

"Classmates, ask your parents to go to the Public Security Bureau."

"Or, you want to let the police inform them."

I didn’t need the police to monitor it. After the police came, I checked the school’s monitoring. There was a surveillance film that Wang Xuan handed over the money and Zou Le took the picture.

Some students who are afraid of going home late for the parents’ meeting will rush back home, and there are also students who are not afraid of being watched by the hustle and bustle. It’s so troublesome that the police have come, and they are unwilling to go with their shoulders.

The headmaster who was waiting in the principal's room learned that it was a big problem, and hurriedly rushed over. He wanted to get rid of the students. Some cheeky smacked when he rushed, waiting for him to enter the house and reunite. Come back.

The monitoring is visible in the guard room. They have to look at the guard room. Who makes the glass of the school's guard room transparent? The principal has just closed the door, and there are courageous students lying on the window. Look inside.

"I saw that they saw that Zou Le and the little dumb met to monitor."

"That is money."

"Can't see clearly, 诶诶诶 zoomed in"

After seeing the money on the screen magnified across the glass, a group of students suddenly exclaimed.


"So much money."

"This has a million."

"Which, look at this thickness, 30,000 must have some small dumbs that are quite rich."

"You see that his parents are driving, you know, can you have no money?"

"But how can he still set up a stall when he is so rich?"

"Who knows, maybe it’s the same as that on TV. The young master left home and fled his own food."

"He has been stalling for so long, and it’s too long to leave home."

"You control people, look at it, Zou Le began to cry."

Zou Le is indeed crying, she is crying with tears in her face, and her pretty face is pitiful. This appearance will be soft before anyone sees it, but no one in the room feels that Zou is pitiful.

How can you be so vicious at a young age?

I have deceived so much money from others, and I can directly pretend that I don’t know. This is still a dumb.

The guard is a hate to Zou Le, and he is not a person inside or outside.

The headmaster was watching Lin Shiheng, who was condensed in his face, and the face of his face at the beginning of the week. He had such a student in his school. For him, it was almost a slap in the face.

The father of Zou Le, who was called from the house, was sullen and looked at the picture on the screen repeatedly, slamming his face on his daughter's face.

"I didn't give you food or didn't give you a drink to deceive someone's hard earned money."

After the fight, he turned and looked at Lin Shiheng deeply. "Mr. Lin, I am really sorry, I am teaching women to be incompetent. So, we will immediately return all the money borrowed by Zou Le. I will add 10,000. I also hope that you can see that my daughter is still a small part, do not disclose this matter." Read the zero-fiction network du00 kill Matt and then take the first chapter of the latest chapter

His attitude was very sincere, and Lin Shiheng asked him a word.

"Your daughter is still young, is my son not small?"

The other party didn’t know what to say for a while, but he could only try to characterize this matter. In any case, Zou Le’s reputation could not be solved. “She already knows it wrong, and she will never make it again, and it’s not that these two. A little guy is falling in love. The money may be the pocket money of your child's girlfriend. The child is not sensible. It may be a fight and it will turn over. My daughter character I know, actually very obedient. Maybe she is just"

Wang Xuan, who has been sitting quietly in the chair, suddenly stood up.

I always watched his son at the beginning of the week, and immediately looked at his son, Xuan Xuan, what do you want to do?

Wang Xuan turned back to her to show a soothing smile, put the book and pen that he had been holding on the table and began to write.

When Zou Le borrowed money, he said to me that the family was in a hurry. The parents couldn’t get the money, and I would give it back to me after I borrowed money for a while.

Zou Le’s father’s face fell, and he slammed his hand and knew that nothing was wrong, but he was still trying to justify his daughter.

"When I came over, I saw your car. It would cost hundreds of thousands. It’s going to be a million. And this down jacket on your child seems to be more than 3,000. My family may have Zou Le. I think that the money is not for you. After all, you are so rich. Her children are not sensible, and it is normal to misunderstand."

Wang Xuan did not mean to give him face.

The money was made by myself. When I gave Zule, I told her that it was all my money.

After writing it, he looked up and looked at the ugly face of Zou Le's father. Even if I was rich, it was not the reason for Zou Le to swindle money. This is a matter of character.

Zou Le's father's face can no longer be described as ugly. His daughter is very angry when he makes a mistake. Now the other party is obviously making a big noise, and his temper is somewhat uncontrollable.

"Whose children have not made a mistake, you don't have to hold on to a mistake. My daughter has to go to school. If this matter is passed on, how should she face the school in the future? Do you understand it?"

Lin Shiheng looked at Zou Le’s father, who had become uncomfortable in his tone. He was not salty and not faint. “You really are not fathers and daughters.”

They are all identical in appearance and ruined inside.

Even if Zoufu is so stupid, he knows that Lin Shiheng is definitely not complimenting himself. He looks gloomy and does not wear the mask that is good to talk. He asks directly, "I will tell you how to let my daughter go." ”

"It's just a matter of fighting between children. I really don't understand how you think of the police as a parent. I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

"Mr. Zou is."

I was so bored that I couldn’t help but only watched my son’s early weeks.

At the beginning of the week, I always had a good temper. As Wang Xuan saw, she was a gentle woman. She easily lost her temper and respected each other forever. She rarely confessed to others.

But she is still a mother, a mother who wants to protect her children.

She stood up and stared at Zou Fu. "Is there a problem with our narrative ability, or if you have problems with your ear, you just heard it. When my husband and I arrived, my family Xuan Xuan was entangled. Touching your daughter, he was pushed directly to the ground to drive away. At that time, your daughter could stand by and watch it."

"After that, my husband came over and told your daughter. As long as she admits that she made a mistake, we are not guilty. She killed her and refused to admit it. We only dealt with it. If it was not brought up, it is now in your daughter’s mouth, my home. Xuan Xuan is still the one who harassed her."

At the beginning of the week, I was cold-faced, and there was no such thing as a normal person. "You just said that everyone is a parent. My child has a problem. My child is defamed. When the mother does not seek justice for him, it is still a parent. "

"You don't have to say this thing, unless Zou Le publicly admits the mistake, otherwise we take the legal route, you just said, my family has money, enough to go to court with your family."

After she finished, she turned her head and looked at her own Wang Xuan, beckoning, "Xuan Xuan, come to my mother."

Wang Xuan’s cleverness walked over. At the beginning of the week, he took his hand and let him sit down. He didn’t go to see the ugly face of Zou Le and Zou’s father. He leaned over and leaned against him, gently touching his head. .

"You don't have to worry about it. Mom and Dad will handle this matter and will not let you be wronged again."

Wang Xuan looked at the person in front of him with a narrow eye and nodded his head, but he never let go of his sight.

He was afraid, afraid that he would look away from him and support him in front of him. Mrs. Lin, who claimed to be his father and mother, disappeared.

Lin Shiheng and the beginning of the week will certainly not disappear. They did not mean to let go of Zou Le’s younger age. They directly killed or Zou Le said the facts in the face of the whole school and apologized, or they waited for them to fight. lawsuit.

Zou Le will not go to jail, but if they are worried about the lawsuit, how can Zou Jia have to pay a large sum of money.

The most important thing is that if they fight a lawsuit, it will still spread throughout the city.

In the end, Zoufu was reluctant to turn to Lin Shiheng, who seemed to speak better than at the beginning of the week, trying to play a family card.

"Mr. Lin, you are also a father. You should understand that your father wants to protect your child. My child is only fifteen years old. If I do this, how can she see people in the future?"

Lin Shiheng smiled at him with a smile. "I understand your feelings, because my mentality is the same as you."

Zou father is happy, almost thinking that this incident has turned around.

Even Zou Le, with a hopeful look, looked up at the man in front of him, and his eyes were full of pity.

Sitting in the chair, Wang Xuan also looked at Lin Shiheng, looking at the past sight, full of trust.

Lin Shiheng did not live up to this trust.

He smiled again and continued and whispered, "I am protecting my children now, isn't it?"

Zoufu ironed his face and could only bite his teeth and agreed.

The principal on the side couldn’t insert the words, and didn’t want to interject. I saw the parents’ negotiations. This is the case. “Since the two sides have negotiated, please go back to the police comrades. I will arrange for Zou Le’s classmates to take the stage before the whole school. Post an apology statement." Read the zero-fiction network du00 good man operation guide to wear the latest chapter

Zou Le white face.

No, in this case, everyone will know that she is cheating.

How can she be a man in the future?

She first looked at Lin Shiheng, who thought it was good to talk. After receiving a sight that seemed to be watching the ants, she was scared to withdraw her eyes.

Full of hopes of hope, early in the beginning of the week, she found that she was disgusted with disgust, as if she was looking at her like a disgusting thing.

Zou Le's eyes were red, and finally looked at Wang Xuan, who was quietly sitting in the chair.

She ran over and grabbed Wang Xuan's arm. She also refused to dislike him as before, shaking his arm to plead.

"Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan, help me, I can't make a statement. If this is the case, I will ruin it."

"I know that I am doing something wrong, I apologize to you, beg you, help me talk to your parents, okay, next time I won't, really won't."

Wang Xuan looked at the girl in front of her, she was so pitiful, so beautiful, even if she was crying, it was very beautiful.

It is because of her good-looking and close-knit attitude that she is so fond of her, looking forward to being with her for the rest of her life, and even putting down her vigilance to hand over all her savings.

He used to dream about Zou Le so close to himself.

In the middle of the day, the cold back of the hand suddenly covered the warmth.

Wang Xuanqi turned back and saw that he was holding his hand at the beginning of the week, looking at his sight full of tenderness and kindness.

“Xuanxuan, my mother respects your decision.”

Wang Xuan looked up again and smiled at Lin’s constant temperature. He said, “Dad is also.”

He also laughed.

The purity of laughter has no haze.

When Zou Le watched this smile rekindle hope, Wang Xuan smiled and opened her hand.

He took out the pen and wrote a word. Read zero zero novel network du00

Push the book; good man operation guide to wear the latest chapter of the author's sugar cat



He will not see these false closes as before.

Because, he already has the most true and best.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes