MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 12 下堂军嫂(12)

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Lin Shiheng seems to have not noticed the strange atmosphere between several women. He asked the question in his clothes: "Li Zizi?"

"Oh, hey, no problem, give it to me."

The younger sister is older and her temper is also peaceful. She does not mention the words that Zhou Qianqian said just now. After reacting, she smiled and took the clothes over and touched the material and said: "This is a good material."

"I don't understand this. I listen to the recommendation to sell clothes. Then please, Lee, you are, my wife is still at home, I will go back first, wait for Ming, I will go to your home with good wine. go with."

"Hey, come here, bring some wine."

Zhou Qianqian's stiff look, holding a plastic bag in his hand, looked at Lin Shiheng and Li Jie with a smile and left with a smile.

When he left, a military sergeant who couldn't get used to her was immediately opened: "What did someone say just now? Eat a plastic bag?"

"Oh, you don't say a few words!"

Li Jie quickly took her and hit the round: "Qian Qian is young and ignorant. She didn't get in touch with the head of the forest. It will be misunderstood. If it is misunderstood, it will be fine. Well, it is not too early. Let's take it today. Let it go."

She deliberately handed the steps, but Zhou Qianqian refused to bow her head. The plastic bag in her face was thrown into the ground. "Who knows if he is loaded! You look at it, he has installed it for a day, but will not keep it!"

"You will know sooner or later, who is wrong?"

After she finished speaking, she rushed away, leaving the voice of the military singer: "She still has reason?"

"Little girl, when who doesn't know what she thinks."

What else, if the head of the forest gave his wife a new dress, she ate the plastic bag. I have the ability to add the phrase that they are not allowed to tell the head of the forest. With this sentence, the head of the forest buys clothes. Regardless of whether or not Zhou Qianqian can say that someone told me.

It’s a pity that even God didn’t help her. When the words came out, the head of the family’s forest returned with new clothes.

"Okay, don't say it, it's too late, go back soon."

"Sister Li, don't be a bad guy anymore. Didn't you see Zhou Qianqian not accepting it? Look at it, she lost her face today, and she will definitely get away from the leader of the family."

"I really don't know what to think. I came to the army. I can't live with my husband. The head of the forest is in charge of her man. It's not too afraid to trouble the family."

"I am not licking the temper of the forest sergeant, I will not publicize the vengeance. I will do nothing, Li Jie, A Qiao is right, Zhou Qianqian is too detached, you help her, she still blames you, and according to me Look, she has to go to nonsense in the future, and then offended the head of the forest, seeing that you are good to her and hate you, the men in our family are still doing things under the hands of the forest group, or stay away from her. ”

Li Jie was so persuaded by them that although she did not feel that the head of the forest was a savage person, she still worried about affecting her own man. "Oh, I know, I will pay attention to it later."

She thought that the head of the forest had bought so beautiful new clothes for her daughter-in-law. Zhou Qianqian would never have to gossip about the brain again.

Zhou Qianqian is so no brain.

She lost her face this time, and all her resentment and shameful grievances counted on Lin Shiheng’s head.

He must have been deliberate. Otherwise, how could he not mention his wife for three years, and suddenly he received the troops and bought new clothes.

There is also Miao Xingjie, thinking of the last time she met her face mourning, Zhou Qianqian is distressed, so the good Miao Xing sister Lin Shiheng does not cherish it, and also spread the false rumors.

Miao Xingjie is a woman of the new century. She is the most admired person. How could she pursue him if she knows that Lin Shiheng has a wife.

Zhou Qianqian thought more and more, and even wanted to see Lin Shiheng's wife's heart, but just thought that he had lost such a big face outside, and now he must be ridiculed when he goes out, and can only get back in anger.

She is not stupid, knowing that she has been jokes in the past few days and has been out in the house for several days.

There are so many people in the compound, and it’s no big deal not to talk to those people.

Zhou Qianqian went to the laundry room with the laundry tub and saw a woman in her forties who was bending over to wash her clothes. The eyes were immediately bright.

This is Zhang Wei, a person who usually loves to gossip.

Zhou Qianqian put her on the side of the laundry tub and greeted her. She began to lead the topic to Lin Shiheng without any traces.

"What? Didn't mention a wife in three years? Can't."

Zhang Yanzi’s face is strange: “Qian Qian, have you not gone out these days? In the past two days, there have always been soldiers coming to the compound to visit the head of the forest, and he said that the head of the forest always mentioned the daughter-in-law with them. Now, when this person comes, a group of people can't wait to see it."

Zhou Qianqian was replied that she was caught off guard. She clearly remembers that Lin Shiheng’s wife has not been known by many people.

"What a lot of people know!"

Zhang Xiezi explained with good intentions: "The head of the family forest is a painful wife. In normal times, as long as it is not any training and training, three sentences are not separated from the wife. One person who used to fight before, look, since the wife came, one has When I was empty, I bought a pot, a pot and a pot. Some of us said that if a wife had cooked, she wanted to fire."

"As a result, the head of the forest said that his wife had been practicing the word recently. She was still tired of making clothes for him. He said that he would not let his wife make cooking, and he would cook a shovel every day! ”

Zhou Qianqian’s face was stunned. “How is it possible? If he really hurts his wife, he can let his wife stay in her home for three years.”

"You, this child, don't ask about it. The head of the forest lost his father in his early years. He was dragged by his mother. He was the only child. He went to the army and brought the wife. Then his mother is not alone. Home."

"This time, I still have a house at home. The daughter-in-law of the head of the forest is inconvenient to be pregnant. I have come along with him. The family has been taking care of the mother-in-law for three years. It’s not like you said, you can’t talk about it everywhere. This is a loss for me. If you are someone else, you have to say that you are deliberately guilty."

"Well, I finished this wash, let go first."

Zhou Qianqian looked at Zhang Zizi with a sullen look.

how can that be possible.

Miao sister did not say that Lin Shiheng did not mention her wife with her? How now, Zhang Zizi said that a group of people know it.

No, no, Miao Xing will not lie to her.

Lin Shiheng is just a good fit, and I want to know that just married, how could I be willing to leave my newlywed wife.

She did not believe that it was difficult for the people in the entire army to say that Lin Shiheng was not good.

Zhou Qianqian did not wash the clothes. He walked outside with the laundry tub. As a result, he did not walk two steps. He saw a face full of bitterness, a trembling walk, and the young man with dust on his body swayed.

She curiously pulled a woman who sat on the bench and sewed the insole and asked, "Who is this? I haven't seen it."

"He? The younger brother of the head of the forest."

The woman bit the thread and replied casually: "It can be miserable. It has just been sent off for fifty laps. If it stops, it will add another ten laps. In addition to training, I watched him run on the playground."

Zhou Qianqian’s eyes lit up a little.

She thought that she found evidence that the head of the forest would not wait to see his wife!

If this is to be seen, can she treat her brother like this!

He Xiaobao is limping forward, and every time he walks, he hurts his teeth and grins. He wipes the red eyes and makes sure that he has to go forward without tears.

If he had been punished in this way, he would have been wronged and cried, but he could not do it here. The people here, whether they are men or women, laughed at him when he saw him crying. He was a milk doll, and he could no longer call the woman to do things. It was the wrong tone of talking to a female soldier. She was immediately slammed and pressed, and every day she was punished for being too tired. He Xiaobao didn’t even have the strength to speak.

Fortunately, thinking of the three sisters, he will definitely help him wipe the medicinal liquor, so that he has some motivation to move.

It’s going to be difficult, and suddenly there is a roadblock in front.

He Xiaobao looked up hard, and the woman’s expression immediately smashed.

He was won by the female soldier and he has a shadow.

"You are the brother of the head of the forest chief?"

Zhou Qianqian looked at the face that was younger than herself in front of her, and looked like a slap in the face: "How is the head of the forest, I will not take care of you at all!"

He Xiaobao’s mind immediately popped up with the appearance of the deputy leader of Zhang’s arrogance: “The head of the forest asked me to take care of you. The care of our troops is to drill! Come! Run the circle!”

He has been "careed" into this, and the woman wants to let her brother-in-law "care"!

Who is it!

His face immediately angrily down, and he took a bit of painful hands and feet. He felt that he couldn’t beat the woman right now. He could only bear the low head and walked away without saying a word.

"Oh, hey! Don't go, I will talk to you."

Zhou Qianqian went up to the subconscious, and the result was too busy, and He Xiaobao’s legs were boring.

- 噗通!

He fell into a big horse.

He Xiaobao squatted on the ground, thinking that he had been ran out of practice in the past few days, being laughed at by his mother, being shackled by female soldiers, and now being bullied by strangers, and the grievances that have been endured have fallen.

He used his hands and feet to climb up and pointed to Zhou Qianqian’s loud grievances: “You, you are too much!!”

When he finished, he found that the people in the courtyard had looked over, and thought of the tears on his face and the previous crying and being laughed at. He Xiaobao grievously closed his mouth and wiped his tears as he limped forward.

Only Zhou Qian was left in the spot by his stunned voice, accepting the strange doubts of the people around him.

She, she did her!

On this side, He Xiaobao struggled to the front door and patted the door lightly.

Today, Lin Shiheng said that he wanted to eat dumplings early in the morning. He Xuezhu was swearing at the dumplings. He heard the movement outside and quickly put down the rolling pin to open the door. As a result, he opened the door and saw a big face.

She immediately shocked: "Xiao Bao, what happened? Is it still crying?"

"Come in and come in fast, is it falling? Where is the pain, my sister has a medicinal liquor, and I will wipe it for you."

He Xiaobao was smashed into the house. The tip of his nose was the smell of dumpling stuffing. He was worried about his sister. The warmth in the house was not cold outside.

At this moment, after feeling the cruelty of the outsiders and seeing such a gentle sister, he finally realized that what is called the warmth of his loved ones.

They all bullied him, and even a woman who did not know bullied him.

Only my sister is good to him.

Only my sister does not murder him.

The sister also gave him dumplings.

He Xiaobao held He Xuezhu, and wowed out.

"Sister, I will definitely be nice to you later."

The author has something to say: Still a random hundred angels red envelopes~

Thank you for your concern, my stomach is a little better, Mi Mi!

Read The Duke's Passion