MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 125 Ancient Reborn Black Heart (2)

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In the courtyard, Mu Qingling was sitting on the edge of the bed with a blank face, sipping a bowl of medicine in his hand.

She looks like Mu Qingrong, if she says that Mu Qingrong is a slim peony flower, then she is a sweet and beautiful little lotus, although it is also a beautiful person, but from small to large, as long as she is standing next to Mu Qingrong, Mu Qingling is always the one that is ignored.

Mu Qingling didn't mind this. Although she died after her father died, she was also treated as a standard lady, and with the mother's guidance, she developed a kind of open-mindedness.

She has always been in love with her sister.

I don’t like to do it or not, when I learned that my sister Mu Qingrong was actually in the throne, she proposed that the slaves of Wang Ye should be retired. If there is a whisper to speak with him alone, Mu Qingling is still stimulated.

This stimulation is not because of the sadness that the husband may be tempted. After all, on the day of the house, Mu Qingling already knew that her husband Lin Jiangwang really liked the second house niece Mu Qingrong.

Linjiang Wang has never concealed this point, and there is also a disappointment between Mu Yanling and Mu Qingling.

Just married, she was rejected by her newlywed husband. It is said that Mu Qingling is not sad. She is also vaguely guessing why she did not meet Lin Jiang’s wife that day will replace her sister, even though she is a big house. Can lose his father, in Houfu, but also an orphan who has no father shelter.

Although Mu Qingling rarely came out after his father's death, he also knows more about the character of Sanmei Mu Qingrong.

She must not look down on the Linjiang King.

Then, it is the best solution to introduce the third sister who has no father's shelter and the same as the Houfu prostitute to replace her to marry Linjiang.

Neither will Linjiang Wang be angry and blame Hou Fu, nor will he let Mu Qingrong be wronged.

Mu Qingling has already recognized.

I heard that Linjiang Wang loves to play, and I don’t learn any skills on weekdays. It’s an uncompromising embarrassment. She comforts herself. It’s a younger brother and a prince’s identity. Although I like to have fun, I don’t have any cruelty. The reputation.

The rule of Houfu is that every daughter must marry from the public servant. The specifications of prostitutes and prostitutes are naturally different, but it is the turn of Mu Qingling to marry, and now it is difficult to manage the Houyi’s house in Houfu. The shop has also lost a lot of money, silver and two are strictly in accordance with the rules, only those dowry, look at the name is good, open the box to see, are some things that can not get out.

The second mother-in-law did this, and it was also approved that Mu Qingling’s mother and daughter were unreliable. The younger brother was younger. She was a married woman. If she had a bad dowry set up in Fuzhong, she would end up with trouble and finally suffer. Herself.

Hou Fu is the only reliance on her bright face. Although a woman marries a husband, but wants to live well in her husband's family, she still has to rely on her mother's support. With this, Mu Qingling can only suffer. in stomach.

The mother wants to sell the dowry to make a dowry for her, and she is stopped by Mu Qingling. Her dowry is even more superficial. In the future, as a prince, no one dares to question, but the mother’s dowry still has to stay, waiting for the younger brother. When I was able to leave the house, I was able to set up a family property.

She can be detained by a Houfu prostitute who marries her second wife. In the future, Houfu is separated, and she also knows that the second uncle and the second mother can not share much for the big house.

Was introduced to marry, was deducted dowry, these Mu Qingling can bear, only Mu Qingrong after she married, and the emperor has a shackle with her husband, she can not stand.

If I like Linjiang Wang at the beginning, why would I push her over to marry?

Now Mu Qingling is already Wang Hao, Mu Qingrong is the second house niece of Houfu, but he does not care about his identity. In front of the Wangfu, there are so many people in the face to be alone with Wang Ye. If it wasn’t for the presence of Lin Chuan Wang, he took the initiative. Go, I am afraid that until tomorrow, the entire capital will be able to spread the gossip of Wang Ye and Mu Qingrong.

The woman has a relationship with a man before she marries. Does she have another way besides marrying the other person?

At that time, as a prostitute, can Mu Qingrong be a servant?

She did it, where is the face of Houfu, and the rest of the sisters who have not yet married are looking for a poor family.

Even Fuzhong Langjun, there is such a shameless sister, I am afraid that it is not easy to find a wife.

Mu Qingling was so ill on the second day of her marriage. She was only awake until today. When she woke up, she learned of such a thing. She couldn’t wait to faint again. She could only go to Zhulin. Over there, I only said that I just woke up thinking that I was going to die soon, and that I asked the three sisters to help bring the words to the prince.

Even if it is so anxious, in order to be in the mother's brother and innocent sisters in Houfu, she also has to bite the scalp to help Mu Qingrong to save her name.

People are sent out, but Mu Qingling does not feel relaxed at all, but is more worried.

I don't know why, she felt powerless a few days before she got married. After she got married, she was in a coma after a night in the house. But even though, Mu Qingling could understand some of his time by getting along with her husband. Character.

Linjiang Wang Lin Shiheng, the Empress Dowager, when he was born, has been sealed as a prince today. It is said that there were seven emperors in the first emperor, and each of them was a dragon and a phoenix. When they were not yet a prince, they began to fight. They were sealed as Princes, and the emperors unanimously pointed the finger at him.

Today, I can go to today, I don’t know how many dark arrows have been escaped, perhaps because of the deep hurt of the half-brothers. After he was on the throne, he was facing the younger brothers who did not participate in the battle. It is very tolerant, especially the younger brother Lin Jiang, but also spoiled.

Linjiang Wang was still young when he was enthroned. The Queen Mother is the biological mother. The emperor is the brother of the compatriot. When he was raised in the palace, he was a full-fledged bully. Therefore, the temper is a little child, but he is an adult, or a single person. The high-ranking prince, this little child's heart has become a reputation.

In other words, it is a giant baby version of the bear child.

In the night of the house, Wu Qingling only said a little conversation with her bear child, and she was relieved. Although her husband is too flying, her heart is not bad, but she may have never suffered any hardships. Two sentences, he can be a real person, and everything must be done.

For his own Wang Hao, although he was not satisfied, he was considered to be respectful. He handed the palace to Mu Qingling’s hand that night. Mu Qingling did not expect that the husband could fall in love with her when he could see him. He only thought about respecting each other. .

Since Wang Ye trusted her and handed over the entire palace to her, she would take care of the palace and give back this trust.

Who can think of it, her destructive body has reached such a point, and she fell into a coma the next day.

Mu Qingling sighed, she didn't want to die, she wanted to live well, live to see her brother grow up, marry his wife and have children, take her mother out of Houfu, and want to see her mother raise her days.

Therefore, even if Mu Qingrong is now likely to take the heart of the entire Houfu's dying heart, Mu Qingling is still strong to get up and drink, trying to rescue himself.

Only her body was too weak, her hands were boring, and after a few mouthfuls, she slowly put her hand down and whispered softly: "Greece feed me."

The milky lady who had been careful to stay at the bed had seen this scene. Her distressed tears fell straight, and she took the medicine bowl quickly. She took the medicine and sent it to Mu Qingling’s mouth. When she saw her, she gave herself a spoonful and she drank a tablespoon. It seems that the appearance of the drug is completely imperceptible, and the tears are getting more and more.

"Girl, slave, send the letter back, let the lady come to see you."

"No need."

Mu Qingling shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mother saw me like this, and I must cry a little. Since the doctor said that there is salvation, why should I make my mother sad?"

The milkmaid listened to her saying that her heart hurts more, and she can’t help but cry.

Why is her girl so good, so she is so bitter, she lost her father since she was a child, obviously she is a long-haired girl in Houfu, but she wants to avoid her sister, she is fragrant, obviously not in the temple room. Stepping out of the door, but being married so confused.

Originally, the dowry was made by hands and feet. When she was angry, the girl also comforted her. So she was Wang Hao, and she was so distinguished. Who would have thought that this is a good day when Wang Hao’s good days have not yet begun. a clean

Seeing that the medicine in the soup bowl was finished, the girl's face was slightly white and her eyes were slightly tired, but she was still struggling to ask: "The girl I sent out can come back."

This girl, naturally said is sent to the bamboo forest, to Mu Qingrong to be alone with the king to find an excuse for the gimmick.

The milkmaid thought of Mu Yangrong's beautiful face without any disguise.

When she was in Fuzhong, her girl repeatedly avoided it. Now she is married. It is clearly a marriage that the three girls don’t want. Why do they have to spoil the situation? What did she do, and why she did not care about Hou’s reputation. Even if she doesn't want to be famous, there are still unmarried girls in the house.

The milkmaid hated the teeth and angered when she spoke. "I haven't come back yet, girl, if you want to talk to the slaves, you should tell the three things that the three girls are doing today."


Mu Qingling seems to think of something, his eyes reveal a little ridicule, whispered: "I am afraid that it will not work, the two uncles and the two sisters have always been a heart, even if they are told, they will only think that I was deliberately tainted three. Sister reputation."

"That can't just let the three girls seduce the prince."

In this room, the two of them, the nurse-in-law are not afraid to be jealous, only hate to say: "It was clearly that she despised the prince, refused to marry, only pushed the girl for her, now the girl is married, she is also Baba The post is that the poor girl who can’t eat at home, she’s not so shameful.”

"She doesn't want to be a face again, even if it is for the reputation of Ning, I have to take it for her."

Ninger is Mu Qingling’s younger brother Mu Ning. When she returned to her hometown to worship her ancestors, she was seriously ill on her way back to her hometown. She did not support her return to Beijing and she was mad. The servant who followed her was frightened and gave birth. The child will follow.

When their group of people returned to Beijing, the great lady who knew that her husband had died was almost not crying, but the facts were in front of her eyes. She could only take up her grief and raise her scorpion under her knees.

After so many years of teaching, although it is a blind man, it is no different from Xunzi. In the heart of Mu Qingling, his younger brother Mu Ning and his mother are the only ones she cares about in Houfu.

Now Mu Qingrong is going to drag down the whole house. Mu Qingling has no strength to get angry. She has long been used to the three sisters. As long as they are cool, they are the ones who are going to die. Have you never considered the reputation of Fuchu?

Now, she only wants to survive. When she grows up, her younger brother can grow up with her mother. At that time, the messy affairs in the palace will never affect their family.

Mu Qingling was a little sleepy when he drank the medicine. He had to wait for the **** to be sent back. He could only force the bride to take a book to show it to himself. As a result, he just saw a few pages and heard the door. It was said that the woman was crying and screaming at her side.

She was sick and was so noisy, the beautiful eyebrows couldn’t help but wrinkle together, and asked with a blank face: "Who is outside?"

The milkmaid looked at her own girl with a distressed heart and hurriedly stood up: "The slaves went to see."

After a while, the people who made a quarrel outside were taken to Mu Qingling’s bed.

She was wearing a coarse cloth, but it did not hinder the beautiful appearance. When she entered the house, she fell to the ground. When she saw the Mu Qingling still leaning on the bed, she saw the savior, so she cried and crawled. Arrived at the bedside.

When she got to the bedside, she raised her head and tried to ask her: "Seeking the king to save the people and ask for the king."

Mu Qingling was very troubled by her crying voice. She couldn’t help but press her eyebrows and asked the girl who came in along with the woman: "What is going on?"

There is a hard color on the skull face, hesitated a few times, or kneeling on the ground, crisply said: "This is the servant of the prince."

"It was originally lived in Xiyuan. Today, I heard that Wang Hao woke up, and he was clamoring to find Wang Hao. The guards in the government did not dare to stop, which disturbed Wang Hao."

"Not that I am not a waiter"

The woman was stimulated by this sentence, and raised the **** head of the beggar and pleaded: "The woman is a Daisy person. She went to Beijing with her father a few days ago. When she met the prince on the road, he tied the daughter to the house. It is said that it is necessary to accept the women and the women as the pass room, and ask the king to open the people and have a marriage contract. It is impossible to serve the prince."

"The female daughter wanted to die. As a result, in the past few days, Wang Ye had never touched the woman because of Wang Hao’s illness. Now she is still innocent, and the woman wants to ask Wang Hao and ask Wang to enlighten."

After she finished, she continued to face Mu Qingling’s head in a painful manner. She pleaded with enthusiasm in her mouth: “Seeking the king to open the grace and put the woman back, asking for the king’s grace”

Mu Qingling listened to the black eyes, almost did not faint in the past, the milk lady saw her face white and transparent, stepped forward, worried: "Girl"

"I have nothing."

Mu Qingling breathed a few lips with his lips, and finally he calmed down and spit out a breath. "Send this girl out of the house, and then take a fifty-two from my private library and frighten her. If the king asks, just let He came to me."

The last sentence is full of anger.

She thought that although she was married to a husband, although she was not a hero, she did not learn a little skill, and she was not a villain. Treating her is also a respect for her.

As a result, he even robbed the women or women at the foot of the Imperial City.

There is nothing in this house. It is not mentioned in the matter of leaving the girl. It is just that she can go all the way to the Wang Shuzheng as a pass room, and she can see how unruly the palace is.

The guard can't stop, can't the **** stop?

It’s not good to say a word. If it’s not the poor girl who came in today, it’s a foreign man.

Mu Qingling made up his mind to raise his body a little and began to deal with the affairs of the government. And Wang Ye, even if he would anger him, she would have to tell him clearly that she must be able to pass the house. It is a girl who is forced to be reluctant to do so, so what is the difference with the beast.

She just thought this way, and she listened to the poor girl who was held up by the girl and gave a short scream. Then she saw the beast and walked to the bed with her hand full of blood. Full of eyes are desperate.

"Wang Wang Wang saved me"

Mu Qingling looked around and looked at it. When she saw her husband, Lin Jiang’s Wang Lin’s curtain opened and came in.

Her weak hand shook slightly, and softly voiced at the poor woman: "I'm afraid."

For the woman, the most fearful thing is to be jealous and defiled. If she does not care today, this poor woman may not escape to death.

Even if she angered Wang Ye today, she must also keep this woman.

Lin Shiheng looked forward to Mu Qingling, who was looking at himself with his face. She was only sixteen this year, and she looked beautiful. Because she was seriously ill, it was not the calmness of the original memory, but the Thin anger.

He frowned and looked up and down the woman who was shaking around the bed. "How did this get the blood?"

Said, and looked at Mu Qingling, who is relying on weakness: "It is Wang Ren’s person."

Mu Qingling did not relax, but asked: "Wang Ye does not know her."

"The king has come back and forth to see so many people every day. If you meet one, you will be exhausted."

Lin Shiheng did not care about the coldness in her tone. When she finished, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the woman standing by the bed with a look of disgust. She saw her being shaken by her own eyes. The disgust in the eyes is even heavier.

"There is a **** hurry, and it’s an eye-opener. I don’t want to go clear and clean up." After he said this, he looked at Mu Qingling, and he was quite puzzled: "You are around." Shantou, how can it still grow so ugly and make such a face of blood, it will not turn its appetite."


Mu Qingling was almost not laughed at by him: "If Wang Ye thinks she is ugly, why is she robbing people back?"

"This king is robbing people"

Wearing a Chinese costume, Lin Jiang Wang Yi, his eyes revealed a look of ignorance: "This king drank a lot of wine that day, was to grab a beautiful woman to come back to enjoy, this is not Wang Hao, you are sick, first placed in Xiyuan ""

"Now, since Wang Hao is in a good condition, this king should be enjoying it."

He finished his righteousness, and then glanced at the woman who stood in the dead and grabbed the bed curtain, and the pair of eyebrows gradually wrinkled together. It seemed to be very puzzled to look at her up and down.

"When the king grabbed such an ugly person, it seems that he has drunk more wine and he is not allowed to see it."

Linjiang Wang, who has high requirements for face value, directly forgot the words that he said that he wanted to enjoy the beauty, and ordered directly:

"Several of you, throw this one out of the palace, don't taint the eyes of the king."

Several hoes in the house face each other, and at the moment they dare not move. Lin Shiheng squats directly at the corner of the bed: "How is it that there is no food?"

Mu Qingling, who was weak at the bedside, carefully observed his look and found that he really did not understand the ugly face of the civilian woman after he was really ignorant, but he nodded to the few gimmicks. Send it out of the house, send fifty-two, and ask her to see the wound."


A few people were blessed and blessed, and the woman with a face "Thank God thanks to Wang Hao" hurriedly left the house.

Lin Shiheng first smiled at Mu Qingling, and looked at the milkmaid who stood on the edge of the bed and said, "I want to protect my girl."

"You retire, the king has something to say to Wang Hao."

He is the prince, the biggest person in the palace, so even if the mother is not worried, she can only retire.

There was only a couple left in the house.

"Wang Hao, you have to worry, this Wang Fang asked the doctor, he only used three days to let you completely heal, when you are sick, this king will accompany you to Houfu back to your door, your disease, I even missed the door."

Mu Qingling looked at Lin Shiheng, who looked normal in front of him. Some of them were not sure how suddenly he was so good to himself. Was it a guilty conscience, but he was only facing the robbed woman, and he did not see any guilty look.

She hesitated and asked: "I don't know if the prince could have robbed other women before."

"No, she is one, and the mother is afraid that the king is obsessed with the female body, and specifically orders the king, and the king can only be a servant. This king is not just robbing people back, have not had time to enjoy it."

Of course, his face is not like saying that he is robbing the women, but he is saying, "I bought a Chinese cabbage on the street." Mu Qingling just wants to be angry and doesn't know where to start getting angry, his face. It was white again.

However, this is her husband, she can only use the gentle tone, follow the temptation.

"Wang Ye, the woman is obviously not willing, you won her not only have no fun, maybe it will force her to do her own. If you like beauty, you can find some women who are willing to wait for the hospital, give a name, and then the hatchback Excuse me, you are also used."

Lin Shiheng: "But the king likes to be unwilling to serve."

Mu Qingling was in his heart, breathing a few times, and holding on to seeing Lin Shiheng, he listened to his own words and forced a smile:

"Like this, it is a crime to rob the girl of a good family. Even if you are a prince, it is a crime to commit a crime."

Mu Qingling tried to think back to the books he had read, and he planned to use a lengthy discussion today to bring the illegal thoughts of the husband who likes to rob the women.

As a result, she just got up, and Junxiu, who is in her age and her age, has nodded.

"So this is ah."

"The king won't grab it next time."

Preparing a stomach, I would like to advise Mu Qingling of the husband to stop.

She is somewhat confused and somewhat overwhelmed.

Actually, it was so crisp and neat.

Is it that simple?

Read The Duke's Passion