MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 135 That **** brother (3)

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Lin mother rushed into the room again.

Oncoming, it is the two children who are holding their swords and looking at themselves. Lin Shixing has tears on his face.

How to see how it looks like a suicide scene.

She panicked at once, her brain was blank, and she rushed to grab the knife without thinking about it.

At this moment, at least Lin Shixing felt that she also had love for herself.

Her heart is full of pain, which is mixed with confusion and despair.

Since I love you, why not give me a chance.

Since I love you, why should I take my way back?

Isn’t the love for my son really big enough to be filled with a sacrificed daughter?

Lin mother until the knife on the handle squatted on the ground, the body is trembling.

She licked her lips and looked at her daughter, talking with a vibrato. "Lin Shixing, I haven’t owed you in my life, are you mad at me?"

Before she showed her sadness, Lin Shixing would not say anything hurting her. Even she was willing to admit her mistakes, just to make her mother not feel sorry for herself.

This may be her most desperate place.

Even if she was pushed to the road, she was shackled in her heart, but she still regarded these people as the closest and most unwilling to give up.

But this time, Lin Shixing does not want to go back.

The tears she couldn't control her constantly rushed out of her eyes, and her voice whimpered intermittently, but she still said it for a long time and said it in one breath.

"Isn't it that I owe you? Is it that I Lin Xingxing killed people in my life and made a mistake? I will reincarnate into your stomach in this life. I will not ask for a lot of your daughter. I don't want a lot, I don't want You are like to my brother, I don’t want to push me into the fire pit."

"Mom, do you know what you are doing all the time? You let me give up my great future, let me live forever, if you say that our family is really difficult, it needs money, I will not say anything, I immediately Drop out of school to make money. If you and my dad have a serious illness that requires money, I will give everything to make money to save you, but is it that our family is here?"

Lin Shixing’s crying is very distressing. She was originally a very nice girl. She usually pays attention to the image. She used to cry in the house, and she didn’t make a sound. When she finished crying, she would wash her face. , massage the eyes, if someone asks you to cry

She will pretend to answer easily, no, just yawned.

But now, she cried completely regardless of the image, as if to vent all the grievances buried in the bottom of my heart.

"You and my dad bought a new mobile phone for my brother last month. He changed the number of times he bought the phone from now on. It’s broken. It’s not well repaired. I’ve been here until now. I can only call the old man machine for texting or give it to my dad. I will give him a living fee every month. He will spend four thousand a month. Sometimes it is not enough to call you, I Staying at school for five months a month does not use you every time you give money.

In the second year of the second year, the teacher asked to practice the pen. Everyone said that the pen of the x series is easy to use. I went home and told you that you are too expensive for the pen. The pen of more than ten dollars is very expensive for me. I am obedient, I don't buy it. As a result, you will buy a 50-piece basketball for my brother. Just because he said that he wants to play between classes, Mom, you touched your conscience and asked yourself, since then, What have I asked you for?"

Lin Shixing trembled and looked at the mother who was suddenly vented by her, sucking her nose. "I always told myself that you are not easy. I am born, you raise, so I have to understand you. You don't give me money, I earn myself, I don't have enough money, I save flowers, I eat cheap rice, I wear cheap clothes, I think so, you can save snacks, you can hurt me, at least with me. Brother, I am still sensible, isn’t it?”

"But you can see it? From small to big, in your eyes, only my brother is only him. Where am I? I don’t always have that incident. You have been telling me that the family paid so many fines for me. When I really want to tell you, it is your decision to give birth to me, not my own choice. If there is a choice, if I go to your stomach, I will know that you and my dad don’t like me at all. In your eyes, I even My brother can't match a finger, only sacrifice himself, I would rather never be born, and I don't want to be your daughter."

Lin mother stared at the daughter who had always been quiet and quiet, opened her mouth, wanted to say something, and did not know what to say.

However, Lin Shiheng, who is on the side, still hasn't been affected. "Lin Shixing, what do you talk to your mom? What do you do on my head?"

Lin Shixing never said anything to her parents. She didn’t need Lin’s lesson. She herself was already sitting on the bed.

Not afraid, just ironic.

Ironically, after she said something she would never say before, it was easy for her to rise.

Yes, it's easy.

Lin Shixing hangs his head and hides his tears.

That's it, in this home, she is simply a superfluous existence, at any time because the parents have not been cleared, so that parents can get out and say a pass.

Lin Shiheng and they are a family.

If Dad comes back at night and thinks she should drop out of school, then she will drop out of school and go out to work to earn money. When she is 18 years old, she will move her account.

According to the calculation, she will calculate the amount of money from small to large flowers, and even if it is hard work, it must be clear.

So be it.

There is no need to hope again, give up this house and give up being their daughter.

Lin Mu didn't know what Lin Shixing was thinking. She was still in shock because she never thought that her daughter had so many injustices in her heart.

Why are you so angry?

The treatment of boys and girls is not the same. Shi Heng is the male of the family. Of course, he should be good to him and take good care of him.

The boy spends a lot of money outside, and he still goes to college. It is not normal to give four or five thousand dollars. When the star is in high school, eating and living are in school, and how to spend five hundred dollars is not enough.

When she was working outside, she could spend five of hers a month.

For Lin Shixing, she can slap her conscience and say that she loves her very much.

Like her niece and niece, who has Lin Shixing so happy, 17 years old is still in school, then see her from childhood to big, what good things to eat at home, even if it is always eaten more than half, left Doesn't that give the stars?

And those toys, although they always educate her brother to play can not grab, but she can not play still?

Like when she was a child, at that time she had not lost her brother's slingshot and top, they can not touch these girls, the home is also delicious, but also drooling can only stand on the side of watching his brother Eat, but also fire to cook, go up the mountain to cut the pig grass, come back to feed the pigs to feed the chicken.

Because I always remember that when I was young, I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t want to play when I wanted to play. When she was in junior high school, she would have done it as long as she could do housework, just to make her not as tired as she was when she was a child.

Isn't that enough?

Isn't that okay?

Lin Mu was caught in confusion and puzzled. She felt that the fire of Lin Shixing was unreasonable because she thought she was good enough for her daughter to be able to enjoy her.

As for letting her drop out of school, it is not because the family has money to marry a rich person who can eat less, this is what she will know, how can the child not understand?

Lin Mu feels that she should take her daughter to teach her well.

She brewed the words in her head first, "Time Star, you listen to me telling you"


Lin Shiheng interrupted her words. "What do you say to her? She just wants to go to the competition. If you let her go, you won't have it."

Lin Mu has always listened to her son's words, but when she was thinking about buying vegetables and gossip, she heard one or two mouths. "This star has been hidden. The star x is exposed." "The entertainment circle is all dark." The topic of "can't come out" is still to him. "You don't understand your child. Let me tell your sister first."

"What do you say, if you disagree with me today, my sister will be able to smother the wall. She is usually looking at the soft and not a few people. It’s harder than anyone else. You forgot her when she was a child. Fighting, the whole blood of the people Wang Chao’s brain is coming, Lin Shixing is screaming."

Lin Shixing, who was crying in tears, looked up at his brother.

At that time, it was clear that this guy and Wang Chao were fighting. She used to pull the frame. As a result, Lin Shixing put a blood on the human brain, and all the parents pushed it to her head.

She tells the truth, as a result, my parents didn't have a letter, and they insisted that Lin Shiheng would be sensible and obedient and would not fight.

If it wasn’t because she was introduced to the black pot and her parents’ eccentric treatment by Lin Shiheng from time to time, she would not be so bad with Lin Shiheng, who called her brother.

Lin Shixing recalled that the more he wanted to get worse, the Lin Mu was suddenly caught.

She rubbed her dry lips and said dryly, "Time star, really not the mother will not let you go, those places are not clean, you are a good little girl, go to that is what is going on, what if something thing"

Lin Shixing's eyes are still red, she tried to hold back her tears and barely looked at her mother. "If it is my brother, my brother wants to go, don't you let it?"

"Hey, I am so good at playing games at home, going there and doing a lot with a group of people, and not being too busy."

Lin Shixing only did not hear Lin Shiheng's words, still obsessively looking to the mother "You don't lie to me, I can tell, tell me the truth, if Lin Shiheng wants to go, do you let him go?"

The mother-in-law was half-sounding, still hesitantly said, "When Heng is a male baby, it is so big, he will not be taken advantage of it when he goes."

Lin Shixing’s tears brushed down.

It can be seen that she is holding her mouth to block the crying, but the intermittent sobbing and crying is still exposed from the fingers. Lin Shixing turned and opened the quilt to hide the entire body including the head.

"Let's go out, I want to be alone."

Lin mother looked at her daughter with some hesitation, facing the daughter who had just accused her of a lot of her, and she was afraid that she would be stimulated and then commit suicide. She could not put a strong shelf, only hesitantly said, "That you Take a rest, wait until you wake up, your dad is back, let's talk to you."

She said, she squatted and took the scissors in her hand, and looked around again, sure that there was nothing that could be used to commit suicide, and then she stepped back and took Lin Shiheng out of the door.

When I heard the sound of the door closed, Lin Shixing, who was hiding in the bed, could no longer restrain the crying, and he cried out.

At this moment, she really wants to end her life like Lin Shiheng said.

Outside the door, Lin Shiheng opened his mother's hand as soon as he walked into the living room. "Mom, you are too old. What is not clean, isn't it a song? No wonder Lin Shixing is not happy, I am not replaced by me." happy."

Lin Mu can be tough on her daughter, but she can't stand up against her son. After all, the education she received from childhood to age is that men are heavens, whether they are fathers or sons, and as long as they are strong, she is weak.

"You are still young, don't know, your sister is only seventeen."


Lin Shiheng interrupted his mother impatiently. "You only want to let her drop out of school when she is seventeen."

Lin Mudun lived for a while and didn't know how to refute it. He could only mutter. "I also went to work in my teens, and you are also a little sister. Isn't it time for me and your dad to work?"

"When you go out to work, there is no money at home and no conditions for you to study. I have never read a book. Now, what age is it, do we have a little money? Mom is not me, you and my dad are really The feudal ones can accept some new things. Lin Shixing’s sister dropped out of school at the age of seventeen. My brother, who is still at school at the age of 19, has become so good. You look at it, if you look at it, if you After doing this, the group of long tongues around me are not sure what to say about our family."

After that, Lin Shiheng did not go to see the mother who muttered to explain, turned and stepped into the room, and slammed the door.

In the living room, only Lin was left standing still.

The expression is confused and full of incomprehensibility. She did not have the son's anger. After all, she has long been accustomed to his attitude.

She just didn't understand what she was doing wrong.

Lin mother sat on the sofa for a while, and felt that it was difficult to sit up, so she only had to stand up and listen to the movement inside the door of the room, and dragged the mop with a mop.

Just a few times back and forth, in my mind, what my daughter said and what her son said was still appearing.

In the end, she hesitated and looked up at her daughter's door and turned downstairs.

Lin Shixing has not slept, although she is somewhat sleepy because of her crying eyes, and her spirit is also full of fatigue, but the strange thing is that her brain is always awake.

Things that have happened since childhood have been constantly rolling in my mind.

She was deceived by Lin Shixing for her parents, and she wore a year’s clothes. She was short and uncomfortable and could only wear school uniforms. She also fell and was taken up by her parents when she was a child.

There are good, bad, and more or worse.

She squinted quietly in the darkness, feeling that her tears had completely drained.

In the quiet little room, the sound of the door opening is especially obvious.

Feeling that someone opened the door, Lin Shixing closed his eyes subconsciously.

After a second, Lin’s voice sounded “Time Star, are you asleep?”

Lin Shixing closed his eyes in the quilt and did not say anything.

The sound of the cymbal sounded. Then, the quilt that she had covered her head was carefully pulled down. She couldn't see it with her eyes closed. She could only judge the mother and her quilt by the sense of touch and hearing.

Then she stood up and walked to the door, as if she had gone out, and gently closed the door.

Did not stay in this room for more than two minutes.

Lin Shixing opened his eyes and found himself with a pen in front of his eyes.

The x series, the one she originally wanted.

She actually has money to buy now. The money for part-time job is enough for her to buy a lot of pens. Because it saves money, it is not a necessity. Even if she likes it, she has never been able to buy it.

Lin Shixing fixedly looked at the pen, and thought that the already dry eyes were hurting in the sputum, and brewed tears.

She reached out and wanted to get the pen, but it stopped a second before touching it.

Half-sounding, Lin Shixing turned and turned his back to the pen and closed his eyes.

For a moment, tears rained.