MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 150 Ancient farmer's son (7)

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Lin Mu’s heart has been pretending to be a thing of the day. It’s nothing more than the little son’s saying that he wants to go to the county town to sell the copied copy. She is worried about what happened to this incident.

Before Lin’s father was still sick in bed, Lin Mu never asked for his son to earn money with his scholarship. On the one hand, he felt that he was not a good person in the yellow and white, and he was worried that he would earn money. Delayed the study.

This morning, she realized that her son was screaming at her quietly copying books and trying to make money to supplement her family. Her heart was warm and not sour.

This is because before they did not take most of their belongings to the boss who is not filial, the younger son will eat this bitter.

From small to large, he only holds books, and now he is the first time to copy books to earn money, will he be pitted 2345426102

Because I wanted to see my little son soon, Lin Mu didn't go to the ground today, and sat in the courtyard. From time to time, she stood up and looked up. She had a stitched insole on her hand.

Compared with her, although Li Lanlan is also worried about the public, but because of the absolute confidence in the public, the heart will be fixed, she is sitting next to her mother-in-law, doing a blue robes in her hands.

The triennial township test is coming soon. When Lin Shiheng wants to go to the provincial capital to take the test, Lin mother is worried that his son will not be looked down upon wearing it. Even if it is difficult at home, he still slams his head into the county. A good piece of cloth was handed over to Li Lanlan for her to make a dress.

Li Lanlan's needlework has always been good. Nowadays, it is also the clothing of his own family. It is even more careful than sewing oneself. It is tight and careful.

Because Lin Mu is not filial, the only son who is the only filial son is now a palm hunter. It is very simple to please her, and it is good for her son.

Therefore, Li Lanlan looked at her with her heart, and it was a super good wife.

Think again that this wife is not as lazy as the second wife of the boss. She can’t say anything outside the house. Every time she still has nothing to say, Li Lanlan has already worked hard, completely doing the same thing with the opposite two. The lazy woman who was forced to be alive by the boss’s second child formed a stark contrast, and her heart was more satisfied.

Thinking about the younger son, Lin Mu was absent-minded on the shoes for a few times, leaning against Li Lanlan and Yan Yue color: "Lan Lan, tired, you have to go to the house to rest for a while."

Li Lanlan shook his clothes and smiled and shook his head: "Just make clothes, and you are tired."

"Mother, do you drink water? I will give you the bowl of water in the house."

Not to mention, Lin Mu was really thirsty for so long, see her promised, Li Lanlan carefully put the clothes down, enter the house to the end of the water.

The shortcoming of their house is that they used to be a big family. Although they are separated now, if other houses want to see other houses, it is simply a sweeping view. Linmu and Li Lanlan sit together at the door for a whole day. The daughter-in-law who came down also saw it clearly.

They don't have the courage of their own mother-in-law, and dare to scream with Lin Mu, so they have always been burying their heads to do their own thing. Only occasionally see how Linmu smiles at Li Lanlan, how to talk to her with joy and color, and my heart rises. Some Xu Yan came.

The big house wife and the second house wife are very good and angry with their own men. They are very careful and holding them. They are also very good to their sons. They are just right to their daughter-in-law. It’s just that they can’t wait to lie in bed. Waiting for the service.

They are younger generations, even if they have opinions in their hearts, they can't say anything. Fortunately, the father-in-law can't be used to her mother-in-law. The grandmother who lives next door with the three uncles is not polite. Once the two offended her, they directly grab the father-in-law. .

These juniors are actually not so happy about the separation of the family, just like the former Lin Mu said, this family is still making money in the forest father, working hard in the field, how much money to earn only to see how many faces God gives, pay After the tax is basically only enough for a family to eat, there is really not much left.

When I was not separated before, I could even eat an egg at home. If the public money is much more profitable, I will go back and change the fish. Although I can't eat a few fish, I can eat a fish soup.

Now it’s good, I’ve got a family, and each family has a family. Their mother-in-law is a stingy one. Even if they have money, they are not willing to pay more. Since they have been separated, the family includes them. The children have not yet eaten an egg, or else the little grandson of the last big house will not be far from seeing the three rooms eating eggs.

The young little daughter-in-law did not think about how much the Lin’s father’s money would cost. They only saw that the three rooms in the next room were good food. Today, the three uncles and his wife, Li Lanlan entered the door, and did not suffer as much as the village had previously passed.

Thinking, the little daughter-in-law is working, and her eyes are on the side of Li Lanlan.

Li Lanlan was wearing a piece of floral dress at the moment. It was worn by Lin Lin when she was young. Later, she was old and her waist was thick. It was meant to be worn by the daughter-in-law underneath. I didn’t think that the two daughter-in-law were thicker than her waist. Later, I kept it at the bottom of the box. Now I have a slender and filial son. When Lin Mu remembered it, she took it and changed it and gave it to Li Lanlan.

She was white, and after she married, because of Lin Junheng’s handsome and handsome comparison, she also gave some thoughts to avoid the sun and the sun. Maybe it was a physical problem, they all worked in the ground, so carefully guarded Actually, it’s really a lot whiter than before. Now I put on this floral dress and match it with the beautiful facial features, and the white-faced face that I have raised. I don’t have any thoughts in my heart. The door came over here, squatting with the girl in the village is completely a heaven and a ground.

It’s a good life.

I remembered that I had inadvertently seen the gentleness of the next three uncles facing Li Lanlan’s smile, and taught her the patience in the yard when the weather was cool, and the little daughter-in-law couldn’t stop her envy.

It is no wonder that her mother-in-law is not pleasing to the eye, she is jealous, her mother-in-law is called by her father-in-law, and her grandmother can’t get on her, of course.

The big housewife was so tired in the ground that she ran off when she found an excuse. She planned to take a rest in the house. Anyway, the daughter-in-law would not dare to complain.

As soon as she came back, she saw her grandmother and daughter looking at Li Lanlan with envy.

Her face immediately sank, and it was a slap in front of me: "Well, don't work everywhere, see what works at home, tired of you, this pair of gold eyes, is it next time I let you see you so lazy, Don't stay in the house anymore, do you think that everyone is like everyone else, can you stay at home and do not live?"

This is another time referring to mulberry.

Li Lanlan heard it. She frowned and raised her eyes to look over there. Lin Mu had a look that had long been seen. "Don’t take care of her, it’s nothing to do.”

She was obedient to see the big house wife, the big house wife finished the daughter-in-law, but turned her head to see Li Lanlan.

When I saw the floral dress on Li Lanlan, my eyes were slanting.

She wanted to wear that dress for many years. Her mother-in-law always said that she would not give her her waist, but she was not eccentric. Li Lanlan couldn’t wait to give her when she entered the door.

Look at Li Lanlan's face again, the look of the big house wife's face is a few changes.

Li Lanlan had a good time during this time, and her mother-in-law was satisfied with her. Although she did not talk much on weekdays, she was very considerate in her actions. Coupled with the method of treating relatives, her mood was even better than before, and she did not bother to follow. People who don't care about it.

After a few rounds of integration, her face was better than a little bit before she got married. She also had some meat on her face, which was a bit more beautiful than before.

And these changes are placed in the eyes of the big house, that is, Lin Mu gave her a good meal.

Like those eggs that day, she couldn’t do it, but she could only watch Lin Shiheng’s chopsticks and chopsticks in the Li Lanlan bowl.

Also, yesterday, they also ate fish in the three rooms. At the time, when they smelled the fish, she stood by the wall and sneaked and listened. It was said that Lin Shiheng and Li Lanlan came back to the door and stayed bored at home. The book and the fishing rod, while fishing on the side of the river, actually caught two big fat fish.

Lin Mu made a fish soup, the family had a good meal, they ate it well, the scent passed to the next door, but it attracted the other two rooms, just the little grandson, it was raging Eat it several times.

The big house wife didn't believe what Lin Shiheng had come up with. He used to hate these stinking things. He could go to the river to fish and blame. He might want to eat fish and take the money from home to buy it. The mother scouted the editorial.

Even if she thought about it, it was like a cat caught in the heart, and it was uncomfortable.

She also wants to eat chicken, she also wants to eat fish.

At the beginning, it was just to get rid of Lin Shiheng, the scholar who was eating money, and Lin’s father, who was going to raise medicine to buy medicine. He clearly succeeded in doing so. How did he get separated? They didn’t have to drag the oil bottle every day to eat bitter, and next door should be The three rooms that have been bitter and haha ​​have lived so much, and even the new wife who married is better than her.

The big housewife’s heart was sour, but when she said that the mulberry was over, she saw her daughter-in-law bowing her head and doing things, and the next room was no one to take care of herself. It was even more uncomfortable.

She was uncomfortable, her brain was hot, and she was reprimanded by her husband before she even took it. She said directly to her daughter-in-law, "The big girl is still small, but you have to be optimistic about her husband's family early. Look for anyone, don't look for a scholar, it is for 10,000 years, and you can't take money from home." 2345426102

Lin Mu couldn't listen to this, and fell directly on the insole, and the tiger stood up.

Still waiting for her to be angry, she heard the sound of her son's warm voice ringing in the distance.


Lin Shiheng walked very quickly. When he got to the front door and didn't take a break, he handed over the two jewelry boxes in his hand and smiled. "My son made some money and copied two gold." Jewelry, look at hi or not."

Said, the slender hand opened the wooden box directly.

In the sun, the glittering jewels almost did not flash the eyes of the big housewives.

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